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What is

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“Litera” – Latin word which
literally means an

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What is Literature?

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It is a body of work, either
written, oral, or visual, containing
imaginative language that
realistically portrays
thought, emotions, and
experiences of the human

What is Literature? ignatius joseph n estroga

• is a product of particular culture that
concretizes man’s array of
values, emotions, actions and ideas. It is
therefore a creation of human experiences that
tells about people and their world.

What is Literature? ignatius joseph n estroga

What is Literature?

• is a product of particular culture that

concretizes man’s array of
values, emotions, actions and
ideas. It is therefore a creation of human
experiences that tells about people and
their world.

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What is

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Importance of Literature
• Studying literature is like looking
at the mirror of life where man’s
experiences, his innermost
feelings and thoughts are
• Through literature, we learn the
culture of people across time
and space.
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Importance of Literature
• We understand not only the past life
of a nation but also its present.
• Moreover, we become familiar not
only with the culture of neighboring
countries but also with that of
others living very far from us.

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Intellectual Value
Spiritual Value
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Great literature is timeless and timely.

Forever relevant, it appeals to one and

all, anytime, anywhere, because it deals with
elemental feelings, fundamental truths and
universal conditions.

LITERARY ignatius joseph n estroga

This is the quality that appeals to our sense of

Intellectual Value
A literary works stimulates thought. It enriches
our mental life by making us realize
fundamental truths about life and human
LITERARY ignatius joseph n estroga
A great work of literature endures.
It can be read again and again as each reading
gives fresh delight and new insights and opens a
new world of meaning and experience.
Its appeal is lasting.

LITERARY ignatius joseph n estroga

This is the peculiar way in which writers sees
life, forms his ideas and expresses them.

LITERARY ignatius joseph n estroga

Spiritual Value
Literature elevates the spirit by bringing out moral
values which makes a better persons.
The capacity to inspire is part of the spiritual
value of literature.

LITERARY ignatius joseph n estroga

This is associated with the emotional
power of literature.
Great literature moves us deeply and stirs our
feeling and imagination, giving and evoking
visions above and beyond the plane of ordinary
life and experience.

LITERARYignatius joseph n estroga

Literary Approaches
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Literary Approaches

Formalistic or Literary Approach

The study of the selection is more or less
based on the so-called “literary

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Literary Approaches
Moral or Humanistic Approach
• Literature is viewed to discuss man and its nature.
• It presents man as essentially rational; that
is, endowed with intellect and free will; or that the
piece does not misinterpret the true nature of man.
• The approach is close to the “morality” of
literature, to questions of ethical goodness or
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Literary Approaches
Historical Approach
Literature is seen both as a reflection and product
of the times and circumstances in which it was

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Literary Approaches

•Sociological Approach Literature

Viewed as the expression of man within a
given social situation which is reduced to
discussions on economy which will
underscore the conflict between the two
classes- the rich and the poor.
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Literary Approaches
Cultural Approach
Literature is seen as one of the
manifestations and vehicles of a nation’s or
race’s culture and tradition. It includes the
entire compels of what goes under “culture”

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Literary Approaches
Psychological Approach
Literature is viewed as the expression of “personality,”
of “inner drives” or “neurosis”. It includes the
psychology of the author, of the characters, and even
the psychology of creation.
It has resulted in an almost exhausting and exhaustive
“psychological analysis” of characters, of symbols and
images, of recurrent themes, and others.
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Literary Approaches
Impressionistic Approach
Literature is viewed to elucidate “reacting-
response” which is considered as something very
personal, relative and fruitful. Unconditioned by
explanations and often taking the impact of the
piece as a whole, it seeks to see how the piece
has communicated.
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Why do we need to study
Philippine Literature?

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Why do we need to study Philippine

• To trace our rich heritage of ideas and handed

down to us from our forefathers
• For appreciation of our heritage.
• To Understand that we have noble traditions
which can serve as the means to assimilate other

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Literature and History

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Literature and History
• Literature and history are closely interrelated.
• In discovering history of a race, a country, we basically
understand their own culture and traditions, hence
the written customs and traditions of a country, the
dreams and aspirations of its people is called
• History can also be written down and this too, is
literature. History therefore is an integral part of
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Literary Compositions that
Influenced the World
1.The Bible or the Sacred Writings – This has become the basis of Christianity
originating from Palestine and Greece.
2.Koran- The Muslim Bible originating from Arabia.
3.The Iliad and Odyssey – These have been the source of myths and legends of
Greece. They were written by Homer.
4.The Mahabharata- The longest epic of the world. It contains the history of
religion of India.
5.Canterbury Tales- It depicts the religion and customs of the English in the
early days. This originated from England and written by Chaucer.
6.Uncle Tom’s Cabin- by Harriet Beecher Stowe of the US. This depicted the sad
fate of slaves; this became the ignatius
basis of democracy later on.
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Literary Compositions that
Influenced the World
6. The Divine Comedy – by Dante Alighieri. This shows the religion and customs
of the
7. El Cid – This shows the cultural characteristics of the Spaniards and their
national history.
8. The Song of Roland – This includes Doce Pares and Ronscesvalles of France.
It tells about the Golden age of Christianity in France.
9. The Book of the Dead – This includes the cult of Osiris and the mythology
and theology of Egypt.
10. One Thousand and One Nights or the Arabian Nights – From Arabia and
Persia (Iran) It shows the ways of government, of industries and of the society
of the Arabs
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2 General Types of Literature


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Genres of Literature

•Short Story
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