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Group members 
Tanishq Rastogi (17/49007) 
Prateek Mehra (17/49016) 

The  application  will  basically  provide  the  user  to  choose  the  correct  core  PC  components 
for  building  a  PC  according  to  their  needs.  The  database  provides  to  choose  from  a  range 
of processors, graphic card and PSU and RAM from the present models of such hardware. 

1. The application allows user to search the database against any of the following 
column(s) in the tables mentioned below in combination and allow them to select 
the core components for PC assembly. 
2. The application will try to give an advice /recommendation for Power supply unit, 
depending upon power consumption and also provide for the additional 
device/hardware that can be clubbed with the same. 

Any user can view the data but the rights to add/update or delete any data remains with 
the administrator. 
The user still can report for error/discrepancy in data which would be stored in a seperate 
table, the discretion to alter data still remains with the administrator. 



ER Diagram 


ER Diagram to mapping 

1. Mapping strong entities with simple attributes

2. Mapping 1:N relations 


3. Mapping multivalued attributes

4. Mapping Specialisation 



Languages and Frameworks Used 

HTML​: develop the basic interface of website. 
CSS:​ Alter the look and feel of the website 
PHP​: To connect and interact with the database based on user inputs. 
Javascript and JQuery​: Interact with the elements in the webpage. 
JQuery UI​: Improve the UI Elements such as range slider. 
AJAX​: to refresh web pages with reloading them 

User Interface 
The following UI Screenshots show the base of the application through which the user can 
search through the vast database of CPUs, GPUs, and PSUs 
User can search for Processors, Graphic Cards and also find a suitable Power supply via 
search filters or search box which works dynamically as the search filter changes (achieved 
using Ajax). 
Also in the compare pages, comparisons can be made against any 2 cpus or 2 gpus. 






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