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C/04E/19/79 10th May, 2019

Dear Member,


Sequel to the 1st Phase of the 2019 Logbook/Diary Assessment Exercise which held in March
2019 and the avoidable errors and anomalies which led to the poor performance of some
candidates, the National Executive Council has approved the recommendations of the Education
and Training Committee as outlined below:

1. Henceforth, all Supervisors must endorse the Logbook Reports of candidates under their

2. The original letters of acceptance from the Supervisors must be delivered to the
Secretariat minimum 40 weeks before the submission of the Logbook/Diary for
assessment. The attestation letter and a photocopy of the acceptance letter must
accompany the Logbooks at the point of submission for assessment;

3. A supervisor shall not supervise more than 3 candidates per Phase. However, in peculiar
circumstances where sufficient qualified Supervisors are unavailable in a Chapter, such
Chapter should notify the Committee immediately for possible waiver(s);

4. All Chapter Chairmen, prospective Supervisors and candidates are to acquaint themselves
on the Guidelines for filling the Logbook/Diary (which can be found on page 7 - 9 of the
Logbook) accordingly;

5. Candidates are advised to use only the June 2018 Edition of the Logbooks/Diaries as any
other Edition shall not be considered for Assessment from February 2020.

Furthermore, a list of qualified Logbook/Diary Supervisors resident in each State Chapter shall
be published on the Institute’s website for guidance. It is imperative to note that only financially
up-to-date Qualified Supervisors are allowed to supervise candidates in completing their

Please note that only Logbooks/Diaries that meet all the afore-stated requirements shall be
considered for Assessment henceforth.

Thank you for your usual understanding and cooperation.

Yours faithfully,
For: The Nigerian Institute of Quantity Surveyors

QS Olayemi Shonubi, FNIQS

Vice President - Chairman

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