2017 Form 990

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Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax Under section 501e), 627, oF 4047()1) ofthe Intomal Revenue Code (except private foundations) > Dont enter sci acurty numbers on tis form ast maybe made pi Fore Sts clenryoar or tax yor Begining July 2016 ‘3 Gracfappeabi [C Nove of ergaraaton David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness-Besed Education —_ ‘and World Peace: pete prna|rNae ait nia or Rabe Rah Prien aneraazepmuntrusosenil lve (addcess same as C above) |W) xe at stones ine ver CI no 1 Tasco sie ie) gai) #jawetna) Caseig or ser Wo” atch ate cucion) Sweat: rn daethmeoandaionra 1 For clogeriaten(2] Coporton( ]Tust_| Jassociaion _JOnerr Te vear ot featon: Tite rou examen nunber © 2005 | M Sate toga sonia 1A 1 ‘Summary Giitly describe the organization's mission or most significant activities: David Lynch Foundation is commited to addressing 3] me cobat pier o 5] and mating these ev 2 Ghearthe box lift organization cisconined ts 3 Number of ating meriber of tre govering body (Part Vi, ne a) 3} 4 Namberetindependentvotng memburs ofthe governing body Part Vino 18) | 5 Toanmberotinavautsampoye im eaensr yeu 206 Pa ne 2a) i 8 Total numbor of volunteers (estimate fnecessary) . - 7a. Total elated busines revenue fom Par Vil, clu () » |b. Net unvetatod busines taxabeincome for For 980-7, «| 8 Contbuttons and grants Pan Vil ino 1H) | 9, Program sence revenue Pat Vl, ine 20) 110° bvesiment income Part Vl, luna (A). nes 3,4 and 7) “4 Ofer revenva Part Vil cokamn A), nes 5, 6, Bc, 9, 1c, and 11) « {2_Totaavrun-al ns tough (ust egal Pa cotune oe 1 | 13 Grart ander amounts pal Part coum 4, es 1-9) | 4 Benes paid too or members Part k cotumn no 4) 4, | 15 Salas other compensation, employoo benefits (Part x, coum (i), nes 5-10) 8 | 46a Professional fundraising fees (Part [X, column (A), line 1¢) [> Tout tncaiing expres Pat conn, ne 28) 17" Other expenses Part x, column (ins 110-114, 11240) 20s 1@ Total expenses, Ad ines 19-17 (must equal Part column (ine 28) cats _|19 Revenue es expenses, Subtract ine 1Bfrom ine 12. I 29761 ry |S ea n 20 Total asots Part in 18) 7 0 21 Total abies (Par X, ne 26) 0038 08s Ha) bo Not oncos or fund balances, Subtract ine 21 frm ne 20 esero30 auzzsa2 Signature Block Seen ace esas aL oa ara onccoes md complt,Detaton prepare ee long acorn seeds and ener, ant he best oy nowlage enda R= fics tacoma fo mation wich pep has ny How | he — lam — Sfp Here a RAT (ecg. CFD ao. io va Paid 7 | Pine bmon's rae enareaaae ae sana Preparer | joe Use Only — — . C eee > Fe ‘Way tha IRS ciscuss this relurn with the preparer showin above? (Soe instructions) For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, soe the separate instructions, ca Ne _Cives Fino. ieee Fem 990 2016) Fora 201) rage [EMMI] _ Statomont of Program Senice Accomplishments Check f Schedule O contains a response of note to any i 1 Billy describe the organzaton's mission inthis Part. rere") I 2 and making these evid programs widely available a no cost. ask populations. TM produces profound reductions in, {raumatic stress symptoms while euvating inner reserves of peace, positive eneray & inteligence. (the organization uidrake any seat progam secs dng te yer which were ra ted one prior Form 980 or 890-27. aa Dyes ifYes," describe these new services on Schedule O. 3 Did the erganzaton cease conducting, or make sgriicant changes im how Monts, any progam services? . « . Dyes @ZINe 117¥es." describe those changes on Schedule ©. 4 Describe the organization's program service accomplishments for each of is three largest program services, as measured by expenses. Section 501(c}(3) and 501(eK4) organizations are requires to report the amount of grants and allocations to others, the total expenses, and revenue, if any, for each program service reported. 4a (Coae’ ViExpenses § EDUCATION PROGRAMS, Lynch, 1598 including grants of $ 3028643) Revenue § ‘and improve academic of Transcendental Meditation each day to help, rogram provides Transcendental Meditation “simple, easy-to eam, evidence-based approach to relieving symptoms of PTSD and major de “d_Giher program services (Desoribe in Schedule 0} (Expenses $ 345076 cluding grants of $ s4oas) (Revenue $ m6) Jo_Toiel prograri Sanice expenses > 30387479 Fom B80 fare) Form 0 e018 [EMMY _ Checkst or Required Schedules 1 2 10 1" Ra 13 ‘4a 18 6 "7 18 19 Page ts the ganization descibed In section 01109) or 4047) (other than a private foundation)? # "Ys," complete Schedule A. 7 Is te organization reqled o complete Schedule B, Schedule of Contributors (ee nsrtans)? Did the organization engage in dzect or indirect political campaign activities on behalf of or