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Javier Leal Iga ∗ Efraı́n Alcorta Garcı́a ∗

Humberto Rodrı́guez Fuentes ∗∗

Facultad de Ing. Mecánica y Eléctrica, UANL, MEXICO
Facultad de Agronomı́a, UANL, MEXICO;;

Abstract. In this work it is proposed an extension to the Greenhouse climate

model given by (Tap, 2000). The extension considers the effect of humidity in the
air temperature as well as some terms related to the use of fogs, shade cloth and
fan. The introduced modification is validated using measurements of a greenhouse
in north west Mexico. The results show that the proposed model is adequate to
simulate the climate behavior of the Greenhouse. Copyright ° 2005 IFAC

Key Words. Nonlinear systems, Greenhouse climate, modeling, validation.

1. INTRODUCTION ature. From other point of view (Nielsen and

Madsen, 1998) proposes a linear continuous time
The main purpose of a greenhouse is to improve stochastic model. Other approach has been con-
the environmental conditions in which plants sidered in (Ferreira and Ruano, 2002) where a
grown. Greenhouse climate is influenced by many neural network based model of the climate of a
factors, for example, by outside temperature, Greenhouse has been explored. A more complete
wind, humidity, the crop, etc. climate model has been proposed in (Tap, 2000),
which considers a 4th order nonlinear model. A
Many dynamic climate models of a greenhouse
differential equation to the humidity was incor-
have been proposed in the last 25 years. Ba-
porated to the climate model and the effect of
sically, these models are based on mass and
transpiration and respiration of the crop, conden-
energy balances. In 1983 some simple models
sation as well as a better calculation of the air flow
were proposed. These models include a first or-
in the Greenhouse were also considered.
der linear approximation with empirical crop
models (Udink ten Cate, 1983) and a nonlinear In this work is proposed a greenhouse climate
high order model, without the crop considera- model extension. Basically, the effect of the hu-
tion and the requirement of the sky temperature midity on the air temperature as well as the effect
(Bot, 1983). After these seminal work, many en- of fans, shade cloth and fogs are added. For vali-
force has been done in order to get more use- dation, measurement of meteorological variables
ful models. In (Tchamitchian, 1993) proposes of a greenhouse located in north west Mexico
a 3rd nonlinear model which includes a simple are taken. The results show that the proposed
model of a crop. Independent of early approaches modifications are useful to model the greenhouse
Takakura (Takakura, 1993) proposes a nonlin- climate.
ear model which considers a cover temperature,
inside air temperature, floor and plant temper-
The work it is organized as follows. In section s = s1 Tg2 + s2 Tg + s3
2 a climate model of the considered Greenhouse
g = g1 (1 − g2 e−g3 G )e−g4 Ci
is presented. In section 3 measured data and
parameters used for validation are exposed. A λ = L1 − L2Tg
½ m
comparison between measurements taken inside m1 (W g − Wc∗ ) |Tg − Tc | 2 Wg > Wc∗
of the greenhouse and the obtained from the Mc =
0 Wg ≤ Wc∗
proposed model is shown in section 4. In section ∗
5 some conclusions are discussed. Wc∗ =
Patm − Pc∗
a2 Tc
Pc∗ = a1 e a3 +Tc
² 1
Tc = To + Tg
Wg =
As mentioned above, the start point for this work Patm − Pg
is the model given by (Tap, 2000). This consists Pg = Λ(Tg + To )Vi
basically in four nonlinear differential equations
for the state variables: air temperature Tg (t), Note that the air temperature equation of (Tap,
soil temperature Ts (t), humidity Vi (t) and CO2 2000) considers the heat exchanges between:
concentration represented by Ci (t). Greenhouse indoor and outdoor air, Greenhouse
indoor air and pipe heating system, Greenhouse
Note that the description of all variables of the
indoor air and the roof, Greenhouse soil and in-
equations can be found in the Appendix A. The
door air, as well as the influence of: solar radiation,
model equations are the follows:
heat loss for evaporation due transpiration, heat
Greenhouse air temperature input due condensation of water vapor on the roof
The following equation results of consider the and a tomato crop.
temperature equation from (Tap, 2000) and added
Greenhouse soil temperature
the effects of: a) Air density variation due to
humidity dt (Cg Tg ) with Cg = h(cp γ0 + CH Vi ) dTs
time variant (Leal, et. al., 2004) [show in bold on Cs = −Ks (Ts − Tg ) + Kd (Td − Ts ) (5)
equation (1) and (4)]; b)The effect of fans [φf an
on equation (3), apply directly as the flow adding The soil differential equation considers the heat
for fans ]; c) Shade cloth [Z on equation (1), exchange between the Greenhouse indoor air and
as percent reduction of incoming radiation ]; d) the soil ground and the heat exchange between
And fogs [Q on equation (1), (2) and (7), directly the superficial and the deep soil.
calculated with the amount of humidity adding
for fogs (Qf )]. Greenhouse CO2 concentration
Vg dCi
= φv (Co − Ci ) + ϕinj + R − P (6)
Ag dt
dTg 1
= [Kv (To − Tg )+ (1) where
dt h(cp γo + CH Vi )
+α(Tp − Tg ) + Kr (To − Tg ) + MCO2 (Tg −20)
R= Q10 ρr Wm
λMc MCH2 O
Ks (Ts − Tg ) + ZηG − λE + − " #
²+1 (Tg − Tmin )(Tg − Tmax )
CH Tg (E − φv (Vi − Vo ) − Mc + Q)] Pmax = τc Ci Teff 1− p
(Tg − Tmin )2 (Tg − Tmax )2 + Tcs
h i
Pmax (1 − m)Pmax + ∈p Kp I
where: P = Log
K (1 − m)Pmax + ∈p Kp Ie−Kp ·LAI

