Lesson Plan in Science 10 I. Objectives

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Lesson Plan in Science 10

At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
a) Explain Central Nervous System
b) Identify the two main components of CNS; and
c) Write the three main parts of the brain


Topic: Central Nervous System
Reference: Grade 10 Science Learner’s Material, Page 229
Materials: Visual aids, Brain model

1. Daily Routine
a) Greetings
b) Prayer
c) Checking of Attendance

2. Review

A volcano is a rupture in the crust of a planetary-mass object such as

Earth, that allows hot lava, volcanic ash, and gases to escape from magma
chamber below the surface.

3. Motivation

Hand illusion.

4. Lesson Proper

 What is Central Nervous system?

 What are the components of central nervous sytem?
 What is brain?
 What are the three main parts of the brain ?
 What is spinal cord?

5. Application

Activity: Students will draw and name the different parts of the
brain and write it’s functions.
6. Generalization

Central Nervous System (CNS) is the complex of nerve tissues that

controls the activity of the body. It comprises the brain and spinal cord.
Brain is an organ of soft nervous tissue contained in the skull of
vertebrates, functioning as the coordinating center of sensation and
intellectual and nervous activity.
Brain has three main parts Cerebrum, Cerebellum, Brainstem.
Cerebrum is large, upper part of the brain that controls activity and thought.
Cerebellum is the part under the cerebrum that controls posture, balance,
and coordination. Brain stem is the part that connects the brain to the spinal
cord and controls automatic functions.
Spinal cord serves as a channel for signals between the brains and the
rest of the body.


List down the functions and parts of the brain.


1. What is Peripheral Nervous system?

2. What are the main divisions of Peripheral Nervous System?

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