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A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 1


As we were asked to create an assignment under the subject Networking technologies at Esoft
computer studies PVT Ltd. This assignment has been the assignment to bring up and make up
our knowledge so far what we learnt about this subject.

As I have put my whole effort to do this assignment regarding Networking and how to handle
with projects. We have been taught regarding these in the past 04 months. I have been given my
level best to do this assignment in a successful way.

Since we have asked to do this assignment by a scenario which contains all the questions also
clues it was not that difficult to do this assignment.

Through this assignment I have gain a lot of knowledge‟s. I would like to thank all my
colleagues in my acknowledgement.

Thank you.

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 2


I like to thank Esoft computer studies PVT LTD for providing me an opportunity to do our assignment.
I have taken efforts in this assignment. However, it would not have been possible without the kind
support and help of many individuals. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of them.

I am highly indebted to Mr. Lahiru for his guidance and constant supervision as well as for providing
necessary information regarding the assignment & also for his support which was given in completing
the assignment.

I would like to express my gratitude towards my friends of Esoft (pvt) LTD for their kind co-operation
and encouragement which helped me in completion of this assignment.

I would like to express my special gratitude and thanks to my parents for letting me do my assignment
late night without any hesitation.

Thank you,

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 3



1.1.Explain the terms client server architecture and peer to peer architecture using diagrams
describe advantages and disadvantages in both approaches. Provide examples from real
world which uses these two methods…………………………………….........................06-10
1.2.Suggest a suitable topology for below scenario (task 2) and explain why you select that
topology and explain advantages and disadvantages of selected topology……………....11-15
1.3.Evaluate the impact of current network technology,
communication and standards……………………………………………………...…….16-19
1.4.Discuss the term protocol in network and how the protocols enable the effective utilization of
different networking systems……………………………………………………………..20-23


2.1. Explain networking software and hardware and the usage and functionality of those
according to the given scenario……………………………………………………………....24-34

2.2. As new network administrator you have to suggest what the required servers are after
analyzing the network in the each floor. It is required to analyze different products available in
market, their cost and benefit and why you suggest them for above network……………….35-38

2.3. Discuss the inter-dependence of work station hardware with network components…….39-40


3.1. Draw suggested topology and network devices for each floor to meet the given specification
for above case study. In this diagram you must show devices Cleary….……………………41-45

3.2. Evaluate the above design and analyze user feedback. (Considering bandwidth, quality,
security and scalability, etc...)………………………………………….…………………….46-47

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4.1. Implement a network system based on the design you have prepared under task 3.1. (Note:
installation of communication devices, allocation of address, local client configuration, server
configuration server installation with screen shots)……………………………………….…49-60

4.2. Use appropriate testing methods to test the system (analyze test results against expected
results) and prepare a documentation………………………………………………………...61-65

4.3. After a one year of time management has decided to expand their networked system
recommend useful enhancement for the system…………………………………………………66

4.4. According to the implemented network system, prepare a maintenance schedule……...67-68

CRITICAL APPRAISAL……………………………………………………………………....69

GANTT CHART………………………………………………………………………………..70


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1.1. Explain the terms client server architecture and peer to peer architecture using
diagrams describe advantages and disadvantages in both approaches. Provide examples
from real world which uses these two methods.
There are two common types of networking Architecture's, they are; Peer to Peer and

Client server architecture

“The type of computing system, in which one powerful workstation serves the requests of
other systems, is an example of client server technology. A computer network is an
interconnection of computers which share various resources.
Client/server describes the relationship between
two computer programs in which one program, the
client, makes a service request from another
program, the server, which fulfils the request. A
client computer provides the user interface and
some or all application processing, while the a
server computer might provide high-
volume storage capacity, heavy data crunching,

and/or high resolution graphics. For example; to

check our bank account details from our computer,
a client program in our computer forwards our request to a server program at the bank.
That program may in turn forward the request to its own client program that sends a
request to a database server at another bank computer to retrieve your account balance. The
balance is returned back to the bank data client, which in turn serves it back to the client in
our personal computer, which displays the information for us.

Request Processing

Client Server Data

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Inside the client server architecture there is a concept call active directory. Using active
directory any user can access the system. Only windows machine we can run this server.
For example; email server, facebook

In client server we can find inside four different types;

 Thin client
 Thick client
 3-tire
 N-tire

Thin client

In client/server applications, a client designed to be especially small so that the bulk of

the data processing occurs on the server.

Processing +Data

Client Server

For example:- supermarket „POS‟ system and banking system.

Thick client

Thick client we can call has a heavy client. Thick clients are functional whether they are
connected to a network or not. In thick client without switch we can connect the machine.
When a thick client is disconnected from the network, it is often referred to as a

Client Data

Presentation + processing

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Three-tier architecture

Three-tier architecture means a three-way interaction in a client/server environment. They

are; the user interface stored in a client, the bulk of business application logic stored in one
or more servers and the data stored in database server.



Presentation Processing Database

Example:- banking system

E-commerce website-eBay (web server), e-mail server, Ftp server

N-tier architecture

N-tier application structure implies the client/server program model. Where there are more
than three distribution levels or tiers involved, the additional tiers in the application are
usually associated with the business logic tier. It can be web server or email server.

Web server

Email server FTP

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Advantages of Client server architecture

1. Remotely we can access the computer.

2. Number of users can connect:- in one server number of computers can connect so number
of client can access the computer as the same time.
3. Proper management:- in here all the files are stored at the same place. So it‟s very easy to
manage and also it becomes easier to find files.
4. Centralization: - In this architecture there is a centralized control. Servers help in
administering the whole set-up.
5. Back-up and Recovery possible:- As all the data is stored on server its easy to make a
back-up of it. Also, in case of some break-down if data is lost, it can be recovered easily
and efficiently. While in peer computing we have to take back-up at every workstation.
6. Security:- Rules defining security and access rights can be defined at the time of set-up of
7. Easily we can put security

Disadvantages of Client server architecture

1. Sever failure:- there is always the chance that a failure of the server will bring network
business to a halt. For example; if a single server hosts the user names and passwords
database for a network, and the server suffers a failure, no users will be able to log on to
the network until the server is fixed or replaced.
2. Higher than anticipated costs
3. The server can become over loaded. (huge traffic)
4. scalable network: thanks to this architecture it is possible to remove or add clients without
affecting the operation of the network and without the need for major modification
5. we should have backup

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Peer to Peer network architecture

In peer to peer (p2p) network there is no spate client and server. One machine can act as
client and server. Peer-to-peer networks are generally simpler, but they usually do not offer
the same performance under heavy loads. For example; work station.

