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1. Each afternoon, Nastasia, a suburban American pupil would come home from school and tell her mum she was going to
her room to study. But instead of opening her notebook, she'd rush towards her computer to play her favourite CDs. Homework?
Forget about it. Nastasia, an attractive girl who dreams of a career as a fashion designer, had more important things to do - like
watching her favourite TV program. The lie lasted until her mum saw her first school report card filled with poor grades, in part
because Nastasia has failed to hand in assignments. "I thought she was doing homework," says Niran, Nastasia's mother, " I was
really furious."
2. Nastasia wasn't the only kid in her class that year who neglected her homework. Her teacher, Barb Bachman says half of a
typical class fails to complete all assignments. It's a problem that's been getting worse by the increasing number of broken homes
and longer working hours, which prevent parents from keeping an eye on kids' study habits.
3. For Nastasia's family, the first step in solving the problem was getting a thorough diagnosis. They learned there was more
to it than laziness. "Nastasia said she didn't understand assignments, " recalls her mother. The second step in reforming her study
habits was taking away her CDs. Nastasia began spending afternoons in the family room with Mom, who watched her complete
4. Nastasia found an equally supportive tutoring system at her school. She became one of the dozen fourth grade pupils in a
new program called School Success. Each week the director of the program met with the students to help them identify the reasons
for not completing homework, from distractions at home to too many extracurricular activities. Each night the students brought
home a "contract sheet" listing all their assignments, which they checked off and then had their parents sign. Kids who completed
most assignments got prizes.
5. Like anyone in a recovery program, Nastasia went through some setbacks. But the program helped her get back on track
and today her homework troubles are behind her. "I wasn't paying attention to my work and I didn't try hard," says Nastasia.
1) Tick (V) the right alternative.
The text is mainly about:
a. A teacher complaining about school standards. □
b. A girl who improved her study habits. □
c. A mother blaming her daughter for her study habits. □
2) Focus on Paragraph 1 and fill in the table
Name Occupation Ambition Pastimes

Nastasia -------------- -------------------------

3) Correct the following False statements with details from the text
a. Nastasia‘s mother was not affected by her daughter‘s school results. (p.1)
b. Nastasia‘s parents didn‘t try to find out the reasons behind their daughter‘s problem. (p.3)
4) Answer the following questions
a. What did the mother do to help her daughter? (p.3)
b. Why is the program called School Success? (p.4 & 5)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
5) Find in the text words having nearly the same meaning as
a. Watching over closely (p.2): -------------------------------------------
b. Obstacles to progress and development (p.5): ------------------------------------------
6) What is meant by the underlined word in paragraph 1?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------
7) What does the underlined word in paragraph 4 refer to?
‗their‘ (parag. 4) refers to : ……….………………………………
8) Give a personal justified answer to the following question
If you faced the same problem as Nastasia, how would you solve it?

If I faced the same problem as Nastasia, I would solve it- --------------------------- because ----------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------



1- The end of the traditional school report will soon be announced as ministers plan to give parents daily electronic access to their
children's school records.
2- All schools will be expected to set up 'real-time reporting' systems that will allow parents to see their children's attendance
records, grades and discipline reports. The information could be made online or via e-mails, text messages or even
teleconferencing, which will make it easier for parents to be regularly involved in their children's education and will improve
school standards. "The systems will be more efficient and frequent than a once-a-year written report, or a letter home when there
is a problem or something to celebrate," said Mr. Knight, the schools minister.

3- But security experts warned that any weaknesses in the Information Technologies systems opened up the risk of sensitive data
going astray. Besides, teachers fear being overwhelmed with demands for information from parents.

4- "By 2010, all secondary schools should offer real-time reporting systems, with primary schools expected to follow two years
later, said Mr. Knight."All parents will be encouraged to buy a personal computer as it should be as important as going to school
with a calculator or pencil case," he added.

5- The department of Children, Schools and Families will set aside £ 30 million over the next three years to help low-income
families buy computers and connect to the internet. Mr. Knight will make his announcement at a computer industry conference,
where he hopes to persuade manufacturers to support the government plan by offering discounted equipment.

