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The Blues ty Warren Nunes and Jerry Snyder ISBN: 0.9494 0115 1 2 Charles Hansen Educational Music and Books proudly announces the NEW Warren Nunes JAZZ GUITAR SERIES by Warren Nunes and Jerry Snyde JAZZ GUITAR — Rhythm and Background Chords and JAZZ GUITAR — The Blues are the first two books in the series. Other soon to be released books deal with improvisation, solo and comping chords. over 180 written out cycles and progressions ‘music theory and analysis answers to Jazz Ensemble questions JAZZ GUITAR — Rhythm and Background Chords by Warren Nunes and Jerry Snyder. The book is divided into the following sections: Section One ~ | Type Chords; Section Two ~ I Type Chords; and Section Four — Appendix which includes introductions, endings, stage bband questions, rhythm patterns, and chord charts. This ‘book shows you Now to use jazz chords in progression torm. Spiral hound — 176 pages. 4AZZ GUITAR — The Blues by Warren Nunes and Jerry Snyder. This book contains completely written-out ‘examples of how to play the jazz version of the blues. Contents include ten blues in B_ — five basic and five, ‘modern; five blues in F — three basic and two modern; ‘eight lead pattern for blues improvisation — four in B {and four in F; two blues solos ~ TRU BLU and MYNAH LINE plus an instructional record which allows you to ‘be the soloist. Available from your favorite music dealer or from Charles Hansen Educational Music and Books, 1860 Broadway, New York, New York, 10023. JAZZ GUITAR WARREN NUNES series WARREN NUNES plays, teaches and lives in the Son,Froncisco Bey area where professional musicions consider him the best jazz guitarist around. Preferring his home=life to national prominance, Werren elected not to go one the road. He has, however, per- formed with many nome performers. Warren teaches jazz guitor full-time and is currently developing @ new JAZZ GUITAR SERIES for Charles Hansen Educational Music and Books. His, sudenis are among the best developing jazz guitarists in the count: es JERRY SNYDER combines his knowledge of the guitar with « bock= ground 0s a mie educator, coordinator, clinician, arvonger end Prolessional musicion. He received his B.A. and Muy in music from Son Jose Stote University. Prior to joing Hansen Publico= Yiom es Guitar Editor in 1971, Jerty wos the Musie Coordinator forthe East Side Union High School Oise! in Sen Jove, Calif= inia. In addition to guitar, Jery pertoxms regularly with the Son Jose Theater (woodwinds and fretted instruments) ond the San Jove Symphony (bom clarinet), Table Of Contents by Warren Nunes and Jerry Snyder ABOUT THEBLUES ........., 4| Modern BluesNo.9 2... 2.00. Chord Extension 6... eee 4| Modern BluesNo.10 ........ Chord Alteration . 2.2... 2.505 5 Chord Substitution... 0... 6|TRUBLU 2... . 6... eae ImprovisingBlues 2... 1. ee 6 fathom Wee eee HOWTO USETHERECORD....... 6 LEADPATTERNINF ........ BLUESINBb .. 2s eee + 7) LeadPatternNoot 2... eae Basic Blues Progressions ........ 7 Lead PatternNo.2 .......04 Modern Blues Progressions ...... . Be LeadPatternNo.3 ......... LEAD PATTERNS INBb ........ B} LeadPatternNo.4 . 2... os LeadPatternNot ..... . ee 8 Lead PatternNo.2... 0.20, . 9|BLUESPROGRESSIONSINF ..... LesdPatternNo.3 6... ......, 9] BasicBluesNo11 2.2... 00% LeadPattern'No.4 6.2... 00, 9| BasicBluesNo.12 ......... BbBLUESPROGRESSIONS ....... 1o | Basie Blues No 13 | Modern BluesNo.14 6... BasicBluesNo.1 2... we i ee area atte eee Basic BluesNo.2 2... 13 Basic BluesNo.3 . . 1... ee ee 15| MINORBLUES....... wee Basic BluesNO.4 .. 2. 17: LEH Seales tice ire seeeaite sree eet BasicBluesNo.5 ..........-. 19 ear eemes ae ea Modern BluesNo.6 2... 2... 1. 2 Modern BluesNo.7 2.1... 1. ibe Ren ee eeeerecec crate Modern BluesNo.8 2... . we 25 | GUITAR FINGERBOARD CHART

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