GM Labelling in India: A Step Forward?

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the department of consumer affairs,

GM Labelling in India Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and
Civil Supplies. It proclaimed amendments
A Step Forward? to the Legal Metrology Act 2009, updating
the Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodi-
ties) Rules 2011 to the Legal Metrology
Kavitha Kuruganti (Packaged Commodities) Amendment
Rules, 2012. This was a fait accompli, deli-

The department of consumer enetically modified (GM) product vered without much discussion. Through
affairs recently mandated labelling is back in the news. The this amendment, Rule 6 got a sub-rule
California Proposition (or Prop) (6) inserted, requiring “every package
compulsory labelling of
37 (also known as the Right To Know containing genetically modified food
packaged genetically modified Genetically Engineered Food Act) is a shall bear at the top of its principal dis-
food. Though segregation and keenly watched fight, to be decided in a play panel the words ‘GM’ ”, to come into
testing to ensure compliance is November ballot, between well-organised effect from 1 January 2013. Admittedly,
citizens’ groups which want GM food to many groups engaging closely with the GM
a great challenge under Indian
be labelled and the powerful American issue were also caught somewhat un-
conditions, implementation food industry which is keen on defeating awares when this development emerged.
is not difficult because India the initiative, by pumping in tens of The notification is clearly a step out of
has only a limited number of thousands of dollars in its lobbying. the inertia that the labelling issue has
In July 2011, a Codex Alimentarius been caught in. By initiating the measure
genetically modified imports and
agreement on GM labelling was reached with packaged commodities, at least one
only one commercially produced after years of negotiation, which makes aspect of the debate has been squarely
domestic crop – Bt cotton. This national labelling laws less vulnerable addressed: how labelling can be imple-
note provides the international to World Trade Organisation (WTO) mented when most consumption occurs
challenges. It was decided that countries in open, loose fashion is an oft-heard
context for the new rules and the
are free to decide on whether to label foods argument. However, by applying it to
background on previous attempts derived from modern biotechnology. packaged commodities to begin with,
to mandate GM labelling. It is reported that worldwide, around the front-end on the retail side has been
40 countries have developed some form addressed, so to speak.
of labelling requirement (mandatory as This is not all though. For something
well as voluntary) including major food to show up as a GM or non-GM product,
importers like the European Union (EU) the entire supply chain has to be clearly
and Japan, in addition to China, Australia, demarcated. In that sense, the back-end is
New Zealand, South Korea, Brazil, Russia, not ready, since starting from the farmer’s
etc. While some countries go in for label- household, much mixing up and aggre-
ling for only those commodities which gation occurs, not to mention contamina-
can be tested for transgenic protein traces, tion through biological and other means.
others require labelling as pertaining to Segregation of GM from non-GM is a great
the production process itself, irrespec- challenge in this country and we might
tive of whether the end product has GM end up in a situation where all packaged
protein traces or not. India however has foods might have to declare themselves
been floundering on this for years now, GM in any case, except if they are organic!
with the Ministry of Health and Family The next challenge is to be able to
Welfare trying to take a lead, but not catch those who are not complying with
progressing much on this front. the statutory requirement, which means
a system of sampling and testing in des-
An Unexpected Development ignated laboratories. It appears that the
India recently took a small step towards department of consumer affairs is not
labelling of GM food. This has been a equipped for such a system as of now,
vexatious issue in the country, cropping even though it is not difficult to put into
up again and again in various debates place such mechanisms. Testing labs do
pertaining to GM technology. Suddenly, exist in the country.
Kavitha Kuruganti (kavitha.kuruganti@gmail. out of the blue, a notification (GSR 427 (E)) The good news, however, is that at this
com) is with the Alliance for Sustainable and appeared on 5 June 2012 in an Extra- point of time, GM imports can be traced,
Holistic Agriculture.
ordinary Gazette publication, issued by since particular countries and particular
Economic & Political Weekly EPW september 15, 2012 vol xlviI no 37 15

