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Technical Seminar for Cathodic Protection

to GOGC Design Unit Specialists

Dr. Nick Kioupis, Cathodic & Lightning Protection
Section Head, DESFA
Cathodic Protection for Complex Structures

 Cathodic protection of complex structures is protection

applicable to structures which need to be cathodically
protected but cannot be electrically isolated, whether for
technical or safety reasons, from foreign metallic structures
situated in the same electrolyte as the structure to be

 Such a structure is referred to as a “complex structure”

 EN 14505:2005 „Cathodic protection of complex protection

structures‟ covers these situations
Cathodic Protection for Complex Structures

 EN 14505 is not applicable to structures covered by

EN 12954 (and draft CEN ISO 15589) or where
unwanted contacts with foreign structures or
defective isolation exists.

 It is always better to follow the requirements as

described in EN 12954 (and draft CEN ISO 15589)
before applying this standard.
Cathodic Protection for Complex Structures
Cathodic Protection for Complex Structures

 The design and installation of CP systems for complex buried

structures presents a unique challenge to the cathodic
protection engineer engineer.

 There are a multitude of different materials, processes,

operating temperatures, coatings, buried and immersed
structures that can suffer from both internal corrosion caused
by the products contained within the system and external
corrosion caused by the environment in which it is situated.
Cathodic Protection for Complex Structures

The following structures would normally be considered

to require cathodic protection.
• Pressurized carbon steel hydrocarbon pipelines
• Bottom or soil side of above ground storage tanks
• Buried storage tanks and sumps
• Carbon steel/ductile iron drain lines
• Buried portions of process, gas, water, firewater or liquids
• Buried portions of steel valves, hydrants, monitors and fittings
Cathodic Protection for Complex Structures

These structures are constructed from a number of different

materials, e.g.
• carbon steel,
• ductile iron,
• high tensile steels,
• stainless steels,
• corrosion resistant alloys
• steel in concrete,
• galvanized steel,
• copper etc.
Cathodic Protection for Complex Structures

Plant facilities usually require a considerable

amount of cathodic protection current because
of the large surface areas of buried, often bare,
metalwork and are therefore normally
protected with an impressed current cathodic
protection system unless soil resistivities are
very low.
Cathodic Protection for Complex Structures

Current densities to protect the various metals vary considerably

as shown in the table below:


Uncoated copper 50.00 or more
Uncoated steel 20.00
Poorly coated pipe 5.00
Tape or PE Wrap 1.25
Coal tar enamel 2.00
Epoxy wet applied 0.75
Fusion bonded epoxy (FBE) 0.10
Extruded Polyethylene 0.10
Cathodic Protection for Complex Structures

 The ICCP systems utilize a variety of anode configurations, e.g.

distributed anodes, local or remote surface groundbeds
installed horizontally or vertically, local or remote deep anodes
or a combination of the above.

 When choosing and/or combining anode bed types, the

conceptual and the final designs must be coordinated with
other plant operators to ensure all existing facilities are known,
together with any planned extensions or new facilities.
Cathodic Protection for Complex Structures

Remote vs. close Groundbed

Flow of current from an anode to a structure will be
accompanied by a potential difference between the earth and the
pipeline. The potential difference is used in certain criteria for
determining the degree of cathodic protection being afforded to
the pipeline. This potential difference can be accomplished in
either of two ways:
• by making the pipeline negative with respect to remote earth,
i.e. a remote groundbed, or
• by making the earth positive with respect to the pipe in local
areas, i.e. close anodes
• ••
• anodes.
Cathodic Protection for Complex Structures

For Complex Structures, two basic cathodic

protection principles may be employed:

1. Isolated systems

2. Non-isolated or total system

Cathodic Protection for Complex Structures

Isolated systems where every single piece

where of buried pipework or structure that requires to
be cathodically protected is isolated by means of
insulating joints / flanges where it comes above ground.

This can give rise to a very large number of insulated

flanges which in turn leads to maintenance and
reliability problems.
Cathodic Protection for Complex Structures
Cathodic Protection for Complex Structures


With the issue of EN 14505:2005 Cathodic protection of complex

structures, a whole new approach was introduced and backed up by an
International standard.

The main obstacles with the plant operators for a non isolated system are :
1. They do not understand it and consider it is dangerous to have cathodic
protection current flowing through all the pipework
2. That there were no authoritative standards recommending this principle.

EN 14505:2005 changed all that.

Cathodic Protection for Complex Structures

 A complex structure is defined as a structure to be

protected and one or more foreign electrodes, which,
for safety or technical reasons, cannot be electrically
separated from it.
 The term “complex structure” does not refer to the
complexity of the structure or to the complexity of the
cathodic protection system but more to the fact that
there are different types of structure and metals used.
Cathodic Protection for Complex Structures

 In a complex structure, all metallic parts of the

structure included in the cathodic protection scheme
must be electrically continuous.
 Isolating joints in incoming or outgoing pipelines are
the only isolation required and these should be
located outside the zone of influence of the
cathodically protected complex structure so that
unacceptable interference by the cathodically
protected complex structure is avoided.
Cathodic Protection for Complex Structures
Cathodic Protection for Complex Structures
Cathodic Protection for Complex Structures
Cathodic Protection for Complex Structures
CRITERIA for Cathodic Protection of Complex

Eon ≤ - 1,2 Vcse

if the measuring point outside the area of influence of the large

cathode (e.g. reinforced concrete or copper) and if ρsoil < 100 Ω.m.

Eon < - 0,8 Vcse

is sufficient at entries to, and in the vicinity of, reinforced concrete

structures and large copper earthing systems acting as foreign
cathodes (i.e the formation of a galvanic cell with steel in concrete is
CRITERIA for Cathodic Protection of Complex

Demonstration that current is able to enter the structure either:

a) directly (i.e. when the protection current is switched on, a

negative shift of the free corrosion potential En by at least 0,3 V
will indicate that current is entering the structure);

b) by means of test probes or coupons at critical locations of
the structure.
CRITERIA for Cathodic Protection of Complex

A positive shift (depolarisation) on test probes or coupons of at

least 0,1 V measured 1h after they have been disconnected from
the structure to indicate that the structure is polarized.
The test probes/coupons are temporarily disconnected only for measurements
Cathodic Protection for Complex Structures

Thank you for your attendance

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