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1/27/2018 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series


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Reports Solution Report For DEMO TEST I GATE -18 I Mechanical

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Q. No Question Status

Q.1 Q.1 to Q.10 carry ONE mark each

What is the nullity of the matrix #1

a. 0
c. 2
d. 3

Attempt Correct Correct Ans. b bookmark


Det (A) = 0(1-0) -1 (-1-0) + (-1) (0+ 1) = 0

Hence, rank is not 3
Choosing a minor from A, we get

Now, nullity = minimum number of rows and columns - rank of matrix
Nullity = 3 – 2 = 1

Q.2 1/36
1/27/2018 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series

The value of ‘k’ such that the function is

continuous at x = 0 is

a. 0
c. 2
d. 3

Attempt Correct Correct Ans. b bookmark


⇒ K =1

f(x) is continuous at x = 0, for K =1

Q.3 Two dice are thrown and the sum of numbers which come up on the dice is
noted. Consider the following events: A = the sum is even; B = the sum is
multiple of 3; C= The sum is less than 4; D = The sum is greater than 11: Which
pairs of these events are mutually exclusive?

a. A and B
B and C
C and D
d. A and D

Attempt Incorrect Your Ans. b Correct Ans. c bookmark


Now, A = the sum is even 2/36
1/27/2018 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series

B = the sum is multiple of 3

C = the sum of less than 4

D = the sum is greater than 11

We observe that

Thus, A and B are not mutually exclusive events

Thus, B and C are not mutually exclusive events

A∩D = [ 6,6] ≠ ϕ
Thus, A and D are not mutually exclusive events

C and D are mutually exclusive events

Evaluate where s is a closed surface and is position vector in


a. V
Where V is the volume enclosed by S

Not Attempt Correct Ans. d bookmark

By divergence theorem, we have

Where v is volume enclosed by S

Q.5 Find the mean deviation from the mean of the following data: 6, 7, 10, 12, 13, 4, 8,
and 20

b. 4.25
c. 5.65
d. 3.05 3/36
1/27/2018 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series

Not Attempt Correct Ans. a bookmark


Let be the mean of the given data

Mean deviation

Q.6 A force of 50 N is applied to a wrench as shown,

the magnitude of the moment in N-mm of this force about the point P is

Not Attempt Correct Ans. 7910 Range. (7850.00 - 7950.00 )


Moment about P = 50 cos30 x 200 – 50 sin30 x 30 4/36
1/27/2018 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series

= 7910 N-mm

Q.7 A solid is subjected to hydrostatic pressure of 6 MPa. If each of the measured

strains is 2mm/m, then the bulk modulus, in GPa, is ________

Not Attempt Correct Ans. 1 Range. (1.00 - 1.00 ) bookmark


Bulk modulus,

Volumetric strain

Q.8 Identify the uniaxial compressive loading condition from the following four Mohr

a. 5/36
1/27/2018 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series




Not Attempt Correct Ans. a bookmark


Q.9 A linear mass spring – dashpot system is over damped. In free vibration, this
system undergoes

non-oscillatory motion
b. Random motion
c. Oscillatory and periodic motion
d. Oscillatory and non-periodic motion

Not Attempt Correct Ans. a bookmark


Q.10 6/36
1/27/2018 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series

Consider a circular cam with a flat face follower is shown

the cam is rotated in the plane of

the paper about point P lying 5mm away from its centre. The radius of the cam is
20mm. The distance (in mm) between the highest and the lowest positions of the
flat face follower is

a. 5
c. 40
d. 45

Not Attempt Correct Ans. b bookmark


Q.11 7/36
1/27/2018 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series

In an off – set slider crank mechanism, shown

the crank is rotated a constant speed of 150 rpm. The value of the angle shown
in the figure is What is the ratio of forward to return stroke time? Can this
mechanism be used in an application involving quick return?

a. 3.33, No
b. 0.72, yes
1.25, yes
d. 0.63, No

Not Attempt Correct Ans. c bookmark

Forward stroke angle = 360 – 160 = 200
Return stroke angle = 160
Forward stroke time / return stroke time = forward stroke angle / return stroke angle = 200
/160 = 1.25

