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Fojas, Bryan Carlo L.


1. What have you learned about Relevant Societal Concerns and Policy Evaluation?

I have learned that Relevant Societal Concerns deals with the current issues and problem in the community. It
is to investigate the issue and analyze the cause and effect of that certain problem through the use of factual
data. The news, documentary films, articles and other source of information play a big part in showing the
society’s issues. Policy Evaluation on the other hand is mainly about observing the people to maintain
following rules and directions in order to avoid conflict and prolong order in the society. The government and
the law serve as the most important basis in order to maintain peace and order.

2. How did you appreciate the chapter topics on Relevant Societal Concerns and Policy Evaluation?

Through these topics I was able to learn the importance of being aware about the society and its’ cases in
order to maintain peace and order. Having these kinds of topics will make the people inside a certain
community informed and well knowledgeable about solving a certain kind of issue since there are people who
are ignorant about such cases which becomes the reason for mutiny. In order to understand the government
laws and rules, the people must be aware of the importance of these things and so no more rebellion and
other issues may occur.

3. List at least three (3) Relevant Societal Concerns or common Social Problems in the Philippines. And explain
how do you think you can help solve or resolve or prevent these (Social Problems) in the Philippines, in your
own way?

 Corruption – corruption is so endemic in the Philippines and almost every political leader seems
to practice it. I think that the best solution to this is the transparency of the government in
showing the people the different transactions that the government is having especially if it
involves money.
 Drugs – any individual who is addicted to drugs becomes a threat to the community. The best
way to resolve this issue is to arrest these people and put them to rehabilitation centers.
 Poverty – the Philippines is considered as one of the third-world-country and so poverty is one
of the major problems in the society. The government is truly lacking in distributing the fund to
each governmental project that’s is why some governmental projects about helping the poor
and giving them opportunities are disregarded. The best way to resolve this is to allow a huge
amount of money which is mainly about giving work opportunities to the poor.

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