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November 27, 2018
Intolerance is a key word which is widely spreading throughout our society, and is
immensely affecting our roots and branches. Moreover it is defined as disposition to
consent opinions, beliefs and behavior that contrast from one another. Intolerance leads to
many factors that may cause disagreement, chaos and disunity in a society, nation or a

Intolerance is the enemy of conception and understanding. People are blindfolded towards
the reality and believe what they want to believe. It takes courage and grace to deal with
chivalry in this world of dishonesty and cruelty. Intolerance indeed is a biggest enemy of
mankind which is eventually resulting into destructive and mental chaos.

Intolerance comes from a powerful presumption of the trustworthiness of ones convictions

and a closed minded feeling about their rightness. A narrow minded society can’t endure
articulation of thoughts and perspectives which challenge it present tenets and customary
way of thinking.

Intolerance took birth because of multiple imbalances between many things which
possibly can be physical or mental instability. Intolerance is backfiring the peace and unity
of the nation whereas people the totally immerse in their doings that they don’t even care
how there doings will affect the future of the nation.

Pakistan is a country is undoubted developing at a rapid speed apparently but it faces

many challenges and hardship at very pace to progress every day. We cannot fully access
it’s on the verge of chaos nor it’s on the surface of impartiality. People have left just a thin
line between the rays of rightfulness and the dark side. Intolerance is one of the significant
problems of our society but it’s not that much highlighted as other problems which
includes slavery, shelter and basic rights of the citizens. It is causing lots of destruction
which will ultimately destroy not only the peace of country but it will also affect country’s


An honor killing or shame killing is basically murder or killing of a member of your family
due to extremer’s believe that the victim has bought disgrace to the name of family due to
any respective reason. Honor killing is further divided into many attributes. Talking about
honor killing in Pakistani society, it has been one of the significant reasons of intolerance
in Pakistan. Honor killing is predominantly related with women in Pakistan. Women are
mainly targeted for honor killing. Honor killing is usually performed in Pakistan when a
person more precisely when a woman violates the principles of society or brings bad name
to the family more like hurting egos of the family, usually for the reasons like refusing
marriages, marrying the person who’s standard of living or who’s not ideal for the family,
becoming a rape victim, doing or dressing in ways which are deemed inappropriate in the
society etc.

Men in our society generally justify honor killing on the name of Islam without knowing that
our religion doesn’t justify this cruel act it rather tells us not to commit such kind of doings.
In our society male by doing honor killing thinks that he has pious the society by killing a
woman for her bad deeds whereas Allah all mighty is totally against violence n killing.
indeed Allah himself is the biggest all forgiver and he doesn’t gives authority to anyone to
kill an innocent or a sinner in the name of Islam .here I would like to quote a Quran verse;

‘And the retribution of an evil act is an evil like it, but whoever pardons and
makes reconciliations- his reward is [due] from Allah. Indeed, He does not like
the wrongdoers’ Quran 42: (the noble quran)

Although wrongdoers are not that severely punished by God if they ask for pardon, Allah
always has a room for forgiveness whereas we being Ashraf ul makhlookat, commit such
mistakes which are strictly prohibited in Islam.

Male in our society fails to understand that honor killing doesn’t brings up good name to
their family or graces their reputation, in fact it shows their ignorance and intolerance.
Honor killing has just became the source of releasing their own frustration without knowing
the cost of the sin they might be performing in the name of honor killing.

Here we can quote example from past, in past inside Pakistani society where a woman
Qandeel Bloch become the victim of honor killing. She was killed because apparently
because she bought bad name to her family but no one even her family has right or has no
reason to justify act of her murder and at the day of judgments her family and ALLAH
would be parallel and they’ll have to be answerable because Allah himself is forgiving .

Class consciousness, the self-understanding of members of a social class, class
consciousness as a matter of pure ideality. Rejecting any separation of theory and practice,
he used the term “conscious human practices” to emphasize the conjunction of subjectivity
and objectivity in history. False consciousness is an error; it is not baseless or purely
fictitious. It is itself historically determined. Capitalism is in a perpetual and eventually
fatal state of crisis. Capitalism unleashes forces of production that come to undermine its
own sustainability. Socialist thinkers diverged on the status of working-class
consciousness. Some were optimistic and considered the working class to be naturally in
tune with its class interest and spontaneously revolutionary. The possibility of class
consciousness is given by the objective process of history, which transforms the proletariat
into a commodity, hence objectifying it.