Q.12 A gas expand following the relation constant, from the initial state
to a final volume For the values of n mentioned below,
maximum work is obtained for


d. d

Not Attempt Correct Ans. a bookmark 8/36
1/27/2018 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series


For n = 1;

For n = 0;

Work = Area under the curve when projected on volume axis

Maximum work is obtained for 1 – 2a (for n = -1)

Q.13 An air water – vapour mixture is at and normal atmospheric pressure of

101.3 KPa with a specific humidity of 0.02 Kg water vapour per Kg dry air. Its
humid volume in dry air is_____

Not Attempt Correct Ans. 0.9 Range. (0.80 - 1.00 ) bookmark


Q.14 The wall of a cold storage is made up of four layers, concrete, brick, card board
and paint with respective thickness of 5mm, 60 mm, 8 mm and 1mm, and their
corresponding thermal conductivities are 0.8, 0.7, 0.04 and 0.15 W/mk. The
overall resistance of the wall to conduction heat transfer in is_____

Not Attempt Correct Ans. 0.2986 Range. (0.25 - 0.35 ) bookmark

Solution:- 9/36
1/27/2018 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series

The conductive resistance is

Where L = thickness
Overall resistance

Per unit area)

Q.15 A semi-circular gate of 1m radius is placed at the bottom of a water reservoir as

shown the hydrostatic force per unit width of the

cylindrical gate in y-direction (vertical) is______KN (Take

density of water = 1000 Kg/m3)

Not Attempt Correct Ans. 15.39 Range. (14.80 - 16.00 ) bookmark


Vertical component of force = wt. of the liquid

Force in y – direction, weight corresponding to semi-circular region

Q.16 10/36
1/27/2018 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series

Velocity vector in m/s for a 2 – D flow is given in Cartesian coordinates (x, y) as

Symbols bear usual meaning. At a point in the flow field,

the x and y components of the acceleration vector are given as and

respectively. The magnitude of velocity at that point in m/s

Not Attempt Correct Ans. 1.414 Range. (1.20 - 1.60 ) bookmark



Q.17 A machine component under fluctuating stress, in MPa) is considered to be

safe if the average stress (in MPa) and the stress amplitude (variable

stress) (in MPa) satisfy the following inequality The

machine member is subjected to stress, For

safe operation of the machine component, the maximum value of P (in MPa) is

Not Attempt Correct Ans. 140 Range. (140.00 - 140.00 ) bookmark

Solution:- 11/36
1/27/2018 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series

σavg = 120 ; σa = P

Q.18 How many boundary conditions are required to solve the equation

a. Two in r direction
b. One in r and one for time
Two in r-direction and one for Time
d. Three in r and one for time

Not Attempt Correct Ans. c bookmark

Two conditions are required in r-direction and one for time.

Q.19 Identify the correct statement with respect to crashing in CPM technique

a. If alternate paths are critical, crashing cannot be done to decrease the project
b. When crashing is done on the critical branch, there may be many parallel activities,
total float of non critical activity having minimum cost slope will decrease
c. Free float of non-critical activities will always be positive
Total float is that of a path and not individual activities, upon crashing, total float of
all the activities on parallel path will decrease

Not Attempt Correct Ans. d bookmark

Suppose there are parallel branches, if we crash any activity on critical branch, total floats on
all the activities on parallel branch will decrease.

Q.20 Arc welding is done using current, voltage and welding speed of 200A, 20 V and
0.01 m/s, respectively. The heat input in kJ/unit length is___

Not Attempt Correct Ans. 400 Range. (400.00 - 400.00 ) bookmark 12/36
1/27/2018 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series

Heat input = VI / speed = 200 x 20 / (0.01 x 1000) KJ/ length = 400

Q.21 The property of a material that cannot be significantly changed by heat treatment

a. Yield strength
b. Ultimate tensile strength
c. Ductility
Elastic modulus

Not Attempt Correct Ans. d bookmark

Elastic Modulus is the one which depends on composition

Q.22 Which one of the following instruments is a comparator?

a. Tool maker’s microscope

b. Go / No Go gauge
Optical flat
d. Dial gauge

Not Attempt Correct Ans. c bookmark

Optical flat is a comparator

Q.23 Which of the following is a typical rolling defect?

