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Concepts and Representations of Musical Hierarchies

Author(s): Fred Lerdahl

Source: Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol. 33, No. 1 (September 2015), pp.
Published by: University of California Press
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Concepts and Representations of Musical Hierarchies 83


F R E D L E R DA H L notation because it is efficient and leaves space above

Columbia University the music for other kinds of structural representation.
A second kind of musical hierarchy is metrical struc-
THIS PAPER UNDERTAKES A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF ture, which represents periodic patterns of strong and
concepts and visual representations of hierarchical weak beats. The sense in which meter is hierarchical has
aspects of musical structure. After consideration of the not always been made clear, in part because attributes of
rhythmic components of grouping and meter, the dis- meter historically have been combined with those of
cussion turns to pitch-event hierarchies and the tonal grouping structure, leading to confusion about its essen-
hierarchy (or pitch space). Contrasting notations are tial characteristics (for discussion, see GTTM, pp.
evaluated in terms of the efficacy of the concepts they 17-34). Moreover, representations of metrical structure
exemplify. are often inadequate. The hierarchy of 4/4 meter is
sometimes represented as in Figure 2a, in which capital
Received: November 6, 2014, accepted May 4, 2015. ‘‘S’’ signifies that beat 1 is the strongest, small ‘‘s’’ that
beat 3 is of intermediate weight, and ‘‘w’’ that beats 2 an
Key words: hierarchical representation, grouping,
4 are weak. These symbols imply a hierarchy but do not
meter, prolongational structure, pitch space
reveal it. The same holds for the notation in Figure 2b,
borrowed from the ancient tradition of poetic foot

USIC THEORISTS REGARD IMPORTANT Longuet-Higgins (1978/1987), in an adaptation of
aspects of musical structure as hierarchical. tree structures from generative linguistics, proposes
For example, they discuss musical form a metrical tree notation that can be recast as Figure
in terms of groupings of events at successive levels: 2c, in which objects with longer branches dominate
motives take place within phrases, phrases within those with shorter branches. Thus beat 1 is superordi-
phrase groupings, and phrase groupings within sec- nate, beat 3 connects to beat 1 at the next level down,
tions. Ray Jackendoff’s and my book A Generative The- and beats 2 and 4 connect at the smallest level to beats 1
ory of Tonal Music (Lerdahl & Jackendoff, 1983; and 3, respectively. This notation stipulates a depen-
hereafter GTTM) generalizes this kind of hierarchical dency hierarchy—that is, the explicit connection of sub-
structure in its grouping component. It represents ordinate objects to superordinate objects. A dependency
groups, regardless of level, by nested brackets as in hierarchy is to be distinguished from a non-dependency
Figure 1a. A given event belongs in one group or hierarchy such as that in Figure 1, in which subordinate
another, and a group at a smaller level is contained elements (two subgroups in this case) belong within
within a group at the next larger level. It is also possible the larger element (a group) without domination-
to represent the larger-level group by a tree notation subordination branching.
in which neither subgroup dominates the other, as in In Figure 2c, weak beats belong as afterbeats to pre-
Figure 1b. This notation resembles the parsing trees ceding strong beats. But music also has upbeats, in
discussed in Bod (2002). GTTM employs the bracket which case a weak beat groups with the following strong
beat. Figure 2d shows how a metrical tree represents
beat 4 as an upbeat, assuming a grouping boundary
between beats 3 and 4. While it is possible to adjust
metrical trees in this way according to grouping context,
GTTM opts for the grid notation in Figure 2e, in which
dots represent beats that are equidistant from one beat
to the next at any given level (this requirement can be
relaxed within limits). If a beat is heard as strong at one
level, it is also a beat at the next larger level. The grid can
FIGURE 1. Representation of musical groups. be changed to a wave notation, shown in Figure 2f, that

Music Perception, VO LU ME 33, I S SUE 1, PP. 83–95, IS S N 0730-7829, EL ECT RON IC ISSN 1533-8312. © 2015 BY T HE R EGEN TS OF T HE U NIV E R S IT Y OF CA LI FOR NIA A LL
R IG H TS A N D P E RM I S S IO N S W E B S IT E , HT T P :// W W W. UC PRESSJ OUR NALS . COM / REPR INT INF O . A S P. DOI: 10.1525/ M P.2015.33.1.83

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84 Fred Lerdahl

FIGURE 2. Contrasting notations for 4/4 meter.

