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1. The use of logical thinking in solving problem.

a. Concrete operation c. sensorimotor
b. Formal operation d. Pre operational
2. The proponent that gives importance in structing environment for development.
a. Lev Vegotsky c. Abraham Moslow
b. Jean Piaget d. Burrhus Skinner
3. The use of concept are incomplete and sometimes are illogical
a. pre conceptual thinking c. pre conventional thinking
b. transanctive thinking d. deductive thinking
4. An action that uses large muscles
a. gross motor c. visceral muscle
b. fine motor d. all of the above
5. A motor skills that are applied to special uses such as specific sports
a. Rudimentary movement c. fundamental movement
b. Reflective movement d. specialized movement
6. Part of the human brain that is responsible for control of muscle
a. Frontal lobe c. parietal lobe
b. Occipital lobe d. temporal lobe
7. The study of acquisition, use and structure of language is known
a. Psychology c. psychotherapy
b. psycholinguistic d. psychoanalysis
8. Which of the following is not true of language
a. speech is necessary requirement for language
b. there is an abituary association word and the item it stand for
c. language is a form of communication
d. d. all of the above
9. Interruption in communication produced by repetition, prolongation and
hesitation of sounds syllables of words
a. Stuttering c. Dyslexia
b. Aphasia d. Agnosia
10. A syndrome of disordered learning and disruptive behavior that is not
caused by any serious underlying physical and mental disorder and that
has several subtypes characterized primarily by inattentiveness of primarily by hyperactivity
a. down syndrome c. turner syndrome
b. autism d. ADHD
11. A congenital characterized by moderate to severe mental retardation, slanting eyes, broad short
skull, broad skull with short finger.
a. down syndrome c. turner syndrome
b. autism d. ADHD
12. Sub average intellectual ability that is equivalent to or less than IQ of 70 is
present from birth or infancy and is manifested by abnormal development.
a. Mental retardation c. ADHD
b. down syndrome d. Special child
13. Absorption in self-centered subjective mental activity usually accompanied
by marked withdrawal from reality
a. down syndrome c. Turner syndrome
b. autism d. ADHD
14. Loss of impairment of the power to use or comprehend words usually
resulting to brain damage.
a. Aphasia c. Anorexia
b. dyslexia d. Agnosia
15. A way of solving problem by intuition, rather than logical
a. computer simulation c. heuristic
b. hypothesis testing d. algorithm
16. The realization that the quantity of amount does not change when nothing
has added or taken away an object or a collection of object despite changes
in form of spatial
a. consumption c. conservation
b. conversion d. absorption
17. The process of growth towards the potential of the genetic mater plan, it is
also a signal for development
a. adaptation c. functional development
b. maturation d. structural development
18. Memory that provides limited capacity for remembering information
a. long term memory c. sensory memory
b. short term memory d. all of the above
19. Children whose performance is significantly above average in intellectual
and creative areas
a. special child c. above average mental ability
b. gifted child d. all of the above
20. The ability of the child to plan activities
a. sensorimotor c. operational
b. pre operational d. formal operation
21. The activity of the child to handle numbers intuitively
a. sensorimotor c. operational
b. pre operational d. formal operational
22. A neurological based disorder also known as autistic psychopathy
a. aspergers syndrome c. turner syndrome
b. down syndrome d. autism
23. Primary tool for conveying society’s values
a. education c. religious application
b. language d. family
24. A level of development in which a child finds a task too difficult to complete
alone but which, with the assistance and support of an adult he can
a. zone of formal development
b. zone of optimum development
c. zone of proximal development
d. zone of difficult development
25. It refers to the sum total of external conditions and factors potentially
capable of influencing an organism
a. environment c. locality
b. nature d. surroundings
26. Distorted and incorrect handwriting is also know as;
a. dyscalculia c. dysgraphia
b. dyspraxia d. dyslexia
27. A type of reading disability usually manifested as a difficulty with written
language particularly with reading and writing
a. dyscalculia c. dysgraphia
b. dyspraxia d. dyslexia
28. A learning strategy that provide guidance and feedback by working on
memory enhancement programs
a. articulation c. scaffolding
b. coaching d. reflection
29. The use of appropriate conservation and knowledge underlying the use of
language in context
a. semantics c. syntax
b. pragmatics d. morphology
30. This denotes the tendency of the child to only think from her own point of
a. animism c. intuitive thought
b. egocentrism d. symbolic functioning