a. Buckling
Edge cracking
c. Cold shut
d. Porosity

Not Attempt Correct Ans. b bookmark

Wavy edges appear in rolling due to anisotropy of the material and sometimes it leads to

Q.24 Identify the INCORRECT statement with respect to grain growth

a. As the average grain size increases, the grain boundary energy per unit area
b. The driving force for grain growth is the decrease in grain boundary energy per unit
volume of the material
Higher the temperature, the faster is the grain growth
d. Impurity atoms segregated at grain boundaries can retard grain growth 13/36
1/27/2018 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series

Not Attempt Correct Ans. c bookmark

Higher the temperature, due to lower driving force grain growth will be slow

Q.25 Which of the following processes is NOT executed by an ideal simple Rankine
Cycle with no superheat?

a. Isentropic expansion
b. Isentropic compression
Constant temperature heat addition
d. Constant temperature heat rejection

Not Attempt Correct Ans. c bookmark


Q.26 Question 26 to 55 Carry Two Marks Each

For what interval is

increasing ?





Not Attempt Correct Ans. a bookmark


For to be increasing,

or 14/36
1/27/2018 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series

So, f(x) is increasing on (-∞, -2) ∪ (2, ∞)






Not Attempt Correct Ans. b bookmark


The given equation can be written as (D2 + 2D +1) y = e-4x

The characteristic equation is m2 + 2m +1 = 0; m= -1; -1
The complementary function is (Ax + B) e-4x
The particular integral is given by

Complete solution is

What is the residue at for

a. 0
b. 2
c. 1

Not Attempt Correct Ans. d bookmark

We have f (z) =tanz = sinz / cosz
At z = π /2; Res f (π /2) = Lt Z → π /2 (sinz / d/dz (cosz) 15/36
1/27/2018 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series

Q.29 Suppose that the length of a call in minutes is an exponential random variable
with parameter λ = 1/10 .If some are arrives immediately ahead of you at the
booth, what is the probability that you have to wait for more than 10 minutes?

a. 0.6991
b. 0.7102
c. 0.2333

Not Attempt Correct Ans. d bookmark

Let X denote the length of the call made by the person in the booth

Compute the value of using Simpsons rule by taking seven


a. 0.6012
c. 0.4292
d. 0.1255

Not Attempt Correct Ans. b bookmark


Since we have to divide the interval into six parts, width The

values of y are

By Simpson’s rule we have

= 0.5351 16/36
1/27/2018 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series

Q.31 The intake pressure of a Diesel engine is 1 bar and at the end of the compression
is 34 bar. The adiabatic index is 1.3 and the expansion ratio is 7. The Diesel cycle
efficiency in percentage is____

Not Attempt Correct Ans. 49.4 Range. (47.00 - 51.00 ) bookmark


; V1 /V2 = r = compression ratio

Let be the expansion ratio

be the cut – off ratio

Q.32 A gaseous mixture of air and fuel enters a constant area combustion chamber at
a velocity of 100 m/s and a static temperature of 300 K. The heat release due to
combustion is 1000 kJ/Kg the specific heat at constant pressure of gas (ideal) is
1 KJ/KgK. The total temperature of air – fuel mixture after combustion is
__________ kelvin

Not Attempt Correct Ans. 1305 Range. (1298.00 - 1310.00 )


Solution:- 17/36
1/27/2018 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series

; (T1 = 300K; c1 = 100m/s)

T02 = 1305K = Total temperature of the combination

Q.33 The governing equation of motion of a damped system is given by

If m = 1kg, and

The frequency of the damped oscillation of this system is_________rad/s

Not Attempt Correct Ans. 1 Range. (1.00 - 1.00 ) bookmark


Q.34 The wall of thickness 5 mm is heated by a hot gas flowing along the wall. The
gas is at a temperature of 3000 K and the convective heat transfer coefficient is

160 W/m2K. The wall thermal conductivity is 40 W/mk. If the colder side of the
wall is held at 500 K, then temperature of the wall exposed to the hot gas

Not Attempt Correct Ans. 549 Range. (528.00 - 565.00 ) bookmark


Q.35 An ideal gas experiences an entropy change of in a process.