Zuckerkandl (1956) employs to bring out the in-phase

periodic nature of metrical structure. This notation
bears some resemblance to the attentional waves devel-
oped in Large and Jones (1999) and Large and Palmer
(2002). It is telling, however, that Zuckerkandl refers to
musical examples that do not have upbeats. A grouping
boundary between beats 3 and 4, for example, would
presumably interfere with the metrical wave between
beat 3 and ensuing beat 1.
The grid representation circumvents the dependency
problem. Meter, although hierarchical, does not in itself FIGURE 3. London’s circular representation of 4/4 meter (redrawn with
entail dependency; that is, a weak beat does not intrin- permission).
sically belong to its preceding or succeeding strong beat.
Rather, dependency emerges through the interaction of several disadvantages to his choice of representation.
meter with grouping structure.1 First, the superordinate strength of beat 1 is not shown
London (2012, pp. 77-87), after providing a compara- but taken by convention. Second, the circle restricts
ble summary of metrical notations, proposes circular time’s flow to one cycle and thus does not show repeat-
representations such as Figure 3, which illustrates 4/4 ing cycles, even though these are essential to any
meter. Time goes clockwise around the circle. Beat 1 is account of meter. Third, and as a consequence, the circle
arbitrarily assigned to the top, or north, node. Beat 2 is notation cannot coordinate visually with a musical pas-
on the east node, beat 3 on the south node, and beat 4 on sage in standard musical notation, which assumes time’s
the west node. The ellipse in the center shows the oscil- arrow from left to right. Fourth, diagrams of more com-
lation between beats 1 and 3, so that beat 3 is stronger plex metrical structures become difficult to read. As far
than beats 2 and 4. This notation can be seen as a rolled- as I can tell, there is not any metrical feature that Lon-
up version of the wave notation in Figure 2f. don discusses that cannot also be represented by the
Although London (2012) is able to illustrate many simpler and more transparent grid notation.
metrical features employing circular diagrams, there are The contrasting representations in Figures 2 and 3
demonstrate that a choice of notation not only illus-
For details of this interaction, see GTTM, pp. 124-128 and 146-151. trates a structure but also entails theoretical claims
Similar arguments in generative phonology have caused the stress trees about it. This theme continues as the discussion turns
(confusingly called ‘‘metrical trees’’) of Liberman and Prince (1977) often to pitch hierarchies.
to be replaced by the grid notation of Selkirk (1984) and Hayes (1989).
GTTM, pp. 314-330, addresses parallels with Liberman and Prince. Ler-
A pitch-event hierarchy treats a sequence of pitch events
dahl (2001a, 2013) discusses the relationship between prosodic and musi- (pitches or chords) in a hierarchical manner. As a result,
cal grids. many connections project long-range dependencies to

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Concepts and Representations of Musical Hierarchies 85

preceding or succeeding non-adjacent events. Current decomposition. Within the theory as a whole, however,
theories of event hierarchies include GTTM’s time-span the hierarchy of the Ursatz is understood as a prolonged
and prolongational components and Rohrmeier’s tonic chord elaborated by the dominant, with the first
(2011) Generative Syntax Model. The view of pitch scale degree as the resolution of the melodic descent.
events as hierarchically related is implicit in many Schenkerian notation represents these relationships by
historical treatises, for instance in the treatment of analytic levels, as in Figure 4b, or by durational values to
cadences as structurally important (e.g., Koch, 1793/ signify relative structural importance and slurs (or
1983; Rameau, 1722/1971). At the heart of Fux’s beams) to connect events, as in Figure 4c. Both repre-
(1725/1965) pedagogy is the hierarchical elaboration sentations assign the dominant chord a subordinate
of melodic lines from first to fifth species. C. P. E. Bach’s position without specifying subordination to either
(1753-1762/1949) treatise on keyboard playing enlarges tonic.
the concept of hierarchical embellishment. 20th century GTTM, in contrast, employs a tree notation that
studies of musical form, such as Tovey (1935), Rosen entails dependency of a subordinate event to a specific
(1972), and Caplin (1998), inevitably refer to initiating superordinate event. Figures 4d-e show the same rela-
tonics, modulation to subordinate keys, and tonic tionships as Figures 4b-c but with the further stipulation
returns. Schenker (1935/2001) extends the idea of elab- that the dominant belongs to either the first tonic (4d)
oration into a comprehensive system that represents or the second (4e). Slurs and durational values can rep-
event hierarchies from the smallest details to the most resent these same relationships, so that Figure 4f corre-
global connections. sponds to 4d and 4g to 4e. Finally, the tree and slur
One of Schenker’s achievements is to represent event notations can be combined redundantly as in Figure
hierarchies not by verbal description or extrinsic sym- 4h. The tree notation ensures hierarchical dependency
bols but by musical notation. To read a Schenkerian at all levels.
analysis is to read a version of the music itself, giving Beyond its representation of hierarchy, the tree nota-
the analysis a tangibility that most music theories do not tion expresses patterns of tension and relaxation. As
convey. But Schenkerian notation is often imprecise in shown in Figure 5, a right branch signifies a tensing
its hierarchical claims. Take Figure 4a, a reproduction of motion and a left branch a relaxing motion. These ten-
the first figure in Schenker (1935/2001): an Ursatz (fun- sion patterns nest from level to level of the tree. From
damental structure) with a 3̂ - 2̂ - 1̂ Urlinie (fundamen- a temporal perspective, right branching relates a subor-
tal line), presented as an organic unit without further dinate event to a preceding more stable event and