ingredients are easily correlated to GM engineered organisms obtained through Speculated reasons centred around the
contamination possibilities. With only modern biotechnology, or food and food in- American comments received in the
gredients produced from but not contained
one GM crop approved for cultivation in Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade
genetically modified or engineered organisms
the country – Bt cotton, whose seed oil is obtained through modern biotechnology. (TBT) in the WTO, on the Health Ministry’s
entering the edible oil supply chain – im- proposed labelling rules in addition to
plementation of the new notification Another rule proposed to be inserted the Directorate General of Foreign Trade
should not be an issue. Further, the soy- clearly reinforced the need for obtaining (DGFT) notifications, vide which impor-
bean oil being imported is also mixed prior approval of the GEAC (and subject tant requirements were prescribed with
with GM, because India imports from GM to conditions imposed by it) before the respect to GM food, feed and GM organism
soy-producing countries, with the Genetic sale of GM food (see 48-F: Restriction on (GMO) imports.2 The DGFT notified the
Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC) Sale of Genetically Modified Food). WTO TBT on 23 May 2006, close to the
sanction. Any agency not labelling its This attempted notification came about 17 May 2006 notification by the Ministry
edible oil product as GM should be able a decade after GM foods entered the of Health and Family Welfare on the
to show that no blending of cotton seed scene in a country like the United States proposed PFA amendments enforcing
oil or imported soy oil has taken place. (US), and four years after India officially mandatory labelling.3
allowed Bt cotton. The cotton seed cake The US expressed concern that the
Earlier Attempts was being fed to cattle, dairy products proposed amendment will have the “un-
While the new development applies to from such livestock were entering the intended effect of discriminating against
packaged foods, the efforts to legislate human food chain and seed oil was enter- foods produced through modern bio-
around labelling go back to 2006, when ing the food chain. The features that technology or containing ingredients or
India attempted to amend the Preven- stood out in the draft notification included additives from such foods”. It went on to
tion of Food Adulteration (PFA) Act of the following: question the scope of the 1989 “Rules for
1955 to bring in mandatory labelling – It was mandatory to conform to the the Manufacture, Use/Import/Export and
of all GM foods. At that time, a draft labelling rules without any exception; Storage of Hazardous Micro Organisms/
of an amendment to the PFA rules were – Primary as well as processed foods, Genetically Engineered Organisms or
announced through Notification 152 (E) which might have ingredients created Cells” notified under the Environment
by the Ministry of Health and Family out of modern biotechnology, would come (Protection) Act (EPA) in India, governing
Welfare, on 10 March 2006 (in Section under labelling rules: living modified genetically modified organisms, arguing
23 of the Act, with a new insertion after organisms as well as “products thereof” that “the scope is vague and appears to
Rule 37D). got covered; be broader than any other existing regu-
The amendment stipulated that: – There would be “zero tolerance” so latory system in the world”. It is reported
– a GM food, derived there from, whether it to speak, when it came to labelling that the approval system and labelling
is primary or processed or any ingredient of requirements; scheme were also subject to concern from
food, food additives or any food product that – Food additives derived from modern Argentina, Brazil, Canada and Chile.
may contain GM material shall be compulso-
biotechnology would also be covered; India responded by recalling that the
rily labelled, without any exceptions;
– the label of all package(s) of GM food(s) or
– Imports would have to meet an addi- GEAC had existed since 1989 and that the
foods containing ingredients, derived from tional requirement of showing regulatory measures only required a more thorough
biotechnology or bio-engineering or food ad- clearance in the country of origin. approach to applying existing measures.4
ditives or any food product that may contain Public feedback was collected on the The DGFT conditions imposed on 7 April
GM material shall indicate that they have been
draft notification and an expert committee 2006 did not change. (Only an exception
subject to genetic modification. These provi-
sions will be applicable to all such products
constituted to consolidate the feedback was provided to the import of soybean
both imported or domestically produced; and and finalise the amendment accordingly. oil in July 2006.) These conditions man-
– the label of imported GM food or derived Discussions in the two meetings held by dated that:
there from, whether it is primary or proc- the expert committee focused on segre- at the time of import, all consignments con-
essed or any ingredient of food, food addi-
gation, traceability and identity preser- taining products which have been subjected
tives or any food product that may contain
vation issues, on validating testing meth- to genetic modification will carry a declara-
GM material shall also indicate that the
tion stating that the product is genetically
product has been cleared for marketing and ods and identifying designated referral
modified. In case a consignment does not
use in the country of origin so that the veri- centres for testing, etc. The committee carry such a declaration and is later found
fication, if needed can be taken up with that finalised the rules as originally drafted, to contain GM material, the importer is
country without having to resort to testing.
in a meeting on 24 August 2006, with in- liable to penal action under Foreign Trade
The definition given to genetically dustry, farmers’ and consumers’ repre- (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992.
engineered (GE)/GM foods in the draft sentatives included in the committee.1 It is another matter that so far, not a
amendment was as follows: single case has been seen where importers
Inaction on GM Labelling of GM containing consignments have been
Genetically engineered or modified foods
means food and food ingredients composed However, any movement forward on this caught. Foods containing GM ingredients,
of or containing genetically modified or labelling regime was pushed into limbo. imported from the US, Canada, etc – crops
16 september 15, 2012 vol xlviI no 37 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