Figure 1.2

Disadvantages of Peer to peer network architecture

1. Not powerful computers

2. Less security
3. So many duplication
4. Not easy to control
5. Each every account we have to create inside the machine
6. No link in the network is reliable

Advantages of Peer to peer network architecture

1. We are not depend on centralized common machine

2. well tested simplicity

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1.2. Suggest a suitable topology for below scenario (task 2) and explain why you select that
topology and explain advantages and disadvantages of selected topology.

What is a topology?

In networking, a topology is usually schematic description of the configuration of cables,

computers, nodes, connecting lines and other peripheral devices. There are two ways of defining
the network geometry it is Physical topology and logical topology, the physical topology of a
network refers to the configuration of cables, computers, and other peripherals. The physical
topology of a network is the actual geometric layout of workstations.

Different types of topologies

 Bus Topology
 Star Topology
 Ring Topology
 Mesh Topology
 Tree Topology
 Hybrid Topology

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Bus Topology

In the bus topology, all the devices are connected to a main cable called the bus or the backbone.
Hence, in effect each workstation is directly connected to every other workstation in the network.
Bus networks are inexpensive and easy to install for small networks. It requires fewer cables.
This network topology can perform well only for a limited number of nodes.

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 Cost effective as only a single cable is used

 Cable faults are easily identified
 Well suited for temporary networks with not many nodes.


 Limited cable length and number of stations.

 Maintenance costs may be higher in the long run.
 It is slower than the other topologies.

Star Topology

A Star topology is designed with each node connected directly to a central network hub. Star
networks are easy to install and manage. Data on a star network passes through the hub, switch
or concentrator before continuing to its destination. Hub, switch or concentrator manages and
controls all the functions of the network.

 The problems can be easily located logically in a Star Topology and therefore is easy to
troubleshoot also.
 Good performance is not as greatly affected by the number of other computers being used
on the network.
 Uses lot of cables, which is high expensive than other topologies.
 Extra hardware devices needed, such as Hubs or Switches.

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Ring Topology
In Ring topology, all the devices are connected to another in the shape of a closed loop, so that
each device is directly connected to two other devices, one on either side of it. These topologies
are difficult to install and relatively expensive. All messages travel through a ring in the same


 Comparing to other topology, the cost installation and the expanding is less.
 Works effectively when processing is distributed across a site.
 Routing between devices is simple because messages normally travel in one direction.
 The ring network topology provides the fastest form of local area Network


 Difficult to add and remove devices once the network has been set up.
 Slower than a star topology under normal load.

Mesh Topology

The value of fully meshed

networks is proportional to the
exponent of the number of
subscribers, assuming that
communicating groups of any
two endpoints, up to and
including all the endpoints, is
approximated by Reed's Law.

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 This network is very reliable.

 Security as data travels along a dedicated line.
 The network can be expanded without disruption to current users.


 There is mesh of wiring which can be difficult to manage.

 Installation is complicated, because each and every node has to connect correctly.

Selected topology

Esoft computer studies Pvt (Ltd) institute is having four floors. 15 computers in the first floor
including one server, 40 computers in the third and fourth floors including 2 servers, and 20
computers and two servers in second floor. So to implement this LAN network to ease day to day
operations, according to my knowledge I suggest a Star topology to implant this Local Area
Network, Because the Star topology is the latest new topology and I think it will give Esoft more
benefits. Such as Esoft Computer Studies Pvt (Ltd), department structure, supports to implement
this topology.

Why I selected this topology

I selected Star topology cause when the company wants to implement this in to the network its
less costly when compared to other topologies and if the management decides to expand the
system this can be done without interrupting the other device in the network .why I say this is a
good topology to the company is because it has four floors in which those four floors have four
switches for each floor where does four switches link to a main switch so when we consider that
a star topology is well suited for this company as its less costly and easy to expand.

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1.3. Evaluate the impact of current network technology, communication and standards.

There are many impacts of current network technology; some of them are listed below

 Wi-Fi


The short form of VOIP- Voice Over Internet Protocol, a group of hardware and software that
allows people to use the internet as transmission medium for telephone calls by transfer voice
data in packets using IP rather than traditional circuit transmissions. If you have a reasonable
quality Internet connection you can get phone service delivered through your Internet connection
instead of from your local phone company. Advantage of VOIP is we can toll-free calls, we can
reduce wiring costs, easy relocation, roaming facility etc…

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WiMAX is an IP based, wireless broadband access technology that provides performance

similar to 802.11/Wi-Fi networks with the coverage and QOS of cellular networks.
WIMAX is a wireless digital communications system, also known as IEEE 802.16 that is
intended for wireless "metropolitan area networks". WIMAX which is referred to as
worldwide interoperability for microwave access is a telecommunication technology
which offers transmission of wireless data via a number of transmission methods, such as
portable or fully mobile internet access via point to multipoint links. This technology
comes around 72MBPS without any need of a cable, this technology is based on the
standard which is IEEE 802.16 which is referred to as broadband wireless access, and
WIMAX technology is actually based on the standards that making the possibility to
delivery last mile broadband access as a substitute to conventional cable and DSL lines.
WIMAX is very good when compared for long distance wise.

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What is Wi-Fi?

A common misconception is that the term Wi-Fi is short for "wireless fidelity,"Wi-Fi is the
name of a popular wireless networking technology that uses radio waves to provide wireless
high-speed Internet and Network connections. Wi-Fi is simply a trademarked term meaning
IEEE 802.11x. A wireless network uses radio waves, just like cell phones, televisions and radios
etc. Wi-Fi connects you to your favorite content and communications over your mobile phone,
computer, media players and other devices – all without cumbersome cables.

