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“The most amazing animal you’ve never heard of” is an Art exhibition that will raise awareness and
funds for pangolin conservation.
The exhibition will run from 6th February – 5th March 2020 which coincides with world pangolin day
(15th feb) at Little Creatures Brewery Gallery Space, Fremantle, Western Australia.

There is space in the gallery for approximately 50-70 works to be displayed. All artworks will be
pangolin related (but not necessarily featuring pangolins) and will be accompanied by a “pangolin
fact” in order to teach the visitors more about pangolins and their situation. I will be organising the
facts and can pick one that ties in with your work, or you can select a fact and create a piece based
on it. Artworks will also be accompanied by artist’s details, and any comments in regards to
pangolins/wildlife conservation you wish to include.

There will be an opening night event with a date yet to be chosen.

Works will be available for sale, with funds being donated to Save Vietnams Wildlife. I am working
directly with them in the organisation of this event. Sales will be organised directly through me. If
there are prints or copies of the work available that donates money directly to pangolin
conservation, sales can be directed through to your shop.

All artworks need to be hung for display. I can organise framing of pieces in order to keep costs
down for the artists. Sculptural works will be displayed in a shelf/cabinet.

Should the artwork not sell during the exhibition period (or if the exhibition were not to go ahead
due to unforeseen circumstances) you can choose to have the piece returned to you, or leave it with
me to sell through my shop. Pieces will be listed in my shop during the exhibition so that people not
located in Perth can still see and purchase the pieces.

I will keep artists updated via email and instagram of exhibition progress. Photos of the opening
night, gallery space and your artwork on display will be provided.

Save Vietnams is an amazing organisation who rescue and rehabilitate Sunda pangolins (as well as
other species). I have been out there twice in my role as veterinary nurse and plan to continue to
volunteer and fund raise regularly. To read more about these guys check out




Thank You so much for your interest in this event.

Cathy Cooper

Pangolin Facts:

A fact will be included next to each art work to make it a learning experience. You can use these facts literally
or in a more abstract way. You don’t necessarily have to choose one at all, I can organise it. You can create
works that in some way tie in to the fact without actually including a pangolin in the artwork, at the end of the
day the exhibition needs to have variety.

 Only mammal covered in scales

 Most trafficked mammal species
 8 species of pangolin (either a work showing all species or a work showing one specific species)
 Species from Asia and Africa
 Tongue as long as body. 40cm
 Eats ants. 20000 a day
 Tail as long as body
 Curl into a ball. Pangolin comes from Malay word penggulung which means one that rolls up
 Carry babies on tail
 Can walk upright
 Good swimmers
 Have no teeth
 Some arboreal, some terrestrial
 Nocturnal (except one species)
 Artwork showing critically endangered species inclduind a pangolin
 Not an armadillo
 Paper cut /fabric art work to show scales
 Pangolin hug- defense to crush you
 Snare wear wire sculpture
 Obscure animal- other animals people haven’t heard of
 Silly anatomy meme (beady peepers etc)
 Pangolin scales used for traditional medicine
 Butcher diagram on what pangolin parts are used for
 Pangolin meat eaten as status (decorative plate?)
 Body temperature cold compared to other mammals
 Their belly is scale free
 Long claws to dig for ants
 Scales made from keratin (make a pangolin out of fake nails or hair?)
 Scales make up 20% of body weight
 Stats for 2019 confiscations
 Can close ears and nose to protect from ants
 More vertebrae than any other animal (46)
 Swallow stone help them grind food in gizzard (stone necklace)
 What’s being done to save pangolins
 Have poor vision and hearing but good sense of smell
 People always think say “penguin” instead of pangolin
 Pangolins are a keystone species. Natures gardener
 Works of endangered Australian species
 Works depicting the amount of scales/animals confiscated

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