Corresponding to the entropy change the rise in temperature is highest for
the following process

a. Isenthalpic
b. Isobaric
d. Isothermal

Not Attempt Correct Ans. c bookmark 18/36
1/27/2018 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series

For an ideal gas, enthalpy is a function of temperature. In an isenthalpic process, enthalpy
remains constant and hence temperature remains constant.
The rise in temperature is highest for isochoric as the slope of constant volume lines is
greater than the slope of constant pressure lines

Q.36 One Kg of saturated Liquid vapour mixture of water at 150 KPa (Uf = 467KJ/kg;vf

=0.001053m3/kg ; Ug = 2520KJ/Kg and vg = 1.159m3/kg ) with a quality of 0.7 is

enclosed in a piston cylinder assembly. Heat is added at constant pressure to
this system while a paddle wheel transfers a work of 50 kJ. The mixture
eventually attains saturated vapour state. The amount of heat added in the
mixture (in kJ) is ________

Not Attempt Correct Ans. 618 Range. (614.00 - 626.00 ) bookmark

U1 = Uf + x (Ug – Uf); U1 = 467 + 0.7 (2520 – 467); U1 = 1904.1 KJ/Kg
U2 = Ug = 2520 KJ /Kg; v1 = vf + x (vg – vf); v1 = 0.001053 + 0.7 (1.1590- 0.001053)
V1 = 0.8116 m3/kg; v2 = vg =1.159 m3/kg

dQ = dU + dW ; dW = W raising piston + Wpaddle

Wraising piston = P (V2 – V1) (constant Pressure work) ; 150 ( 1.159 – 0.8116) = 52.1 KJ/kg
As mass = 1kg; Wraisingpiston = 1 x 52.1 = 52.1 KJ
dU = U2 – U1 = 1 (2520 – 1904.1) = 615.9 KJ
dQ = dU + dW; dQ = 615.9 +52.1 + (-50)
Negative sign is taken because paddle wheel work is done on the system
dQ = 618 KJ

Q.37 19/36
1/27/2018 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series

The plane frame as shown is analyzed by

neglecting axial and shear deformations. The horizontal displacement of joint B






Not Attempt Correct Ans. a bookmark


The free body diagram 20/36
1/27/2018 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series

By using Castigliano’s principle

Q.38 A thin walled cylindrical pressure vessel having mean radius 100 mm and wall
thickness 5mm, is subjected to internal pressure P as shown,

If the factor of

safety is 2 and the yield stress in shear is 100 MPa, the maximum value of P (in
MPa) is _______ 21/36
1/27/2018 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series

Not Attempt Correct Ans. 5 Range. (5.00 - 5.00 ) bookmark

R = 100mm ⇒D = 200mm; t = 5mm
σ1 = σh =PD/2t; σ2 =σl =PD / 4t; σ3 = 0 ;��y =100MPa ; FOS = n =2
��max = max {(σ1 - σ2) /2; (σ2 - σ3) /2; (σ3 - σ1)/ 2} = ��y / n
PD / 4t = 100 /2 ⇒ P x 200 / 4 x 5 = 100/ 2 ⇒ P = 5 MPa

Q.39 A mass less rigid rod AB of length h is pinned at end A and carries mass m at
end B. The rod is also supported by two linear springs of stiffness K at a height

d from the end A. Use m = 4 kg, h = 0.5 m, d = 0.2m, K = 600 N/m and g = 10 m/s2.
For small oscillations about the position shown

the frequency of free vibration (in

rad/s) is _______

Not Attempt Correct Ans. 5.3 Range. (5.20 - 5.40 ) bookmark

Let the rod be displaced by small angle θ
��restoring = - { 2k (d. θ ) d – mghsinθ }
mh2d2θ/ / dt2 = - {(2kd2 –mgh) θ
d2θ //dt2 = -[ ( 2kd2 – mgh )/ mh2 ] θ
w = [ (2kd2 – mgh ) / mh2 ]^1/2 = {(48- 20) /1}^1/2 = 5.3

Q.40 A steam power plant operating on Rankine cycle has a boiler pressure of 32 bar
and a condenser pressure of 0.75 bar. The exit state from the steam turbine is
dry saturated vapour. Given saturated properties.