31. This refers to the time or state of being a child , the early stage in the existence r development
of something.
a. adulthood
b. childhood
c. late childhood
d. children
32. The rights of children is embodied in;
a. PD 603
b. PD 630
c. PD63
d. PD 360
33. Which among the following does not belong to the right of the child?
a. The right to be born
b. The right to a well rounded development
c. The right for protection from the state
d. The right to grow up alone to be matured
34. The early signs of maturation is the adolescent growth spurt. There is a sharp increase in height
and weight seen among girls aged 9 ½ and 14 ½ and ______ for boys.
a. 10 ½ and 16
b. 12 ½ and 15
c. 14 and 15
d. 14 ½ and 15 ½
35. Usually, adult height is attained at what age for boys?
a. 21
b. 15
c. 16
d. 18
36. What is responsible in increasing the size of the brain?
a. neurons
b. glial cells
c. brain cells
d. cell tissue
37. Myelination of nerve fibers grow at different paces for different parts of the brain. What is the
first to be myelinated?
a. peripheral nervous system
b. brain muscles
c. spinal cord
d. internal organs
38. A gifted child is the one who is creative, artistic and has _____score of intelligence test.
a. 140
b. 120
c. 110
d. 130
39. A young person who is truant , disregards house rules, engages in activities not allowed for his
age is said to be ;
a. status offender
b. delinquent
c. criminal
d. undisciplined
40. The relatively stable characteristic of children is victimization rather than aggression. Those who
are likely to be victimized are those;
a. who cry easily
b. who are too young
c. immature
d. who fights
41. Social approval is under what level of Kohlberg’s theory of development?
A. Post conventional
B. Conventional
C. Pre conventional
D. Social Contract

42. Stage three on the psychosocial crisis of Erickson’s is tasked to;

A. Achieve degree of autonomy
B. Learn initiative without too much guilt
C. Achieve ego id and avoid role confusion
D. Develop ego integrity.
43. When small children sees a goat and said “it is a dog mommy” , what process is illustrated on
Piaget’s cognitive development theory?
A. Schema
B. Assimilation
C. Accommodation
D. Conservation
44. Student A is good in Arithmetic subject and he is also active in sports playing as part of varsity
team of his university. According to Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligence, what types of IQ
does student A possesses?
A. Logical and Kinesthetic
B. Musical and Logical
C. Spatial and Kinesthetic
D. Interpersonal and Intrapersonal
45. An infant gains pleasure by thumb-sucking and as an adult pleasure comes from nail biting. On
what theory of development these cases appear?
A. Psychomotor
B. Psychosexual
C. Psychosocial
a. Nativistic
46. Teenager A feels guilty after telling offensive words against his former friend who did nothing
but a case of mistaken identity of a humor circulating in their clique concerning him. Based on
Sigmund Freud’s Psychoanalytic Model, what core of personality is functioning in the scenario
A. Id
B. Superego
C. Ego
D. Consciousness
47. Which of the following represents the sequential order of pre natal development?
A. Embryonic period – fetal period – germinal period
B. Germinal – period – fetal period- embryonic
C. Germinal period – embryonic period – fetal period
D. Fetal period – embryonic period – germinal period
48. Following Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, Ms. Victoria provides her students varied
activities that enable them to classify objects according to more than one variable, rank order,
items in logical series and understand that amount of mass or liquid do not change because
their shape does. These development can be expected to be performed by;
A. Pre schoolers
B. College students
C. High school students
D. Elementary school children
49. Olfactory agnosia is a learning disability in;
A. Reading
B. Writing
C. Smelling
D. Sight
50. It is the loss of ability to use and understand language.
A. Aphasia
B. Disorders
C. Autism
D. Dyslexia

51. This refers to a chromosome abnormality found in females in which secondary sex
characteristics are developed only with the administration of female hormones.
A. Turner syndrome
B. Klinefelter’s syndrome
C. Pervasive developmental disorder
D. Apergers syndrome
52. Persons with both masculine and feminine psychological characteristics are called;
A. Gender stereotypes
B. Androgynous
C. Gender identity
D. Gender roles
53. A level of development in which a child finds a task too difficult to complete
alone but which, with the assistance and support of an adult he can accomplished.
a. zone of formal development
b. zone of optimum development
c. zone of proximal development
d. zone of difficult development.