FIGURE 4. Contrasting notations for pitch-event hierarchies.

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86 Fred Lerdahl

time-span segmentation, reflecting the interaction of

meter and grouping, determines right or left branching
at any given level. In its prolongational component,
which corresponds more closely to Schenkerian reduc-
tion, a subordinate event attaches to the more stable
event in its prolongational context according to criteria
of pitch and rhythmic stability. Thus if event e2 is sub-
ordinate in the context of e1 and e3, it attaches to e1 if
FIGURE 5. Branching as a representation of tensing and relaxing e1 is more stable than e3 or, conversely, to e3 if e3 is
motions. more stable than e1. Sometimes, however, as in passing
and neighboring events, a branching decision can be
strained. The thought lingers that not all events should
indicates retrospective hearing; left branching connects be required to branch.
a subordinate event to a following more stable event and The prolongational component could indeed be
indicates prospective hearing. enriched so that some hierarchical relationships involve
GTTM’s tree notation has been criticized on several dependency and others do not. This step would com-
grounds. First, it is unfamiliar and apparently difficult plicate the prolongational component and require cri-
to use. I take this criticism seriously. After three decades, teria for determining which subordinate events attach as
few musicians employ musical trees comfortably in branches and which do not. TPS takes an option that
complex analyses. For this reason, I often duplicate the causes minimal disruption to the claims behind the tree
tree with the slur notation as in Figure 4h. This dupli- notation: in certain contexts it assigns to a subordinate
cation does not, however, ease the complexities of the event a second connection, represented by a dashed
derivation of pitch-event hierarchies. branch. In Figure 6a, the passing tone D not only
A second objection is that the tree notation presents attaches to C, the most stable pitch, but also to the
too unitary a view of musical progression, neglecting relatively stable pitch E. The short slur from D to C can
differences in how individual voices move. The notation be suppressed, creating a representation comparable to
reflects one of GTTM’s methodological idealizations, Figure 4c. In the harmonic progression in Figure 6b,
the simplification of a musical surface into a single a right branch at vi changes to a left branch at ii6. The
stream of events. This objection lacks force, for in tonal dashed branch connects vi and ii6 so that ii6 attaches in
music polyphonic strands reconcile in the harmonic both directions. Furthermore—to anticipate the discus-
flow underpinning them. In my book Tonal Pitch Space sion—once pitch-space distances are calculated down
(Lerdahl, 2001b, pp. 32-34; hereafter TPS), I outline the tree as part of a tension analysis, there is a principled
how strands collapse into a single stream at reductional reason to assign a solid branch to ii6!V and a dashed
levels not far beneath the musical surface. This treat- branch to vi!ii6. Central to TPS is the principle of the
ment is compatible with Schenkerian practice, in which shortest path, which favors the smallest distance in cal-
the stable end points of a linear progression are made culating a relationship between events (as, for example,
vertical at underlying levels. The slur notation suffices the distance from New York to Chicago is understood
to represent hierarchical divergences of streams at or by going west rather than east around the globe). This
near the surface, reserving the tree notation for inter- principle is analogous to the principle of least action in
mediate and global levels of prolongational analysis. physics and the principle of Prägnanz in Gestalt psy-
A third criticism of the tree notation is consequential: chology; it takes the simplest, most efficient solution.
some events may be directly subordinate to other The numbers in the tree in Figure 6b are distance units,
events, such as a suspension to its resolution or V to I and the tension curve of the progression is computed
in a cadence, but other events ought to be represented as in part by summing distances down the tree (TPS,
subordinate without dependency, such as passing and pp. 142-159; Lerdahl & Krumhansl, 2007). As shown at
neighboring pitches or chords. This argument is remi- the bottom of the figure, the overall distance to ii6 is
niscent of the discussion about metrical grids and trees. shorter by the branch to Vthan by the branch to vi. Hence
If grids suffice for meter, why not advance a non- ii6!V receives a solid and vi!ii6 a dashed branch.
dependency hierarchy for aspects of pitch-event A fourth criticism of the tree representation is that it
hierarchies? is unrealistic to assign a complete tree to all the events in
The GTTM/TPS theory addresses this objection in a piece. This objection applies equally to Schenkerian
two ways. In its time-span reduction, the associated theory and is not really about the tree notation. GTTM’s