Superheated steam enters the turbine at 32 bar and (h = 3663 kJ/kg; S =

7.4563 kJ/Kg k). The heat addition in steam generator (in KJ/Kg) and pump work
(in kJ/Kg) respectively would be 22/36
1/27/2018 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series
a. 1778 and 3.24
b. 2415.3 and 6.48
c. 2638 and 641.64
3275.4 and 3.24

Not Attempt Correct Ans. d bookmark


Pump work

Heat addition in boiler

Q.41 The average inventory consumption during the lead time is 100 units. Lead time
consumption follows a normal distribution with a standard deviation of 4, for
84% service level, the reorder point is ________

Not Attempt Correct Ans. 104 Range. (102.00 - 108.00 ) bookmark


So, ROP = 104

Q.42 Cars arrive at a service station for repair at the rate of 5/hr. Service is
exponentially distributed at the rate of 5/hr. At any point of time maximum 3 cars
can be accommodated in the station and if next car comes and goes without
joining the queue, what is the average number of cars in the station at any point
of time?

a. 1
1.5 23/36
1/27/2018 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series
c. 2
d. 2.5

Not Attempt Correct Ans. b bookmark


P0 + P1 + P2 + P3 =1

Avg. no. of cars

Q.43 The inventory capacity diagram for P – system is shown

The same

diagram repeats throughout the year. If carrying cost is Rs.2/- unit / year and
ordering cost is Rs.100/- order. The total annual inventory cost is Rs.______ 24/36
1/27/2018 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series

Not Attempt Correct Ans. 2000 Range. (2000.00 - 2000.00 )


Number of orders = 12; ordering cost = 12 x 100 = 1200/-
Carrying cost = {[(1 /2) x 1000 x 1 x 6] + [(1 /2) x 600 x 1 x 6] } / (2/12 )= 800
Total inventory cost = 2000

Q.44 Which of the following statements regarding air standard cycle are TRUE

1,2 & 3
b. 2 & 3
c. 2, 3 & 4
d. 1,2,3 & 4

Not Attempt Correct Ans. a bookmark

Efficiency of a Diesel cycle decreases with increase in cut-off ratio

2 Kg of air at 1 atm, 21.10C goes through an adiabatic device and separates into
a hot steam of 0.4 kg at 1 atm, and a cold stream of 1.6 Kg at 1 atm,
without any external work. It can be concluded that

a. The total entropy change is zero

b. The total entropy change for the process is positive
The device violates second law of thermodynamics
d. The device violates first law of thermodynamics

Not Attempt Correct Ans. c bookmark


As the system is adiabatic, 25/36
1/27/2018 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series


ΔSsystem = -0.0596 KJ / K

It violates second law of thermodynamics and hence this process is not


Q.46 Match the deformation process in column I with the corresponding stress states
listed in Column II



Not Attempt Correct Ans. a bookmark 26/36
1/27/2018 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series

In stretch forming operation since the material is deforming in all directions in front of punch,
the state of stress is biaxial tension. In forging we are applying direct compression but in wire
drawing the applied stress converts into compression normal to die and shear

Q.47 An aluminium billet of 300 mm diameter is extruded with an extrusion ratio of 16.
What is the ideal extrusion pressure if the effective flow stress in compression is
250 MPa?

693 MPa
b. 346 MPa
c. 286MPa
d. 703 MPa

Not Attempt Correct Ans. a bookmark

Use the formula of ideal case (without friction)

Q.48 Match the casting defects in Group 1 with causes given in Group 2

P-2, Q-1, R-3 , S-4

Not Attempt Correct Ans. c bookmark

Rat tail always appears in thin sections due to hydrostatic pressure, Hot tear will appear
because of chilling there are residual stresses, it will appear only in case of external chills.
Blister is the thin bubble at the top covered by a thin layer of metal


a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct reason for A

b. Both A and R are true and R is NOT the correct reason for A
c. Both A and R are false
d. 27/36
1/27/2018 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series
A is true but R is false