This is what happens in Wi-Fi, A computer‟s wireless adapter translates data into a radio signal
and transmits it using an antenna, then a wireless router receives the signal and decodes it, The
router sends the information to the internet using a physical, wired Ethernet connection

When you're on the move, Wi-Fi lets you connect to the Internet or your office from an airport
or coffee shop and helps you stay productive when you're away from home.

The Impact of the current network technology is Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi is a big impact of
communication. Now a day‟s wireless network is the best communication media, most of the
time and most of the people are using Wi-Fi.

The Standard of Wi-Fi is 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, or802.11n .

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The 802.11 standards was the original which came into in 1997 and registered in 1999 it
transfer rare at the time was 1 to 2 MBPS.


The 802.11a same as the original 802.11 standards this is because it uses data link layer
protocols and fame are same as used in the 802.11 standards but the transfer rate for
802.11a is 5GHz bandwidth for operation and 54MBPS data range this is very easy when
performing many task at the same time.


The 802.11b also used the same media which was defined by the original 802.11
standards, what it had here is the 802.11b has the straight addition of modulator
technology same as in the 802.11. The 802.11b supports bandwidth up to 11 Mbps. But
the band to operate 802.11b is 2.4 GHz but there are other devices which can operate like
that for example Bluetooth, monitors.


The 802.11g was authorized in 2003 as a third modulation device which emerged on the
market. An 802.11g attempt was to combine the best of both 802.11a and 802.11b.the
bandwidth of 802.11g was 54Mbps and it used a 2.4GHz frequency for a greater range.
802.11g is backwards compatible with 802.11b, meaning that 802.11g access points will
work with 802.11b wireless network adapters and vice versa.


The newest standard in the 802.11 was the 802.11n it was designed to improve on the
802.11g in the amount of bandwidth supported by utilizing multiple wireless signals and
antenna instead of one. This 802.11n connection can support data rate of 100MBPS and
is also backward compatible with 802.11g.

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1.4. Discuss the term protocol in network and how the protocols enable the effective
utilization of different networking systems.

What is network protocol?

A network protocol defines rules and conventions for communication between network devices.
Protocols for computer networking all generally use packet switching techniques to send and
receive messages in the form of packets.

Internet Protocol (IP) itself, higher-level protocols like TCP, UDP, HTTP, and FTP all integrate
with IP to provide additional capabilities. Similarly, lower-level Internet Protocols
like ARP and ICMP also co-exist with IP.


FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is the simplest and the most secure way to exchange files over

The most common use for FTP is to download files from the internet. In addition, the ability to
transfer files back-and-forth makes FTP essential for anyone creating a webpage and
professionals alike.

You can use FTP to exchange files between computer accounts, transfer files between an account
and a desktop computer, or access online software archives. Keep in mind, however, that many
FTP sites are heavily used and require several attempts before connecting.


Short Form of HTTP is Hyper Text Transfer Protocol, the underlying protocol used by the
World. HTTP defines how messages are structured and transferred, and what actions Web
servers and browsers should take in response to various commands. For example, when you enter
a URL in your browser, this actually sends an HTTP command to the Web server directing it to
fetch and transmit the requested page. HTTP Is a request-response protocol. For example, a Web
browser initiates a request to a server, typically by opening a TCP/IP connection. The request
itself includes a request line, a set of request headers and an entity. The server sends a response
that comprises a status line, a set of response headers and an entity. The entity in the request or
response can be thought of simply as the payload, which may be binary data. The other items are

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readable ASCII characters. When the response has been completed, either the browser or the
server may terminate the TCP/IP connection, or the browser can send another request.


Protocol Internet Protocol, the suite of communications protocols used to connect hosts on
the Internet. TCP/IP uses several protocols, the two main ones being TCP and IP. It can also be
used as a communications protocol in a private network. When you are set up with direct access
to the Internet, your computer is provided with a copy of the TCP/IP program just as every other
computer that you may send messages to or get information from also has a copy of TCP/IP.
TCP/IP is built into the UNIX operating system and is used by the Internet, making it the de
facto standard for transmitting data over networks. Even network operating systems that have
their own protocols, such as Netware, also support TCP/IP.

Inside the TCP/IP standard there are several protocols for handling data communication:

 TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) communication between applications

 UDP (User Datagram Protocol) simple communication between applications
 IP (Internet Protocol) communication between computers
 ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) for errors and statistics
 DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) for dynamic addressing

Types of Network Protocols

The most common network protocols are:

 Ethernet
 Local Talk
 Token Ring

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Ethernet protocol is the most common used one which uses an access method called the
CSMA/CD which is referred as carrier sense multiple access/collision detection this is a system
where each computer has to listen to the cables before it starts sending anything which is through
the network. This happened when the network is free then the computer will transmit it. If some
other node is already transmitting on the cable when you‟re doing it the computer will wait and
try again when the line is clear and ready to transmit. If two or more computers try to transmit at
the same time a collision will occur the each computer back off and waits a random amount of
time before re trying to transmit it again.

Local Talk

Local talk is a network protocol which was originally developed by apple computer for
Macintosh computers. What method they used was local talk using CSMA/CA referred as
Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance it was very similar to the CSMA/CD
except that a computer signals its intents to transmit before it actually does so. Local talk
adapters and special twisted pair cables can be used to connect a series of computers through the
serial port.

Token Ring
The token ring is a protocol which was developed originally by IBM in the 1980s this token ring
involves token passing. in a token ring the computers are connected so that the signal will travel
around the network from one computer to another computer in a logical ring. This is done by a
single electronic token which moves around the ring from one computer to the other computer.

IP address ( Internet Protocol address )

Internet Protocol addresses consist of four numbers separated by periods (also called a 'dotted-
quad') and looks something like And IP address is 32bit value. This means that there
are four billion different IP address possibility. IP address may be set in software and are thus
flexible. And we are using IP address to identify our computer.

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How to determine our computer IP address?

