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Figure 42. Five stages of analysis in selection of @ ‘dewatering process, Stage Intl Serooning of 7 Dewatering Concepts Stage Intl Cost 2 Evaluation Stage Laboratory 3 Testing Stage Fold Level, 3 Testing Fal Evaluation Stage Baced on Detaled 8 Design Perameters Stage 4 - Field Pilot Testing iF the plant is large andior the cake moisture content is critical (and more than one dewatering method may be feasible), pilot studies are often: warranted. Since the sludge dewatering properties of even apparently similar sludges may vary widely, pitt studies. greatly reduce the risk of improperly ‘selecting and sizing dewatering equipment. The cost of a thorough ‘evaluation is small compared to the benefits gained. If it is necessary to test two types or more of comparable dewatering equipment, the tests should be conducted simultaneously to eliminate potential differences related to the sludge composition. Sludge variations, due to a number of reasons, can distort the comparison. An example, shown in Table 4-1, is the result of two series of tests conducted at the ‘same plant in Ohio. Table 4-1 indicates that two dewatering studies at the same facility produced widely different results. Moreover, there was not a similar comparative difference’ between the two types of equipment for the winter and summer testing. The differences found must also be considered in light of the degree of optimization achieved. Short-term testing may not have fully evaluated the range of operation or ‘optimized the critical chemical conditioning step. The centrifuge data in Table 4-1, which was produced by full-scale operation, ‘indicate the magnitude of the problem that could have boon encountered had the centrifuge installation been sized 27 fon winter test performance results. Production rate and cake solids content were much lower in the ‘summer tests. The differences wore a result of storm flows adding inert material to the sludge and changes in industrial discharges. In the winter tests (Series 1), ‘storm flows had added inerts to the sludge; in the ‘summer tests (Series Il), a high TSS discharge from a brewery had a more adverse impact on the performance of the centrifuge than on the performance of the diaphragm plate press. Ideally, pilot testing should be carried out over an oxtonded period of time. However, extendad testing is often not practical. Test programs should evaluate a sufficiently wide range of PS:WAS ratios to ensure testing of worst-case situations, preferably during colder weather when the sludge water viscosity and secondary sludge yields are higher. Further, a full range in operating capacity should be investigated to determine the effect on cake solids and capital and operating costs. Stage 5 - Final Evaluation Based on Detailed Design Parameters After Stage 4 is completed, accurate scale-up and sizing of equipment is performed by tho design engineer with the aid of the equipment manufacturer. ‘AL this time, estimates of the capital cost, labor, energy, chemical, and maintenance material requirements for the dewatering process under consideration can be refined. This information can be supplomented with data from other plants using the same process. The researching of similar equipment porformance and the manufacturers" service record is highly recommended. Additionally, the operating utility can make input from performance and operational probloms experienced in Stage 4 field evaluations. Based on accurate capital and operation and maintenance cost information, a final cost evaluation can be made in conjunction with an evaluation of other parameters. Stage § concludes with solaction of the dewatering process and, in many cases, the preferred manufacturer. All generic equipment is not reated equally. ‘The equipment and supplier selected should have widely demonstrated the capability to meet the design requirements in either similar plants or by adequately supervised pilot studies at the subject facility. When a new design of equipment is employed, the ‘manufacturers’ prior practices need to be carefully scrutinized and adequate safeguards provided to the utility. Evaluations properly conducted will not stifle new developments. ‘Throughout this five-stage process, many trade- offs will have to be made. In many cases, the total annual cost of two or more solids treatment systems are essentially identical (+ 10%), and the decision must be made on some basis other than cost. Frequently, such a decision is based upon capital vs.

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