Unit IV Assessment (Components) of Physical Fitness: General Fitness Specific Fitness

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Unit IV

Assessment (components) of physical fitness

5 Components of Physical Fitness are also known as health related fitness components. Importance and
benefits of physical fitness are well known. They are essential for complete fitness of body & mind.
Physical fitness is an important part of life.
Previously fitness was commonly defined as the capacity of the person to meet the physical demands of
daily life and carry out the day’s activities without undue fatigue. However, because of increased leisure
time, changes in lifestyles rendered this definition insufficient. These days, physical fitness is considered
a measure of the body’s ability to function efficiently and effectively in work and leisure activities, to be
healthy, to resist hypo kinetic diseases, and to meet emergency situations.
Physical fitness comprises of two related concepts:
- general fitness (a state of health and well-being) and
- specific fitness (a task- oriented definition based on the ability to perform specific aspects of sports or
If you really want to measure the overall fitness of a person you have to take into consideration the five
components of physical fitness. For an average person, workout should be based on the major 5 health
related fitness components. her skill related components of physical fitness like speed, agility, balance,
coordination, reaction time and power are considered for judging the physical fitness of an athlete.
So let's discuss these 5 components of physical fitness:

Health related fitness components:

Health Related Physical fitness is defined as activity aimed to improve the overall health and well being.
The goal of health- related fitness is prevention of disease or rehabilitation from disease as well as the
development of a high level of functional capacity for daily tasks.
Health related physical fitness is further divided into 5 parts,popularly known as 5 Components of
Physical Fitness.
1. Body composition
2. Cardiovascular fitness
3. Flexibility
4. Muscular endurance
5. Muscle strength

1. Body Composition –
In other words the ratio of fat to muscle. Minimum of fat and maximum of lean mass is a sign of a healthy
and fit body. To know your fitness level you need to understand your body composition. The reason is
body composition directly relates to the overall fitness level. Body composition is the component which
considers the individual body type, according to the height, weight, frame size and the ratio of the fat
mass to lean muscle mass. The overall physical level of an individual depends on his body composition.
The lean mass includes muscles, bones, vital tissues, blood, fluids and organs.

2. Cardiovascular fitness or Endurance –

Cardiovascular endurance can be defined as the component which helps to determine if the heart and
lungs are working in coordination. It shows the ability of the body to deliver oxygen and nutrients to
tissues and to remove wastes. Cardiovascular endurance is also referred to as cardiovascular fitness,
aerobic fitness and cardio respiratory fitness. You can define cardio respiratory endurance as the ability of
the heart to pump blood rich oxygen for the functioning of your muscles. It helps to determine whether
the heart and lungs are working in coordination. The ability to remain fit without feeling tired or fatigue
during physical exercise measures the physical fitness of a person.
Swimming, cycling, walking, running, jogging and aerobics are the classical examples of cardiovascular
exercises. Try them to improve your cardiovascular fitness level.

3. Flexibility –
Flexibility can be defined as the component which checks the ability of the joints in the body to move to
their full range of motion. It is one of the major components of physical fitness. The fitness level is
measured by the flexibility of your joints. If you have good flexibility in the joints, injuries related to
joints could be prevented.
Flexibility, mobility and suppleness all mean the range of limb movement around joints. In any
movement there are two groups of muscles at work, protagonist muscles which cause the movement to
take place and the antagonistic muscles which opposes the movement and determine the amount of
A regular workout session will ensure that you move your joints and muscles to their fullest extent and
hence, it will increase the flexibility of these joints and your overall body.
The exercises such as stretching, yoga, Pilates and swimming would help to improve the physical

4. Muscular Endurance –
Muscular endurance is defined as the ability of the body to perform repeated exercises without getting
tired. If a person can perform more number of repetitions of a particular strength training exercise, then it
can be said that he/she has good muscular endurance. Muscular endurance is sometimes confused with
muscular strength. The ability of the muscle to perform an action without feeling fatigue is known as
muscular endurance. It is the ability of muscles, whether in a group or separated to sustain repeated
contractions against resistance for an extended period of time. This is related to muscular strength and
cardio-respiratory endurance. If a person can perform more number of repetitions of a particular strength
training exercise, then it shows- that person has good muscular endurance.
The types of endurance are aerobic endurance, anaerobic endurance, speed endurance and strength
endurance. A sound basis of aerobic endurance is fundamental for all events.To increase the fitness level
of muscular endurance, try Strength training exercises such as running, jogging, cross-training on an
elliptical machine, etc.
5. Muscle Strength
Muscle strength can be defined as the capability of the muscles to lift weight. Weight training exercises
done on every alternate day increases the muscle mass of the body.The muscular strength is measured by
maximum amount of strength a muscle has while lifting or during an exertion. In short, muscular strength
is the ability of the muscle to exert strength during a workout or an activity. It is capability of the muscle
to lift the weight. The common definition is "the ability to exert a force against a resistance"
There are three classes of strength:
maximum strength - the greatest force that is possible in a single maximum contraction,
elastic strength - the ability to overcome a resistance with a fast contraction and
strength endurance - the ability to express force many times over
A balanced and regular fitness regimen helps to increase the ability of muscles to exert force and sustain
contraction. A regular workout will make your muscles stronger and increase your overall strength.The
physical fitness of muscle strength could be improved through exercise such as lifting weights. Weight
training exercises- push ups, pull ups, biceps curls, pectoral fly, leg extensions, back extension, etc.