Not Attempt Correct Ans. d bookmark

No solution availiable for this question

Q.50 A reversed Brayton cycle using air as a working fluid operates between
maximum heat addition temperature of and a minimum heat rejection
temperature of Assume air to behave as an ideal gas with
and The isentropic
efficiency of both turbine and compressor is equal to 0.8. The minimum pressure
ratio required for the cycle to produce a cooling effect is______

Not Attempt Correct Ans. 1.33 Range. (1.20 - 1.40 ) bookmark


For producing cooling effect, heat absorbed in refrigerator must be greater than zero, 28/36
1/27/2018 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series

Q.51 In the steel structure (Young’s modulus = 200 GPa) shown

in the figure, all members have a

circular cross – section of radius 10 mm. Column BD is pinned at B and D. The

support at A is hinged. The minimum value of load P at which the column BD
may buckle in newton is approximately_____

Not Attempt Correct Ans. 1938 Range. (1920.00 - 1960.00 )



(1) 29/36
1/27/2018 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series

Euler’s critical load

For member BD to buckle,

Q.52 Assertion (A) : A slab of finite thickness heated on one side and held horizontal
will lose more heat per unit time to cooler air if the hot surface faces upwards
when compared with the case where hot surface faces downwards. ; Reason (R):
When the hot surface faces upwards, convection takes place easily whereas
when hot surface faces downwards, heat transfer is mainly by conduction
through air

Both A and R are true and R is the correct reason for A
b. Both A and R are true and R is NOT the correct reason for A
c. Both A and R are false
d. A is true but R is false

Not Attempt Correct Ans. a bookmark

The convective motion is possible when hot plate is facing up as heated air with reduced
density can move up facilitating higher heat transfer. The upward motion of heated air is not
permitted when hot plate is facing down and heat transfer is mainly by conduction.

Q.53 30/36
1/27/2018 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series

A cantilever beam of negligible mass is 0.6 m long. It has a rectangular cross

section of width 8 mm and thickness 6 mm and carries a tip mass of 1.4 kg. If the
natural frequency of this system is 10 rad/s, Young’s modulus of the material of
the beam in GPa is

a. 50
c. 30
d. 60

Not Attempt Correct Ans. b bookmark


Deflection at the free end y = FL3/3EI

The force F applied at the end produces a displacement, =FL3/3EI ; this can be treated as
an equivalent spring having K = F/ = 3EI/L3 ; w = ( K/m )^1/2 = (3EI/L3m) ; E = 70 GPa

Q.54 A turbulent boundary layer remains attached over a longer distance on the upper
surface of an airfoil than does a laminar boundary layer, because

The turbulent boundary layer is more energetic and hence can overcome the
adverse pressure gradient better
b. The laminar boundary layer develops more skin friction and hence slows down
more rapidly
c. Turbulence causes the effective coefficient of viscosity to reduce, resulting in less
loss of momentum in the boundary layer
d. Turbulent boundary layer is thicker, hence the velocity gradients in it are smaller,
and therefore viscous losses are less

Not Attempt Correct Ans. a bookmark

The turbulent through layer is more energetic due to mixing and collision of fluid particles
since, particles have more KE turbulent boundary layer separation is delayed.

Q.55 In an ideal, 2 – stage compressor with a perfect intercooler, air is compressed

from an inlet pressure of 100 KPa to a final pressure of 800 KPa. The inlet
temperature of air is 300 K. What should be the pressure at the exit of the first
stage compressor (in KPa) so that the total power input to the compressor is
minimum? Assume air to behave as an ideal gas with constant index of
compression (Atmosphere pressure = 101 KPa)

b. 300
c. 425.6
d. 551

Not Attempt Correct Ans. a bookmark

Solution:- 31/36
1/27/2018 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series

Q.56 General Aptitude (GA) (Q.56 to Q.65 )

Question 56 to Question 60 Carry one mark each
when a four digit number is divided by 85 it leaves a remainder of 39. If the same
number is divided by 17, the remainder would be _____

Not Attempt Correct Ans. 5 Range. (5.00 - 5.00 ) bookmark

We have
Now, n / 17 = (85k + 39) / 17 = 5k + (34 + 5) / 17 = 5k + 2 + ( 5 / 17)
So the remainder is 5.