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Concepts and Representations of Musical Hierarchies 87

will be. Although this method has yielded somewhat

encouraging responses (Dibben, 1994), the foils them-
selves alter the musical sequence and consequently
may have unintended effects that the method does not
Lerdahl and Krumhansl (2007) introduces an indirect
but robust way to test intuitions of hierarchy through
patterns of tonal tension. Correlations between predic-
tions and empirical results are poor if the model cal-
culates sequential tension but high if it calculates
hierarchical tension down the prolongational tree (along
FIGURE 6. Double branching in prolongational analysis. the lines of Figure 6b). This study provides strong behav-
ioral evidence of hierarchical hearing, including passages
reduction hypothesis states: ‘‘The listener attempts to of more than 40 events, in music from Bach to Messiaen.
organize all the pitch events of a piece into a single Koelsch, Rohrmeier, Torrescuso, and Jentschke (2013)
coherent structure, such that they are heard in a hierar- also provides evidence of the perception of hierarchical
chy of relative importance’’ (p. 106, italics added). There structure by manipulating global prolongational connec-
is no claim that the listener actually infers such a com- tions in paired phrases of two Bach chorales. While more
prehensive organization. The extent to which listeners limited in scope than Krumhansl’s and my study, their
hear music hierarchically varies among individuals, in work takes the important step of providing evidence at
the same person on different hearings, and in the same a neuroscientific level of hierarchically perceived pitch
person’s hearing of different parts of a single piece structures.
depending on the complexity of a particular passage. Some scholars have downplayed the psychological
The reduction hypothesis does not constitute a grand relevance of event hierarchies in favor of statistical
claim about perception beyond the listener’s proclivity learning (Huron, 2006), schematic patterns (Gjerdin-
to hear hierarchically. Instead it instantiates one of gen, 2007), or non-hierarchical mathematical modeling
GTTM’s methodological strategies: the theory seeks to (Tymoczko, 2011). From these perspectives, the positing
describe an idealized final state of understanding rather of elaborate hierarchical structures may seem unneces-
than how music is processed in real time. GTTM sary, a figment of the theoretical imagination. The
regards musical processing as an important issue best research reported in Lerdahl and Krumhansl and in
approached with the concepts and representations of Koelsch et al., challenges such views by giving evidence
a final-state theory in hand. (See Jackendoff, 1991, for of non-local, long-range dependencies in musical
an exploration of how GTTM can be adapted to real- sequences. The issue of long-range dependencies is
time processing.) worth emphasizing because statistical methods or local
This issue is exacerbated by experimental difficulties formalisms such as Markov processes lack the capacity
in accessing listeners’ intuitions of hierarchy. Attempts to represent them.2
to find evidence of the perception of long-distance tonic The issue of musical hierarchies is also relevant to
closure have yielded weak results concerning global claims from a formal linguistic perspective. Hauser,
tonic prolongation (Cook, 1987; Marvin & Brinkman, Chomsky, and Fitch (2002) argue that the language
1999). It is a mistake, however, to conflate hearing clo- capacity is unique in its capacity for recursion (self-
sure, which involves many musical factors, with recog- replicating hierarchy). Theoretical and empirical evi-
nizing distant events as being in the same key. Indeed, it dence of musical hierarchies undercuts this view by
is not hard to find or construct musical passages that showing that music shares this fundamental property
achieve closure without tonic prolongation. TPS (pp. with language. (For related discussion, see Jackendoff,
227-229) sketches a method for representing prolonga-
tions of functions in addition to prolongations of events.
This approach better addresses the results of these
empirical studies. Koelsch et al., incorrectly state that Lerdahl and Krumhansl (2007)
Another approach to testing hierarchical perception ‘‘did not provide evidence for processing of long-distance dependencies.’’
On the contrary, Lerdahl and Krumhansl provides far more evidence than
is to insert ‘‘foil’’ events at different levels of an anal- does Koelsch et al., albeit at a behavioral rather than brain level of descrip-
ysis, on the hypothesis that the more structural the tion. See Lerdahl and Krumhansl (pp. 356-357) for discussion of precisely
event that the foil replaces, the more noticeable the foil this point.

