Essay Project (Solar Roof Tiles) - Erlangga Kusna Hermawan

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Essay Topic Industrial Topic

Name Erlangga Kusna Hermawan

Student ID 18524139
Class C

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Title Everything About Solar Roof Tiles

Introductory Solar roof tiles (or solar shingles) are solar panels specifically
Paragraph designed to look and function like conventional roofing materials,
like shingles or asphalt. Solar shingles are a type of building-
integrated photovoltaic, meaning they are designed to blend in
seamlessly with your roof’s architectural design.
Body Paragraph 1 The first thing to remember is that the process of installing solar tiles
and solar panels in general is very varied. There is a misconception that
solar tiles are installed on the roof, similar to solar panels, while this
shingle is a roof. In fact, some people cannot distinguish Tesla shingles
from ordinary shingles. Therefore, installing solar tiles is mostly similar
to traditional shingle installation.

Body Paragraph 2 In general, maintenance of solar tiles and solar panels is not much
different. Both do not require much maintenance. In fact, both of them
even last between 25 and 30 years. The only treatment needed for solar
tiles is cleaning, which is a routine that can be done with a garden hose.
Of course, snowfall and leaves are also things to watch out for. This
treatment still does not require any special skills or equipment.

Body Paragraph 3 When it comes to the issue of cost-effectiveness, it mostly depends on

the system specification.The cost-effectiveness of solar roof tiles
depends on how potent the option, as well as the additional equipment
(like the battery) that you option for. The more you work hard, the faster
you will get your money back. This is due to the fact that returns are
calculated by saving the energy produced. The more energy produced,
the faster the return.

Conclusion It is important to remember that while solar tile is an interesting concept

Paragraph that might be big in the future, now it may not be time to invest in it.
However, they are still relatively new innovations, and can have many
problems in the short term future. The faster you invest in solar energy,
the better: The longer you use solar energy, the more money you save.

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