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(Cherlane M. Guanzon)

Choosing in which path you’re going to take in the near future. Maybe, is one of the
hardest decision you’re going to make. There are hundred ways to help you to choose your ideal
course and one of it, is engaging in a proper training, which is also called as work immersion. To
go through a proper training is a must. And one of these trainings include work immersion,
engaging in work immersion will surely help you to choose what course or which path you’re
going to proceed. What are the things that you can learn in doing work immersion?
In my 10 days of being an immersion student at City Engineering’s Office I’ve reflected
a lot of things that I should apply in choosing my career in the near future. And these are some of
the things that I’ve learned being an immersion student: having your passion, being on time,
accept corrections, time management and be positive always. Those are the characters I’ve
learned that maybe an employer should possess. On other hand, if we base on the learnings that
I’ve gained from them through doing an activity, these are activities that I’ve learned: proper
handwriting of project proposal, lines and strokes, bubble diagram, elevation, floor plan, exterior
perspective of a project proposal using two-point perspective, interior perspective using one-point
perspective, site development plan, proper sectioning and logo making.
Having your passion, being on time, accept corrections, time management and be positive
always. These are the few things that I’ve observed during the work immersion that an employer
should possess. Having your passion in what you’re doing is one of the characters that an
employer should possess in doing his/her works to be enable to come up with an upright output.
Next, being on time and proper time management is very important that an employer should
smear in their working days. Third one is, accept corrections, accept your flaws for you to accept
the corrections of your co-worker. Last one is to be positive always having positivity in life will
surely help you to go through hard days. Be positive on every aspect of life!
These are activities that I’ve learned: proper handwriting of project proposal, lines and
strokes, bubble diagram, elevation, floor plan, exterior perspective of a project proposal using
two-point perspective, interior perspective using one-point perspective, site development plan,
proper sectioning and logo making. These activities help me to choose in what course should I
proceed in my college days, these activities also help me to realize that choose what you’re good
at, choose the course that you know you have the passion. Doing those activities that are listed
above is fun but those activities also gave me headaches and I can’t deny the fact that those
activities are quite struggling.
In conclusion, engaging in a work immersion is very important as you go through
choosing and deciding your future course. Always remember that possessing a good character
being an employer is a must. Those learnings I’ve gained from the City Engineering Office are all
priceless and significant to me. Lucky for me I have engaged in work immersion because it really
helps me to decide what should I take in the future.

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