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88 Fred Lerdahl

2009; Jackendoff & Lerdahl, 2006; Lerdahl, 2013; Ler- realized as I (a chord built on the first scale degree) and
dahl & Krumhansl, 2007; Patel, 2008.) then as a G major chord. The second tonic function is
Koelsch et al. (2013) employs a model and notation rewritten as the relative minor chord acting as a tonic
for pitch-event hierarchies proposed in Rohrmeier variant (t!tp, where ‘‘tp’’ stands in German for ‘‘tonic
(2011). This approach differs in interesting ways from parallel,’’ which translates in English to ‘‘relative
GTTM’s. It is based on Riemann’s (1893/1896) function minor’’); this is realized as VI and an E minor chord.
theory of tonal harmony, with its T, D, and S functions The tonic region at the right of the top of the tree breaks
(for ‘‘tonic,’’ ‘‘dominant,’’ and ‘‘subdominant’’). Rie- down differently in its left branch to assign a dominant
mann was vague about what these functions mean region and a tonic function (TR!DR t). The dominant
(Hyer, 2011) and did not develop a syntax or hierarchy region in turn parses into a subdominant region and
of harmonic progression, not even the T!S!D!T a dominant function (DR!SR d). The dominant is
schema that subsequently became common in music- realized as V, a D major chord. The subdominant region
theory pedagogy. decomposes into a subdominant function (SR!s) and
Rohrmeier integrates Riemann’s function categories IV, a C major chord (s!IV, IV!C). The progression as
with the hierarchical prolongational tradition. To illus- a whole fulfills a slightly elaborated version of the
trate, Figure 7a displays the first measure of Rohrmeier’s T!S!D!T schema: t!tp!s!d!t.
analysis of the Bach chorale ‘‘Ermuntre dich.’’ The top Figure 7b presents a GTTM/TPS analysis of the same
of the tree specifies the key and branches into a tonic passage. A Roman numeral analysis beneath the music
prolongation (TR!TR TR). The tonic region at the left identifies the location of events in pitch space. The tonic
again branches (TR!TR TR) and converts tonic region is established by the principle of the shortest path: the
to tonic function (TR!t). The first tonic function is initial G major chord is zero distance from itself, and

FIGURE 7. Bach chorale “Ermuntre dich,” beginning: (a) Rohrmeier’s analysis (redrawn with permission); (b) a GTTM/TPS analysis.

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Concepts and Representations of Musical Hierarchies 89

