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UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS UNIVERSITEITSEKSAMENS, UNISA IS HEC101V OctoberiNovernber 2018. Health Education Duraton 2 Hours 100 Marks EXAMINERS : FIRST MRS MM MANYAKA. SECOND DR D HANNAWAY Closed book examination ‘This examination question paper remains the property of the University of South Africa and may not be temoved from the examination venue. Instructions: ‘SECTION A - MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS IN SECTION B This paper consists of SIX (6) pages [TURN OVER} 2 HEVI01V OctNov 2018 QUESTION 1 Select the most correct answer for each of the following questions. Write the letter only e.g. if the answer for question § 1s D, You will write 5. D 1.4. Which of these components is not related to health? (A) Spintual (8) Profession (©) Mental (0) Physical 4.2. person's belief in his or her own ability to affect their health is called ———- (A) power-other control (8) internal locus contro! (C) chance locus contro! (©) health promotion 4.3, One of the common causes for poisoning in under 6 year olds is (A) insecticides (8) vitamins (C) _ bites and stings (©) antidepressant drugs 1.4. ————-—-includes all purposeful activities designed to improve personal and public health, (A) Health (8) Health promotion C) Health education (0) Wettness 1.8. Which of these disease are cons (A) Cholera, diabetes and HIV/Aids (8) HIV/Aids, malana and hepatisis A (C) Hepatitis A, hepattis B and hypertension (0) Heart disease, hypertension and malana red as communicable diseases? 1.6. An air pollutant that results in fatigue, dizziness, loss of consciousness and even the possibility of death is -———- (A) asbestos (B) nitrogen oxide (C) sulphur oxide (0) carbon monoxide 1.7. Which of the following 1s not a component of fire safety? (A) Smoke detector (©) Fire dni (©) Reflector (0) Emergency Plan ITURN OVER] 3 HEVI01V OctNNov 2018 1.8. According to Masiow’s hierarchy of needs an adult person should be ready to self actualize, but young children depend on their parents to provide basic needs which include .. (A) sleep, shel populanty (B) food, shelter and sexual expression (C) physical strength and stamina (0) power and leadership 4.9. Mary has a headache and a high fever. The teacher suspects it might be the onset of flu. Which of the following stages might Mary’s flu be at? (A) Recovery (©) Incubation (©) Prodromat (0) Chincal 1.40, According to Kubler-Ross, death. (A) denval (8) bargaining (C) acceptance (0) anger QUESTION 2 Read the statement below and indicate whether the statement 1s correct or incorrect If the answer 1s true wnte (True) next to the corresponding number or if false write the symbol (False) next to the corresponding number For example if the answer for question 22 1s true, YOUR ANSWER WOULD BE 22 True 24. A) 8) 22. A 8) 23. A) 8) 24, A) 8) ‘The individual capacity to obtain, interpret and understand basic health information is called health literacy True False ‘Changes in diet and exercise cannot alter the amount of sugar in the blood of a diabetic. The False ‘Coma is the light stage of consciousness True False Itching in the eyes and skin can be attributed to a poison called sulphur dioxide. True False [TURN OVER]

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