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Detailed Lesson Plan in English Grade 8

Prepared by: Shein Tumala, BSED-IV English

At the end of the 60-minute class period, the students should be able to:
1. explain manuscript speech and its tips for preparation,
2. suggest their own tips for the preparation of a manuscript speech, and
3. perform a manuscript speech given.


A. Topic: Manuscript Speech
B. Values Integration: Appreciating the discipline in performing an oral speech.
C. Reference:

 Power point presentation
 Instructional materials
 Materials for Activities


Teacher’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activities

1. Prayer
2. Classroom Management
3. Attendance
4. Review
5. Activity/ Motivation

The entire discussion will be called

“Impress Your Boss”

General Directions

Imagine that you are all employees of the

website Your task is to
impress your boss. He will give you
assignments then give you a rating. The
teacher will group the class in 3 because
from the first place the work of the company
is one. This means the performance of the
members of the group will affect the ratings
of its members. Remember that all of you
are competitors for the top 3 speech
performers. Goodluck!
The teacher will play a short video…

Okay so based on the speech that you have He was reading his speech.
watched, what have you noticed when he
was doing his speech?

Do you think that he is very prepared for Yes Ma’am

that speech to be successful?

Okay so who wants to unscramble this



Okay so what you have watched is an It is a type of speech where the

example of a Manuscript Speech, now can speaker is reading the speech.
someone describe a manuscript speech?

B. Analysis

Manuscript Speech – one reads a pre-

written speech word by word.

Manuscript speaking – it is generally

employed during official meetings,
conferences, and in instances where the
subject matter of the speech needs to be
recorded. It is used especially when there is
time constraint, and the content of the talk
is of prime importance.

Example: Public officials speaking at

conferences, and their speech being telecast,
is a pertinent example.

Manuscript? YES or NO

A speech given by a Congressman on a YES

legislative bill under consideration.

Why do you think it is not an example of a Because in a TV Drama, the actors
manuscript speech? and actresses memorized the script.
A report read out by a Chief Engineer at an YES
Annual General Meeting.
A televised news report (given using a
teleprompter) seen on television.

In your career you will probably deliver

fewer than 10% of your presentations using
a script. In these instances, you will write
and/or deliver a prepared speech. These
speeches will usually be presented to large
audiences in a meeting room or auditorium
type facility and will be delivered from a

The following tips will aid in the

preparation and delivery of a manuscript

1. The manuscript is still a speech.

So as you have seen it says that it is still a Prepare for it.

speech, if you are going to do a speech what
should you do?

2. Maintain your energy.

Why do you think it is important to maintain Your passion for your presentation
your energy during your presentation? must come through by maintaining
your energy at a high level in order
for your speech not to be boring.

Try this: read an article from a newspaper

or magazine out loud into a tape recorder.
Then, put the article down and paraphrase in
your own words, with true feeling and
energy, that which you have just read.
Notice the difference. You can quickly see
the real challenges to maintaining your
energy level so that you are able to support,
and are not overpowered by, the multi-
media presentation.

3. Use your own wording if possible.

If you are the one who wrote your own It is because when we create our own
speech why do you have to use your own it is easy for us to remember instead
wording, instead of copying someone else’s
of copying someone else’s and
copying is a form of plagiarism.

If there are cases that your speech will be If your speech will be written for you,
written for you what do you think you be sure to read it out loud several
should do? times before presenting it to make
sure the words and phrases come
easily to you.

What do you think you should do if you

If they do not, examine ways to
cannot absorb easily the written speech for
you? change the wording to suit your style.
4. Use spoken rather than written
language. The transcribing of the recorded
Okay so what do you think is better? You speech is better because spoken
will type your speech in your computer? Or language is easier to remember and it
you will record a speech and transcribe it to is very brief and exact unlike when
text after? Why?
you typed your speech, there are
chances that you will make it very

5. Use short, simple sentences.

This is to help you to understand your
Why do you think it is important to use speech easily and by that you can
simple sentences in preparing for your make sure that the things you were
speech? saying will be easily understood by
your audience.

