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Create a table as given bellow

Frist Name Last Name Hindi-A Education Scince Globalization
shilpa Mishra 85 100 61 81 53
amrita Khandelwal 55 100 53 53 65
Pooja Mehra 56 100 72 62 61
sona Shukla 68 100 83 75 93

1. Compute total marks and percentage by using avreage formula.

2. Apply all border on table.
3. Apply grades by using condition given belllow:-
GRADE 'A'--More than 300
GRADE 'B'--More than 200
GRADE 'C'--More than 100
GRADE 'D'--Less than 100
4. Create pie chart representing total marks.
5. Insert a new row at the top of 'Pooja' and fill up new entry.
6. Insert title "THIS YEAR RESULT" font size 20,style 'Impact' colour "Red".
7. Apply duble line border around the title.
8.Insert your name in header ,roll name and page number in footer.
9. your page size should be Standard.
10. All columns width 15.

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