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5/10/2019 7 Differences Between Partial Preterist and Historicist Postmillennialism – Purely Presbyterian

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7 Differences Between Partial
Preterist and Historicist

1. Millennium – Preterists believe the figurative

millennium began at the first coming of Christ and will end
at his second coming, before Satan’s li le season, or after
Satan’s li le season. Historicists believe that the millennium
will begin in the future when all the nations are converted,
the Pope and Islam are destroyed, and the salvation of the
Jews is complete. When the 1,000 years (literal or figurative)
are over, Satan will be unbound for a li le season, which
will end with Christ’s second coming.

2. The Binding of Satan – Preterists believe Satan was

bound at Christ’s first coming so the gospel can spread to
all nations. Historicists believe Satan’s binding began with
Christ work on earth and is continuing to be bound by the
spread of the gospel. Satan will be fully bound when all
nations are converted, introducing the millennium.

3. The Kingdom of God – Preterists believe the kingdom of

God is synonymous with the millennium (the period
between Christ’s first and second coming). Historicists
believe the kingdom of God was given to Jesus at his first
coming and is present now but it is not the same thing as
the future millennial golden age of peace, although it

4. The Great Tribulation – Preterists believe the great

tribulation began in the first century and ended in 70 A.D.,
when Jerusalem was destroyed. Historicists believe the
great tribulation began in the first century and will end… 1/6
5/10/2019 7 Differences Between Partial Preterist and Historicist Postmillennialism – Purely Presbyterian

when all nations are converted and the millennium begins.

5. The Beast of Revelation – Preterists believe the beast is

political Rome with Emporer Nero being its representative.
Rome is not a direct fulfillment of the man of sin or the
Antichrist. Preterists disagree on who the man of sin is and
antichrist applies to anyone who denies Christ. The man of
sin could be an office such as the Pharisees or Sanhedrin led
by Ananus. Historicists believe that the beast is the office of
papacy and also applies to Islam (the two horns of
Antichrist). The Papacy is the Antichrist, man of sin, and
beast of Revelation. They believe there are many antichrists
but the papacy is “THE” Antichrist.

6. The Book of Revelation – Preterists believe that most of

the prophecies in Revelation have been fulfilled within the
first century. Historicists believe Revelation is about
progressive history starting from the Apostle John’s time
until the eternal state, just like the prophecies in the book of

7. Olivet Discourse – Preterists believe that the prophecies

in Ma hew 24:1-34 have been fulfilled. Jesus was speaking
about the events leading up to and including the
destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. as Christ came
spiritually to judge Israel. Jesus said, “Verily I say unto you,
this generation shall not pass, till all these things be
fulfilled.” The generation Jesus was talking about is the
generation of the first century disciples that he was
speaking to. Historicists agree that “this generation” is the
generation of the first century disciples and it is a prediction
of the destruction of Jerusalem. The coming of the Son of
Man (verses 27-31) for Historicists is sort of a parenthesis,
not being fulfilled in the first century. It is in reference to
Christ’s final coming in contrast to the coming of the false
christs.… 2/6
5/10/2019 7 Differences Between Partial Preterist and Historicist Postmillennialism – Purely Presbyterian

(h ps://

The destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70AD —

a painting by David Roberts (1796-1849).



5/10/2019 7 Differences Between Partial Preterist and Historicist Postmillennialism – Purely Presbyterian

DECEMBER 21, 2015JUNE 9, 2016 CARLOS


10 thoughts on “7 Differences
Between Partial Preterist and
Historicist Postmillennialism”

1. Josiah Luke Spencer

December 21, 2015 at 8:24 am Reply
The thing about Postmillennialists is that everyone of us
seems to have his own take on any given passage. I
generally lean towards the Partial Preterist side, but
don’t always agree with them.

1. T. Aidan McGuire
December 21, 2015 at 6:06 pm Reply
I feel like thats all of Christianity.

2. The Reformed Rican

December 21, 2015 at 11:34 am Reply
Most Excellent! Historicism > Preterism.

3. creditaction
December 21, 2015 at 12:35 pm Reply
Short season rather than li le season would be be er.

1. Carlos Gonzalez
December 21, 2015 at 12:46 pm Reply
I used “li le season” since that’s what the KJV says.
Also, a lot of theologians refer to it as “li le season”.
Short season is good too.

4. divinerightpresbyterian
December 23, 2015 at 4:59 am Reply
In your first point, when you speak about the
Millennium, you have it backwards. The Preterist
position has two major lines of thought. The Full
Preterist believes that the Book of Revelation has been
fulfilled completely at the fall of Jerusalem, and that we
are now in the “New Heavens and New Earth.” The… 4/6
5/10/2019 7 Differences Between Partial Preterist and Historicist Postmillennialism – Purely Presbyterian

Partial Preterist believes that most of the Book of

Revelation has been fulfilled at the Fall of Jerusalem
except for the ending (chps. 20-21). This is why Preterists
are very keen on dating the Book of Revelation prior to
70 AD. The Historicist believes that the Book of
Revelation is being fulfilled Historically – that is –
through the Church Age. According to the Historicist
position the Book of Revelation starts being fulfilled
shortly after AD 100, and continues to the every end of
the World. A Postmill Partial Preterist believes the
“Golden Age” occurs at the end of Church History just
before the Second Advent of Jesus Christ. A Postmill
Historicist holds the same view, but sees Church History
as a slow rise of the Church and the dominion of the
Church culminating in the “Golden Age.” I cannot help
but say thank you for making these issues more
confusing than they ought to be. Blessings in Jesus,
Robert Paul Wieland

5. The Reformed Seminarian

March 31, 2016 at 4:05 pm Reply
Nice summary. Enjoying the blog as a whole! Keep it up

6. Nero and 666: A Historicist’s Critique | Covenanter

April 16, 2016 at 3:35 pm Reply
[…] a previous blog post on the differences between
partial preterism and historicism, I thought it would be
interesting to deal with the mysterious number, 666.
There have been many […]

7. 8 Differences Between Covenanters and

Reconstructionists – Purely Presbyterian
June 26, 2016 at 4:44 pm Reply
[…] 5. Eschatology – Generally, Covenanters are
historicist classical Postmillennialists and
Reconstructionists are partial-preterist Postmillennialists
(see also 7 Differences Between Partial Preterist and
Historicist Postmillennialism). […]

8. Frank Brito.
March 3, 2018 at 7:53 pm Reply
“Historicists believe the great tribulation began in the
first century and will end when all nations are converted
and the millennium begins.”

Can you give me sources to theologians who held/hold

to that view?… 5/6
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