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net ISSN (ONLINE): 2250-0758, ISSN (PRINT): 2394-6962

Volume-5, Issue-3, June-2015

International Journal of Engineering and Management Research
Page Number: 711-716

Economic Dispatch Scheduling using Classical and Newton Raphson

Navneet Kaur1, Maninder2, Inderjeet Singh3
Electrical Engineering & PTU, INDIA

ABSTRACT obligation to provide to its consumers a certain degree of

Over the past several years, concerns have been continuity and quality of service (power flow on
raised over the possibility that the exposure to 50.60 Hz transmission lines in a specified range). Therefore,
electromagnetic fields from power lines, substations and economy, emission etc. objectives of the power system
other power sources may have detrimental health effects on must be properly coordinated in arriving at optimal power
living organisms. The economic dispatch problem was
dispatch[4,5]. It is, therefore, required to search for better
defined so as to determine the allocation of electricity demand
among the committed generating units to minimize the and realistic strategies to achieve various objectives along
operating costs subject to physical and technological with desired quality of power supply and satisfying
constraints. Economic load dispatch is an important simultaneously various system constraints. This implies
optimization task in power system operation for allocating economic load dispatch scheduling aspects of the system
generation among the committed units such that the system operation, which are duly investigated in the present work
constraints imposed are satisfied and energy requirement in in a unified multiobjective approach[6].
terms of kCal/h or Btu/h or Rupees per hour (Rs/h) are
minimized. To all intents and purposes, there has been
concern that the economic dispatch may not be the best II. ECONOMIC DISPATCH
environmentally. In this research paper economic scheduling
of thermal units has been done. Over and above, regular Economic dispatch in electric power system has
electric supply is the sheer necessity for growing industry and gained increasing importance as the cost associated with
other fields of life. generation and transmission of electric energy keeps
increasing. So in optimal load dispatch problem generator
Keywords------ Economic dispatch, Lamda iteration, operating cost characteristics is the most important factor.
Classical Method and Newton Raphson Method. The major component of generation operating cost for
fossil plants is the cost of fuel input per hour, while the
cost of maintenance, water etc. contribute only negligibly
small portions[7]. The operating characteristics of fossil
I. INTRODUCTION plants can be expressed in terms of million calories per
uneconomical (or may be technically infeasible) to operate
The economic load dispatch problem pertains to the unit and MW
the optimum generation scheduling of available generating
units in a power system to minimize the cost of generation
subject to system constraints [1,2]. In view of rapid growth
in demand and supply of electricity, electric power system
is becoming increasingly larger and more complex day by
day. Regular electric supply is the utmost necessity for
growing industry and other fields of life. With the
increasing dependence of industry, agriculture and day-to-
day household comfort upon the continuity of electric
supply, the reliability of power systems has put on great
importance [3]. Every electric utility is normally under

711 Copyright © 2011-15. Vandana Publications. All Rights Reserved. ISSN (ONLINE): 2250-0758, ISSN (PRINT): 2394-6962

limits [8,9]. Mathematically, this is an optimization



The economic dispatch problem is defined as that
which minimizes the total operating cost of the power
system while meeting the total load plus transmission
losses within generator limits. Mathematically, the
problem is defined a


