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Good evening to all the people present here today, to the Barangay Council headed by Hon Eddie

Bayona, to the Sangguniang Kabataan lead by Hon. Alfred James Moral, to the judges,
contestants, sponsors, a pleasant evening!

We first would like to express our sincerest gratitude to the people who contribute their, effort,
time and resources in making ths event possible.

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex or Questioning (LGBTIQ+) are among the most
marginalized and excluded members of society. They are mostly vulnerable to stigma, violence
and discrimination, due to their real or perceived sexual orientation and, gender identity and
expression. That is why we created this event, Mutya ng KaGAYunan, to serve as a rostrum to be
able to promote equality, acceptance, and respect to each and everyone as we are all our Father’s
wight, and to celebrate pride, diversity, uniqueness, and differences. May this event be a way to
eradicate exclusion, such as age, race, and religion, sex, color and gender.

Everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, deserves equal access to
opportunities and services and their safety should be protected.

We hope that with the Almighty God's grace and glory, we do our purposes and intentions. Thank
you and enjoy the rest of the night!

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