54. One highly successful and scientifically based approach to teaching learners with disabilities
relies on ___
a. Establishing pre requisites behaviors.
b. Employing systematic instruction.
c. Using data from progress assessment.
d. Providing opportunities to apply on skills.

55. Learning Disabilities is correlated with;

a. Visual, hearing or motor handicaps
b. Environmental , cultural, or economic disadvantage
c. A student’s low performance in all areas of learning which affects their grade in school.
d. Problems in self regulatory behaviors, social perception and social interaction
56. Which best describe the earliest movement of infants?
a. Reflexive
b. Motor control
c. Refined motor skills
d. Restrained and precise movement

57. On what age does a child experience transitional stage?

a. Age 2
b. Age 3
c. Age 4
d. Age 5

58. Children with communication disorder demonstrate one or more of the following types of
a. Failure to pronounce all of the expected sounds in a word
b. Understanding word meanings and word relationship
c. Determine which speech sounds are used to say the words
d. Goal and standard speech sounds which cause communication disorder.

59. Learning disability is detected when the child ___.

a. Does not achieve commensurate with his ability level
b. Is mentally retarded or has emotional disturbance
c. Is a brain injured and has difficulty talking
d. Has visual or hearing difficulty which affects his/her grades.

60. The most common cause of conductive hearing loss is__.

a. Genetics and inheritance
b. Disease like rubella or German measles
c. Inflation or infection of the middle ear
d. Birth process complications

61. A teacher notices a child in her care has a numerous bruises on his body. When the teacher
asked the child about it, he says that his father beats him often especially when he’s drunk.
Which of the following would be the most initial response for the teacher to do?
a. Talking with the father and ask him to stop beating the child
b. Reporting a suspected abuse to authority
c. Proposing at the next faculty meeting that the school organize a program to assist
abused children
d. Calling the office of child protective services to report the child family on suspicion of

62. According to Piaget’s stages of cognitive development, between ages 12 and 15 children reach
formal operational stage. What are they capable of doing at this stage
a. Can solve abstract problems and think deductively
b. Reasoning is neither deductive nor inductive
c. Can focus on only one aspect of a situation or event
d. Intelligence is intuitive in nature

63. Difficulty in focusing and maintaining attention coupled with recurrent hyper active and
impulsive behavior are observed difficulties of children manifesting a kind of difficulty known
a. Dyslexia
b. Autism
c. Sensory Impairment
d. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

64. Child’s mental development is clearly revealed by his?

a. Ability to use language
b. Ability to deal with abstract object
c. Ability to deal with reality
d. Capacity to remember things

65. The ability to perceive how objects are related in order to mentally perceive what is seen, thus
creating a concrete-visual images from memory refers to?
a. Visual – spatial intelligence
b. Musical
c. Language
d. Logical Reasoning

66. It is measurement of personality which is the result by dividing the mental age by the
chronological age.
a. Emotional quotient
b. Intelligence quotient
c. Multiple intelligence
d. Forecasted behavior quotient

67. Which is essential in the cognitive development of persons according to Vygotsky?

a. Independent thinking
b. Social interaction
c. Individual mental work
d. Scientific thinking

68. “Do not cheat. Cheating does not pay. If you do, you cheat yourself” says the voiceless voice
from within you. In the context of Freud’s theory, which is/are at work?
a. Id
b. Ego
c. Super ego
d. Id and Ego interact
69. The role of play in the pre-school and early childhood years is that it _________
a. Develops competitive spirit
b. Separates reality and fantasy
c. Develops the upper and lower limbs
d. Increases imagination due to expanding knowledge and emotional range.

70. Which psychological theory states that the mind insists on finding patterns in things that
contribute to the development of insight
a. Piaget’s psychology
b. Kohlberg’s psychology
c. Gestalt psychology
d. Bruner’s psychology


Nita doesn’t enjoy writing but cant escpe from it. She has to finish it in order to graduate.
Greta has always liked to write. She really likes to become a better writer because she
wants to be a journalist someday.