F (Pgi ) = ∑ ai Pgi2 + bi Pgi + ci )
i =1
Subject to
Fig. 2.1 Operating cost versus power output curve
(i) The energy balance equation
The power output of the plant is increased
sequentially by opening a set of valves at the inlet to its ∑P
i =1
gi = PD + PL
steam turbine. The throttling losses in a valve are large, (3.1b)
when it is just opened and small when it is fully opened. (ii) and the inequality constraint
Pgimin ≤ Pgi ≤ Pgimax ; (i = 1,2,....., N )
As a result the operating cost of a plant has the form as
shown in Figure. 2.2.
a i ,b i, c i are the cost coefficients
P D is the load demand
Pgi is the real power generation and will act as
decision variable
N is the number of generation buses
P L is the transmission power loss.
One of the most important, simple but
approximate method of expressing transmission loss as a
MW (min) function of generator powers is through B-coefficients.
MW (max) Power Output This method uses the fact that under normal operating
conditions, the transmission loss is quadratic in the
( Y- axis -Operating cost Rs/h ) injected bus real powers. The general form of the loss
formula using B-coefficients is
Figure 2.2 Cost Rs/h versus output MW curve N N
PL = ∑∑ Pgi Bij Pgj MW
For dispatching purposes, this operating cost per i =1 j =1
unit generator is usually approximated by quadratic (3.2)
( ) ( )
Where, P gi and P gj are the real power injections at
Fi Pg i = ai Pg i + bi Pg i + ci
Rs. /h the ith and jth buses, respectively
B ij are the loss coefficients which are constant
Where a i , bi , ci are the cost coefficients and i stands for under certain assumed conditions, N is number of
the unit’s number. generation buses.
The main objective of the economic dispatch is to The transmission loss formula of (3.2) is known
minimize the cost of fuel for the thermal power system, as George’s formula.
subject to certain constraints as generating enough power Another more accurate form of transmission loss
to meet the load demand and to stay within operating expression, frequently known as Kron’s loss formula is

712 Copyright © 2011-15. Vandana Publications. All Rights Reserved. ISSN (ONLINE): 2250-0758, ISSN (PRINT): 2394-6962

N N N ∂F(P gi )/ ∂P gi = 2a i P gi +b i (i=1,2,…….N)
PL = B00 + ∑ Bi 0 Pgi + ∑∑ Pgi Bij Pgj ( 3.8)
i =1 i =1 j =1 Equation (3.5) can be rewritten as
MW (3.3)
Where {∂F(P gi )/ ∂P gi } / (1- ∂P L /∂P gi )= λ
P gi and Pgj are the real power injections at ith or
{∂F(P gi )/ ∂P gi }L i = λ (i=1,2,…….N)
and jth buses, respectively (3.9)
B00, B i0 and Bij are the loss coefficients which are where L i = 1.0/(1-∂P L /∂P gi ) is called the penalty factor of
constant under assumed conditions, ith plant.
N is the number of the generation buses. To obtain the solution, substitute Eqs. (3.7) and (3.8) into
The above constrained optimization problem is eq (3.5)
converted into an unconstrained optimization problem. N
Lagrange multiplier method is used in which the function 2a i P gi +b i = λ (1-B i0 – ∑2B ij P gj )
is minimized (or maximized) with side conditions in the (i=1,2,……..N)
form of equality constraints. Using Lagrange multipliers j=1
and augmented function is defined as Rearranging the above equation to get P gi , we have
N 2(a i + λ B ii ) P gi =λ (1-B i0 – ∑ 2B ij P gj ) - b i
L (P gi , λ) = F (P gi ) + λ (P D +P L - ∑ P gi ) (i=1,2,…….N)
(3.4) j=1 j≠i
The value of P gi can obtained as
Where λ is the Lagrangian multiplier. N
Necessary conditions for the optimization problem are Pgi= {λ (1-Bi0 – ∑2 Bij Pgj)-bi} / 2(ai +λ Bii)
(i=1,2,…..N) (3.10)
∂L(P gi , λ )/ ∂Pgi = ∂F(Pgi )/ ∂P gi + λ (∂PL /∂P gi - j=1
1) =0 (i=1,2,…….N) j≠i
Rearranging the above equation,
If the intial values of Pgi(i=1,2,…..N) and λ are
∂F(P gi )/ ∂P gi = λ (1-∂P L /∂P gi ) (i=1,2,…..N) known the above equation can be solved iteratively until
(3.5) eq.(3.6) is satisfied by modifying λ. This technique is
Where known as successive approximation.
∂F(P gi )/ ∂P gi is the incremental cost of the ith
generator (Rs/MWh)
∂P L /∂P gi is the incremental transmission losses.
Equation (3.5) is known as the exact coordination DISPATCH (CLASSICAL METHOD)
equation, and
N 1. Read data, namely cost coefficients, ai, bi, ci; B-
∂L(P gi , λ ) ∂λ / =P D +P L - ∑ P gi = 0 coefficients, Bij, Bi0, B00 (i=1,2,….N ; j=1,2,…….N);
(3.6) convergence tolerance є, step size α , and maximum
i=1 iterations allowed, ITMAX,etc.
2. Compute the initial values of Pgi (i=1,2,……..N) and λ
Equation (3.5) the so-called coordination by assuming that the transmission losses are zero, i.e. PL
equation, numbering N is solved simultaneously with Eqn. =0
(3.6) to yield a solution for Lagrange multiplier λ and the 3. Set iteration counter, IT =1
optimal generation of N generators., By differentiating the 4. Compute Pgi (i=1,2…….N) using eq.(3.10)
transmission loss equation Eqn (3.3) with respect to P gi , 5. Compute transmission loss using Eq. (3.3)
the incremental transmission loss can be obtained as, N
N 6. Compute ∆P= PD +PL – ∑Pgi
∂P L /∂Pgi = Bi0 +∑ 2BijPgj (i=1,2,……..N) i=1
j=1 7. Check |∆P| ≤ ε ,if ‘yes’, then GOTO Step 10.
And by differentiating cost function eqn.(3.1a) Check IT ≥ ITMAX, if ‘yes’ then GOTO Step 10.(it means
with respect to P gi , the incremental cost can be obtained as program terminated without obtaining the required