• Go to “search” or select “run” there type “command prompt” or “cmd”

• After that type IPCONFIG and enter, it will display the internet connection type,
IP address, Subnet mask and if we have more than one network card it will show

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2.1. Explain networking software and hardware and the usage and functionality of those
according to the given scenario

When we going to implement a network system several hardware and software components are
required to extending the connectivity capability of an Ethernet local area network

Wired network hardware components

Hardware components which are essential to the construction and interconnection of local area
networks that transmit information over wired media, such as coaxial cable, twisted pair, fiber
optic. These components provide ability to extend the distance of local area network coverage.


Repeater receives a signal from a transmitter, amplifies, and retransmits it to a receiver. A

repeater is placed in a network of extending the network to a greater distance or a larger area.
There can be more than one repeater between a transmitter and a receiver, but the number of
repeaters is not unlimited, as additional repeaters may introduce more noise or interference.


When you have two or more networks with different Layer 2 protocols if you want to connect to
the networks, you can connect networks using a bridge. Bridge is also used to divide the network
into separate segments. This is to filter traffic and to create an effective network. May be
processed and function of the bridge by an application program. In Windows XP, when you
install two network cards or more, are automatically create a network bridge for you. There
network bridge codes appear in the Network Connections folder. However, in Windows XP
Service Pack 2 (SP2), will create a network bridge after user confirmation this behavior is
consistent with SP2 main objective is to improve the security of computer networks.

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There are two general types of bridge we can see in networking

 Transparent bridge

A transparent bridge provides a connection between two local area networks that employ the
same data link protocol. Transparent bridge is most suitable to interconnect small number of

 Translating bridge

We can use translating bridge to connect two local area networks that employ different protocols
at the data link layer. A translating bridge also provides support for different physical layer


Router functions to transfer packets on different networks. Router maintains a routing table.
Routing table contains the IP addresses of the routers in other networks. In a static route to the
routing table is configured manually, while the dynamic router can communicate with other
routers and configure the routing table based on information received from other routers.

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When you receive a packet, the router examines the destination IP address of the packet and
sends it to its recipient by viewing the routing table. Router determines the best way to deliver a
package based on the routing algorithm used by, most often; the path will be shorter and more
reliable than others. There are many routers named according to its capacity or its position in the
network such as edge router, core router, and backbone router.

Network adapters

Network adapter serves as a link between the computer and the device or network. You may
need Ethernet, WI-Fi, HomePNA, or HomePlug network adapter depending on the type of
network that is connected to your computer. Network adapter converts the computer in electrical
or optical signals to transfer over the network. Admittedly network card in the network by MAC
address is hard coded to the hardware by the manufacturer.

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Equipped with a network adapter built into the motherboard of the computer Network adapter is
installed within the slit extension of internal computer. Often called NIC (network interface card)
typically fall into one PCI slot Mini PCI slot in a PC or a laptop. External network adapter is a
separate device that is connected to a computer via a serial port, a parallel port, and mostly from
the USB port. External adapter also comes in the form of a PC Card (PCMCIA) for laptops.


The hub is a central contact point in the network. The center is used in a network that uses a star
topology. A sending computer sends a signal to the hub, retransmission later refer to all other
computers. A negative center functions as a relay station that receives and re-signals. Active
functions reproduce renew before the broadcast signal.

Using a hub, and participates in the network bandwidth (capacity) by all available computers,
each computer then uses only a fraction of the bandwidth. This is why it is often used in small
networks center, where there are only a few of the devices connected to it or computers.
However, the hub is not necessary if there are only two of the computers in the network. In this
case, you can use a direct cable connection or a wireless connection to connect two computers.

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Switch serves as a central connection point in the network. But when the switch receives a
packet from the sending computer, it examines the destination address from the top of the
package and returns the package to the destination computer. This is possible because the shift
maintains a table that translates each of the ports with the MAC addresses of all devices

Using a switch, you can use the full bandwidth by each computer connected. Use a switch
instead of the hub. Switch is not always a separate device, often integrated with the router.


Modem means changer - Abstract. At the end of the transmission, a regulated carrier with
modem data (baseband signal) to prepare it for transmission in the end, the carrier is
demodulated modulated (ie, converted to its original shape) and the data is extracted. Modem
also performs other functions, such as converting digital-to-analog/analog-to-digital,
compression / decompression, and error correction, and encryption / decryption.

If you want to connect to the internet then you must connect the modem to the computer or
install modem inside your computer. Modem type you need depends on the method you choose
Internet access. You may be a voice band modem, cable modem, a DSL modem or a GPRS

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modem. Modem connects to your ISP modem interview when you connect to the Internet, to
send a message to your computer ISP and ISP receive Internet content transmitted.

Access point

Access point for wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) and serve as a switch to a wired network. It connects to
computers or devices to create a wireless network. Access points more also serve as a wireless
network bridge that connects Wi-Fi network to a wired network such as Ethernet. Access point
provides an interface to an ADSL modem or router that is used when the Wi-Fi network to
connect to the Internet. Some access points in the version that integrates Multi switch function, a
bridge, router or broadband modem.

Networking cables

Networking cables are used to connect network drivers, such as printers, scanners, nodes etc.
different types of network cables like coaxial cable, fiber optic cable, twisted pair cables are used
depending on the networks topology.