like corn, canola, soybean are grown Further, when the FSSAI notified its committee, even before the committee’s
from GM seeds in these countries, and Food Safety and Standards (Packaging report was tabled. It is also reported that
there is no system of segregation – have and Labelling) Regulation 2011, dated the ministry elicited the views of state
not been cleared by the GEAC as per its 1 August 2011, it was apparent that the governments and received an overwhelm-
minutes over the years, though this is regulations mysteriously covered every ing response in favour of the move.8
a requirement of the DGFT notification aspect, including mandatory labelling of The only thing that can be said about
on the subject. In at least one instance, irradiated food, but not GM foods! Inter- FSSAI not notifying the labelling rules is
testing by a civil society organisation estingly enough, the matter of GM foods that there was a lack of political will as
showed lack of conformity but GEAC did does not figure in the 2011 regulations well as problems relating to practicability
not take the complaint to its logical con- related to Prohibition and Restriction on of implementation in many cases. But as
clusion. In one other case of an applica- Sales either! Subsequent amendments to argued in the beginning of this article,
tion for importing 64 kg of pickles from regulations also do not touch upon GM, implementation is not a major challenge
Japan containing GM ingredients (corn despite the fact that the Food Safety and at this point of time, given that India
and soybean) for a Japanese restaurant Standards Act clearly covers GM/GE food has a few GM imports and only one com-
in Delhi, the decision was deferred and or food containing such ingredients. mercially produced GM crop domestically.
no subsequent discussion seen in the Section (22) expressly states that: In that sense, upholding the consumer
GEAC minutes.5 save as otherwise provided under this Act right to know and to informed choice is
The PFA Act, along with similar statutes/ and regulations made thereunder, no person not difficult and therefore, should not
orders, got consolidated in the Food shall manufacture, distribute, sell or import be withheld.
Safety and Standards Act of 2006. All any genetically modified articles of food. Incidentally, the Cartagena Biosafety
matters related to food safety and stand- Today, FSSAI has its scientific panels Protocol (CBP), centred around prior in-
ards were brought under a single inde- and committees in place, including for formed consent related to trans-boundary
pendent statutory authority called the GM foods and labelling. However, the trade of GMOs and products thereof, will
Food Safety and Standards Authority of labelling issue is still in limbo. have its Conference of the Parties serving
India (FSSAI). It is noteworthy that the as the Meeting of the Parties to the
FSSAI has not proceeded with the final Labelling as a Regular Feature protocol (COP-MOP) in Hyderabad next
notification and enforcement of the The issue of labelling has been frequently month. India and 162 other countries
labelling rules till this day. brought up in various debates in the are party to the protocol as of now. It is
Initially, in response to queries includ- country, including when the fate of Bt legitimate to expect that the central
ing by this author, FSSAI officials said that brinjal’s commercial approval was dis- principle of this international agreement
they were still setting up the required cussed. The moratorium decision note will be extended into national legislations
institutional and organisational mecha- of the then Minister of Environment also, with clear identification requirements
nisms for enforcing the statute. Only once and Forests suggested that FSSAI would put into place, and appropriate standards
it was ready would they get into a labelling come out with mandatory labelling in developed. Article 18 of the CBP relates
regime for GMOs and products thereof. a footnote. to handling, transport, packaging and
Thereafter, the GM foods issue within the It appears that labelling questions were identification issues vis-à-vis living modi-
FSSAI got entangled with developments explored by the Parliamentary Standing fied organisms (LMOs) and is part of the
related to the proposed Biotechnology Committee on Agriculture too. Recom- COP-MOP discussions to be taken up in
Regulatory Authority of India (BRAI) Bill. mendation Para No 6.148 of the 37th Hyderabad in October.
The BRAI Bill proposed that all living Report of the Committee on “Cultivation
modified organisms and food derived of Genetically Modified Food Crops – Notes
from them (with or without GMOs) would Prospects and Effects”, presented to the 1 “Minutes of the Second Meeting of the Expert
come under the purview of the Biotech- Lok Sabha on 9 August 2012 says:7 Group to finalise the draft notification GSR
152 (E) dated 10 March 2006 regarding label-
nology Regulatory Authority, though GM Having found out that during the last decade ling of GM Food held on 15 February 2007
labelling might continue to be under FSSAI. or so of Bt cotton cultivation in the country, at 10.30 am in Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi”,
chaired by Shiv Lal, additional director general
The FSSAI chief executive officer’s (CEO) lacs of tonnes of cotton seed oil extracted and director, National Institute of Communi-
report for 2010-11 clearly shows that by from Bt cotton has gotten into the food cable Diseases.
chain, with various agencies including the 2 See DGFT, Ministry of Commerce and Industry
July 2010, all sections of the Act were
Department of Consumer Affairs, FSSAI, etc. Notifications No 2 (RE-2006/2004-2009) and
notified, except the provision regarding being oblivious of this fact, the Committee No 4 (RE-2006), 7 April 2006 and 4 May 2006,
GM food in Section 22. According to the respectively.
have sought an explanation of the Department
3 Indian authorities notified the TBT that the
report, in compliance of a direction of of Consumer Affairs from the point of view amendment was “to regulate sale and import
the Supreme Court, a schedule for the of consumer protection, consumer rights, in- of genetically engineered or modified foods
formed consumer choice, etc, immediately. and food ingredients composed of or contain-
framing of regulations on GM food label- ing genetically modified or engineered organism
ling was submitted to the court and a sci- It is interesting to note that depart- obtained through modern biotechnology”, with
the rationale being to “provide correct infor-
entific committee within the FSSAI was ment of consumer affairs moved deci- mation to consumer about the nature of food
looking into the matter.6 sively on the matter referring to the being purchased by them for consumption”.