Skill Related Components ( Sports Related): Those aspects of fitness which form the basis for
successful sport or activity participation.

1. Agility: The ability of the body to change direction quickly

2. Balance: The ability to maintain an upright posture while still or moving
3. Coordination: Integration with hand and/or foot movements with the input of the senses.
4. Power: The ability to do strength work at an explosive pace.
5. Reaction Time: Amount of time it takes to get moving.
6. Speed: The ability to move quickly from one point to another in a straight line

1 Agility – The ability to stop, start, and change directions quickly. Agility is a skill-related component of
physical fitness. One’s agility can be increased by doing specific footwork drills on an agility ladder,
staggered tire formation, or any other type of obstacle course that requires the individual to adjust body
position, speed, and direction quickly. Pictured below is a good example of an agility sprint test. Agility
can be tested by timing individuals running through a series of staggered cones or obstacles for a
predetermined distance. Examples of agility: A football player cutting across the field, a gymnast doing a
floor routine, a hockey player bringing the puck down the ice maneuvering around defenders, or a soccer
player dribbling the ball around defenders

2 Balance – Controlling body positions while standing still or moving. Balance is a skill-related
component of physical fitness. Balance can be tested by standing on one leg with eyes closed for 30
seconds on each leg or by performing the Y-Balance Test. Balance can be improved by increasing
one’s overall core strength. Specific training techniques using exercise equipment such as balance discs,
Fit-Balls, BOSU, or standing on one leg while performing an exercise can help to improve one’s
balance. Examples of balance: A gymnast jumping and landing on a balance beam, a surfer on a surfboard
riding a wave, a one leg dead lift pictured above, equestrian events, or simply jumping around on one

3 Coordination – Making movements work together smoothly. This usually consists of upper and lower
body movements being performed at the same time. Coordination is a skill-related component of physical
fitness. Coordination can be improved by performing exercises that require the individual to use upper
body muscle groups and lower body muscle groups at the same time. Coordination can be tested with a
variety of manual dexterity tests and hand/eye coordination tests. One example of such test is balancing
on one leg and throwing a tennis ball against a wall and catching the returning ball in the opposite hand.
Please view our gallery to see examples of exercises you can do to improve your coordination. Examples
of coordination: Performing a squat on a BOSU while doing a shoulder press, a baseball pitcher throwing
a pitch, a pole vaulter or a high hurdler in track and field, or jumping rope.
5 Power – The ability to use muscle strength quickly. Power is a skill-related component of physical
fitness. How can power be improved or increased?Power can be increased by three general ways: increase
the force-producing capabilities of muscles; decrease the time it takes to move across a distance due to
faster speed; and increase the distance a force acts on one’s body. Total body strength training, increased
flexibility through stretching, sport specific training and improved technique, sharp mental focus, and
increased reaction time are many ways to improve overall power. Power can be tested by performing a
vertical jump test or standing long jump. Examples of power: Plyometric training (such as jump squats or
box jumps), jumping exercises, or in track and field- the running long jump or high jump.

6 Reaction Time – How quickly an individual responds to a stimulus. Reaction time is a skill-related
component of physical fitness. Reaction time can be tested in a variety of ways. A simple test is a
Reaction Time Ruler Test or a Reaction Time Tester found at TopEndSports.com . Click here to take the
test. Examples of reaction time: playing tennis or table tennis, a baseball player swinging at a pitch,
sprinters starting a 100 meter sprint, or a soccer goalie saving a ball kicked at the goal.

7 Speed – Performing a movement or covering a distance in a short period of time. Speed is a skill-
related component of physical fitness. Speed can be measured by timing a 40-yard dash, 30 meter sprint,
or the Illinois Agility Test. Individuals can increase speed by sprinting down hill or wearing a small
parachute or weighted vest on your back while sprinting. Examples of speed: the Summer Olympics 100
meter sprint, swimming 50 meters as fast as possible, or speed skating.