Human societies have known all kinds of class systems. In some societies there is a class
of princes, a class of warriors, a class of farmers and a class of slaves, and based on this
there is a lot of oppression, abuse and Class conscious. But the sharia or law of Allah does
not recognize such systems at all. Islam gives equal rights to all, rich and poor, noble and
ignoble. The basic principle on which people are differentiated in Islam is clearly
mentioned in the Holy Qur’an, in Surah al-hujrah.

Class consciousness is thus not a simple subjective act, "as consciousness here is not the
consciousness of an object conflicting to itself, but the object's consciousness, the act of
being conscious of oneself upsets the objectivity form of its object. One way is to say that
"objectively" people have common class benefits and should act according to the class
struggle pattern. But that they are not always "class conscious". They suffer from "false
consciousness". But this is (a) not true; nor would it (b) help much if it were.

Talking in context to Islam, Islam is a beautiful and religion full of mercy. Allah almighty
tells us to be humble and helpful towards man and animals both .even our prophet PBUH
portrays our religion is all about peace and unity rather than ferociousness and violence.
Our prophet PBUH himself adopted tolerance and forbearance for the people who ridiculed
him. Even though the lady who used to throw garbage on him he also forgave her without
holding on any grudges other than this he always prayed for their forgiveness and for their
betterment without uttering a single word.

The people of Pakistan are the prey of extremism in a sense when it comes to anything
related Islam we all become mindless and some of the so called Islamic scholars pass the
fatwas or comments which are against Islamic laws and regulations. They keep on adding
the arguments which are not even near to the facts just for own benefits, these benefits
may differ from different perspectives it may be political or personals. Without realizing
these fatwas can lead to failure of relationships, welfare of the country and economy of the
country. They fail to educate people about Islam because they fabricate most of the rules
which aren’t even in Islam and they merely show extremism in every sense. They
manipulate people who are Muslims but they make them believe that Islam isn’t a religion
of linearity but cruelty which is false.
In order to keep society or a place running smoothly and peacefully, there
must numerous rules and regulations so people know their limits and
boundaries. Different laws should be enforced to keep everything in order. Many conducts
are considered disorderly conducts at different places at different times. For example
someone shouting in neighborhood at late night the houses around will be disturbed
whereas if same person is shouting at some industrial area nobody will really notice it.

Likewise Islam teaches us to respect every rule and order given by the society. Islam is
strictly against someone who’s disturbing the peace of the society and is not following it.
Islam also has penalties for those who destroy the peace. As Quran explains it too that:

If one has good manners, one may have the same level of merit, as those who
spend their nights in prayers. Hadith (Islami city; Islami city)

Pakistani society faces many disorderly conducts which include people fighting with each
other on simple and small things, these physical scuffles and brawling also count as
disorderly conducts. Protests are also reckoned in this, people are engaged in doing
peaceful protests which they constitutionally protect the rights of others which is not the
case, the public is severely disturbed not only mentally but physically. Besides public
urination, parking cars were not allowed; not paying taxes and public intoxication can
constitute disorderly conduct too. More when if we see around we’ll come across many
examples of orderly misconduct like shopkeepers and the customers losing their minds
while bargaining they sometimes forget their limits and exchange the words which are
harsh and immoral. There’s a ayah said about;

‘May Allah have mercy on a man who is tolerant when selling, buying and
seeking repayment’ AL QURAN (Daily Hadith Online)


Morality is one of the things which have a significant importance in our religion. Morals
refer to a set of codes that is authoritative in a society or a group of people in
differentiating good from evil. Islam has defined comprehensive system of morals for us
that is helping us to stay on the right path and way. The rational Islamic morals principles
attract human intellect and motivate them to please their god.

In our society today people have become so intolerant that they have almost forgotten
about their society and their ethics. For example we have in acceptance for each other,
whenever we are having discussion with any one in any occasion, sometimes all we see is
our point of view without realizing what other may think or what were his objectives really.
Whenever someone raises their perspectives which are against our mentality we get fire
up and out of control .likewise we don’t even realize and we get rude to our parents when
the grow old and we send them to old houses which is literally unethical and immoral.
Other cause can be deceiving or fabricating lies. People have feel conscious and ultimately
fabricate lies to feign opulence.

INEQUALITY. Women are disrespected and not given their equal status. They’re pressed under the
feet of men in every social or political situation just because egotistic mentality. Though there are
many few cases in our society, but the rights of women and men should both be considered and

Citizens of developing countries suffer from injustice, the root of all human mistakes. They feel they
are treated rudely and exploited badly just because they are in the other side of the world.