the remaining events are closest to it if interpreted in chord is always subdominant in function. While IV in
G major (TPS, pp. 193-201). Roman numerals follow by the cadential progression IV!V!I indeed acts as a pre-
filtering out non-harmonic tones and identifying roots. dominant, in a I!IV!I progression at the ‘‘Amen’’
A function analysis appears beneath the Roman numer- conclusion of a hymn, for instance, it functions as
als: T!Dep!D!T (‘‘Dep’’ ¼ departure). Further a neighboring embellishment within a tonic prolonga-
down are the metrical grid and time-span segmentation. tion. Its interpretation depends on its hierarchical posi-
Within these segments the most stable events are tion. Therefore TPS derives functions—including a few
selected, yielding quarter-note level d of the time-span more than Riemann’s three, such as Dep for ‘‘depar-
reduction. At the next time-span level c, again the most ture,’’ P for ‘‘passing,’’ and N for ‘‘neighboring’’—from
stable events are chosen, leaving two tonic chords. The the prolongational analysis. In my view, function is not
prolongational analysis derives top-down from the a core musical concept but an attribute of hierarchical
time-span reduction via the interaction principle, which context.
strongly constrains the derivation of prolongational This discussion has referred to chord distances, repre-
levels (GTTM, pp. 227-232; TPS, pp. 16-18, 159-161). sented for instance by the numbers in the tree branches
The letters in the prolongational tree refer to time-span in Figures 6b and 7b, and to shortest paths in pitch
levels. At level c there is a tonic prolongation. At level d, space. These concepts belong not to event hierarchies
vi attaches to the first I and V to the second I, creating but to another kind of hierarchy, the tonal hierarchy,
a tensing-relaxing pattern. The numbers in the tree are a topic to which I now turn. The tonal hierarchy does
pitch-space distances computed by a distance rule (TPS, not address events in time but describes a hierarchy of
p. 60). schematic relationships in long-term memory; it repre-
The theories behind Figures 7a and 7b differ in their sents knowledge of the tonal system. Examples of the
assumptions and methods. For one thing, TPS yields tonal hierarchy are Krumhansl’s (1990) probe-tone rat-
a numerical measure of tonal tension, whereas Rohrme- ings, which yield multidimensional-scaling representa-
ier’s model is qualitative and not concerned with ten- tions, and the pitch-space constructs in TPS. Listeners
sion. Another difference lies in the tree structures intuitively construct event hierarchies using their
employed and the role played by functionality. The trees implicit knowledge of the tonal hierarchy.
in Figure 7a resemble syntactic trees from early gener- GTTM leaves its stability conditions, a crucial input
ative linguistics (Chomsky, 1965), including syntactic to the derivation of prolongational structure, in an
categories (TR, DR, SR, t, tp, d, s) that are realized as underdeveloped state. TPS fills this lacuna by proposing
musical objects (I ¼ G major chord, etc.) only at the leaf an algebraic pitch-space model inspired by Deutsch and
of the tree. In this respect, Rohrmeier’s model is Feroe’s (1981) study of tonal alphabets and by empirical
a sophisticated version of the approach taken in Keiler studies of pitch, chord, and key relations summarized in
(1977). The branches in Figure 7b, by contrast, do not Krumhansl (1983, 1990). Thus GTTM’s qualitative the-
represent syntactic categories but simply show elabora- ory becomes, in many parts of TPS, a quantitative the-
tion to the right or left. The leaves of the tree remain at ory—an important theoretical advance. The pitch-space
higher levels of the tree; for instance, the initial I is still I model calculates relatedness in terms of cognitive dis-
at levels d and c. TPS, pp. 35-40, proposes an abstraction tance. It correlates with the empirical data and unifies
of events at underlying levels, but these structures the levels of pitch, chord, and key in a formalism that
remain events instead of turning into function cate- makes distances easy to compute.
gories. Like many writers about music and language, TPS’s fundamental construct is the ‘‘basic space’’
I do not think that music possesses syntactic categories. shown in Figure 8a. The elements of the space are
I consider this to be a basic difference between music pitches or pitch classes, depending on context. A pitch
and language. (For related discussion, see Swain, 1997, or pitch class that is relatively stable at one level also
and Patel, 2008; Bernstein, 1976, takes a position closer appears at the next higher level, just as with strong beats
to Rohrmeier’s.) in a metrical grid. At the bottom level is the available
I also question the basis of Riemann’s function cate- alphabet, the chromatic scale. From this alphabet comes
gories. Riemann developed his tripartite categorization a diatonic scale, in this case the C major scale, arranged
from the Hegel-influenced theory of Hauptmann (1853/ by step from low to high. Similarly, a triad arises from
1991), with more distant echoes of Rameau’s (1726) members of the diatonic scale to which it belongs, in
tonique, dominante, and sous-dominante. But Rameau this case a C major chord. Because the fifth is more
referred to chords, not functions, a distinction often stable than the third of a triad, it forms the next level.
confused by Riemann, for whom, for example, a IV Finally, the top level is the root of the triad, the most

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90 Fred Lerdahl

FIGURE 8. Diatonic basic space: (a) using note-letter names; (b) in numerical format (C ¼ 0, C# ¼ 1, . . . B ¼ 11); (c) in binary notation. All three
representations are oriented to I of C major.

FIGURE 9. Representations of the tonal hierarchy: (a) tracing the most stable position of each pitch class in TPS’s diatonic basic space; (b) the K-K
major key profile (from Krumhansl & Kessler, 1982, Figure 2, redrawn with permission).

stable of all. The basic space can represent any triad in

any key by systematically shifting diatonic and chordal
levels. Once numbers, whether Arabic or binary, replace
letter names, as in Figures 8b and c, algebraic operations
compute the distance from any chord in any key to any
chord in the same or another key. The binary represen-
tation in 8c is conceptually preferable to 8b, for it reg-
isters the presence or absence of a pitch at a given level FIGURE 10. A portion of chordal space within a major key, arrayed in
without naming pitches by letter or integer. TPS mostly two dimensions.
employs the integer representation in 8b because of its
familiarity in the music-theoretic literature and the rel- A distance algorithm transforms one configuration of
ative ease of doing computations by Arabic rather than the basic space into another and measures the distance
binary numbers. traversed. The various distance values can be projected
In Figure 9a, lines are drawn in the basic space from geometrically so that numerical distance corresponds to
the most stable representation of each pitch class to the spatial distance. Figure 10 shows a portion of a two-
next. This pattern corresponds closely to Krumhansl dimensional array of chordal space within a major key.
and Shepard’s (1979) and Krumhansl and Kessler’s The columns display chords on the cycle of fifths, and
(1982) empirically derived key profile, shown in Figure the rows display chords on the cycle of diatonic thirds.
9b. (TPS’s minor-mode representation does not corre- Figure 11a similarly displays a portion of regional (or
spond quite as closely to Krumhansl and Kessler’s key) space, with cycles of fifths on the vertical axis and
minor key profile. TPS treats the minor mode as anal- cycles of minor thirds on the horizontal axis, the latter
ogous to the major mode on the view that listeners expressing an alternation of relative and parallel major-
maintain the same basic schema for both modes. My minor relationships. This space corresponds to Krum-
attitude in this regard is rather like that of Schenker, hansl and Kessler’s representation of key space given in
1906/1980.) Figure 11b. They derived their representation by