Q.57 A vendor allows successive discounts of 10% and 5%. If the vendor still made a
profit of 20%, then what is the net cost price of the item whose marked price is

a. Rs.1710
b. Rs.1700
d. Rs.1550

Not Attempt Correct Ans. c bookmark

Marked price of the item = Rs.2000
Successive discounts offered are of 10% and 5%

After first discount, price

After second discount, price

Hence, net selling price = Rs.1710

Now, the total profit % = 20%
The cost price be x, profit will be (1710 -x); 20 = {(1710 –x) / x} 100

Q.58 The boy fell __________ the bicycle

a. Of
c. From
d. Under

Not Attempt Correct Ans. b bookmark

b 32/36
1/27/2018 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series

Q.59 Hoping to _______ the conflict, negotiators proposed a compromise that they felt
would be ______ to both policies and legislation

a. End, likely
b. Solve, divisive
c. Extend, detrimental
Resolve, acceptable

Not Attempt Correct Ans. d bookmark


Q.60 Which of the following options is the closest in meaning to the word “RUMINATE

a. Run fast
b. Reprimand
Think deeply
d. Spend lavishly

Not Attempt Correct Ans. c bookmark


Q.61 Q 61 to Q 65 carry 2 marks each

The marks scored by a student in three subjects are in the ratio of 4 : 5 : 6. If the
candidate scored an overall aggregate of 60% of the sum of the maximum marks
and the maximum marks in all three subjects is the same, in how many subjects
did he score more than 60%?

b. 2
c. 3
d. None of the subject

Not Attempt Correct Ans. a bookmark

Let the maximum marks in each of the three subjects be 100;
maximum marks attainable = 300
Therefore, the candidate scored 60% of 300 marks = 180 marks
Let the marks scored in the three subjects be 4a, 5a and 6a

Therefore, marks scored by the candidate in the three subjects are

Hence, the candidate ahs scored more than 60% in one subject. 33/36
1/27/2018 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series

Q.62 The speed of a bus during the second hour of its journey is twice that in the first
hour. Also its speed during the third hour is two – third the sum of its speeds in
the first two hours. Had the bus travelled for three hours at the speed of the first
hour, it would have travelled 120 km less. Find the average speed of the bus for
the first three hours.

100 kmph
b. 80 kmph
c. 90 kmph
d. 60 kmph

Not Attempt Correct Ans. a bookmark

Let the speed for the first hour be s kmph
Speed during the second hour = 2s kmph
Speed in the third hour = (2 / 3) (s + 2s) = 2s kmph
Distance traveled = 5s km
Had it traveled of s kmph, distance travelled would have been equal to 35 kmph
We are given that 5s – 3s = 120

Thus, average speed for the first three hours

Q.63 What is the maximum sum of the series 60, 56, 52, 48….…?

a. 540
b. 620
c. 720

Not Attempt Correct Ans. d bookmark

First term of the series, a = 60 and the common difference, d = -4. Now, maximum sum will
be till the time we have positive numbers in the series. Hence, 0 = 60 + (n-1) (-4)

Thus, to obtain the maximum sum, we need to calculate the sum till the 16th term. Hence,

Q.64 Four different objects 1,2,3,4 are distributed at random in four places marked
1,2,3,4. What is the probability that none of the objects occupy the place
corresponding to its number?

a. 34/36
1/27/2018 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series




Not Attempt Correct Ans. c bookmark

Let a particular number, say 2, occupies, position 1
Then all possible arrangements are given as

Out of these, three are not acceptable to us

(2,1,3,4) ; (2,4,1,4) and ((2,4,3,1) are not acceptable because 3 and 4 occupy the correct

Required probability

Q.65 The ratio of male – to – female students in a college for five years is plotted in
the following line graph.

If the

number of female students in 2011 and 2012 is equal. What is the ratio of male
students in 2012 to male students in 2011?

a. 1 : 1
b. 2: 1
1.5: 1
d. 2.5: 1 35/36
1/27/2018 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series

Not Attempt Correct Ans. c bookmark

Take number of female students in 2011 = 100
Therefore, number of male students in 2011 = 100
Number of female students in 2012 = 100
Number of male students in 2012 = 150


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