Coaxial cable

Thin Ethernet

 Maximum lengths between nodes are

 185 meters
 Maximum speed is 10 mbpg
 Maximum nodes are 30

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Thick Ethernet

 Maximum length is 500 meters

 Maximum speed is 10 mbps
 Maximum nodes are 100

Twisted pair cable (full duplex)

 UTP cable (unshielded twisted pair)

 STP cable (shielded twisted pair)
 STP is expensive and protects data from EMI devices
 Maximum lengths between computers are 100 meters
 Maximum nodes depends in port of hub/switch
 Maximum speed depends is cable category

Fiber optic cable

 This cables support greater length

 It‟s eliminating the problems of electrical interference
 Very expensive

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Cables category

 Category 5 = 10/100 mbps (computer networks class D)

 Category 5e = 10/100/1000 mbps (computer networks)
 Category 6= 10/100/1000/10000 mbps (higher- speed computer)
 Category 7= 10/100/1000/10000 mbps (proposed standard)

BNC connectors

This is a connector for coaxial cables that locks when one connector is inserted into another and
rotated 90 degrees


RJ45 is a type of standard network cable. It‟s most often seen with RJ45 Ethernet cables and
networks Have eight-pin RJ45 connectors with wire strands of a cable interface electrically. RJ-
45 standard pin out define the layout of individual son necessary when fixing the cable

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Software components

Different kind of hardware‟s and software‟s needs to the installation of a local area network, for
the installation generally requires an interface card into its system unit. In this interface card
includes number of ROM modules and specialized circuits as well as microprocessor

But in some local area network one personal computer must be reserved to process the network
commands and functions because it services these commands and functions, it‟s calling as “the
network server” although the term” file server” is also commonly used to reference this computer

There are many software we can used in the network system

Network operating system

To communicate over a network, you must use the computers select the appropriate operating
protocol for the network. This protocol allows the computer to exchange information and ensure
the correct data transfer. Network operating system (NOS) is a control program that allows the
server to receive and provide multiple network clients to communicate with each other. Network
protocols most commonly used products support follows: · TCP / IP - Unix, Windows NT ™
Server, Linux, and Internet products.

NIC drivers

Network interface card (NIC) drivers are computerized instructions and information required to
obtain a NIC card to be operational after it is installed within or connected to a computer. These
instructions are usually by computer programmers who may be highly proficient program in a
variety of programming languages such as C or C + +. NIC card is a device, and can be thought
of device drivers and computer code or machine language that "drives" or devices make it work.

Windows firewall

Windows Firewall is a component of the Microsoft Windows program that provides firewall and
packet filtering functions. Included for the first time in the operating system Windows XP and
Windows Server 2003. Before the release of Service and Windows XP Pack 2 in 2004, known as
the Internet Connection Firewall.

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 32

Communication protocols

Communications protocol is a system of digital formats and message rules to exchange those
messages or between computing systems and telecommunications. Protocol may be formal
description. Signals may include protocols, authentication and error detection and correction

Virus guard

Virus Guard is actually two programs (Active Shield and viruses), and are available at no extra
cost for you as a client Verizon broadband.

Active Shield works in the background to protect your computer from viruses that can reach in
the e-mail or through other means of transferring files (for example, floppy disk, CD, and instant
messaging). It helps to prevent the virus, worm, or spyware from infecting your computer.
Viruses are used to examine the drive, folder, or file for viruses, worms, and spyware. Test site
configuration options used while conducting the examination, and take action if found to viruses,
worms and spyware. McAfee removes viruses, worms, and spyware that infected your computer.

Application software

Application is a program or set of programs designed for end-users. And application software
can be divided into two general categories: systems software and applications. Systems program
consists of low-level programs that interact with the computer at a very basic level. This includes
operating systems, compilers, and utilities for managing computer resources.

In contrast, a software application (also called end-user programs) includes database programs,
word processing, and spreadsheets. Figuratively, and applications software sits on top of systems
software because it is unable to run the operating system without and system utilities.

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 33

2.2. As new network administrator you have to suggest what the required servers are after
analyzing the network in the each floor. It is required to analyze different products
available in market, their cost and benefit and why you suggest them for above

Cost of network hardware software and works cost

Hardware Cost

Device Quantity Unit price Amount

Server machine 11 150000.00 1650000.00

Router 1 10000.00 10000.00

Switch 5 19000.00 95000.00

Client computer 75 70000.00 5250000.00

Twisted pair 2000m 1 m 50.00 100000.00

cable 2000*50

Printer 4 25000.00 100000.00

scanner 4 20000.00 80000.00

Hub 4 4000.00 160000.00

Total 7445000.00

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 34

System requirements of a Client PC

Device Description

Processor Intel® Core™ i3-960

Processor (8M Cache,
3.20 GHz, 4.80 GT/s
Intel® QPI)

Mother board Intel® Desktop Board


Ram 2GB DDR2


CPU cashing ATX power supply


Drive fro Backup

Monitor 20" Widescreen ASUS

LCD Monitor

Keyboard &mouse multimedia

VGA card
VGA Card Geforce

Network card 3Com® Gigabit Ether

Link® Server Network
Interface Card

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 35

Sever configuration

Device Description

Processor Intel® Core™ i7-960

Processor (8M Cache,
3.20 GHz, 4.80 GT/s
Intel® QPI)

Mother board Intel® Desktop Board


Ram 10GB DDR2


CPU cashing ATX power supply


Drive fro Backup

Monitor 22" Widescreen ASUS

LCD Monitor

Keyboard &mouse multimedia

VGA card
VGA Card Geforce

Network card 3Com® Gigabit Ether

Link® Server Network
Interface Card

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 36


Operating system Quantity Unit Prices

Windows server 2000 11 10000 110000.00

Windows XP 86 20000 1720000.00

SQL 86 10000
79 20000 1580000.00
Anti virus
Total cost 4270000.00

Networking Software Cost = Rs.7445000.00

Networking Hardware Cost = Rs.4270000.00
Total cost = Rs.11715000.00

I suggest servers for Esoft building

Esoft Computer Studies Pvt (Ltd) institute just acquires a new building which is having four
floors. Esoft is going to set up a network to create a local area network to ease out day to day

 15-computers in first floor including one server.

 40-computers in third and fourth floor including two servers.
 20-computers and two servers in second floor.

Esoft is Local Area Network here I suggest to use physically star topology and logically
Ethernet. So here we want to use servers also mainly I used proxy server because a proxy is
actually a server which helps us maintaining our privacy on the Internet. It is just like a wall
between you and the Internet. When you use a proxy, the webpage on the other side won‟t be
able to see you, webpage interacts with the proxy and proxy in return shows us the webpage. In
this way a proxy server works. Here we can use free proxy. And I used web server (h/w) inside
web server I install email server (s/w) and printer server (s/w). Using this web server we can

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 37

easily access web and inside I install using this email server we can send and receive email very
fast. Using printer server staff‟s can take important print outs.