This is a manuscript speech afterall,

6. Prepare the manuscript in large following the format will make it
print using both upper and lower case.
easier for you to read your speech and
So it says that you must print your speech in to find where you at when you lost
large print not only that but also in large your track easily.
spacing, why do you think so?

7. "Score" the speech.

In scoring the speech you may wish to

underline certain key words and phrases so
that you will emphasize them during your
presentation. You also may draw arrows at
particular areas where you may wish to raise
or lower your voice.
In order for you to know where you
Why do you think it is also good to consider
scoring your speech or to highlight should emphasize while speaking.
important phrases or words?

8. Practice the speech.

Because this is where you will know
This is the most important part in preparing
for a manuscript speech. Why do you think how your speech will happen. This is
so? where you can rehearse everything.
The pauses, the tone, and more.
9. Pace yourself.

You may find your mind wandering during

this presentation, or you read it too quickly. It is important to pace yourself
Then why do you think it is important to because we should not only pay
pace yourself? attention to what we are saying but
our speed in speaking as well, if the
audience can cope up with us.
10. Maintain eye contact.

It says that this measures if the speech

became effective or not, why do you think Because eye contact is very powerful.
so? You can catch the attention of your
audience with eye contact and if you
lack eye contact, there are chances
that your audience won’t be able to
feel your speech.
C. Abstraction

In order to be accepted on the job you have

to know the WHY’s or the IMPORTANCE
of your job, so the boss wants us to answer
some questions.

1. Why do you think it is essential to

consider the tips in preparing for a
manuscript speech? Student’s Answer May Vary
2. Would you mind to cite some
tips for yourself?
D. Application

The teacher will give the students a speech

with the theme “My ambition”. The
students’ task is to fill in the blanks to finish
the speech. They will be given 10 minutes
to complete the speech and to rehearse it.
When the timer stops, the teacher will pick
students names from the speech box of each
group and the picked student will read his or
her speech in front.

Clarity of Message 10 points

Overall Performance 5 points
Eye Contact 5 points
Creativity of Passage 5 points
25 points

_____(My Future Ambition create your

own title)

Everyone has a dream and

ambitions in life, people dream of being rich
and living a good life and maybe owning a
huge company, but for me, my ambition is
to ________ (what do you want to do in the
future ex. Help those who are ill). My
ambition in life is to be the best ______ (ex.
Doctor to serve my community). This is
because _______(why do you want to be a
doctor for example).

The journey is not easy, it requires

a lot of sacrifices, but I have confidence that
I will achieve my goal in life. I have always
wanted to make a difference for everyone to
see because I believe that I can and I will.
This is me and I am the one who will dictate
my future.

1 paragraph_____(what will
you do to achieve your dreams?)

Good day everyone, I am _______

(name) standing in front you, ready to
continue dreaming. Won’t be stuck on
dreaming because my journey has begun.
Thank you!

E. Assessment

Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. This is a type of speech wherein one

reads a pre-written speech word by a. Manuscript speech
word. b. Menuscript speech
c. Monoscript speech

2. Which among the choices does not

describe the answer in NUMBER a. Public officials speaking
1? at conferences, and their
speech being telecast, is
a pertinent example.
b. It is ad lib or no
preparation and from the
c. It is used especially when
there is time constraint,
and the content of the
talk is of prime

3. This measures if you speech is a. Maintaining Your Energy

going to be effective or not. b. Using of Simple Sentences
c. Eye contact

4. This is the most important part in a. Practice

preparing for a manuscript speech b. Pace Yourself
where you can see the flow of your c. Use spoken rather than
speech. written language.

5. This focuses on the printing of your a. Practice

speech which can help you to read b. Prepare the manuscript in
it carefully and to help you when large print using both upper
you lost your track. and lower case.
c. “Score” the Speech

F. Assignment

Video record the speech that you prepared, to be passed tomorrow.

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