ρ · Qf
Q= (2) The CO2 concentration differential equation is
φv = φvent + φf an (3) formed by mass balance between CO2 indoor and
outdoor; CO2 injection flux; crop photosynthesis
Kv = (γo + Vi )cp φv (4) and CO2 contributed by respiration.
φvent = ( + ζ + ξrww )W + ψ Greenhouse air water vapor concentration
1 + χrwl
qSnηG + rρcp Dg gb Vg dVi
E = WL = E − φv (Vi − Vo ) − Mc + Q (7)
λ(S + γ(1 + ggb ) Ag dt
a2 T g
Dg = a1 e a3 +Tg − Λ(Tg + To )Vi The water vapor concentration consider the effect
of transpiration mass balance between transpira-
tion crop, indoor and outdoor humidity, minus
cover condensation, and plus humidity add for the lee, windward and upper windows are open
nebulizators. at 100 % for operation almost all part of day. A
tomato crop is in the Greenhouse.

3. MODEL VALIDATION In this work, some signals were taken manually

because of the impossibility to record them au-
The validation is concerned with determining tomatically. The signals under this situation are:
whether the proposed model is adequate or not. the time at switch on and off of fogs; measure-
In this section it is presented a way to verify the ment in place of CO2 (in this study are used a
pertinence of the proposed model as well as the vector of estimated data based in measurements of
condition under the test is carried out. other similar studies); opening of windows in rainy
nights; the humidity amounts added at ambient
into greenhouse (sometimes the operator of green-
3.1 Validation process house spray water directly on crop, with intention
of reduce the air temperature). All of these were
The verification of the proposed model is realized measured in situ during day time, but at night
based on physical measurements of a Greenhouse, was impossible and were approximated with the
see figure 1, which is located in north-west Mexico. information of operators.
The idea is to obtain measurements of the input
and output signals of the Greenhouse. In order to
use the proposed model to generate an estimated
output and compare it with the measured output. 3.3 Measured data
Two sets of data are considered:
Case A: 5 days, with fogs switch on/off. The measurements obtained from the data ac-
Case B: 14 days, with fogs switch off. quisition outdoor of the greenhouse are shown in
The measurement signals with data acquisition figure 2 for Case A, and figure 3 for Case B.

