Slab Culverts Format

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Inventory and Condition Survey of Slab/Arch/Box Culverts

Road Name: Date of Survey:
Road Section(s): Survey done by:
Thick- Presence of Condition of Various Presence of Details of
Span arrangement Total Head Ade-
Type of Clear ness Protc w Components Veg Growth Whe- any scour
Loca- Width Wall quac Flow
S. CD. structure Road Fill of head ther
tion of thick Parapet y of Dire- GPS Co-ordinates Remarks
No. No. Arch/ Span Height Width (m) Deck Deck Wall Return Choke
(Km.) No Culver ness U/S D/S / Hand U/S D/S U/S D/S water ction
Box/ Slab (m) (m) (m) Slab Slab Lnth & Wall d
t (m) (m) type Rail way

Abbrevations: N/A=Not Applicable ; NA = Not Available ; NV = Not Visible ; NC= Not Choked ; PC = Partially Choked ; FC = Fully Choked ; L= Left ; R= Right

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