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Cross a, b, c, or d for the correct answer!

1. The lemon juice is .... than the apple juice.

a. The sourest
b. Sourer
c. More sour
d. As sour as
2. Which sentence is using the correct form of adjective comparison?
a. Sandra is as taller than Dewi.
b. Rian is the most short of all.
c. Rere is the shortest among her friends.
d. Damar more tall than Rian.
3. Nana is as .... as Eka.
a. pretty
b. prettier
c. more pretty
d. the most pretty
4. Mr. Tono’s car is .... among us.
a. Expensive
b. More expensive
c. The most expensive
d. As expensive as
5. Which superlative degree is correct?
a. Heavy
b. Heavier
c. The heaviest
d. The most heavy
6. Which one is the expression of asking for direction?
a. Do you have a sugar?
b. Do you know where Jadi Baru market is?
c. Can I help you?
d. Thank you so much for your help.

Dialogue for no. 7-10

Reny : look at this blouse! It’s new arrival in this boutique.
Delima : it’s good. There are only five. It’s limited edition then.
Reny : I’ll try it. Let’s go to the dressing room!
Delima : okay.
Reny : what do you think?
Delima : I think the model of this blouse is match with your body shape. It suits on you.
Reny : Really? But I think the colour is not good for my skin. You know I have dark skin.
Delima : I don’t agree with you. You will good with pink colour.
Reny : So, I’ll buy this blouse then.
Delima : how much does it cost?
Reny : Rp. 175.000,-. I feel it’s fair for the material and model are good.
Delima : Exactly.
7. Where does the dialogue take place?
a. In a Hotel
b. In a boutique
c. At school
d. In a concert
8. What does Reny buy?
a. A skirt
b. A shirt
c. T-shirt
d. Blouse
9. From the italic sentence, we know that ....
a. Reny agree with Delima’s opinion.
b. Delima doesn’t agree with Reny’s opinion.
c. Delima agrees with Reny’s opinion.
d. Reny asks for Delima’s opinion.
10. The underline sentence is the expression of ... .
a. Giving opinion
b. Asking opinion
c. Agreeing with opinion
d. Disagreeing with opinion

Text for no. 11-15

859 Woodchips Street, South Jakarta – Indonesia 368024.
Telephone: (021)741396

To: Mr. Henry Black

(Headmaster of Galaxy International High School)

You’re cordially invited to our great event called World Wide

Dancing Performence.
Day : Saturday
Date : 30th September 2108
Time : 7 p.m.
Place : school Ballroom of Galaxy International High School.

Thank you in advance for your attendence.


Sapphire Mark
(chief of Students’ Dancing Club)
11. What kind of the text is?
a. Business letter
b. Invitation card
c. Notice
d. Poster
12. What is the goal of the card?
a. To inform that Shappire Mark is the chief of Students’ Dancing Club
b. To invite Mr. Henry Black to Shappire’s birthday party.
c. To invite Mr. Henry Black to come to the event of World Wide Dancing Performance
d. To ask Mr. Henry Black to approve the event of World Wide Dancing Performance
13. When will the event be held?
a. 5th September 2108
b. 20th September 2108
c. 30th September 2108
d. 30th October 2108
14. Who hold the event of World Wide Dancing Performance?
a. Shappire Mark
b. Henry Black
c. The teacher of Galaxy International High School
d. The students’ Dancing Club of Galaxy International High School
15. What time is the event ?
a. At seven in the morning
b. At seven in the evening
c. At five in the morning
d. At eight in the afternoon
16. A : good morning PT Sejahtera. Can I help you?
B : .............
a. May I help you?
b. could you take my message to Mr. Burhan?
c. May I speak to Mr. Burhan?
d. thank you for taking my message.

17. Secretary : Good morning . Edos Company. Can I help you?

Mr. Robert :
a. May I speak to Mr.Robert?
b. Could you put me through Mr. Edi?
c. thank you for taking my message.
d. Sorry the line is busy
18. The secretary : Busy Company. Good afternoon. What can I do for you?
Mr. Anton : good afternoon. May I speak to Mr. Indra?
The secretary : ...........?
Mr. Anton : It’s Mr. Anton speaking from Quick Company.
The secretary : I’ll put you through to Mr Indra, Sir.
Mr. Anton : Thank You.
The Secretary : You’re welcome.
a. May I have your name, Please
b. May I have your number
c. Can I help you
d. The line is busy
19. Which one is the expression of receiving a telephone in a office?
a. Hello, it’s Anggi.
b. Holla, who’s there?
c. Good morning, with Go Company. May I help you?
d. Could you leave a message?
20. Mike : Wow, this cake is very nice. What do you think about this cake?
Susan : For me the texture is very soft. The taste is sweet, milky, and cheesy.
Mike : ............ . I really like it
a. That’s just what I think.
b. I don’t think so.
c. Are you sure?
d. That’s wrong?

Answer the question bellow!

1. Mention 3 expressions of asking the caller’s identity in Telephoning!
2. Mention 3 expressions of giving an opinion!
Jalan Anggrek No. 58, Solo 57155. Telephone: (0271) 736389

Surakarta, october 25th 2018

Raharjo Sudiman
Headmaster of SMK N 88

We invite you to a meeting of Students Organization for discussing the 50th

anniversary of SMK Negeri 88 Surakarta.

Day : Monday
Date : October 27th ,2018
Time : 1.00 p.m.
Place : School Hall of SMK Negeri 88, Surakarta

We certainly look forward to your presence at the meeting.

Mega Rini
Secretary of Students Organization
3. What is the goal of the letter above?
4. Who writes the letter?
5. Where will the meeting take place?

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