6- The schools minister has promised that the new reporting systems will not add to teachers' workloads, but Mr. Sinnott, the
general secretary of the National Union of Teachers, said: "there has to be evidence that the 'real-time reporting' systems do not
increase teachers' workload before we can accept them."

The Daily Telegraph / Wednesday, January 9, 2008

1) Tick (V) the right alternative. The text is about online systems that allow
a- pupils to study at home using personal computers.
b - parents to see their children's school reports.
c- teachers to communicate with their pupils.

2) Find in the text details showing that the following statements are false. (2 marks)
a- All British teachers are for the new online systems. (par. 3)
b- All British schools are expected to start using the new systems at the same time. (par. 4)

3) Complete the following table with 3 adjectives from the following box. (3 marks)
frequent - overloaded - occasional - expensive – instant

Present school reports Online school reports

-Written -……………………………………….

-………………………………………. -………………………………………..

4) Find expressions in the text meaning nearly the same as: (2 marks)
a- becoming lost or being stolen (paragraph 3):...................................................................
b- keep separately for a special purpose (paragraph 5):........................................................
5) What do the underlined words in the text refer to? (2 marks)
a- where (par. 5) refers to......................................
b- them (par. 6) refers to........................................

6) Give a personal justified answer to the following question. (1 mark)

Would you like to have such online reporting systems in Tunisian schools? I have such online reporting systems
in Tunisian schools because-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



1- For actress Sally Farmiloe, Bedgebury Girls' School seemed to be the perfect place for her teenage daughter Jade to grow and
learn. But the £ 7,000 -a- term school turned out to be more of a low standards school than an elite academy for young ladies.
2- Two young pupils who hated the school so much were expelled for smashing some windows, while the bullying and lack of
discipline were treated with an appalling lack of concern, according to Sally and other parents.
3- The actress said: "It was appalling. Jade was being bullied on the one hand and learning nothing on the other. No one was doing
anything about it." The bullying started to get physical after Jade, 14, of West London, set up her own website, listing her
achievements as a child actress and model. "But some of the older girls were very jealous, they printed out her picture and posted up
'Wanted' posters all over the school. In the end, we decided that the website had to go," said Sally.
4- Even though the bullying stopped, by last summer Sally knew she had to take her daughter out of the school as she was so
unhappy. "There had been occasions where she was actually physically sick on the way back to school. She simply did not want to
be there. The teachers and the administrative staff didn't seem to have much of a handle on what was going on in the school," added
5- "Academically, Jade had done very well at her Junior school but this did not last once she left. The teachers just drummed all the
enthusiasm out of her. The whole place was just mayhem, with no one really taking control of the girls", said Sally.
6- A move last year to Bedales school in Hampshire thankfully gave Jade the help she needed. "The teachers are so much more
helpful and you have a much closer relationship with them," said Jade.
7- Sally said: "It's not been a transformation but it will take time. The school really cares and Jade is now regaining the confidence
she lost by the bullying over the three years at Bedgebury Girls' School."
Adapted from The Sunday Express. August 27, 2006

1) Tick (J) the right alternative. (1 mark)

The text is mainly about a pupil who had to change schools because
a- she had to pay a lot of money.
b- she was frightened and hurt by her school mates.
c- she couldn't achieve her ambitions as an actress.

2) Fill in the blanks with words from the text. (3 marks)

Some girls kept ……………...……Jade because they were jealous of her. Their jealousy increased when they knew about her
……………...……as an artist. For these reasons, Jade lost ……………...……and confidence in herself.

3) Complete the table with 4 phrases from the following box. (4 marks)
expelled from school - regained confidence - little learning - being cared for - feeling miserable
Jade's experience:
At Bedgebury Girls' School At Bedales School

a-...................................................... c- ......................................................
b-...................................................... d- ......................................................

4) Find in the text a word meaning nearly the same as: (1 mark)
- Violent disorder and confusion (paragraph 5) ................................................................................ ........