The 5 components of physical fitness that are directly health-related and the 6 components of physical
fitness that are skill-related (or sports-related) should be incorporated into your daily exercise routines.
Combining all 11 components of fitness into your exercise program will certainly make you stronger,
faster, improve your balance and increase your flexibilty. Improving upon all the components of physical
fitness will help you to perform daily routine tasks without fatique and exhaustion.

Problems of Physical activity and health:

A substantial body of evidence now demonstrates the burden of ill-health attributable to sedentary living.
This is most compelling for coronary heart disease (CHD) and, combined with the high prevalence of
inactivity,1provides the rationale for Professor Morris's claim that exercise is 'today's best buy in public
health'. Besides a reduced risk of CHD, evidence is secure for many other health gains from physical
activity; these include a reduced risk of stroke, type II diabetes, colon cancer, and hip fracture. There is
evidence enough to justify the further development of public health policies to promote physical activity.
The difficulty is with the specifics of what to promote and prescribe.
This paper is concerned with future contributions by research to an evidence-based rationale for exercise
recommendations—both to the public at large and to individuals. It is clear that physically active people
have a lower disease risk than sedentary individuals but the components of activity which determine
particular health gains are poorly understood. Thus the 'dose-response' relationships for physical activity
are the subject of current research interest. Intuitively, these will not be the same for different health
outcomes and this is one reason why further study of the associated mechanisms is important.
Understanding the underlying mechanisms will clarify the relative importance of intensity, frequency,
duration and mode of exercise for specified health gains. It will also help us to distinguish the effects of
exercise per se from those of co-existing behaviours and to identify stages of life during which levels of
particular types of activity are critical for given health outcomes. This paper presents a personal view of
research needs.
How important is intensity?

The intensity of exercise likely influences some of its effects on disease risk but the difficulty of defining
and then measuring this in a meaningful way has restricted progress. More uniformity has been evident in
recent years with the widespread adoption of the MET but this is, of course, an absolute index of intensity
and most physiological responses to exercise are governed by the relative intensity of the exercise. An
intensity of 10 METS might be a warm-up for one person but require a near-maximal effort for another.
During the second half of the 20th Century, exercise physiologists have most commonly expressed
intensity relative to the individual's maximal oxygen uptake (V•O2max). Whilst this approach is valid
across a broad range of fitness levels, it is inadequate for individuals with low functional capacity for
whom the resting metabolic rate represents a higher fraction of V•O2max. For these individuals—who of
course make up the majority of sedentary people—intensity is better expressed relative to oxygen uptake
reserve. To the author's knowledge, this concept has been adopted only in scientific (as opposed to
epidemiological) studies.
Its importance in the epidemiology of physical activity is evidenced by data from British civil
servants. Whereas only frequent vigorous exercise (defined as liable to entail peaks of energy expenditure
of ≥7.5 kcal.min–1[31.5 kJ.min–1]) was associated with protection against heart attack in men aged 45–54
at entry, there was a dose-response relationship for a lesser degree of such exercise (either <2 sessions per
week or not so intense, e.g. 'fairly brisk' walking for >30 min. per day) among older men aged 55–64 at
entry. Thus, for example, older men reporting moderately intense activity such as 'much stair climbing'
(not judged sufficiently vigorous to be included in the 'vigorous aerobic' cluster of activities) showed a
coronary rate which was significantly lower than that in less active men. Protection among younger men
was limited to those reporting frequent vigorous aerobic exercise. This finding suggests that the key
features of cardio-protective exercise include its intensity relative to individual capacity. V•O2max
declines, on average, by about 10% per decade in middle-aged and older people, so exercise of a given
MET value represents a higher relative intensity for older people. Where the number of individuals
surveyed permit, one approach may be to express the MET value of the activity in relation to age-related
average values for oxygen uptake reserve.
Frequency of exercise

Recent recommendations are for exercise on '… most, preferably all, days of the week', underlining the
importance of frequent exercise. This notion reflects increasing recognition of the acute effects of
exercise, i.e. altered physiological or metabolic responses lasting between several hours and a few days
after a session of exercise. These include a decrease in blood pressure, improved insulin sensitivity and
decreases in plasma triglycerides. The time-courses over which they disappear are poorly understood,
however. Some information is available, for example the attenuation of the postprandial rise in plasma
triglycerides following a standard high-fat meal has been reported to disappear within 60 hours of an
exercise session. Improved insulin sensitivity may persist for a little longer. More information is required,
however, as the duration of these effects dictates the frequency with which exercise sessions must be
taken if favourable postprandial responses are to be maintained. Similarly, the determinants of the
magnitude of acute effects of exercise need to be elucidated. Theoretically, this may be enhanced by
training because training permits more frequent and longer exercise sessions to be accomplished without
fatigue. To the author's knowledge, this proposition has seldom been tested.
Pattern of exercise

