La Consolacion University Philippines: A Detailed Lesson Plan in English III

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La Consolacion University Philippines

City of Malolos, Bulacan 3000

A Detailed Lesson Plan in English III

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

 define epic poetry through identifying its characteristics and

 analyze the given text through guide questions;
 show the value of cooperation through a group activity; and,
 develop social awareness in relating the themes of an epic poem to
real life.

II. Content :

 Subject Matter :

o Topic :

 Epic Poetry

o Subtopic :

 Beowulf

 References:


 Instructional Aids

o laptop and LCD

o Powerpoint Presentation
o speakers
o video clips

A. Daily Routine
 Opening Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of Attendance
 Presentation of Objectives

B. Motivation

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Good afternoon, Charity. Good afternoon, Ma’am.

Before we start, I’ll present to you

a short clip and I want you to watch Yes, Ma’am.
it carefully because I’ll ask a few
questions after. Ready?
[presentation of video clip – Katipunan trailer]
Now who is the person in the video He is Andres Bonifacio, Ma’am.
clip we just watched?
Yes, that is Andres Bonifacio. Who He helped defended our country from
is Andres Bonifacio for you? colonizers Ma’am.
Thank you. So heroes dedicated their
lives to this country and the tales
of their heroism will live on for
other generations to know and
Yes, Ma’am.
appreciate. For today we will have
one instrument on how the tales of
these heroes are told or written.

Let’s have our objectives first. At the end of the lesson, the students
Please read. will be able to:
 define epic poetry through
identifying its characteristics
and features;
 analyze the given text through
guide questions;
 show the value of cooperation
through a group activity; and,
 develop social awareness in
relating the themes of an epic
poem to real life.
C. Presentation

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Okay, thank you. Now I’d write a
word on the board and please tell
me what’s the first thing that Ma’am! Great!
comes into your mind. [WORD - EPIC]
Well, great! Does anyone want to
add? Yes?
Epic, Ma’am...big?
Yes, it could be big. Anyone else? Ma’am can it be massive?
Perhaps, let’s write that on the
board...anyone else want to try?
Why yes, epic could be important or
significant. Thank you. These words
are your definition of the word Yes, Ma’am! Beowulf!
EPIC. Could we expand is further?
Remember the movie you watched?
Yes, Beowulf. Beowulf is the oldest
surviving manuscript in British
literature has a message that is as
relevant today as it was in the Ma’am, it’s about adventures and
10th century. This is an example of
an epic poem, if not THE example of
battles of a hero, and told in a
a great epic poem. Now based on poetic form.
what you have watched, what would
your definition of an epic poem be?

Very good! You have an idea of what An epic is a long narrative poem that
we will discuss today. Could relates the great deeds of a larger-
someone please read the definition? than-life hero who embodies the values
Yes? of a particular society.
Thank you. Now an epic, as what you
have said earlier, is a poem, a
long narrative poem. It may not
have a rhyme. It would be almost
like prose. A particular trait of
Yes, Ma’am.
this poem would be the hero or the
protagonist of our story.
So these epic poems concern eternal
human problems such as the conflict
Ma’am maybe it’s because of the
between GOOD and EVIL
language and the culture. If that’s
and are written or told on a grand
what they see in their daily lives,
scale and often in ceremonial
that’s what they will write.
style. Why do you think it is
written like so?
Wow! Thank you for that answer. It
may also be because of the culture No ma’am.
and the language of the poet
himself. Their religious
experiences could also count for
the grand scale and ceremonial
style of the language. Are we
clear? Do you have any questions?
Alright, let’s continue. Now, when
It is about the culture and tradition
you hear the word folklore, what
in the past, Ma’am.
usually come into your mind?
Thank you. Now remember that when
you talk about folklore, this is
Ma’am, I think that it depends upon the
about the oral traditions. Remember
one telling the story. They might add
the saying that when you tell a
or subtract ideas about the thing they
story, chances are that it might
are talking about.
get changed or edited along the
way. Why do you think this happen?
Alright, thank you for your
Folk epics are oral compositions passed
insights. Now kindly read the
on from storyteller to storyteller and
definition of a folk epic [SHOWS
has changed over time.
Ma’am, I think that this is about
Thank you. Now what is your idea
with the word literary? Yes?
something that is related to
Thank you, so these are works of
art that cannot be changed,
Yes, Ma’am.
something that is written. Are we
Well then, shall we proceed? Yes, Ma’am.
Now, having discussed what an epic
poem is, let’s move on to the
Ma’am! Beowulf is the protagonist in
features of an epic poem. In every
the story. He is a hero and he goes to
story, there is a protagonist. Who
different adventures.
is the protagonist in our poem? How
would you describe Beowulf and
Yes, Beowulf is centre of this epic
poem. After all, the poem has his
Beowulf is a strong warrior. He is a
name on it, isn’t it?  What else
leader among the warriors. He fought
can you say about Beowulf? What are
the achievements that Beowulf is a monster named Grendel.
known of?
Thank you for your insights. Now in
an epic poem, who do you think is It is the protagonist or the hero.
the centre of the plot?
Yes, it is the protagonist or the
hero. [SHOWS BULLET 1] The hero is
described as someone who has a
strong stature, who has [SHOWS
BULELT 2] unbelievable strength and
Yes, Ma’am.
acts and valour. Remember Beowulf’s
adventures and how he fought
monsters and has great adventures?
Okay, so it is clear for everyone.
Very good. Now where is Beowulf Denmark, Ma’am.

