Domain F

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Domain F Artifacts Martinez 1

Domain F Artifacts

Taylor Martinez

TED 690

National University

June 2019
Domain F Artifacts Martinez 2


Teaching Performance Expectations are designed to outline a set of skills and expectations for

teachers. It acts as a road map for what teachers need to be doing in order to continue to develop

their professional skills. The Domain that I will be focusing on in this paper is Domain F:

focuses of developing as a professional educator. As an educator you need to continue your

education in learning how to teach students. I plan to improve my teaching by continuing to

observe, go to professional growth opportunities, and reflecting on my own teaching. I also plan

to utilize feedback from other teachers, administration, as well as my own students. Included in

this paper are artifacts that act as evidence for my professional growth in my teaching.
Domain F Artifacts Martinez 3

Literature Review

My first artifact is a literature review by Zaretta Hammond, she wrote a book called

Culturally Responsive and the Brain. I read an excerpt from this book and believe that she gives

great insight about how teachers can become better in the classroom to sure diverse students.

Hammond begins to unpack the tough question on why many of our underachieving students are

English Learners, students of color, or students who come from homes with low financial

standing. Hammond talks about how it is our jobs as teachers to be culturally responsive to

students so that we can help accelerate there learning and make sure that they have every

opportunity to meet standards (Hammond, p.32). I felt that this piece of literature went nicely

with Domain F because it is about improving teaching practices and learning how to apply new

strategies. After reading this piece it has only reinforced to me that we as teachers need to learn

how to embrace all of our students differences and by doing that we can show our students that

they also have a lot in common in well. Acceptance in the classroom is a major component to

learning, the students need to feel safe as well as valued.

Professional Development

Being a first year teacher I learned all about professional development days. These days

occur on the day of the week that your students get out early, for my school it was Thursday.

These days offer a variety of topics all of which will help teachers improve in s variety of ways.

Once a month on these days you met with your professional learning community, the teachers

who were in this community were those of like subject. My community was made up of PE

teachers, health teachers, and adaptive PE teachers. I really enjoyed these meetings because it

allowed all of us to get ideas on how to improve our instructional strategies or classroom
Domain F Artifacts Martinez 4

management skills. As a new teachers I made sure I utilized those days so that I could take new

ideas with me and begin to apply them in the classroom.

System of Professional Growth

The third artifact that I felt would go well with Domain F was a system put into place called

SPG. This system is what my district uses to evaluate teachers every two years. During your two

years you get a site manger who helps you create professional goals based on your subject matter

and concentration. The process is meant to be reflective, and to help you collect evidence to add

to your professional portfolio. Many of times you will be observed and then after the observation

there is a reflective conversation on what you can do better and strategies that you can integrate

into the classroom.

Domain F Artifacts Martinez 5


Hammond, Z (2015). Culturally Responsive Teaching and the brain.

San Juan Unified School District. (2019). Systems of Professional Growth. https://

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