in pein to candidates for public office? If "Yes," complete Schedule C, Part / Section 8010) organizations. Did the erganzaton engage in lobbying actives, or have a section sone lection in effect during the tax year? If "Yes," complete Schedule C, Part It ts the organization a section S01 eK, SOO), or £01(\6) organization that receives mambershp dues, assessments, or sinar amounts a dened in Revenue Procedure 98-107 I "Ys," complete Schedule C, aril Did the ganization maintain any donor advised funds or any sila funds or accounts for which donors have the right to provide advice on the distribution or investment of amounts in such funds or accounts? If Yes,” complete Schedule D, Part | Dic the organization receive or hold a conservation easement, including easements to preserve open space, the environment, Fistorc land areas, or historic structures? If "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part It Dig the organization maintain collections of works of art, historical treasures, or other similar assets? if “Yes,” complete Schedule D, Part i _ P . Did the organization report an amount in Part X, line 21, for escrow or custodial account liabilty, serve as a ‘custodian for amounts not listed in Part X; or provide credit counseling, debt management, credit repalr, of ‘debt negotiation services? If "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part IV Did tho organization, directly or through related organization, hold assets in temporary restricted endowments, permanent endowments, or quasi-endowments? if “Yes,” complete Schedule D, Part V Iv the organization's answer to any of the following questions is “Yes,” then complete Schedule D, Parts VI, “Vil, Mil BX, or X as applicable, Did the organization report an amount for land, buildings, and equipment in Part X, ine 10? Hf “Yes,” complete Schedule D, Part VI Di the organization report an amount for investments other secures in Part X, ne 12 thats 886 or more Of its total assets reported in Part X, line 162 f "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part Vil . ‘id the organization report an amount fr investments program rad in Part X, ine 18 that 53% or more ofits total assets reported in Part X, line 162 If "Yes," compote Schedule D, Part Vil Did the organization report an amount for other assets in Part X, line 15 that is 5% or more of its total assets reported in Par X, line 16? f “Yes,” complete Schedule O, Part IX bid the organization report ant aunt for ler baits in Pa X line 25 1 "os," compete Schade D, Pat X Did the organization's separate or consolidated financial statements forthe tax year include a footnote that addresses the organization's lity for uncertain tax postions under FIN 48 (ASC 740) "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part X. - Did the ogariation obi separate, indepencet audited rani statements forthe tax year? If “Yes,*comolete ‘Schedule D, Parts X! and Xi! Was the organization included in consolidated, independent audited fhancial statements forthe tax year? If “Yes,” and ifthe organization answered “No"toline 12a, then completing Schedule D, Parts XI and XI is optional Is the organization a school described in section 170(0)1)A)(? i "Yes," complete Schedule E id the organization maintain an office, employees, or agents outside ofthe United States? Did the organization have aggregate revenues or expenses of more than $10,000 from grantmaking, fundraising, business, investment, and program service activilies outside the United States, or aggregate foreign investments valued at $100,000 or moce? If "Yes, "complete Schedule F, Parts Land IV. ‘ Did the organization report on Part IX, column (A), lin &, more than $5,000 of grants or other assistance to or for any foreign organization? If*Yes,” complete Schedule F, Parts and Did the organization report on Part IX, column (A), line 3, more than $5,000 of aggregate gents or other assistance to of for foreign indviduala? If "Ves," complete Schedule F, Parts Il and IV. Di the organization report total of more than $16,000 of expenses for professional fundraising services on Part X, column (A), ines 6 and 118? f "Yes," complete Schedule G, Part | (see instructions) Did the organization report more than $15,000 total of fundraising event gross income and contributions on Part Villines tc and 8a? If *Yes," complete Schedule G, Part Ii Dia the organization report more than $1,000 of ross income rm gaming activites on Pat Vile 9a? "Yes," complete Schedule G, Part Il. 3 : a Yer [We a\v 2iv a| |v «| |v s| |v s| |v 7| |v a| |v o| |v tta| ¥ a) |v ttel |v aa] lv ite] 7 at) |v s2a| v 126| |v a3{_|¥ aa] 7 sab Vv iv “ a|_|v sly 1o|_|v Fem 990 a6)

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