Report of Tap Consultative Meeting With Chief Chike Obuekwe

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In attendance were;

1. Ifeanyichukwu Uyanne – TAP-PAC Chairman

2. Chris Ofodile – Assistant Secretary


Chief Chike Obuekwu (the guest)

The Chairman Engr Ifeanyi Uyanne welcome the guest Chief Chike Obuekwe and
inundated him with purpose of the meeting. The Chairman gave a brief of what TAP
stands for and its proposed reform agenda in Awka, especially on resolving the
ADUN leadership crisis.

The Assistant Secretary Chris Ofodile further explained to the guest why we sort to
hear from him, especially as he played a role at some point in the ADUN activities.

Chief Chike Obuekwe while responding stated as follows;

I like to be factual, and I choose my words carefully. The committee I headed was
constituted by the state government, though Awka recommended me to the
government. We were given 6 months, subject to renewal (if need be). But, I
thought that there was no need to take up to 6 months, that it`s duty call for my
hometown, therefore we would render selfless service to my people; we made sure
to conclude our assignment within 3 months.

We ran our activities without touching Awka funds, instead I committed my own
resources to cover all the committee`s expenses, save for the hall used for the
election which we approached Ezeuzu II Obi Gibson Nwosu for funds to be taken
from the account.
When we resumed duty government gave Awka money as compensation funds,
and I told my team that we will not touch the money. They suggested that we
dabble into the Eke-Awka revenue funds to enable us run our activities, but I

The story of how we conducted the ADUN election is a public knowledge. We made
sure it was a free and fair process in order to entrench a new beginning in the Awka
leadership system. We visited the 33 villages in Awka one after the other to
authenticate the delegates. We had to conduct election in 10 villages that had
disagreement with choosing delegates such as; Umuogbu, Umuanaga, Igweogige,
Umuzocha, Ifite, Nkwelle etc. we did that to give everybody a chance. We had
requested the villages to forward their delegate list signed by both Chairman and
Secretary of such village. 3 branches namely; Lagos, Abuja and Port Harcourt were
allocated 3 delegates each. While Onitsha branch later lodged complaint and
presented a nominal roll of more than 50 members. So, other branches were
allocated 1 or 2 delegates each depending on their nominal roll.

If you know the history of ADUN, it was formed by Awka people in Diaspora. It was
named Awka Development Union. So they are the actual owners of ADUN. They
are supposed to produce the highest number of delegates, while the group in Awka
produces a few numbers. It was then Ezeuzu II Obi Gibson Nwosu ran for President
General of ADUN. But because of the problem between Ezeuzu and Nzekwe-Ibe
they decided to upturn the constitution in 2008. Incidentally, some highly place
Awka men then decided to change the constitution. As you may be aware, the
constitution made provision for one term of 3 years in office. They became in
control of ADUN, and then made the villages much more powerful than the ADUN
branches. I wondered then the sense behind the decision to give more powers to
those at home than those who makes money in far away land and sends it home
for the development of our town? They allotted 5 delegates per village while the
branches had 3 delegates. The 2008 constitution was presented to Izu-Awka, but
as you know, there was no room for debating the document given the nature of
Izu-Awka. Interesting, there could not be opposition because those who could have
opposed it were in the committee. There was then a move by Engr Nzekwe-Ibe to
register ADUN with Corporate Affairs Commission which didn`t pass through Izu-
Awka, but I wouldn`t blame him because ADUN was then more of Awka people not
resident in Awka. So they registered it and made themselves Board of Trustees,
which is arguable but topic for another day. That was how they changed things in
ADUN, giving more powers to the villages than the branches. This led to the now
culture of spending huge amount of money for ADUN election. This means that one
have to spend hugely and buy the delegates. For the first, ADUN election saw huge
amount of money being distributed as though it as a Governorship election. Engr
Tony Okechukwu ahead of the election distributed so much money, just as Bar
Chudi Ikegbune the other contestant. Only Bar ECG Okechukwu did not distribute
money (may be because he didn`t have enough to distribute) to delegates. By my
analysis, I observed that Tony concentrated on the villages, while Chudi
concentrated on the outsides branches. In other to give everyone level playing
field, branches were given till 4 days to the election to forward their delegate list.
On the Election Day, no one even my team members didn`t know where I came out
from. The election was so free and fair that no one could have contested it. I
pleaded with Ndu Awka not to allow anything destabilize the peace and harmony
it was enjoying.

Now, the ADUN constitution is clear on how its leadership and tenure show last;
Ezi and Ifite, each to enjoy two (2) tenures each regardless of which village in the
section that produces. As you know Hon Emeke Nwogbo from Ifite section
(Umunnoke village) had served one (1) tenure for the Ifite section. But, if you recall
an election could not be conducted in 2011 as at the time Emeke`s tenure was
expiring because the ADUN Trustees led by Chief Dilim Okafor had their tenure
expired hence lacked legal backing to conduct the election as a result the scheduled
election was postponed. That was the basis for which the Caretaker committee I
led was constituted by the state government in consultations with Ndu Awka.

