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rom 990 Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax Under section 01(}, 827, o 494731) ofthe Internal Revenue Code (except private foundations) — > De not enter social security numbers on ths form as it may be made public. ‘eboalRovrun 2 bomaton sb Fem nd nerton owe ors So 1B creck plea Cetra ange ‘and Worl Peace 93.0436455, 1B nameeninge Teosone umber Gi tntweun —— | 1000. ath Street 41200-8404 Gl areurtaninacCi¥ town tata prove, au, and EP or Toxign RN cose 1D amencearetun | Falco ua 52557 Groseepis$ 14894351 1 ‘ropteatonprcng|F Nave ard acres ofpireba car Robert Rath, CEO Tenssvopwntsnecentl Ives [no (adéress same as C above) War at sorinats rec Yow No Tacomas — WZ s016( song) (evorno) LJaoerag) or Leer HN ata et (a0 suction) J Website: *—_wovw.davilynchfoundation org We ow exsmetin ruber > Fon ofornzaon] Coporaton Just _[ Jassooaton LJomere [cvesrotiomaioe 2005 [w Sate ottss come 1A Summary : Briefly describe the organization's mission or moat significant actviles: DLE promotes consciousness based education by | teehinste ranscondornt mediation equa 0 a =| abused women ad is, neve mercans Ramless men ond women, an earerted ven 2 Ghockthis box» Lif the orgerication scored fs operation or aposed of more ran 25% of il aS I} mootetecee eceunemar a os: rear i | 4 Number of ndeperdont voting membor ofthe govering body (Part Vine 1) 7 1 §] 5 Total number of navidualsemstyed calendar yea 2015 Par V, ne 2a) 5 3 3 | 6 Total number of volunteers (estimate necessary) 6 30 &) 7a Total unrelated business revenue from Part Vil, cokimn (), ine 12 7a ° D_Netuneated business table income fom Form 980", esd. LB ° Contbtions and grants (Par ijn th a ez e785 Program service revenue (Part Vill, ine 2g)... . ‘ 110541] 114384 Investment income (Part Vill, column (A), fines 3, 4, and’ 75) . 2882 5929 (ther evens Pat Vl, colar (Anes 5, 6d, 8, 8 10, and Ye) 13617 Toseant Total revo ace nes 8 though 1 (rust equal Par Vi, cotuma ,ie 12) sees E5335 rans and smiar amounts paid art cok (A, Ines 1-3) séze 357024 Benes paid too for members (Par coun (tne 4) — 3 ° Ssare, ot campeon eno ers at ar iin 10 susie Po Professional finde foos Part, cotunn \, ine 110) > p ° Total findssing expenses Part cokmn 0) ine 25) > 307360 |S TS tne expenea (Par column (8 nes 0-190, 11-240)" . S874 236038 Total expenses. Add lines 13-17 must equal Pat, column (A), oe 25) | vezzar4 assezis 9 _Revenveles expenses, Subtet ine 18 fom ine 12 10385 297161 7 taieig aan | — aware i 20° Total assets (Par X, line 16) _- eee 2. srasasl——aenio7 BilarTottatties Pa ne 25) 977 0363 3] ze het assets or und balances, Subiact ine 2 rom ne 20 sour sse39 Signature Block Under peas a peray. deco that have examined Wi run, ng socompaningsoedues and waromert, wd oe bat my Krawedge and bla, RE ‘ne, cet and complet, Deco of prepare ter han fos based onl rtmation a wich preparer as oy ovlecze = I2e Cae ian ‘ape oer Oa Here » RAT, Kaeee £2 cd: “peer pa an Paig [PP peers er aaIe = oa Preparer _sett-omployed) Use Only ee > Fim’s EIN > ‘Way the TRS discuss iis retum with the preparer shown above? Gee netructions| ve Cvs Ne For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the separate instructions. (Ga No, 1282 Fom 990 2015 Fome0 go) roan? ‘Slatemont of Program Service Accompliahments Check f Schedule © contains a response or not to any ine in this Part I 7 Bialy deserve the orgaizaion's msion ots consiousness-based education by teaching the Transcendental Metton technique largely inne students, veerans sullering liom PTSD, abused women and gs, American Indiana ering rom dabetes and a rsaape, homeless men and women partipating rey Dred radu profound eductionsn Uaumali ess stom vile cuvating mer reserves of peace, postive ener & iligence 7 Bains sruenonundorate ay sgneart aya srs Sig Ws yn wich Wr a edo te prior Form 390 or 880-677 a8 Dives It-¥es," deserbe these new servoas on Schedule ©, 2d the rparaton cease condicig, or mae apart angen taw it carducs,ay program services? pea a st ees 6 rae Dies U1"¥es, deserbe these changes on Schedule O. 4 Describe tho organization's program service accomplishments for each of is three largest program servcss, as measured by expenses. Section £04(¢(@) and S0‘(e}4) organizations are requited to repot the amount of grants and allocations to other, tho total expenses, anc revenue, Hany, for each program service reported ‘4a (Coder, )iExpenses € EoyeaTion pocnaws _B2N801) Revenue 5 ~_ TARR including grants ofS strategies by improving the physiological underpinnings of learning and behavior. DLE and public charter schools in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco and Washington, D.C. @) (Revenues 403088) and mlitary families in nee. PTSD and mator depression and developing greater resilience to sires, Over the course of FY16, OWW has expanded a porto = service organizations such a3} ‘25 vorious VA medical centers. ‘44 Otior program services (Describe in Schedule ) (Expenses $ z7ogoso