In first floor I used DHCP server. Because using this DHCP server we can protect our computer
IP address. It will change automatically. We can protect our computers form hackers.

In this building each and every floor we want to use severs. So in second floor I thought to use
database server (h/w) inside I install backup (s/w) and virus guard. Because in Esoft student can
do online exam using this database server. It‟s very useful to Esoft. And I install backup (s/w)
because using this we can get backup and I install virus guard because we can protect computer
in virus. And I use primary domain controller server (h/w) because if we need to remove client
machine logically we can use primary domain controller server. In this server there is no local

In 3rd floor I used file server. Using this server we can send and receive file. It‟s most advantage
to Esoft. Inside file server I install backup s/w and virus guard s/w. It‟s very useful to Esoft. And
I install backup (s/w) because using this we can get backup and install virus guard because we
can protect computer in virus.

In 4th floor I used DHCP server. Because using this DHCP server we can protect our computer IP
address. It will change automatically. We can protect our computers form hackers. Inside DHCP
server I install backup s/w and virus guard s/w. It‟s very useful to Esoft. And I install backup
(s/w) because using this we can get backup and install virus guard because we can protect
computer in virus.

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 38

2.3. Discuss the inter-dependence of work station hardware with network components.

What is a workstation?

A workstation is a standalone computer that is the primary user interface for day-to-day work.
The workstation is called a client when it requests network service or access to network

Workstation hardware includes the computer itself and the network interface card that connects.
The workstation support network and physical network hardware provides data communication
signals. To interpret workstation Signal as meaningful messages and other network devices must
install two types of software components such as software and workstation software network

Workstation software

The workstation software differs depending upon the OS installed on each computer. All
versions of the local workstation software have generally the same requirements to provide a
user interface and to request and access network resources. The workstation software provides
the user interface while network connectivity software enables communications with the

What is a Server?

A server is a computer dedicated to providing some particular service for other computers on the
network and also a server is a computer system whose primary purpose is to host files and/ or
applications and provide access to them on a network. The counterpart to a server is a client.
Server can share resources with several clients.

Network components

A network is made up of many independent and interdependent entities that, when working
properly can request, provide and share network resources

A network, therefore is made up of

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 39

Physical communication medium: such as copper cables, optical cables, microwaves and infrared
that carry signals from nodes to another.

Network interface cards (NIC): that connects each device to a physical medium, transmit and
receive signals. Each NIC is connected to a copper or optical fiber by means of cable

Protocols: that allows data transport and communication between server, workstation and
peripheral devices.

Peripheral devices: Those are shared network recourses too expensive to connect to individual
workstations for example high capability or color printers, fax machine shared disk storage and
CD rom devices can be shared by many workstations.

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 40


3.1. Draw suggested topology and network devices for each floor to meet the given specification for above case study. In this
diagram you must show devices Cleary. DHCP server h/w,
Virus guard s/w, Client pc, 15 computers
backup s/w

Database server h/w,

FIREWALL Proxy h/w Backup s/w, FIREWALL backup s/w
INTERNET ROUTER Client pc, 20 computers
virus guard s/w

Web server h/w, SWITCH

printer s/w, email s/w
Primary domain controller
PRINTER server h/w, Virus guard
s/w, backup s/w

File server h/w, Virus

guard s/w, backup s/w
Client pc, 20 computers


DHCP server h/w,

Virus guard s/w, backup
Client pc, 20 computers

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 41

1st floor (15 computers)

Client PC Client PC
Client PC



Client PC

Client PC
Client PC
DHCP Server

Client PC

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 42

2nd floor (20 computers)

Client PC Client PC
Client PC



Client PC
Primary domain

Client PC Client PC
Client PC

Client PC
Data base

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 43

Third floor (20 computers)

Client PC Client PC
Client PC



Client PC
External Storage

Client PC Client PC
Client PC

Client PC
File server

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 44

Fourth floor (20 computers)

Client PC Client PC
Client PC



Client PC

Client PC
Client PC
DHCP Server

Client PC

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 45

3.2. Evaluate the above design and analyze user feedback. (Considering bandwidth,
quality, security and scalability, etc...)

User feedback network system

in this Esoft building we used Local Area Network and I suggest to use logically Ethernet that is
also good because we are using LAN network and star topology.


The amount of data that can be transmitted in a fixed amount of time. For digital devices, the
bandwidth is usually expressed in bits per second(bps) orbytes per second. For analog devices,
the bandwidth is expressed in cycles per second, or Hertz (Hz)..Let‟s take a example when
connecting to the internet using a modem the compute may connected at 28.8 Kbps which is
referred to as kilobits per second the more the bandwidth it has the more faster it can be
connected. The more the bandwidth he more information it can carry per second than one with
less bandwidth. A modem which has 56Kbps is much faster than a 28.8kbps; even with the
broadband connection we can get even faster transfer speed up100Mbps in which is faster than
the two speeds combines together.

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 46


Quality is the factor where we measure how worth the product is for the usage of the institution
whether it is up to standard and fulfills user requirements.

e.g:- using Cisco routers it has high quality performance.

Using cat 5e cables will provide high Ethernet performance.

Using IBM system x3400 M3 server, it is a high performance server so institute can
provide better service to client

scalability means if we can expand this network or not. Her we can easily expand our networks.
Because we are using star topology and we using switches to expand the networks.

In the field of networking, the area of network security consists of the provisions and policies
adopted by the network administrator to prevent and monitor unauthorized access, misuse,
modification, or denial of the computer network and network-accessible resources. Network
security is the authorization of access to data in a network, which is controlled by the network
administrator. Users are assigned an ID and password that allows them access to information and
programs within their authority. Network Security covers a
variety of computer networks, both public and private that are
used in everyday jobs conducting transactions and
communications among businesses, government agencies and
individuals.Antivirus or anti-virus software is used to prevent,
detect, and remove malware, including but not limited to
computer viruses, computer worm, Trojan horses, spyware
and adware. This page talks about the software used for the
prevention and removal of such threats, rather than computer
security implemented by software methods.