5) What do the underlined words in the text refer to? (2 marks)

a- we (paragraph 3) refers to ................................................................................................................. ..
b- there (paragraph 4) refers to .............................................................................................. ...............................

6) Give a personal justified answer to the following question. (1 mark)

Do you think that moving a child to another school is the best solution to bullying?
I think that moving a child to another school ............................... the best solution to bullying because .............................................



1-More evidence has emerged that listening to personal music players too loudly could make you deaf. Experts have warned that
new technology makes it easier to listen for longer — and louder — than ever before. But those who turn up the volume to drown
out noise on the tube or a bus run the risk of permanent hearing damage: Extended exposure to volumes of 80 decibels — the level
of city traffic — can cause temporary tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, according to the Royal National Institute for Deaf People.
Listening at the maximum 105 decibels for more than an hour a day could cause incurable hearing loss, the institute warned.
2-Its research shows that more than half of 16 to 24-year-olds listen to digital music players such as iPods for more than an hour a
day: Institute chief executive Dr John Low said young people are 'frighteningly unaware' of the dangers of listening to their iPods or
MP3 players too loudly. He added: ‗If young people don't heed our warnings about safer listening, they could end up facing
premature hearing damage. New technology and ever-increasing storage capacity enable people to listen non-stop for hours — and
at louder volumes than ever before.‘
3-Institute audiologist Angela King urged music fans to look out for the warning signs of hearing problems. She said: ‗Hearing loss
from loud noise is caused by listening too loudly for too long a period of time. Ringing or buzzing in your ears after a long stint of
being plugged in to your audio is a warning sign that if you continue to stress your ears like this, you could damage your hearing
4-The institute advises music-lovers to take regular breaks from their headphones to give their ears a rest. Other tips include turning
down the volume — as even a small reduction in noise can make a big difference to the risk of damage to hearing.
Daily Mail, July 15, 2006
1) Tick () the right alternative.(2 marks)
a -The text is mainly
narrative  descriptive  expository 
b- In this article, the writer is:
-urging the authorities to ban music players on public transport
-criticizing the ever-increasing use of music players by young people
-warning young people against the possible risks posed by music players

2) Complete the following table with details from paragraph 1.(2 marks)
Cause Consequence

Turning up volumes of their music players people Young people ………………………………………


………………………………………………………. Incurable hearing loss


3) Find details in the text showing that the following statements are false. (2 marks)
a) Young people are conscious of the risks linked to loud music. (paragraph 2)
b) Reducing the sound of music players is the only remedy to hearing loss. (paragraph 4)

4) Find words in the text meaning nearly the same as : (3 marks)

a) take notice of something ( paragraph 2 ) :............................................................................
b) overcome ( paragraph 1 ) :.........................................................................................................
c) early (paragraph 2) :............................................................................................................

5) What do the underlined words in paragraph 2 refer to ? (2 marks)

a) "Its" refers to: …………………………………………………….
b) "they" refers to: …………………………………………………….

6) Give a personal justified answer to the following question. (1 mark)

Would you take the scientists' warnings about listening to loud music seriously? Why? Why not?



1. At the end of an average high school career and after dropping out of community college one year later, Dennis Snider realized
his destiny was pretty clear. He started a well-paying job in a factory and expected to spend the rest of his life doing manual labor.
However, a minor injury he had sustained playing football in high school turned out to lead to degenerative joint disease (DJD), a
condition which affects a cartilage in the knees.
2. At 21 years old, he was too young to consider knee-replacement surgery so, uneducated and unskilled, Dennis' DJD ruled out
the only career for which he was qualified. For six years, he fruitlessly applied for job after job, in field after field, facing
continual rejection due to his lack of qualifications. "I had no special training; I wasn't even able to do any sort of office work. I
kept running into dead ends," he says. Despite his mother and wife's support, Dennis' depression increased.
3. Dennis knew that education was his only escape, but the circumstances didn't look hopeful. "I considered different colleges
that might be able to provide me with what I needed to get a job," he says. "But I had absolutely no reliable means of
transportation." However, this all changed when Dennis' wife discovered a college which offers degrees that can be earned
exclusively online. "We had a little hand-me-down computer that would barely work," says Dennis, "but I realized I could get my
degree this way -- a degree and a career!"
4. Dennis enrolled in Westwood's associate degree program in graphic design & multimedia, and is currently halfway through
completing the coursework. He attributes much of his success to the personal connection he has maintained with his professors
and fellow students. "The one-on-one contact I have is unbelievable," he says. "I'm a very shy person, but I can really get into the
threaded discussions. And if I ever have a question or a problem, I can post and never have to wait long for a response -- the
professors' attention to detail is amazing."
5. Once Dennis completes his degree, he won't even have to wait until graduation to get started. "I've already been hired for
several graphic design projects!"
1) Tick (√) the most suitable title for the text.