Epidemiological studies have found an inverse relationship between the total energy expended in leisure
time physical activity and health outcomes. These include a lower risk of all-cause mortality,
cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, type II diabetes, hypertension, and site-specific cancers. Some
activities contributing to high totals of energy expenditure seem likely to have been performed at least
partly on an intermittent basis, for example walking, climbing stairs, gardening, and repair work. Survey
evidence therefore suggests that several short sessions of moderate physical activity during the day
influence health outcomes in a positive manner, at least when they contribute to a high total energy
Scientific evidence for the efficacy of this pattern of exercise as a means of eliciting chronic (training)
effects is limited however, both in the number of randomly controlled trials (three to the author's
knowledge) and scope (the only common outcome measure was fitness). Evidence is limited to scientific
studies with outcome measures primarily of fitness and/or fatness. Only one study reported the effect of
exercise pattern on acute health-related responses. This found similar reductions in plasma triglycerides
with three, 10-minute bouts of brisk walking at intervals during the day and one, 30-minute bout in
sedentary people consuming normal meals.
Further research is clearly required before the principle of accumulating exercise in short bouts
throughout the day can be endorsed with confidence.
Energy expenditure and energy turnover

The product of intensity, frequency and duration of exercise—sometimes described as the total 'volume'
of exercise (a difficult term)—yields the total gross energy expenditure. Some evidence points to this as
an important determinant of health gains. In addition to the surveys referred to above, this includes the
finding from the US Runners' Health Study that running mileage was six times more important in
predicting high density lipoprotein cholesterol concentration than running speed. This was not the case for
associations with blood pressure or waist circumference, however, where running speed was the more
important determinant. Total energy expenditure may also be the main determinant of some acute effects
of exercise. Two examples are relevant. First, the increase in glucose disposal rate was similar following
exercise at 50% or 75% V•O2max when the total energy expended was held constant. Second, the
attenuation of postprandial plasma triglycerides by prior exercise was strikingly similar following a long
bout of low intensity exercise and a shorter bout of moderate exercise expending the same energy. This
topic, again under-researched, is related to that of the accumulation of exercise (referred to above)
because that enshrines the notion that the total energy expenditure is all-important.
Of course, in free-living people, an increased level of physical activity is invariably associated with an
increase in energy intake so that energy turnover is increased. Speculatively, a higher energy turnover
may constitute a metabolically desirable state because of effects on the pathways concerned with the
disposition, storage and degradation of muscle energy substrates. Evidence for the health gains from such
a state include the finding that men who were classified as obese by body mass index (BMI) but who had
a high level of physical fitness had lower cardiovascular and total mortality rates than lean men who were
unfit. Similarly, although both high BMI and a high energy intake were associated with increased risk of
colon cancer among inactive people, this was not the case among physically active individuals.This
finding suggests that a high energy intake does not confer increased risk of this cancer in the presence of a
high expenditure.
The suggestion that a high energy turnover is metabolically advantageous is not new. The term 'metabolic
fitness' was introduced by Després and Lamarche, on the basis of a series of studies showing that change
to plasma lipoprotein lipids and body fatness were achieved through high-volume, low intensity training
in the absence of increases in V•O2max. Efforts to test this hypothesis through comparing the effects of
'lifestyle' activity with those of traditional exercise programmes have recently been reported but
information is needed for a variety of health outcomes in different populations.

Over the last decade, epidemiological data on physical activity (a behaviour) has been complemented by
findings based on physical fitness (a set of attributes related to the ability to perform exercise). These
studies show a dose-response relationship so that, although men in the highest fitness groups consistently
show the lowest coronary attack and total mortality rates, moderate levels of fitness also confer a
statistically significant and clinically important reduction in risk. Physical fitness, because it is probably a
more objective measure than physical activity is an attractive outcome measure. Its use could be extended
of course if it could be measured satisfactorily outside the laboratory. A low-cost, rapid, non-intimidating
method for this would allow large surveys with the statistical power to detect, for example, effects in sub-
groups and effects of specific activities. Walking tests such as the UKK Institute's 2 km protocol are
attractive for both practical and theoretical reasons. Performance on these tests measures not only
functional capacity (V•O2max, the most frequently used laboratory measure), but also endurance. This is
defined as the capability to sustain aerobic exercise using a high proportion of V•O2max. Endurance is
more sensitive to changes in physical activity level than V•O2max and, because it derives largely from
metabolic adaptations in muscle, may be a more important determinant of related health gains.
As mentioned, epidemiological studies show associations between fitness and a variety of health
outcomes. The need to elucidate the relationships between the 'dose' and pattern of activity and the health
outcome has been mentioned above. Fitness (particularly endurance) is labile and so rather easily changed
through short-term interventions. It therefore offers a means of studying these dose-response relations
indirectly (but inexpensively), serving a link between the behaviour and health outcomes.