71. Who is likely to be more focused on the writing activity and why?
a. Greta, because she is intrinsically motivated
b. Nita because he is extrinsically motivated
c. Both , because they are both motivated
d. It cannot be determined . Motivation fluctuates
72. What is / are likely to happen when a student gets intrinsically motivated?
I. Tackles assigned task willingly
II. Eager to learn classroom material
III. Engaged in meaningful learning

a. I , II, III
b. I and III
c. I and II
d. II and III

Ask to do a learning task, Joe hesitates and says “Mahirap Ayaw ko. Di ko Kaya”(It’s difficult, I
don’t like it, I can’t do it)
73. Which statement about joe is correct?
a. has a low sense of self – efficacy
b. has a high sense of self efficacy
c. has no sense of efficacy
d. wants to be sure of his self efficacy
74. Which drive can motivate him to perform the learning task? The drive to____.
a. achieve
b. have power
c. affiliate
d. to be free
75. At the high school level, kohlberg’s advice to teachers is for them to begin discussing
with students about abstract principles such as justice and human rights. On the
average, in which moral developmental stage are high school students supposed to be?
a. Post conventional
b. Conventional stage
c. In between conventional and post conventional stage
d. That depends on the school culture
76. Which is the ideal stage of moral development?
a. social contract
b. universal ethical principle
c. Law and under
d. Good boy/ good girl
77. Based on Freud’s theory, which operates when a student strikes a classmates at the
height of anger?
a. Ego
b. Superego
c. Id
d. Id and Ego interact
78. “Do not cheat. Cheating does not pay. If you do, you cheat yourself” says the voiceless
voice from within you.” In the context of Freud’s theory which is/are at work?
a. Id
b. Superego
c. Ego
d. Id and Ego interact
79. What is referred to as looking glass self of Cooley?
a. It is how I look at myself through the eyes of others
b. It is how others look at myself
c. It is how others affect me
d. It is how I influence others
80. You will understand when a pre school boy asserts that two rows of five coins similarly
spaced have equal amounts; but when one row is spread out so that it is longer than
the other, he says it has more coins. Based on Piaget’s theory, which ability does he
a. Multiple classification
b. Perspective taking
c. Reversibility
d. Conservation
81. When asked about her order, a little girl tells the waiter” yong kagaya kahapon”. With
Piaget’s theory in mind, what is the little girl’s behavior called?
a. Pre operational egocentrism
b. Conservation
c. Reversibility
d. Transductive reasoning
82. In the context of Piaget’s theory answer this analogy: Pre-operational stage:
Transductive reasoning, Concrete operational stage:____.
a. proportional reasoning
b. deductive reasoning
c. inductive reasoning
d. logical reasoning
83. In which order does cognitive development proceed, according to Piaget?
I. Formal operations stage
II. Sensorimotor stage
III. Pre operational stage
IV. Concrete operations stage
a. II, III, IV, I
b. II, III, I, IV
c. II, I, III,, IV
d. II, I, IV, III
84. Teacher H begins a lesson on tumbling by demonstrating front and back somersaults in
slow motion and physically guiding his students through the correct movements. As his
students become more skillful, he stands back from the mat and gives verbal feedback
about how to improve.
With vygotsky’s theory in mind, what did teacher H do?
a. guided participation
b. peer interaction
c. apprentiship
d. scaffolding
85. which is essential in the cognitive development of persons according to Vygotsky?
a. independent thinking
b. social interaction
c. individual mental work
d. scientific thinking
86. Teacher X asked her students to describe how their families celebrate holidays.
Students can discover that people celebrate holidays differently. Which principle in
cognitive development governs Teacher X’s teaching activity?
a. Social interaction is essential for cognitive development
b. Children often think in different ways at different ages
c. Cognitive development involves relating new information to prior knowledge
d. Children actively construct their knowledge
87. Social exposure to various cultures expands a child’s pool of knowledge. Which
statements go/es with this sentence?
I. The less experiences a child has, the more disciplined he/she becomes
II. The more experiences a child has, the richer his/her world becomes
III. The more selective parents in the exposure of their child, the more challenged
the child becomes.
A. I only
B. II only
C. I and II only
D. III only
88. Rodel gave a wrong answer. Teacher said, Wrong! You are way off.” As a consequence
other students in the class were afraid to answer questions. Which of the following is
illustrated by the event?
a. ripple effect
b. halo effect
c. severity error
d. central tendency error
89. All of the following describe the development of children aged 11 to 13 Except_____.
a. sex differences in iQ becomes more evident
b. they shift from impulsivity
c. they exhibit increased objectivity in thinking
d. they show abstract thinking and judgment
90. A grade 6 twelve year old boy comes from a dysfunctional family and has been abused
and neglected. He has been to orphanages and three different elementary schools. He
can decode at he second grade level, by he can comprehend orally materials at the
fourth and fifth grade level. The most probable cause/s of this student’s reading
problem is/are;
a. immaturity
b. emotional factors
c. neurological factors
d. poor teaching
91. The role of play in the pre-school and early childhood years is that it____.
a. develops competitive spirit
b. separates reality form fantasy
c. develops the upper and lower limbs
d. increases imagination due to expanding knowledge and emotional range.
92. Who of the following authors would most help Teacher Lito to understand the
underlying effects of poverty on academic achievement?
a. Maslow
b. Dewey
c. Piaget
d. Kohlberg
93. In a well known experiment, psychologists frustrate young children by placing a wire
fence between children and pile of toys. When finally allowed to play with toys, the
children smashed and destroyed them. Which reaction was demonstrated?
a. rational aggression
b. displaced aggression
c. dormant aggression
d. sustained aggression
94. Which educational issue can be clarified by understanding Maslow’s Needs theory?
a. Sex education issues in school
b. Delinquency in the public schools
c. The effects of different classroom structures
d. The effect of poverty on academic achievement
95. Which psychological theory states that the mind insist on finding patterns in things that
contribute to the development of insight?
a. Piaget’s psychology
b. Kohlberg’s psychology
c. Gestalt psychology
d. Bruner’s theory
96. Bruner’s theory on intellectual development moves from enactive to iconic and
symbolic stages. Applying Bruner’s, how should your teach?
a. begin with the concrete
b. begin with the abstract
c. be interactive in approach
d. do direct instruction
97. A person who has had painful experiences at the dentist’s office may become fearful at
the mere sight of the dentist’s office. Which theory can explain this?
a. generalization
b. classical conditioning
c. operant conditioning
d. attribution theory
98. Rene exhibits fear response to freely roaming dogs but does not show fear when a dog
is on a leash or confined to a pen. Which conditioning process is illustrated?
a. discrimination
b. extinction
c. generalization
d. acquisition
99. Bernadette enjoyed the roller coaster when they went to enchanted kingdom. Just at
the sight of a roller coaster, she gets excited. Which theory explains her behavior?
a. operant conditioning
b. attribution theory
c. pavlovian theory
d. social learning theory
100. If a student is encouraged to develop himself to the fullest and must satisfy his
hierarchy of needs, the highest need to satisfy according to Maslow is---/
a. belongingness
b. safety needs
c. psychological need
d. self actualization
e. Bruner’s psychology
Questions for Child and Adolescence Developmental Psychology

