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UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS UNIVERSITEITSEKSAVENS UNISA lf ETH303T October/November 2017 THE EDUCATION SYSTEM AND SCHOOL MANAGEMENT Durston 2Hus «(EDUCATIONAL THEMES) 100 Ms examiners ane Prot PILLAY SECOND Dr SS KHUMALO_ Closed book examination ‘This examination question paper remains the property of the Unwersity of South Africa and may not be removed from the examination venue This paper consists of 3 pages. INSTRUCTIONS: THIS PAPER CONSISTS OF FOUR QUESTIONS EACH QUESTION CARRIES EQUAL MARKS (25) ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS [TURN OVER] 2 ETH303T 40/11/2017 QUESTION 1 State whether the following statements are true or false. 11 The school compnses both bureaucratic and professional charactenstics, @ 12 The main objective of the Labour Relations Act is to encourage people to join a ‘Trade union (2) 13 Parents must form the minonty of a schoo!'s governing body @ 14 The National Qualifications Framework was designed to ensure that teachers are paid according to their qualifications @ 1.5 The school governing body can decide schoo! hours @ 1.6 The code of conduct for teachers makes it compulsory for teachers to take sick leave tfthey are going to be absent from school due to iliness @) 17 School governors and school managers are exactly the same people 2) 1 8 Provisioning is one management responsibility (2) 19 The South African Couneil for Educators has the responsibility of enhancing the status of the teaching profession (2) 1 10 The Labour Relations Council 1s not involved in mediation between the teacher unions and the Department of Basic Education @ 1.11 Teaching and leaming ts the core professional responsibilty of all educators (2) 1.12 The Counetl of Education Ministers have the responsibility to promote the national ‘education policy @) [25] QUESTION 2 Managing and governing a school are core co-responsibilities of any education system 21 Discuss the difference between management and governance of schools © 2.2 Explain the principal's role with respect to the management and governance of the school (6) 2.3 Explain the educator's role with respect to the management and governance of schools (8) [TURN OVER] 3 ETH303T 40/11/2017 24 In YOUR expenence, discuss two core challenges with respect to 2.414 School management 6) 2.42 School governance (6) [25] QUESTION 3 3.4 Discuss in detail each of the following 3.1.1 The language policy of public schools as defined in the South African Schools Act of 1996 ©) 3.12 The organisation of education and traning with reference to coordination between national and provincial departments of education (10) 32 Discuss why it is important for a school to butld partnerships with 321 The community 6) 3 22 Business and industry (6) [25] QUESTION 4 4 It is cntical that all educators have an in-depth understanding of diversity and its importance in the learning environment 41 Explain your understanding of diversity in the school context 6) 42 Discuss five challenges with respect to diversity in the school and how these may be managed (18) 43 Discuss YOUR expenence of successful ways to manage conflict in the school 6) (28) TOTAL: 100 Examiners: First: Prof V Pillay Second: Dr SS Khumalo © UNISA 2017

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