including grants of $ -za9176) (Revenue $ 1995) 7 - 4 Total proaram sence expenses Tene For 990 e015 Form 060 018) Checklist ot Required Schedules 1 2 3 10 " 18 16 a 18 19 Is the organization described in section SOt(6(8) or 49471} (ther than a private foundation)? “Yes” complete Schedule A : Ic the organization required to compete Schedule B, Schedule of Contributors (se istuction)? Did te organization engage in ecto ndiectpotizal campaign activites on behalf orn cppeston to ‘candidates for public office? If "Yes," complete Schedule C, Part! . ‘Suton 801(e) orgenizations. Did the exgarization engage in lobbying aches, or havea eaton 501) ‘lection in effect during the tax year? If Yes,” complete Schedule C, Part I ie the opanzation a section SOveKs,SO¥oKS), or 5011) ereanizaton that eoeives membership dues assessments, or simlar amounts as defined in Revenue Procedure 98-197 I “Yes,” complete Schedule Parti. : Du the ganization mata any donersdkses und or any similar funds or accounts fer which donors hhave the right to provide advice on the distribution or investment of amounts in such funds or accounts? if "Yes," complote Schedule D, Part | . Dia the enganztion receive or ld a conservation easement, inching easements to preserve open spac ‘the environment, historic land areas, or historic structures? if “Yes,” complete Schedule D, Part It Did the organization maintain collections of works of ar, historical treasures, or other similar assets? If “Yes,” complete Schedule D, Part I . Did the ergnizaton report an amount Prt, ne 21, fr escrow or custodial account Habit, serve a8 a custodian for amounts not ated in Pat Xr provide credit counseling, debt management, ces epak © ‘debt negotiation services? If"Yes,” complete Schedule D, Part IV Did the organization, cirectly or trvough a rolaied organization, hold assets in temperarly restricted endowments, permanent endowments, or quasi-endowments? If "Yes," complete Schedule O, Part V Ifthe organization's answer to any of the following questions is “Yes,” then complete Schedule D, Parts VI, ‘VU, Vil, or X as applicable Did the organization report an amount for land, buildings, and equipment in Part X, line 107 Hf “Yes,” complete Schedule D, Part VI Did the organization report an amount for investments--other secures in Part % ine 12 that 8 5% or mere ofits total assets reported in Part X, line 162 f “Yes,” complete Schedule D, Part Vil Did the orgenization report an amount for investments—program related in Part X, line 19 that is 59% or more ofits total assets reported in Part X, line 16? ies,” complete Schedure D, Part Vil Did the organization report an amount fr other assets in art X. ne 1 tate 5% or more ofits total assets reported in Part X line 167 If “Yes,” complete Schedble D, Part IX Di the organization port an amount for ter abies in Pat ne 257 #-Yes, compete Sched, Pat x Did the organization's separate or consoldate financial statements fr the tax year Include a footnote that addresses the organization's liabity for uncertain tax postions under FIN 48 (ASC 740)? "Yas," complete Schedule, Part X Did the organization obtain seperate, independent audited financial statements forthe tax year? If “Yes,” complete ‘Schedule D, Parts XI and Xi! asthe ganization snlided in consolidated, independent audited ance statements forthe tax yea? fs," and ifthe organization answered "No" 10 line 12a, then completing Schedule D, Pats X! and Xil's optional |s the organization a school described in section 170(o\1VA})? if "Yes," complete Schedule E Did the organization maintain an office, employees, or agents outside of the United States? Did the organization have aggregate reverues ‘or expenses of more than $10,000 from grantmaking, fundraising, business, investment, and program service actviles outside the United States, or aggregate foreign investments valued at $100,000 or more? If *Yes,” complete Schedule F, Parts | and IV. Did the organization report on Part IX, column (A, line 3, more than $5,000 of grants or other assistance to of {or any foreign organization? If “Yes,” complete Schedule F, Parts and IV i the organizaton report on Part, column (A), ine 8, more than $5,000 of aggregate grants or other assistance to of for foreign individuals? If "Yas," complete Schedule F, Parts Mand 1V. Did the organization report a total of more than $15,000 of expenses for professional fundraising services on Part IX, column (A), lines 6 and 118? I "Yas," complete Schedule G, Part (see instructions) . Did the organization report more than $15,000 total of fundraising event gross income and contributions on Part Vil ines 1c and 8a? “Yes,” complote Schedule G, Part! Did the organization repet more than $16,000 o gross income fiom gaming ative on Pat il, ne 8a? If "Yes," complete Schodule G, Part Ill La |v 2iv 3 v 4 v 5 v 7 v a v o “ wav sw) |v tte] |v. wa] |v tel 7 at} |v zal ¥ ro] |v [|v val v sao] ¥ asiv w| |v w| |v wiv w| |v Fem 880 (015)

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