You see, Government now is interested in the Town unions and Traditional
institution. It is now in full control; as such no town can do stop government from
doing anything it wishes to do with them. Especially that its in full control of the
Town unions and created Ministry of Local government and Chieftaincy matters
backed by a decree.
I pleaded with Tony not to seek for an extra tenure in office to avoid crisis in Awka.
That anything he could not achieve for Awka within the period the constitution
provided, he should forget it. I had explained to Tony that since Emeke had served
1 tenure; Ifite section had just 1 more tenure before it goes down to Ezi section. I
do not know if you are aware that I was subpoena in court but I refused as I have
no business in court. Unfortunately, the whole matter went bad and it resorted to
exertion of ego.

I went to Ezeuzu Obi Gibson Nwosu knelt down and begged him to intervene and
convince Tony not to drag the matter after court ruling. I reminded him that if
nothing is done to avert the looming crisis that it will spoil a lot of things and might
affect him too. All those plea fell on deaf ears.

I got a call from the state government through the Commissioner for Local
government and Chieftaincy Matters directing me not take up the position of
caretaker committee chairman; that Tony had gone to appeal the High court
judgment and will get stay of execution; and that they were informed that the
committee was set up by Uzu Awka to fight Tony and the government. DSS invited
me and informed me of the state government position and advised that I stay clear.
So, I showed the Director Court judgment, he was surprised and asked if the
Governor had seen the judgment. I told him that my town had sent it to
government. I was also invited by the Commissioner of Police and was warned that
getting involved might affect my job as a civil servant. On that basis I resigned my
appointment as Chairman of the Caretaker committee set up by Awka and copied
the security agencies and indeed all Awka authorities. Now, how they conducted
election and Amobi Nwokafor emerged I do not know and was never part of it.
Amobi was my classmate, my personal friend and professional colleague, but I told
him that it will be difficult for government to recognize him. Before Amobi
emerged, I had asked him if he could handle the position. He stated that he is just
out to serve Awka. Today, he doesn`t have his personal life, even to spend time
with his family is a problem.

I am worried too that the position of the PG is now taken as that of the governor
so that when a PG is passing there is Police escort with convoy and then boys on
the street will be hailing the person. I keep wondering if it`s the same PG the likes
of Damian Orogbu and Gibson Nwosu served?

Let me tell you, the truth is that all this problems in Awka today is due to the ADUN
leadership imbroglio, not dust-to-dust rite as alleged. This was because Ezeuzu Obi
Gibson Nwosu in alliance with the state government refused to recognize Amobi
Nwokafor. So some people thought that since there could be 2 PGs, 2 Ozo group,
there can also be 2 Ezeuzu position so that it will be balanced. And let me tell you
that this matter, if not handled carefully will last for 20 years or more. You see, if
the Ezeuzu II Obi Gibson Nwosu joins his ancestors tomorrow, the Nkwelle people
who have a court judgment already will come up with their agitation. But do not
forget that there is Uzu Awka who also went through the process and has been
crowned (though without government recognition yet). I begged Awka people that
they should not crown another Ezeuzu, though Awka has issues with Obi Gibson
Nwosu. That they could consider the option of ostracizing him. That plea also fell
on deaf ears. In all these Awka keeps loosing.

Way forward:

1. The post of PG is service to the people, there should remove all these
personal aggrandizement and so much attachment to the post of PG.
2. There should organize a forum made of elderly and some prominent Awka
people. If you invite me I will attend. So that Tony`s ego is massaged to drop
his legal actions.
3. Amobi`s tenure is elapsing, he should be prevailed upon not to seek
reelection, and also hold an agreement with Ezi section that they have just 1
more tenure before it rotates back to Ifite section.
4. There should be a chronology of Awka PGs where Tony and Amobi will be
5. There should constitute an electoral panel, so that there will be a fresh
process to conduct a free and fair ADUN election. It can be considered to
review and amend the 2008 constitution. Individuals and groups interested
should forward memoranda to such committee. The amendment should
empower the branches to have more delegate strength worst case scenario
equal strength with the villages in any election, so that those in Diaspora will
be more committed to contribute the development of our town.
6. The Awka traditional institution should be strengthened.
7. Awka political elites should come together and form a political block to
assess and choose candidates for political positions and when doing so such
positions should be properly distributed.
8. Awka should have political forum.
9. Awka political and rich class should learn to invest in politics and negotiate
10. Awka currently has no single Permanent Secretary in the Anambra state civil
service. Awka should push for compensation for her lands taken by

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