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Chapter 9 Notes

What’s an Environmental Issue?

- Environmental issues arise because of human activities
that change the natural world. EX. Houses are built on
land that supports wild plants/animals

Different Views and Perspectives

1) Companies – oil/forestry/mining companies need to
make a profit
2) Workers – need jobs
3) Aboriginal Peoples – collective rights include rights to
land and resources, their traditional ways connect to
world lands and wildlife
4) Governments – the values that shape political parties in
5) Consumers – they create demand for products and
6) Environmental Organizations – school clubs, community,
provincial, national organizations want to preserve wild

How are Governance, Economics and Environmental issues

Quality of Life - Law affects the quality of
our environment.

Quality of Life - Economic decisions

involve using resources, which reflect

Individual and Collective


Issues – Governance and Canada – Opportunity and Issues – Economic System

Rights Challenges
Individual and collective

Quality of Life - Aboriginal people

have collective rights connected
to the land.

Quality of Life -
Consumerism makes
consumers a powerful
force in the economy due
to demand

How do Decisions About Environment Issues Connect to

Quality of Life?

- Laws and policies set standards for pollution control.

- Demand for energy and for products influences the
number of industrial plants.
- Alberta has the largest GHG output because of oil
industry. Ontario 2nd because of manufacturing (steel).
- GHG emissions differ regionally.
- International negotiations on climate change focus on
reducing GHG emissions of developed countries NOT on
Developing countries because GHG restrictions can slow
the economy of a country, which goes against the needs,
and interests of developing countries.
- Both provincial and federal governments set pollution
limits. Provincial control reflects a value that people in
different regions should have a voice in laws and policies
that affect their quality of life.
- Social involvement – doing something to help others.
- Having a job, choice as a consumer, affects our quality of

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