But is he really from Denmark? No, Ma’am!

Then why is he in Denmark? Because he is looking for adventures.

Beowulf is located near the sea because

Correct. How would you describe the
they are sea travellers. There are also
settings in Beowulf?
ice in the area.

Thank you, as you can see, an epic

poem’s setting is vast [SHOWS
BULLET 3] and spans on different Yes, Ma’am.
locations, as the hero looks for
adventures, are we clear with that?

Now that we’ve established the epic

poem’s protagonists and settings, Yes, ma’am. They are Beowulf, Grendel,
can you recall the other characters and the mother of Grendel.
in Beowulf?

Correct. Now these characters Yes, Ma’am. There are characters in

aren’t just humans, right? How Beowulf that are supernatural
would you describe them? creatures.

Exactly, an epic poem [SHOWS BULLET

4] involves supernatural and-or
otherworldly forces, which make it
None so far, Ma’am.
a very diverse and adds to the
magical feel of the epic. Any
Alright, let’s move on. So can you
describe to me how the movie plays Yes, Ma’am. The movie shows all details
out? Does it have a narrator? A and insights of each character, setting
steady flow in the story’s and others.
narration? Yes?

Very good, thank you. Now what is

your view about the epic itself? Do
Yes, Ma’am.
you think it is something
Alright, thank you. In an epic
poem, [SHOWS BULLET 5] the poet
remains objective and omniscient.
We are shown everything about the
None so far, Ma’am.
story, its characters, what they
are thinking and such. Any
questions about the features of an
epic poem?


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

If you have no questions, let’s
Characters are beings of national
have a quick recall about an epic
importance and historical or legendary
poem’s features. Could anyone tell
me what characteristics does an
epic poem have?
The setting is grand in scope,
Thank you. Yes? covering nations, the world, or even
the universe.
The hero does great deeds in battle or
Next? undertakes an extraordinary journey or
Supernatural forces interest
Alright, thank you. Next? themselves in human action and often
intervene directly.
Alright, thank you. So now I
believe that we’re clear with
everything. Please go to your Yes, Ma’am!
groups, and we’ll answer a few
questions. Ready?
We’ll have five questions and I
want you to answer them as honestly Yes, Ma’am.
as you can. Are we clear?
Now form a circle for your
groupings; and please choose a Okay Ma’am.
leader to present your work later.
I will give you only ten minutes to
answer the following questions.
Automatically, group one will have
Yes, Ma’am.
the first question and so on.
Afterwards, you will have to
present it in front. Are we clear?
Okay, so ten minutes will start

After watching of Beowulf, what would you say were the qualities deeply
esteemed by the people of those times? Would these qualities be esteemed in
our times?
Beowulf was a good leader. What qualities would you demand from a national
What quality/qualities of Beowulf would be worthy of emulation by ordinary
What does the story of Beowulf reveal about the customs and beliefs of the
Danes in that period?
Why is the focus of the story on Beowulf as a hero rather than as a king?
What is the difference?
[Presentation of Works]
Thank you for your presentation,
Charity. Please stand for our closing
Goodbye,Charity. Goodbye and thank you, Ma’am.

V. Assignment

Prepared by:

Ruth Klaribelle C. Villaceran


Cooperating Teacher:

Ms. Aliana Concepcion Cruz

Prof. Divina Ann Eusebio

Prof. Ellen Calayag

Prof. Enrico Rosales

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