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 47


4.1. Implement a network system based on the design you have prepared under task 3.1.
(Note: installation of communication devices, allocation of address, local client
configuration, server configuration server installation with screen shots).

How to install windows server 2008 step by step

1st step

You need to insert the windows server 2008 CD into your DVD drive.

2nd step

Reboot your computer

3rd step

You can choose the language, the time and the keyboard you prefer and click next to continue
the installation

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 48

4th step

Once we move on to our next slide we should click on install now

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 49

5th step

Once the setup is installing what we have to do is if any pre existing data have in our hard drive
now we should remove it off

6th Step

Now that we should choose what edition of server we have there is a special DVD edition we
should choose server 2008 or standard full installation and then click next

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 50

7th step

We should accept the license terms and conditions

8th step

Install it where you want it to get installs. If you find any other servers delete it off and then click

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 51

9th step

It will install the below mentioned step by step:-

1. It will copy the windows files
2. It will expand the windows files
3. It will install features
4. It will install the updates
5. It will complete the installation

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 52

10th step

It will restart by itself

11th step

Your setup is preparing your computer for first use

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 53

12th setup

Now that we should configure windows 2008

13th step

Now we should change the name of the computer with whatever the name is given into the name
Server and it will immediately ask you to restart your computer

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 54

14th step

Once we immediately log in again we should configure the networking we should make sure that
the IP address doesn‟t change.

15th step

To update this server we should give the configuration as unable automatic updating and
feedback and then you‟re done with it.

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 55

What is IP Address?

An IP address is a fascinating product of modern computer technology designed to allow one

computer (or other digital device) to communicate with another via the Internet. IP addresses
allow the location of literally billions of digital devices that are connected to the Internet to be
pinpointed and differentiated from other devices. In the same sense that someone needs your
mailing address to send you a letter, a remote computer needs your IP address to communicate
with your computer.

"IP" stands for Internet Protocol, so an IP address is an Internet Protocol address. What does that
mean? An Internet Protocol is a set of rules that govern Internet activity and facilitate completion
of a variety of actions on the World Wide Web. Therefore an Internet Protocol address is part of
the systematically laid out interconnected grid that governs online communication by identifying
both initiating devices and various Internet destinations, thereby making two-way
communication possible.

An IP address consists of four numbers, each of which contains one to three digits, with a single
dot (.) separating each number or set of digits. Each of the four numbers can range from 0 to 255.
Here's an example of what an IP address might look like: This innocuous-looking
group of four numbers is the key that empowers you and me to send and retrieve data over our
Internet connections, ensuring that our messages, as well as our requests for data and the data
we've requested, will reach their correct Internet destinations. Without this numeric protocol,
sending and receiving data over the World Wide Web would be impossible.

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 56

How to insert IP address

1st step

In windows 8 desktop bottom you should right click the network icon and click the “open
network and sharing center”

2nd step

Next you should click the “change adapter settings”

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 57

3rd step

Once you get the network connections box right click your connection

4th step

Once you right click your connection go to properties and go to bottom choose internet protocol
version 4 and then click properties

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 58

5th step

If you want to obtain an IP address automatically you can click that option

6th step

If you want to statically assign your IP address you can choose the “use the following option”
radio button and assign your IP address and click OK

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 59

4.2.Use appropriate testing methods to test the system (analyze test results against expected
results) and prepare a documentation.

Test case

Test no Test description Expected Out put Actual output Pass/fail

O1 Network hardware
Switches Successfully Successfully
Servers implemented implemented Pass

02 Network connectivity

The ping test for own pc( Successfully ping Successfully ping Pass
type ping on
Do routers show paths you Successfully traced Successfully traced pass
expect?(type tracer on
command prom pert )
O4 Successful Successful
DHCP handing out addresses pass

05 Does remote access work

correctly? Ping test for Successfully ping Successfully ping
another PC(type ping pass on command
prom pert )

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 60

Application test

06 Does the server OS install Successfully Login Successfully Login in pass

correctly? in to system to system
07 Does the fire wall working Successfully Successfully blocking
correctly? blocking unauthorized access pass
unauthorized access
Successfully printing Successfully printing
08 Does the printer server
configured correctly? Files backing up Files backing up pass
successfully Successfully
09 Does File backup system Successfully pass the Successfully pass the
working correctly? speed test speed test pass
10 Ability to browse the internet
and internet speed pass

How to ping to other PC’s

 Go to “search” or select “run” there type “command prompt” or “cmd”

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 61

 Type “ping” and press Enter

 After typing “ping” it will display all the instructions how to use ping

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 62

 To ping with another machine we can type ping and the machine name e.g:- (home pc)

 Then we will receive the IP address of that machine, Packets lost, packets sent etc…

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 63

How to get your own PC IP address?

 Go to “search” or select “run” there type “command prompt” or “cmd”

 After that type IPCONFIG and enter, it will display the internet connection type, IP
address, Subnet mask and if we have more than one network card it will show them.

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 64

4.3. After a one year of time management has decided to expand their networked system
recommend useful enhancement for the system.

Now day‟s technologies are getting advance in day to day life. It‟s very important to us. So we
should want to know about current technologies and we want to familiar with these technologies.
In future the technologies can be advance. Now we are using internet all over the places. So in
future we can get high speed internet connect that‟s called “internet 2”. Using this internet2 we
can access web browser very quickly.

If Esoft expand their network they should want to use very powerful cables. So they can use fiber
optic cable. Using this cable they can quickly transfer the data‟s. But it‟s cost. So we want to
spend more money to fiber optic cables.

We can use wireless technologies. It‟s helpful to us. It‟s very easy to configure the networks
also. For wireless technologies examples; router, wifi, wimax, wireless mousses, wireless
keyboards, irDA and Bluetooth etc......