Outdoor Temperature Outdoor Absolute Humidity

40 0.025




20 0.01
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
Solar Radiation
600 6
Wind Speed

400 4


200 2

Figure 1. Greenhouse used for the experiments

0 0
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
equipment were air temperature, relative humid- Days. Days.
ity, solar radiation, wind speed, atmospheric pres-
sure, greenhouse outdoor, and air temperature Figure 2. Outdoor data: Case A
and relative humidity at greenhouse indoor.
The record operation of fogs is presented in figure
Note that for the soil temperature and the deep 4. This information will be used in Case A.
soil temperature only pointing measurements has
been utilized. From the above signals only the All other values for variables and parameters are
air temperature inside of the Greenhouse and the specified in Appendix A. It is important to note
relative humidity in the Greenhouse are consid- that all the values of parameters correspond to the
ered as outputs. The rest of the signals are used physical sense, none of them has been modified for
together with the model to estimate the outputs. calibration or some other reason.

3.2 Experiment conditions

The greenhouse is equipped with 4 fogs and 4 fans
on north wall, the air is continuously renewed dur- With the measurements available the simulation
ing day and night. Moreover, in this greenhouse for the different cases were developed.
Outdoor Temperature Outdoor Absolute Humidity
40 0.03 0.03


Absolute Humidity Kg/m3

0.025 0.026

°C 0.02 0.024

0.015 0.02

10 0.01
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 0.016

Solar Radiation Wind Speed 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
600 6 Days.

400 4 Figure 6. Greenhouse absolute humidity. The con-


tinuous line represent the measurements and

200 2 the dash line the simulation
0 0 10
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
Days. Days. 8

Temperature °C
Figure 3. Outdoor data: Case B 4

x 10
1.2 −2


0.8 −8
Humidity Kg/m3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

0.4 Figure 7. Greenhouse air temperature. Difference

between measured and simulation data.
0 x 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 6
Absolute Humidity Kg/m3

Figure 4. Indoor humidity add for fogs: case A 2

4.1 Case A −2

The comparison of measurements in land and −6
results of model, are in figure 5, figure 6: −8
0 1 2 3 4 5 6


36 Figure 8. Difference between measured Green-

house humidity and the simulation
Temperature °C


very close. The simulation for the humidity is
closer than the one of the temperature, and result


24 with a correlation of 0.6098.


0 1 2 3 4 5 6

4.2 Case B
Figure 5. Greenhouse air temperature. The con-
tinuous line shows the measurements and the
The comparison are in figure 9, figure 10:
dash line represents the simulation model

In the figure 5, it can be seen that the output 35

obtained by simulation is very similar to the

Temperature °C

measurement. There are some differences, how-


ever them can be considered acceptable. Figure 25

7 shows the difference between real and simulated

greenhouse air temperature. The mean value re- 20

sulting is 2.4 ◦ C, the variance of 5.87 and the 15

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
correlation between simulated and measured was Days.

0.9534. In the same case, the figure 6 shows the

Figure 9. Greenhouse air temperature. The con-
measured greenhouse humidity against the simu-
tinuous line show the measurements and the
lation. The most important differences are present
dash line represent the simulation model
in half day, in the rest of day the similitude are
0.035 or parameter, the result must improve with more
time and resources let adjust this values.

Absolute Humidity Kg/m3



An extension and validation of a climate green-
0.01 house model has been presented. Based on the
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Days. climate model of (Tap, 2000), and including the
modification of (Leal, et. al., 2004) in order to
Figure 10. Greenhouse absolute humidity. The consider the humidity variations in the air temper-
continuous line represent the measurements ature equation. Besides the above modification,
and the dash line the simulation some terms to consider the effect of fans in walls,
In the figure 9, we can see like the prognostic fogs and shadow cloth have been included. To test
model are more close at real measurements than the proposed modifications, a real Greenhouse in
figure 5, the effect of fogs switch off improve the north-west Mexico has been used. Measurements
results. And in the figure 11, which show the dif- of the required variables in real operation were ac-
ferential between real minus simulated greenhouse quired. The measurements of the output variables
temperature, resulting with a mean of 1.06 ◦ C, are compared to the related simulation obtained
variance of 2.50 and correlation of 0.98. using the proposed model. Two series of data were
utilized to the test. In the first case fogs has been

utilized in order to reduce the temperature, Case
6 A. For the second data set, Case B, the fogs
4 were turn off. As can be seen, the results from the
Temperature °C

figures 5-12 and correlations, shown an acceptable
behavior in both cases. Although we found a good

behavior with the model, further work should keep
−6 on working sampling a greenhouse during all a
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
year, in order to evaluate the model under differ-
ent weather conditions. And include the design of
Figure 11. Greenhouse air temperature. Difference a control strategy for the temperature variable.
between measured and simulation

