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Katie Carion

Equity Action Plan


I. Develop an IEP equity team

o Inform the district’s special education director and invite
him/her to be a part of the team in order to involve central
o School social worker, teacher (s), special education teachers,
teacher consultant, speech pathologist, administrator, special
education director for the school district

II. Analyze the current IEP process

o Is the school’s IEP process equitable for all students?
o Are students afforded the same or rigorous opportunities as
general education students?
o Do the accommodations and goals given in IEPs lead to
inclusion in a general education classroom?

III. First staff meeting

o Present on IEP equity- student’s accommodations/goals are
not being followed through explicitly by general education
teachers, which leads to inequitable practices for students
with IEPs
o Have faculty think-pair-share about the IEP process and if
accommodations/goals promote equity in the general
education classroom
o Begin book study for the book Writing Measurable Functional
and Transition IEP Goals. Book will be divided by grade level
to be read (ex. Kindergarten reads chapter 1, etc.)

IV. Second staff meeting

o Book debrief- gallery walk.
o Each grade level will display the main ideas and the
important take aways of their chapter
o Groups will rotate and be able to add question marks by
things they have questions about or an asterisk by things they
agree with

V. Parent Communication
o Letter to all parents/guardians whose child has an IEP
o How their child’s IEP will include more transitional goals and
o Ensure all changes will be communicated and explained
case by case
Scope of Implementation Plan
IEP Equity

Month 1 and 2
o Inform central office
o Form IEP Equity Team
o Analyze the IEP process-are goals/accommodations equitable for
all students? Are goals/ accommodations being followed through
with fidelity?

Month 3
o Introduce to staff
o Book study begins
o IEP equity team begins analyzing student IEP’s for equitable
practices and request revisions

Month 4
o 2nd staff meeting- gallery walk
o IEP team continues to analyze student IEPs for equitable practices
and revises

Month 5
o Meet with general education teachers to review accommodations
o Are the accommodations inclusive to a general education
classroom? Can they be followed through with fidelity?

Month 6 and 7
o Open IEP’s and meet with parents/guardians
o Observe how accommodations/goals are being used in general
education classrooms. Are they being followed through?

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