1. Teacher A is explaining to his students that the mind of a newly born infant is blank and
the environment together with the culture writes down the learning through
experiences. This ideology of John Locke is popularly known as ________?
a. Nativism c. infanticide
b. Tabula rasa d. Natural Selection

2. The killing of infants or newly born baby is a practice known in what period in the
historical views of childhood?
a. Ancient Greece and Rome c. The Reformation
b. Medieval and Renaissance d. The Puritans

3. A group of Asian Philosophers are inculcating to the peasants of their country that the
mind of a person is God-given and the body is earth-bound. This theory is based on what
model of human behavior?
a. Calvinist approach c. Cartesian Dualism
b. Ethology d. Recapitulation

4. Among the given prominent persons in child psychology, who does not belong in the
group of pioneers in the development of this behavioral science?
a. Sigmund Freud c. Charles Darwin
b. John Locke d. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

5. Teenager A is on confusion whether he will pursue his studies or apply for a job to
support his family needs. According to Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial Developmental
theory, at what stage this period among people’s development occurs?
a. Trust vs. Mistrust c. Initiative vs. Guilt
b. Autonomy vs. Doubt d. Identity vs. Role Confusion

6. Parent A and Parent B are debating whether whose child would walk earlier and better;
the one who is being trained or the other one who just let reach the locomotor
maturity. This discussion is an example of what issue in developmental psychology?
a. Nature vs. Nurture c. Continuity vs. Discontinuity
b. Idiographic vs. Normative d. Research vs. Application

7. All statements given below are all reasons for studying children as part of the goals
being a developmental psychologist except;
a. Period of Rapid Development c. Real World Applications
b. Long-Term Influences d. Period of Stress and Distress

8. Child A has his own effective way of cooking rice even though he has a different style of
it compare to his siblings, the set of skills acquired by child A is called ___________ by
Jean Piaget.
a. Organization c. Assimilation
b. Schema d. Accomodation