713 Copyright © 2011-15. Vandana Publications. All Rights Reserved. ISSN (ONLINE): 2250-0758, ISSN (PRINT): 2394-6962

(i=1, 2 ….NG; j=1,2,…..NG; i≠j)

8. Update λnew=λ+α|∆P|, where α is the step size u sed to (5.5b)
increase or decrease the value of λ in order to meet the
step 6. Taking derivatives of eqs. (3.14a) and (3.14 b) with
9. IT =IT+1, λ= λnew and GOTO Step 4 and repeat. respect to λ ,
10. Compute optimal total cost from eq.(3.1a) and
transmission loss from (3.3). NG
11. Stop. (∂2L/∂ λ ∂Pgi)= (∂2L/ ∂Pgi ∂ λ) = ∂PL/∂Pgi -1=Bi0 +∑ 2 Bij
The economic dispatch problem is expressed by
eqs.(3.1a), (3.1b) and (3.1c) and is converted into an ∂2L/∂ λ2 =0
unconstrained optimization problem as in eq.(3.4) . (5.5d)
Necessary conditions for the optimization problems Equations (5.1) and (5.2) are iterated till no
eq.(3.4) are given by eqs. (3.5) and eqs (3.6). The solution further improvement is obtained or single derivatives with
of nonlinear eq.(3.5) can be obtained using the Newton- respect to control variables become zero.
Raphson method in which any change in control variables
about the initial values can by obtained using Taylor’s VI. ALGORITHM: ECONOMIC
expansion. Taylor’s expansion to second order of eq. (3.5) DISPATCH (NEWTON-RAPHSON
and eq. (3.6) can be written as METHOD)
(∂2L/ ∂P2gi) ∆P gi + ∑ (∂2L /∂Pgi ∂ Pgj ) Pgj + (∂2L /∂Pgi ∂ 1. Read data, namely ai, bi, ci (cost coefficients); Bij,
λ) ∆ λ = -∂L /∂ Pgi (5.1) Bi0, B00(B-coefficients) (i=1,2,….N; j=1,2,……N)
j=1 convergence tolerance, є, and ITMAX (
j≠i maximum allowed iterations), etc.
N 2. Compute the initial values of Pgi (i=1,2,…….,N)
∑ ((∂2L /(∂ λ ∂ Pgj ) ∆ Pgj + (∂2L /∂ λ2 ) ∆ λ = -∂L /∂ λ and λ by presuming that PL = 0.
(5.2) 3. Assume that no generator has been fixed either at
j=1 lower limit or at upper limit.
4. Set iteration counter IT =1.
The above equation can be rewritten in matrix form as 5. Compute Hessian and Jacobian matrix elements
using eqs (3.14) and (3.15)
∇ pg pg ∇ pg λ ∆ pg = -∇ pg [H] ∆ pg = - [J]
∇ Tλ pg ∇ λλ ∆λ -∇ λ ∆λ
(5.3) Deactivate row and column of Hessian matrix and
row of Jacobian matrix
Derivatives can be obtained as follows: representing the generator whose generation is
∂L/ ∂Pgi =∂Fi/ ∂Pgi + λ [(∂PL/ ∂Pgi) –1] fixed either at lower limit or at
N upper limit. This is done so that fixed
=(2 ai Pgi+bi) + λ (Bi0 + ∑ 2 Bij Pgj -1) generators,can not participate in allocation.
i=1 6. Gauss elimination method is employed in which
(i=1,2,……..N) (5.4a) triangularization and back-
substitution processes are performed to find Pgi
N (i=1,2,.. .R and ∆ λ) . Here R is the number of generators
∂L/ ∂ λ = PD + PL - ∑ Pgi which can participate in allocation.
 R 2
 ∑ (∇Pgi ) + (∇λ )  ≤ ε
i=1 2