Most epidemiological studies have classified physical activities according to estimated energy
expenditure—either totals or threshold rates. Recommendations to the public (whether direct or via health
professionals), however, need to promote activities rather than energy expenditures. Walking is an
obvious example. It is popular, inexpensive and carries a low risk of injury. It is often the most commonly
reported activity, particularly among women and older men. Some landmark studies, including those by
Professor Morris's group, have published separate analyses for walking. In British civil servants brisk
walking accounted for over half of the exercise which was protective against heart attack in 55–64-year-
old men. Protection from attack among fairly brisk walkers was not significantly affected by controlling
for participation in sports and cycling or for a lot of other CHD predictive factors. In recent years more
data has become available, however. In the US Nurses Health Study, for example, walking was inversely
associated with coronary events; women in the highest quintile group for walking (≥3 h per week at a
brisk pace) had a multivariate relative risk of 0.65 (95% CI : 0.47–0.91). Similarly, healthy older men in
the Honolulu Heart Study who walked >1.5 miles per day had half the coronary risk of those who walked
<0.25 miles per day. Walking has also been reported to be associated with a lower risk of type II
diabetes (independently of participation in vigorous activity).
These observations are consistent with reports that moderate levels of fitness, associated with a reduction
in all-cause mortality, are attainable through brisk or fast walking. Bearing in mind that sedentary people
seldom exert themselves at more than 30–35% of V•O2max, such walking is sufficiently vigorous to
improve fitness in a majority of people whose health is at risk because of their inactivity.
Walking is especially suitable for older people and the functional gains it elicits will likely improve
quality of life. It is plainly acceptable for them, and carries a low risk of injury. In 13 weeks of training by
walking, only one injury was sustained among 57 healthy men and women their 70s. Among older
people, regular walking has been associated with lower rates of hospitalization, lower plasma
triglycerides and higher bone mineral density.
Because it is accessible to all but the very frail, more information on the specific benefits from walking—
according to pace and distance—is sorely needed.

Studies of the associations between physical activity habits and disease outcomes must be complemented
by research into the underlying mechanisms. Not only does this increase confidence that such associations
may be causal but it helps us to understand the relative importance of the different components of
exercise as mediators of specified health gains. For cardiovascular disease much is known of the potential
contribution from exercise-induced changes to blood lipids, with recent information about considerable
effects on the dynamic postprandial phase. Other mechanisms must be involved, however, because
patients with CHD get improved myocardial perfusion (and decreased risk of further episodes) without
net regression.

Recent findings suggest effects on the acute phases of the disease. (This would be concordant with
observations that only continuing, current exercise confers a lower risk; past exercise has no effect.)
These include improved flow-mediated dilatation. There may be links here with lipoprotein metabolism
because flow-mediated dilatation is impaired by high plasma triglycerides, in proportion to
Mechanisms need elucidating in other areas, for instance skeletal health. Is the lower risk of hip fracture
among physically active older women due to a decreased risk of falling and/or to an effect on bone
mineral density? Is physical activity level particularly important during the years when bone formation
predominates? The relationship between physical activity and a reduced risk of colon cancer is among the
most consistent finding in the epidemiological literature. Is the mechanism systemic (reduced growth-
promoting milieu) or local (increased colonic peristalsis)? Women who regularly engage in exercise may
have a lower risk of breast cancer. Speculation on potential mechanisms has involved endocrine factors
and/or improved weight maintenance. Depending on the answers to such questions, some forms and
regimens of exercise may be more effective than others in the achievement of particular objectives.
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Physical inactivity is a waste of human potential for health and well-being and its high prevalence is a
cause for concern. Its potential contribution to positive health (not merely the absence of disease but
associated with a capacity to enjoy life and to withstand challenges) is considerable. So much is known—
yet we need to understand much more. The effective 'dose' of exercise needed to elicit effects likely to be
of clinical importance must be defined and this information translated into practical advice readily
understood by the population at risk. Ten years after Professor Morris's plea for 'physiology and
epidemiology to get together', the need for co-operative efforts from these disciplines is even more urgent.

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