9. Man A has a two-year old daughter who can do simple reflexes movements and her
knowledge in the world is limited to physical interaction. On what stage of Jean Piaget’s
Psychomotor-Cognitive Development the category of his daughter belongs?
a. Sensorimotor c. concrete operation
b. Preoperational d. formal operation

10. Grandmother A has lots of stories to tell to her grandchildren which focused on her
achievements during college years way back more than three decades already. She is on
what category of Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial model of development?
a. Intimacy vs. Isolation c. Ego Integrity vs. Despair
b. Industry vs. Inferiority d. Generativity vs. Stagnation

11. This refers to a relatively permanent change of behavior acquired through practice or
experience by an individual.
a. Wisdom c. Learning
b. Knowledge d. Metamemory

12. Infant A can sleep tightly on her mother’s shoulder and chest even though they are at
the middle of a busy market and noises are coming from everywhere. This ability which
infant A showed is the simplest form of learning called ___________.
a. Habituation c. Respondent behavior
b. dishabituation d. Operant behavior

13. Teacher A has scolded student B and student C for not following the given instructions,
although he student D does not belong to the ones who were punished, it seems that he
felt the intensity on his personal level. This reaction is an example of what theory of
Albert Bandura on learning?
a. Vicarious Reinforcement c. Observational Learning
b. Vicarious Punishment d. Response Inhibition

14. A biological process of some species in which the young acquire an emotional
attachment to the mother through following.
a. Imprinting c. Sensitive Period
b. Modal Action Pattern d. Innate Releasing Mechanism

15. According to Urie Bronfenbrenner, in what group of system does “mass media” belongs
as one of the agents in influencing the behaviors of the teens today though indirectly?
a. Microsystem c. Chronosystem
b. Macrosystem d. Exosystem

16. Pregnant mother A is still taking up illegal drugs, smoking and drinking liquors. What
appropriate terms are applied on those chemical she used?
a. Teratogen c. Cannabis
b. Hallucinogen d. Stimulant
17. A mother is seven months pregnant and has undergone ultrasound imaging and saw her
baby as healthy and the gender is male via monitor of the apparatus used. What stage
of prenatal development a radiologist performs this procedure?

a. Embryo c. Fetus
b. Zygote d. Germinal

18. Teenager A feels guilty after telling offensive words against his former friend who did
nothing but a case of mistaken identity of a humor circulating in their clique concerning
him. Based on Sigmund Freud’s Psychoanalytic Model, what core of personality is
functioning in the scenario given?
a. Id c. Superego
b. Ego d. Consciousness

19. Child A has watched a wrestling match up in their television, as he went out of their
house he met his neighbor and made a spinning kick to him like what Child A has
witnessed in the show. According to Albert Bandura, what theory will prove the
situation given?
a. Modeling c. observation
b. Imitation d. reciprocal determinism

20. This is a model of child development pattern wherein the computer programming
system is the basis for framing the paradigm such as “input – processing – output”
a. Information Processing Model
b. Environmental Learning Approach Model
c. Ethological Model of Development
d. Ecological Model of Bronfenbrenner

21. Student A has a hard time in finishing his arithmetic problem solving but finds it easy to
finish an artwork. Based on Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligence, what is
the strength of the Student A based on his performance indicated above?
a. Verbal c. Interpersonal
b. Spatial d. Intrapersonal

22. According to the Ecological Model of Bronfenbrenner, who is the center of all the
system he enumerated and presented on a circular manner?
a. Family c. child
b. God d. society

23. Student A got an overall grade of ninety five percent and awarded as the top student in
their class, as a prize her parents bought her a new laptop and promised to bring her to
Disneyland on summer vacation. In Skinner’s Operant Conditioning, the prize given is
also called as _________.
a. Motivation c. award
b. Reinforcement d. conditioning
24. In what stage of Freud’s psychosexual model where the child develops an intimate
feelings towards the parent of the opposite sex?
a. Ana c. Phallic
b. Oral d. Latency

25. The part of our brain which commands the “Fight and Flight “Response of our system
during emergencies and special situations is called ________________.
a. Pineal c. Adrenal
b. Amygdala d. Thalamus

26. The father has a curly hair and the mother evidently possesses a curly hair too. In the
principle of hereditary pattern, what is the category of the both of them?
a. Pure dominant c. Dominant
b. Pure Recessive d. Recessive

