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Communicative language tests measure learner’s communicative language ability (know what to say,
when, to whom and how). In other words, communicative language tests are supposed to measure
learner’s ability to use language in real life situations.

Bad example

Writing question: “Is photography an art or science? Discuss.”

This is a bad example because the question requires learners to have knowledge about photography and
learner’s writing ability may not be successfully measured. Moreover, it only favours certain learners.

1. Face validity

If a test looks right to the testers and testees, the test has face validity. In other words, it looks as if it
measures what it is supposed to measure.

2. Content validity

 If a test has content validity, its content constitutes a representative sample of the language
skills, structures…with which it is meant to be concerned. (Hughes)
 A specification of skills or structures is needed and made at the early stage in test construction.
 Not everything in the specification will appear in the test but a specification is believed to
provide the test constructor a good basis of what to include in the test.

3. Criterion-related validity

concurrent predictive
test and criterion are administered at the same concern the degree in which a test can predict
time learner’s future performance
compare the results validated with other compare the results with how well learners
indicators of the current ability of learners perform on a criterion after the assessment given

In order to make valid tests:

1. Specification (to satisfy content validity)

Communicative competence involves:

 linguistic competence (knowledge)

 socio-linguistic competence (ability to use language in appropriate contexts)
 discourse competence (coherence / cohesion)
 strategic competence (communicative strategies)
2. Direct testing

Speaking: presentation, interview

Writing: essay

Reading: authentic material, comprehension questions

Listening: authentic material, following oral directions to complete the task

3. Scoring (is related to what is tested)

4. Reliability

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