For the humidity, the figure 10 shows greenhouse
humidity real against simulated with the pro-
The authors are gratefully to Ing. Fco. Barrera
posed model. And as it can be seen, the results
Cumming, whom give facilities to do the study.
model present good behavior with a correlation of
0.8093, and required more adjust for calibrate bet-
ter the model at conditions of greenhouse tacked
in this study (like the exact moment in which REFERENCES
turn on/off the fogs for operators each day). From Bot, G. (1983). Greenhouse Climate: from physi-
this graphic we can see how in the half day the cal processes to a dynamic model, PhD The-
model presents the most important differences, sis. Wageningen Agricultural University. In-
in the rest of day the similitude is very close. It stitute of Agricultural and Environmental
x 10
Engineering and Physics The Netherlands.,
P.O.B. 43,NL-6700 AA Wageningen Uni.
Ferreira, P. M. and A. E. Ruano (2002). Choice
Absolute Humidity Kg/m3

of rbf structure fpr predicting greenhouse in-
side air temperature. In: IFAC 15th World
0 congress. Barcelona.
−2 Leal Iga, J., Alcorta Garcı́a, E. and Rodrı́guez
−4 Fuentes, H. (2004). Influence of air density
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 variations in the climate of a greenhouse. In:
2nd IFAC symposium on system structure
Figure 12. Greenhouse humidity: difference be- and control. Oaxaca, Mexico.
tween measured and simulation Nielsen, B. and H. Madsen (1998). Identification
of a linear continuous time stochastic model
is important to note the fact that the proposed of the heat dynamic of a greenhouse. J. Agr.
approach does not change any value for variable Eng. Res. 71, 249–256.
Takakura, T. (1993). Climate under cover, digital (3) Ks = 5.75 W
Soil heat transfer, ◦ C· m2
dynamic simulation in plant Bioengineering. (2) η = 0.7 Radiation conv. factor
Kluwer Academic Pub. The Netherlands. (3) Kd = 2 Soil to soil heat transfer, ◦ C·m2
Tap, F. (2000). Economics-based optimal control (1) α = 0 Pipe air heat transfer, ◦ C· m2
(1) Z = 0.6 Effective solar radiation
of greenhouse tomato crop production, PhD Deep soil temperature, ◦ C
(1) Td = 19
Thesis. Wageningen Agricultural University. (1) Vg = 4555.4 Greenhouse volume, m3
Institute of Agricultural and Environmental (1) Ag = 1050 Greenhouse surface, m2
Engineering and Physics The Netherlands., (1) ϕinj = 0 CO2 Injection flux, s·m 2

P.O.B. 43,NL-6700 AA Wageningen Uni. (1) rw l = 100 Rel. lee window opening
Tchamitchian, M. (1993). Optimal control applied (1) rw w = 100 Rel. windward window opening
(1) WL = 75 Leaf dry weight, mg2
to tomato crop production in a greenhouse. In:
(3) LAI = 3 Crop leaf area index
European Control Conference. Groningen. Crop dry weight, KgCH2 O
(3) Wm = 0.17 m2
Udink ten Cate, A. J. (1983). Modeling and Dry air density at 0 ◦ C, mKg
(2) Mair = 1.29 3
(adaptive) control of greenhouse climates, (2) γo = 1.205
Dry air density at 20 ◦ C, m3
PhD Thesis. Wageningen Agricultural Uni- (2) ρ = 998 Specific mass of water, mKg
versity. Institute of Agricultural and Environ- (2) Patm = 101.0 Atmospheric air pressure, kP a
mental Engineering and Physics The Nether- (3) ω = 0.622 Humidity ratio
lands., P.O.B. 43, NL-6700. (3) q = 0.01 Evaporation radiation, g
(3) r = 0.01 Ev. vapor pressure deficit, mg
(3) n = 0.098 Parameter of radiation
(3) gb = 10 Boundary layer conductance, mm s
APPENDIX A: STATES, INPUTS, (3) γ = 0.067 apparent psychometric constant, kP ◦C

FUNCTIONS AND PARAMETERS (3) ² = 3 Inside outside cover heat resistance.