27. Girl A was trained by her parents to be an effective manager of their company and they
were successful because Girl A is now an effective manager. Whose psychologist
supported this idea that “A child’s character is molded, not born”?
a. John Watson c. Arnold Gessel
b. Sigmund Freud d. Stanley Hall
28. Student A feels that she thinks like a scientist wherein she is able to understand various
theoretical statements. Based on Jean Piaget’s Cognitive Development student A is in
what stage?
a. Sensorimotor
b. Preoperational
c. Concrete operational
d. Formal operational
29. Girl A is imitating her sister whatever she does and even on the way she expresses
herself. What theory of development explains the given scenario?
a. Socio-Cultural Theory
b. Cognitive Theory
c. Social Modeling
d. Psychosocial Theory
30. An infant gains pleasure by thumbsucking and as an adult pleasure comes from nail
biting. On what theory of development these cases appear?
a. Psychomotor c. Psychosexual
b. Psychosocial d. Nativistic
31. It is concerned with the changes in behavior and abilities that occur as development
a. behaviorism c. developmental psychology
b. cognitive psychology d. genetic epistemology
32. Which does not belong in the group of teratogens?
a. Street drugs b. Nicotine c. caffeine d.
33. Konrad Lorenz’s experimented on newly hatched chicks and on his careful observation,
he noticed that they were following him wherever he went as if he was the mother of the young
chicks. What theory of Lorenz supported the situation stated above?
a. imprinting c. imitation
b. observation d. sensitive periods

34. Husband A and wife B were told by their OB – Gynecologist that the fetus inside the
womb of wife B has an abnormality of chromosomal disorder caused by an extra chromosome.
The newly born baby after nine months of pregnancy could manifest what kind of disorder?
a. Autism c. Rubella
b. Down Syndrome d. Sickle –Cell Anemia
35. Man A and Woman B lives together for more than three years but bears no child. They
are planning to seek for the assistance of a geneticist. What could be the best technique or
procedure for them as recommended by science?
a. test-tube baby making c. cloning
b. sperm and egg cell count d. amniocentesis
36. The monk who studied the pea plants for the principle of inheritance.
a. Gregor Mendel c. Albert Bandura
b. Jean Piaget d. Stanley Hall

37. All statements given below are the reasons why developmental psychologists study
children except;
a. Period of rapid development
b. Interesting subject matter
c. Long term influences
d. unbiased expectations
38. Which does not belong in the psychosexual stages developed by Erik Erikson?
a. trust vs. mistrust
b. integrity vs. despair
c. oral vs. anal
d. identity vs. role confusion
39. According to the theory of Ivan Pavlov of Instrumental Conditioning of learning, The
stimulus portion of a reflex, which reliably elicits a respondent behavior.
a.unconditioned stimulus c.unconditioned response
b.conditioned response d.conditioned stimulus
40. Upon looking closer through the microscope, these are the chemical strands in the cell
nucleus that contains the genes in our body which has Important roles in heredity process.
a. chromosomes b. autosomes c. DNA
d. RNA
41. A bidirectional or reciprocal, relationship in w/c individuals influence one another’s
a. ecological approach c.transactional influence
b. mesosystem models
42. According to Erickson’s theory, this is the component of personality that develops
across the eight stages of life and that motivates progress through the stages.
a . identity c. epigenetic principle
b. crisis d. psychosocial
43. A _______ is consists of a set of skilled, flexible action patterns through which child
understand the world.
a.organization c. assimilation
b. schemes d. functions

44. A biological relation in w/c a specific stimulus reliably elicits a specific response.
a. reflex c. habituation
b. behavior ` d. stimulus
45. Student A is good in Arithmetic subject and he is also active in sports playing as part of
varsity team of his university. According to Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligence, what types
of IQ does student A possesses?

a. Logical and Kinesthetic

b. Musical and Logical
c. Spatial and Kinesthetic
d. Interpersonal and Intrapersonal
46. Sigmund Freud’s term for the sexual energy that he believed is possessed by all from
infancy to adult life.
a.erogenous zone c. libido
b. id d. repression
47. Lev Vygotsky’s term for the child’s incorporation, primarily through language from
a.internalization cognition
b.dialectical process d.habit

48. This theory of evolution by Charles Darwin states that the development of individual repeats
the development of the species.
a. natural selection c. evolution
b. ethology d.recapitulation
49. This theory of Jean-Jacques Rosseau states that human development results principally from
inborn processes.
a. nativism c. innate
b. empiricism d.tabula rasa

50. The Freudian process through which child adopts the characteristics of same sex parents
a. imitation c.observation
b. identification d. interaction



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