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NIM: 1


In fact there is some cross-linguistic contrastive research to suggest that the foreigner is at a
disadvantage. Even where the grammar and vocabulary may be perfectly adequate, it seems to be the
case that a non-native may tend to transfer the discourse patterns of her native language to English. It
has been suggested, for example, that Asian languages such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean have
different patterns of argument to English [3]. Thus one study found that those Korean academics trained
in the United States wrote in an ‘English’ discourse style, while their colleague who had trained and
worked only in Korea, with a paper published in the same anthology, wrote in a Korean style with no
statement of purpose of the article and a very loose and unstructured pattern from the English point of
view [4]. More generally Hinds has put forward a widely discussed position that Japanese has a different
expectation as to the degree of involvement of the reader compared to English, with Japanese giving
more responsibility to the reader, English to the writer [5]. It might be objected though that this is
relevant only to languages and cultures which differ greatly to English. However, research on German
has shown that German academic writing in the social sciences has a much less linear structure than
English, to the extent that the English translation of a German textbook was criticized as haphazard or
even chaotic by American reviewers, whereas the original had received no such reviews on the
European continent [6]. Academic respectability in English is evidenced by the appropriate discourse
structure but in German by the appropriate level of abstraction [7]. Similarly, academic Finnish texts
have been shown to differ in the way they use connectors and previews and are much less explicit than
English in their drawing of conclusions. Spanish also has a similar pattern [8]. English, therefore, would
seem to be a more ‘writer-responsible’ language than at least some other European languages.

Answer Activity 1:

Paraphrase the paragraph above!

NIM: 2


Which paraphrasing strategy that had been used in these paraphrases?

Like drought, excess rainfall and flooding can also contribute to epidemics of waterborne infectious
diseases, in this case due to poor sanitation resulting from runoff from overwhelmed sewage lines or the
contamination of water by livestock.

(Source: Shuman, E., M.D. (2010, March 25). Global climate change and infectious diseases. New
England Journal of Medicine; 362, 12, 1061-1063. Retrieved from at MIT Libraries.)

Paraphrase 1:

An overabundance of rainfall can also be a factor in spreading infectious diseases carried by water,
usually as a result of overflowing sewers and pollution from farm animals (Shuman, 2010).

By comparing to original phrase, the pharaphrase strategy used was .....

Reasons of your answer:


Paraphrase 2:

When there is an overabundance of rainfall, two situations can occur: sewers can overflow and water
can become polluted by the presence of livestock, both of which can lead tooutbreaks of waterborne
diseases (Shuman, 2010).

By comparing to original phrase, the pharaphrase strategy used was .....

Reasons of your answer:

NIM: 3

Current political and economic incentives favor industry and other interest groups at the expense of
health: consider the subsidies paid for corn-based agriculture and mass-produced processed foods, the
tobacco revenue generated in countries with a government-owned tobacco industry, industrial growth
in the face of environmental pollution, and the spread of the sedentary automobile-and-television

(Source: Venkat Narayan, K.M., Ali, M.K., and Koplan, J. (2010, September 23). Global noncomunicable
diseases – where worlds meet. The New England Journal of Medicine, 363; 13. 1196-1198. Retrieved
from at MIT Libraries.)

Paraphrase 3:

Researchers point out that in attempting to implement economic growth, industry is often favored over
health: government may subsidize certain forms of agriculture and food production, contribute to
tobacco consumption in nations where it owns the industry and otherwise promote growth of industries
that pollute. (Venkat Narayan et. al, 2011).

By comparing to original phrase, the pharaphrase strategy used was .....

Reasons of your answer:


The prevalence and impact of non-communicable diseases continue to grow. Chronic diseases account
for 60% of all deaths worldwide, and 80% of these deaths occur in low-or middle-income countries,
where the toll is disproportionate during the prime productive years of youth and middle age.

(Source: Venkat Narayan, K.M., , Ali, M.K., and Koplan, J. (2010, September 23). Global
noncomunicable diseases – where worlds meet. The New England Journal of Medicine, 363; 13. 1196-
1198. Retrieved from at MIT Libraries.)

Paraphrase 4:

The increasing spread of non-communicable diseases can be seen in figures that show these diseases
are responsible for 60% of all deaths on the planet, and that in countries where the population is
primarily of low or middle income, the impact is greatest, often focusing on those who are young or
middle-aged (Venkat Narayan et. al, 2011).

By comparing to original phrase, the pharaphrase strategy used was .....

Reasons of your answer:


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