Economic & Political Weekly EPW september 15, 2012 vol xlviI no 37 17
4 See “Specific Trade Concerns: The Beetles, GMOs 7-9 June 2006, G/TBT/M/39, 31 July 2006, 7 As reported in Lok Sabha Secretariat, press re-
and Those Novel Foods Again”, “Christmas para 9, commenting on G/TBT/N/IND/12 and lease, 9 August 2012, p 2. For the report itself, last
May Come Late This Year for the SPS Committee”, G/TBT/N/IND/17 accessed on 22 August 2012, see: http://164.100.
Sanitary, Phytosanitary Measures Committee, 5 GEAC, July 2009. 47.134/lsscommittee/Agriculture/GM_Report.pdf
27-28 June 2006, last accessed on 22 August 2012: 6 “Report of the Chief Executive Officer, FSSAI, 8 Gargi Parsai (2012), “Centre Makes Labelling of for the year 2010-11”, dated 27 August 2011. Last GM Foods Mandatory”, The Hindu, 21 June. Last
june06_e.htm. See also minutes of the meeting accessed on 22 August 2012: accessed on 22 August 2012, http://www.the-
of the Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade, Portals/0/Pdf/Report_of_CEO(27-08-2011).pdf

18 september 15, 2012 vol xlviI no 37 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

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