Using router we can access the internet. Without cables and wifi also like same using wifi we can
access the internet in anywhere. And wireless mouse and wireless keyboards are most
advantages. We no need to use wires we want to use only small USB, using this USB we can
connect keyboard and mouse to computers. Using this kind of wireless technologies we can save
more spaces. “irDA” (Infrared Data Association) this is a wireless technology. The main reason
for using IrDA had been wireless data transfer over the “last one meter” using point and shoot
principles. Thus, it has been implemented in portable devices such as mobile phones, laptops,
cameras, printers, medical devices and many more. is WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for
Microwave Access) WiMAX is an IP based, wireless broadband access technology that provides
performance similar to 802.11/Wi-Fi networks with the coverage and QOS (quality of service) of
cellular networks.

Cloud computing entrusts remote services with a user's data, software and computation. Cloud
computing is the use of computing resources (hardware and software) that are delivered as a
service over a network (typically the Internet).

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 65

4.4.According to the implemented network system, prepare a maintenance schedule.

Services Occurrence Start Duration Impact
Windows Monthly 10:00pm 5hrs This means various
Desktop servers will be down
Updates throughout the night
for 5-20 minutes. All
Windows servers will
need to be restarted
after update.
Windows Monthly 11.30:pm 2hr This means various
Server 2008 servers will be down
Updates for 5-25 minutes.
All windows servers
2008 will need to be
restarted after update
Firewall Monthly 12.30:00am 30mins All servers behind the
Updates firewall will be
inaccessible during
the update.
DNS Server Monthly 1:30am 1hrs IP addresses will not
Updates be mapped while the
DNS server is being
Virus Nightly 2:30am 3hrs Individual desktops
Protection may run slower while
Software virus updates are
Updates being performed on

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 66

Services Occurrence Start Duration Impact
Backup Schedules
Web Servers Nightly 9:00 am 3hrs No Impact
Database Nightly 10:00am 5hrs No Impact
Mail Servers Nightly 11:00am 6hrs No Impact
DHCP Servers Weekly 1:00am 1hrs No Impact

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 67


Critical appraisal attempts to identify the strengths and weaknesses of pieces of information,
often research literature, so that readers may apply that information within the limits identified.
As this assignment has bought ll our strengths and weaknesses in understanding the subject I
have overcome all of the weaknesses and completed this assignment successfully.


Positive attributes currently present, which enables successfully completion on current or future
project tasks.

 Ability to identify problems and apply concepts, techniques in order to overcome those
problems. Ability to change directions quickly.

 Work Experience and Strong technical knowledge within the fields of hardware, software and

 Commitment to spend plenty of time for gets the required tasks done.

 Capability to work pleasantly and productively as a member of a group in a variety of roles.

 Interaction with professional organizations and personals in the IT industry.


Local issues or characteristics, that limit the past, current or future project tasks.

 Lack of Creativity and imagination

 Shortage of resources/skills of some areas of Information technology needs.

 Lack of following Timescales and deadlines

Future enhancements

 To further improve communication and IT skills to complete the tasks on time.

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 68
Gantt chart

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 69


(Accessed on 8th October 2012)
2. Google (online) (2012) WHAT IS CLIENT SERVER ARCHITECTURE diagram
(Accessed on 8th October 2012)
3. Google (online) (2012) what is thin client and thick client provide examples from
real world which uses these two methods.
(Accessed on 09th October 2012)
4. Google (online) (2012) topologies and explain advantages and disadvantages of
(Accessed on 09th October 2012)
5. Google (online) (2012) HOW TO INSTALL IP
(Accessed on 10th October 2012)
6. Discuss the term protocol in network and how the protocols enable the effective
utilization of different networking systems.
(Accessed date 10th October 2012)

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 70

Unit 24: Networking Technologies

Assessment Criteria

Outcome(s)/criteria Possible evidence Achieved Feedback

P1 Understand Explain the terms Client server

networking principles architecture and peer to peer
architecture using diagrams.
P1.1 Discuss the benefits Describe advantages and
and constraints of different disadvantages in both approaches.
Provide examples from real world
networking systems types
which uses these two methods.
and topologies
(Task 1.1)

Suggest a suitable topology for

below scenario (Task 2) and
explain why you select that
topology and explain advantages
and disadvantages of selected
topology. (Task 1.2)

P1.2 Evaluate the impact of Evaluate the impact of current

current network technology, network technology, communication
communication and and standards (Task 1.3)

P1.3 discuss how protocols Discuss the term protocol in

enable the effective network and how the protocols
utilization of enable the effective utilization of
different networking systems. (Task
different networking 1.4)

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 71

P2. Understand Explain networking software and
networking hardware and the usage and functionality
of those according to the given scenario
Components (Task 2.1)

P2.1 Discuss the role of

software and hardware

P.2.2 Discuss server types

and selection requirement
As new network administrator you have
to suggest what are the required servers
after analyzing the network in the each
floor. It is required to analyze different
products available in market, their cost
and benefit and why you suggest them
for above network.

(Task 2.2)

P.2.3 Discuss the inter-

dependence of workstation
Discuss the inter-dependence of
workstation hardware with network
with network components components.(Task 2.3)

P3 Be able to design Draw suggested topology and network

networked devices for each floor to meet the given
specification for above case study. In this
Systems diagram you must show devices cleary
(Task 3.1)
P3.1 design a networked
system to meet a given

P3.2 Evaluate the above Evaluate the above design and analyze
design and analyze user user feedback.(Task 3.2)

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 72


P4. Be able to implement

Implement a network system based on
support networked the design you have prepared under Task
systems 3.1. (Task 4.1)

P4.1 Implement a
networked system based
on a prepared


P4.2 Test the network Use appropriate testing methods to test

system to meet user the system (analyze test results against
requirements expected results) and prepare a
documentation (Task 4.2)

P 4.3 Document and

analyse test results against
expected Use appropriate testing methods to test
the system (analyze test results against
results expected results) and prepare a
documentation.(Task 4.2)

P4.4Recommend potential As a Network Administrator, recommend

enhancements for the useful enhancements for the networked
networked system (Task 4.3)


P4.5 Design a According to the implemented network

maintenance schedule to system, prepare a maintenance schedule
support the networked (Task 4.4)

A.H.Asif Networking Technologies Page 73

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