(3) s1 = 0.00018407 Sat. water vapor press. par. 1, kP
kP a
Functions (3) s2 = 0.00097838 Sat. water vapor press. par. 2, ◦ C 2
(3) s3 = 0.051492 Sat. water vapor press. par. 3, kP◦C
Q Humidity add for fogs s·m2 (2) Λ = 0.46152 Pressure constant, N m
◦C g
Dg Air vapor pressure deficit, kPa (3) a1 = 0.611 Saturation vapor pressure, kP a
s Saturated water vapor-pressure slope, kP
(3) a2 = 17.27 Saturation vapor pressure
g Leaf conductance (3) a3 = 239 Saturation vapor pressure, ◦ C
Wc∗ Humidity ratio at sat. cover vapor pressure (3) ζ = 0.000027060 Renewal rate parameter, m s
Pc∗ Saturated vapor pressure at cover (3) σ = 0.000071708 Renewal rate parameter
Tc Cover temperature (3) χ = 0.0156 Renewal rate parameter
Wg Greenhouse air humidity ratio (3) ξ = 0.000063233 Renewal rate parameter
Pg Greenhouse air vapor pressure
(3) ψ = 0.000074 Renewal rate parameter
λ Vaporization energy of water, Joules Vaporization energy coefficient, Jg
g (2) L1 = 2501
Kv Ventilation heat transfer coeff., m2
◦ C· (2) L2 = 2.381 Vaporization energy coefficient, g J◦ C
E Crop transpiration rate, s·m2 Leaf conductance, mm
(3) g1 = 20.3 s
Mc Condensation water flow, mg2 s (3) g2 = 0.44 Leaf conductance
g s m2
R CO2 Crop respiration, s·m 2 (3) g3 = 0.0025 Leaf conductance,
g µmol
P CO2 Crop photosynthesis, s·m m3
(3) g4= 0.00031 Leaf conductance,
φv m
Ventilation flux, s g
m (3) m1 = 0.0010183 Mass transfer, s m 2
φvent Ventilation flux for windows, s
(3) m2 = 0.33 Mass transfer
Inputs Kg
(4) MCO2 = 0.044 Carbon dioxide molar mass, mol
To Outside air temperature, ◦ C (4) MCH2 O = 0.03 Glucide unit molar mass, mol
10 = 1.40
Tp Heating pipe temperature, ◦ C (4) Q Respiration of the crop
G Short-wave radiation, watts·m−2 (4) ρr = 1.2 × 10−7 Maintenance respiration, KgCH2 0Kg·s
Co Outside air CO2 concentration, mg3 (4) τc = 0.0029 Leaf CO2 efficiency, ms
Kg (4) Tef f = 0.54 Amplitude of temp effect, ◦1C
Vo Outside water vapor concent., m3
W Wind speed m s (4) Kp = 0.58 Crop light extinction coefficient
(4) Tmin = 7 Min. temp for photosynthesis, ◦ C
Water consuming for fogs, ms
(4) Tmax = 38.5 Max. temp for photosynthesis, ◦ C
System states (4) Tcs = 19840 Smoothness for temp effect, ◦ C 2
Tg Greenhouse air temperature, ◦ C (4) ∈p =2.46×10−9 Quantum yield efficiency, KgCO2 µmol
Ts Greenhouse soil temperature, ◦ C (4) m = 0.10 Leaf transmission factor
Ci Greenhouse CO2 concent., mg3 m3
(2) Qf = 0.0011 Fog water consumption s
Vi Greenhouse water vapor concent., m3 measured in situ, or property obtained for the materials
Parameters used in greenhouse.
(2) values taken from his physics property.
(1) φf an= 11.4 Ventilation flux for fans, m
Jouls (3) Obtained from (Tap, 2000).
(2) cp = 1010 Air specific heat, Kg· ◦C
(4) Obtained from (Tchamitchian, 1993).
(2) Cs = 120000 Greenhouse soil heat cap., Kg· ◦C
(2) Ch = 2010 Water vapor specific heat, Kg· ◦C
(1) Kr = 0.3349 Roof heat transfer, ◦ C· m2

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