Taking derivatives of eq.(3.14a) with respect to Pgi ,

7. Check either  i =1 
(∂2L/ ∂P 2gi ) =∂ 2Fi/ ∂P 2gi + λ(∂2 PL/ ∂P 2gi ) =2 ai +2λ Bii
(i=1,2,……NG)  R  ∂P   ∂L  2 
  L
(5.5 a) or  +  ≤ε
 ∂P   ∂λ  
(∂2L/∂Pgi ∂Pgj) = λ (∂2 PL /∂Pgi∂Pgi) =2 λ Bij  i =1  gi  

714 Copyright © 2011-15. Vandana Publications. All Rights Reserved. ISSN (ONLINE): 2250-0758, ISSN (PRINT): 2394-6962

if convergence condition is ‘yes’ then GOTO Step 10. 2 9 91 84

Check IT > ITMAX, if condition is ‘yes’ GOTO 9. 103.313 62.6048 14.87013 0.0070 15.925
Step 10.(it means the procedure 3 5 19 22
proceeds without obtaining required convergence). 10 103.320 62.6095 14.87049 - 15.927
8. Modify control variables, . 1 7 0.0022 43
Pgi (new) =Pgi +∆Pgi ; (i=1,2,………..R ) and λ (new) 29
= λ +∆λ 11 103.318 62.6089 14.87037 - 15.927
9. IT =IT+ 1, Pgi = Pgi (new) , λ = λ (new) and GOTO . 8 3 0.0006 05
Step 5 and repeat. 37
10. If no more violations then GOTO Step 12, else 12 103.318 62.6084 14.87034 0.0002 15.926
check the limits of generators . 1 8 26 85
and fix up as follows: 13 103.318 62.6085 14.87035 0.0000 15.926
If Pgi < Pmin gi then Pgi = Pmin gi . 3 5 66 88
If Pgi > Pmax gi then Pgi = Pmax gi
11. GOTO Step 4 and repeat. TOTAL COST = 2309.77 Rs/hr.
12. Compute the optimal total cost and transmission
loss. Table 7.2 Generation Schedule (N-R Method)
13. Stop. IT Pg1(MW) Pg2(MW) λ(Rs/MWh)