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Concepts and Representations of Musical Hierarchies 91

FIGURE 11. (a) a portion of TPS’s regional space arrayed in two dimensions (major keys are in upper-case letters, minor keys in lower-case letters);
(b) Krumhansl & Kessler’s multidimensional scaling solution of key space (redrawn with permission).

multidimensional scaling of correlations among all the

major and minor key profiles.
Figure 12 combines Figures 10 and 11a into a repre-
sentation of chordal-regional space. The boldface letters
stand both for keys and their tonics. Arrayed within
each key are its other six triads. In a musical analysis
it can be illuminating to trace pitch-space paths as the
music unfolds, not only at the musical surface but also
at underlying prolongational levels. The arrows in Fig-
ure 12 trace the path for the beginning of the Bach
chorale given in Figure 7. A path for the entire chorale
would modulate into the nearby regions of D major,
A minor, and E minor.
Thus TPS’s space is hierarchical in two ways. First, it
postulates distinct levels of pitch organization: scales,
chords, and keys. Second, it makes hierarchical distinc-
tions within the categories of pitches and chords.
Pitches are superordinate or subordinate by virtue of
their rank in the basic space. Chords within a key are
superordinate or subordinate by virtue of their relative
distance from the most stable chord, or tonic.
TPS’s spatial projections from its algebraically calcu-
lated distances are useful but approximate. Chew (2008,
2014) develops a mathematically precise model of the
tonal hierarchy using interior points on a three-
dimensional spiral array that combines pitch, chord, FIGURE 12. A portion of chordal-regional space, with a path traced for
and key distances in a single geometric framework. Her the beginning of “Ermuntre dich” (see Figure 7b).
spiral array is consistent with results in Krumhansl
(1990) and TPS (see Chew, in press). parallel major and minor regions are collapsed into
TPS’s spatial mapping of key relations in Figure 11a single ‘‘mixed’’ parallel major-minor regions, as shown
resembles the Tonnetz that Riemann (1873, 1882/2011) in Figure 13a. Riemann’s early version of the Tonnetz is
proposed as a basis of tone relations. The parallel given in Figure 13b. Figures 13a and b both project
emerges more clearly if, following the late Romantic cycles of fifths, major thirds, and minor thirds. There
practice of composers such as Wagner and Strauss, are two basic differences, however. First, Figure 13a

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92 Fred Lerdahl

FIGURE 13. Related spaces: (a) TPS’s “mixed” regional space;

(b) Riemann’s early version of the Tonnetz. FIGURE 14. Riemann's later version of the Tonnetz , with triads
represented as equilateral triangles. In (a), the dashed arrows show
the most closely related triads to the C major triad, reached by
describes key relations, while Figure 13b describes crossing one triangular edge. In (b), they show the next most related
pitch-class relations. Second, as mentioned, TPS’s spa- triads, reached by crossing two edges.