Feeling of injustice ruins the peaceful life of every single person. Individuals sense the injustice in
daily life, in things like the freedom of speech, when someone is deprived of their right to say their
point of view, they feel oppressed and unwanted. This is much more offensive when the whole
community is deprived the right of saying what they believe in.

This mother of all the crimes results in a sense of instability and bloodletting everywhere. People
are ready to sacrifice their life to take revenge when they feel of injustice. Hence, we are living in a
world full of daily bloody events and wars almost all of them are caused by the injustice. Therefore
we are all affected by this human unwanted sin, and we must all contribute to find ways to get out
of it and live in democratic world in peace.

Our religion its self doesn’t support injustice. If we look back in the history of Islam there are many
nations which were destroyed just because of the cruelty and the injustice faced by the people. It is
totally again Islam, as it is mentioned in Quran:

"Evil has appeared on land and sea because of what the hands of men have
earned, that He (God) may let them taste (the consequences of) some part of
that which they have done, in order that they may return (to the right path)."
(Quran: 30:41) (Islami city)

The intolerant behavior creates chaos and disorder in the country. The injustice creates the horror
among the citizens and they feel unprotected. They feel unsafe under their own shelter and under
their country which is under the name of Islam.


Islam has laid down universal and fundamental rights for humanity as a whole, which are
to be observed and respected under all circumstances. These basic rights are associated
with Islamic faith and belief because they are divinely ordained. Thus, human rights in
Islam are religious obligations, meaning that it is obligatory for every Muslim to protect
them and restore them if they are violated. The effects can be damaging to morale and to
working relationships. A Muslim believer is obligated to oppose injustice and oppression no
matter who the victim happens to be. When seeing another human being in distress or
critical need of assistance only if one has power and authority. Prophet Mohammed (SAW)

“One of the actions that will be advantageous in your life after passing away is
your good comportment with people working under you”.

If such human rights had never been enforced at some time in human history, they would
have remained no more than theoretical ideals in people's minds. But Prophet
Muhammad founded a civilization in which they were fully implemented, serving as an
outstanding example for all future generations of mankind. Examples include: Bullying or
harassing behavior, interfering with the ability of a colleague to work effectively (i.e. by
impeding access to information or resources) and Pressuring staff to distort facts or break
rules just because one has resources to get out of the red zone himself ETC.

Intolerance is spread around like a disease around the globe infecting numerous countries
and societies. Intolerance can be counted as preliminary step towards destruction and
peace of the particular nation or society. Specifying the study towards our country; there
are multiple factors which turn Pakistani society into an intolerant society like every other
country. First of all, the major drawback of our society is that, we have totally forgotten
about our rules and regulation with respect to Quran. Also, we have overlooked the morals
that Islam teaches us. We as society have completely indulged ourselves in a perspective
that if we are to follow the westernized system, only then we can be considered as
developed or civilized country. This completely ignores the fact that we do not have to set
them as example. For us, Allah all mighty has already set multiple examples of a perfect
society by sending numerous prophets. Other than this, there are many other political,
cultural and social reasons that lead to an intolerant society. Like, many of people are in
constant fear of being ignored or that their voice will not be given any importance. Such
people lack self-confidence and sense of security. They fear that government would not
give them full access to their rights and this is one of the major taboos currently happening
in Pakistan. People are categorized by their classes, their names and even people
practicing their religion also feel unsafe owning to all these discriminations. Unfortunately,
we still do have certain cases where women are pressed under toe and people there have
a narrow mindset which ultimately leads to commit crimes. This is how a society ends up
being intolerance in society. The worst part is, everyone is blindfolded to the fact how
dangerous this may be for the welfare of the country.
Concluding it, we can improve all the situation of our society by keeping faith in ourselves
as well as in others. We can practically follow the sunnahs and guideline given by Allah in
Quran. This is the precious key which may pave our way to a tolerant and an Islamic state
we want. Moreover, inorder to fight intolerance, we need to enforce such laws which give
surety to protect human rights in all respect. Our society needs to upgrade the education
percentage; we should try to increase our literacy rates. People are short of information
which leads misapprehensions and misunderstandings ending up in intolerance in the
society. Beside this, we should all put individual efforts to improve our selves, to bring the
good of ourselves. If we just realize and start practicing all of the above points then surely
one day I believe Pakistani intolerant society will definitely come out as flamboyant society

Daily Hadith Online. (n.d.).

Islami city. (n.d.).

the noble quran. (n.d.).

the noble quran. (n.d.).

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