VII. TEST SYSTEMS AND RESULTS 1. 104.5631 60.62549 14.7952

2. 103.2330 62.56359 14.86603
7.1 Test problem no.1 3. 103.3040 62.61016 14.86981
The fuel inputs per hour of two plants are given 4. 103.3183 62.60859 14.87035
F1 (Pg1) = (0.00889 Pg12 +10.333 Pg1 +200) Rs/h POWER LOSS = 15.9269 MW
F2 (Pg2) = (0.00741 Pg22 +10.833 Pg2 +240) Rs/h TOTAL COST = 2309.771 Rs/hr.
Determine the economic schedule to meet the demand of
150MW and the corresponding cost of generation. The 7.2 Test problem no.2
transmission losses are given by For a three generator system the fuel cost
PL = 0.001Pg12 + 0.002 Pg22 – 2(0.0002 P g1 P g2 ) coefficients are given in table 3.3(a). The B coefficients for
Assumptions: α = 0.05, ε =0.0001, and ITMAX= transmission loss are given in table 3.3(b).Determine the
50 economic schedule for load of 210 MW.
Table 7.1 Generation Schedule (Classical Method) Table 7.3(a) Fuel cost coefficients
I Pg1(M Pg2(M λ(Rs/MW ΔP(M PL(M
T W) W) h) W) W) 1. 0.006085 10.04025 136.9125
2. 0.005915 9.760576 59.1550
1. 43.4455 22.2245 11.81812 86.819 2.4891 3. 0.005250 8.662500 328.1250
6 3 06 53
2 119.160 70.5657 16.15907 - 20.794
6 1 18.931 83
Table 7.3(b) B-coefficients MW-1
3. 110.131 67.4586 15.21250 - 18.258
6 1 9.3316 56 0.0001363 0.0000175 0.0001839
19 0.0000175 0.0001545 0.0002828
4. 101.769 61.8196 14.74592 1.8949 15.483 0.0001839 0.0002828 0.0016147
2 2 86 76
5. 102.707 62.1681 14.84067 0.8487 15.724
7 3 16 57 Table 7.4 Optimal Generation Schedule (N-R Method)
6. 103.482 62.6953 14.88310 - 15.974 IT Pg1(MW) Pg2(MW) Pg3(MW) λ(Rs/MWh)
6 1 0.2030 91
25 1. 17.29881 41.43703 151.2644 10.25078
7. 103.373 62.6493 14.87295 - 15.945 2. 77.67158 89.36154 30.77834 11.42311
9 9 0.0777 54 3. 83.27758 95.49855 39.54491 11.52087
79 4. 83.40215 95.61558 39.48622 11.52315
8. 103.301 62.5992 14.86906 0.0213 15.921
715 Copyright © 2011-15. Vandana Publications. All Rights Reserved. ISSN (ONLINE): 2250-0758, ISSN (PRINT): 2394-6962

POWER LOSS = 8.50394 MW 0 217 564 624 5 0.000 952

TOTAL COST = 2741.473 Rs/hr. 09

Table 7.5 Generation Schedule (Classical Method) TOTAL COST = 2741.474 Rs/hr.
I Pg1( Pg2( Pg3( λ(Rs/M ΔP(M PL(M
1 - - 29.41 10.2507 232.7 0.905 Economic dispatch is the short-term
25.03 26.20 965 8 263 09 determination of the optimal output of a number
57 53 of electricity generation facilities, to meet the system load,
2 82.52 95.97 63.89 11.4144 - 14.62 at the lowest possible cost, subject to transmission and
535 546 54 1 17.76 872 operational constraints. The basic constraints of the
75 economic dispatch problem remain in place but the model
3 64.30 73.25 36.20 11.3255 42.26 6.031 is optimized to minimize pollutant emission in addition to
453 59 86 7 217 198 minimizing fuel costs and total power loss. Due to the
4 85.75 98.34 44.46 11.5368 - 9.860 added complexity, a number of algorithms have been
984 872 46 8 8.712 39 employed to optimize this environmental/economic
76 dispatch problem. It is concluded that the economic
5 80.08 91.61 38.41 11.4933 7.820 7.931 scheduling of thermal units to meet the load demand in the
464 658 022 2 312 747 most economic way without violating any system or
6 84.38 96.72 40.48 11.5324 - 8.818 individual unit constraints.
613 755 022 2 2.775 772
7 82.80 94.88 39.17 11.5185 1.507 8.373
898 597 082 4 664 432
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