tial representations are projections from the output of

algebraic rules, not a primary theoretical construct as proximity in tonal music should include a level that
is the Tonnetz. directly shows scalar proximity.
Riemann (1873) adapted the Tonnetz from Oettin- This point applies to pitch classes as well as pitches.
gen’s (1866) acoustics-inspired theory and used it to An ascending major scale has the following ordered
represent justly tuned intervals through combinations intervals or interval classes (where 1 ¼ minor second,
of 3:2 and 5:4 ratios. His later version of the Tonnetz 2 ¼ major second, etc.): (2 2 1 2 2 2 1). Any other
(Riemann, 1915/1992), shown in Figure 14, twists the sequence of diatonic pitches or pitch classes yields
structure to suppress the minor-second cycle on the larger interval or interval-class numbers. For example,
southwest-northeast diagonal of Figure 13b and dis- toggling from left to right between the top two rows in
plays triads as equilateral triangles. Neo-Riemannian Figure 14a yields the interval-class sequence (4 3 4 3 4 3
theory adopts this version of the Tonnetz to characterize [3]). These pitch classes are not adjacent in a scalar
triadic relations and, in some cases, chart paths of har- sense; rather, they are adjacent in triads related by
monic progressions, especially in chromatic tonal music a sequence of diatonic thirds. (For related discussion,
(Cohn, 2012; Gollin & Rehding, 2011). The closest tri- see Tymoczko, 2011, pp. 30-44.)
adic relations are those that share two pitches; that is, At the musical surface, the Tonnetz does not represent
they share an edge of a triangle. In Figure 14a the most non-harmonic tones—for example, that D is non-
proximate triads to the C major triad are the E minor harmonic in the context of a C major triad. Nor, at
triad, which shares E and G, the C minor triad, which a global level, does it represent tonal regions. It exclu-
shares C and G, and the A minor triad, which shares C sively displays triads arrayed by common tones. Despite
and E. The next closest triads share one pitch; two edges this focus, it does not represent triadic roots. Unlike the
must be traversed to reach them. Figure 14b shows that basic space of Figure 8, which registers the internal
the triads in this category, again in relation to the C hierarchy of the triad with the root most important, the
major triad, are (moving clockwise) the G major, Eb fifth next, and the third least, in correspondence with
major, Ab major, F major, A major, and E major triads. the supporting psychoacoustics, the triangles in Figure
The results in Figures 14 deviate from distances pro- 14 treat the pitches of a triad as equal. It is a sleight of
jected in Figures 10-12. Notably, the Tonnetz downplays speech to name the pitches C-E-G in Figure 14 a C
triads related by fifths, for it takes two steps rather than major triad. C is not privileged. The Tonnetz is a hierar-
one to reach a chord a fifth away. It treats triads related chically flat space.
by major and minor thirds as closer or equally close. This point applies as well to the sophisticated geomet-
More broadly, the Tonnetz does not favor diatonic rela- rical structures in Tymoczko (2011). He emphasizes (pp.
tions. Indeed, it does not represent the diatonic or any 226-245) third-related over fifth-related chord progres-
other scale in which pitches are ordered from low to sions in diatonic tonality, since, in his flat space, chords
high, as is taken for granted in standard music notation with two common tones are more proximate than
and the layout of the piano and as is represented at the chords with one common tone. This perspective is at
scale level in TPS’s basic space. This, again, is a matter of odds with centuries of music theory, the primacy of
proximity: in a C major scale, for instance, D is adjacent dominant-tonic cadences, and the statistics of chord
to C below and E above. A representation of pitch progressions (Huron, 2006, pp. 250-251; Temperley,

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Concepts and Representations of Musical Hierarchies 93

2009). In my view, his space is mathematically impec- more complex. How could such basic notions as non-
cable but problematic as a space for tonal music, which harmonic tones, scales, roots, and tonicity be intro-
requires a hierarchical pitch space. One of my first duced into the simple construct of the Tonnetz without
motivations in developing TPS’s basic space and its fundamentally changing it? The TPS model is not only
transformations was to find a principled way to make more inclusive but also more flexible than the neo-
fifth-related chords more proximate than third-related Riemannian one.
chords, in correspondence with tonal practice. Beneath the intricacies of the GTTM/TPS theory lie
These limitations of neo-Riemannian theory (and, to a few basic concepts. The listener attempts to organize
a lesser extent, of Tymoczko’s theory) come from its a musical surface into rhythmic and pitch-event hierar-
origin in pitch-class set theory, which was designed to chies with the help of a multi-layered mental schema of
elucidate atonal music (Forte, 1973). Atonal music tonal space. Rhythmically structured events relate to
assumes a flat space (TPS, pp. 344-346). A premise of one another at multiple hierarchical levels by the short-
Cohn (2012) is that the triad has two natures, one based est paths in the space. The listener experiences the resul-
on psychoacoustic features and the other on group- tant event hierarchy in terms of nested patterns of
theoretic properties that obtain in a flat space. Some of tension and relaxation. The theory’s representations—
these properties are formally deep and underlie aspects of brackets, grids, trees, slurs, the basic space, distance
chromatic tonal music. Cohn (2011) makes the historical units, spatial projections, paths in pitch space, tension
argument that as triadic music becomes less diatonic, curves—attempt to render these non-verbal, non-visual
hierarchical distinctions between key, chord, and scale concepts both palpable and precise.
are increasingly vestigial. To specify a scale or even a key
in a highly chromatic passage becomes an unnecessary Author Note
distraction. In this view, TPS treats the transitional period
of late 19th-century chromatic triadic music from an 18th Thanks to Carol Krumhansl, David Temperley, and two
century perspective, and neo-Riemannian theory anonymous referees for suggestions that improved the
approaches it from a 20th century perspective. contents of this paper.
While recognizing the merit of multiple perspectives, Correspondence concerning this article should be
I observe in return that it is easier to simplify TPS’s basic addressed to Fred Lerdahl, Department of Music, Dodge
space and its transformations, for instance by suppres- Hall, M. C. 1813, Columbia University, New York, NY
sing the scale level in Figure 8, than to make the Tonnetz 10027. E-mail:


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