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E: Hello my friends¡¡¡¡

All: Hello Erika.

E: I have a problem; can you help me Janina? What would you do if a friend was 15 minutes late?
Would you call and remind him about it?

J: If a friend was 15 minutes late, I would call him and remind him that I am waiting for him.

R: And Saira, what would you do if a sales person charges you the wrong price for something? Would you
say something to her?

S: If a seller charged me the wrong price for something, I would tell him to verify what I'm really
buying and charge me his/its real price.

J: Erika, what would you do if you get a gift that you hate from a friend? Would you thank her for it
and then get rid of it?

E: I’d say thank you, maybe I could tell her about my preferences them. It’d be important to know
about my friend’s likes or dislikes. A gift couldn’t be expensive but should be special.

S: Tell me Richard, what would you do if you find a nice pair of gloves on the sidewalk? Would you
think about keeping them?

R: Let me see, if I find a nice pair of gloves in the sidewalk, I would keep and carry it to my house, I’d save and
use them at night or on a special occasion.

E: Janina, what would you do if you her a strange noise in the middle of the night? Would you go and
see what it was?

J: If I heard a strange noise in the middle of the night, I wouldn't go see what it was because I fear the
darkness and something bad could happen to me.

R: Saira tell me, what would you do if you scratch a car with a shopping cart in a parking lot? Would you
leave a note with your name and number?

S: If I scratched a car with a shopping cart, I would advise the security personnel to look for the owner
and reach an agreement.

J: Erika please help me what would you do if your friend asks for help moving into an apartment?
Would you find an excuse to get out of helping him?

E: I’ definitely help her. It’d be really hard move into an apartment. Also I’d call to another friends to
help us. If we were more we could finish faster.

S: And Richard, what would you do if you have an extra ticket for a show? Would you offer it to a
friend but ask him to pay for it?

R: Yes, I would offer a friend, but I will not tell him that I paid the ticket, I give you the ticket, and I say that I
accompanied to see the show, and we have fun and we have a beautiful day.

J: Finally, Erika what would you do if your friend is in bad mood? Would you take him for a fun night?

E: I’d call some friends for do something fun for my friend, it could be a fun night or maybe a day for
trekking, sometimes the country with their wonderful landscapes makes you feel better.

R: Well girls, I have to go. Good bye.

E: Thank you for all suggestions. Good bye

J, S: Bye

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