a. Making it to the top despite handicap. □

b. A brilliant career ruined by disease. □

c. Online learning success story. □

2) Correct the following False statements with details from the text
a.Because of DJD, Dennis never thought of going back to school. (p.3)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------

b. Dennis stood all alone in his hardship. (p.2)


3) Complete the following paragraph with reference to the text

After leaving school without proper qualifications, Dennis got his his first _______________. It was secure and
_________________. However he was ___________________ to quit because of a degenerative disease.

4) Find in the text words or expressions having nearly the same meaning as
a.Leaving school at an early age (p.1): -------------------------------------------
b. With no success (p.2): ------------------------------------------
5) Focus on paragraphs 4 and 5 to find out THREE benefits Dennis drew from online learning
 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6) Give a personal justified answer to the following question
What do you think of Dennis? I think Dennis is ------------------------------------------------------ because ----------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------.



1. Ever since I was twelve years old, I've wanted to help people live vibrant and healthy. I have always wanted to be a physician.
When I turned 21, however, I was so disenchanted with the medical community that I passed on medicine in favour of working my
way around the world for a year. During this journey, I learned that every interaction has the potential to change your outlook and
perspective on life.

2. After I started working as a research assistant in a hospital, my perspective changed. I walked into Rodney's room frustrated and
ready to quit. As I entered his room, Rodney picked up his head, leaned over and told me in a serious tone, ―You know what the
worst part about this place is? It's that it is lonely, depressing, and sterile. Hospitals should make you feel good to be alive. They
don't. They just suck the life right out of you!‖ Three weeks later, Rodney died at the age of 38.

3. Last April, I spent two days with Patch Adams during his visit to a nearby university. The first time I saw him, he was sitting
atop a table wearing his usual fluorescent yellow and orange clown attire and mismatched purple and green socks as he spoke to a
crowd of students. ‗I am building the world‘s first silly hospital,‘ he says. For 27 years, Adams has advocated the powerful effects
that fun, joy, love and humour have on healing. Adams has made a name for himself in the healing community by challenging
traditional medical models.

4. Not willing to practice medicine in a system that he deemed unhealthy, Adams began dreaming about creating his own brand of
healthcare. In 1971, he ran the ―wellness‖ institute providing free care to an estimated 15,000 people. ―I have spoken to doctors all
over the world, and the worst illness that they or I have ever seen is not cancer – rather it is the disease of loneliness. Since the early
1970s, Adams has promoted his own special prescription for good health – one that includes love, family, exercise, humour, fun and

Adapted from ‗Patch Adams‘ by Russel Schoen

1) Tick (√) the most appropriate option. (1 mark)

The text is mainly about…

a. medical services in state hospitals. □

b. a new vision of healthcare and healing. □

c. medical facilities in West Virginia. □

2) Correct the following False statements with details from the text (4 marks)

a. Adams built a new institute mainly to make money. (p.4)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

b. Adams is in favour of a prescription including medicines. (p.4)


c. Rodney appreciates staying at a hospital. (p.2)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

d. Patch Adams thinks that the traditional health care is efficient. (p.2)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------

3) Complete with words from paragraph four (2 marks)

After having (1) _______________ to his colleagues the world over, Adams found out that he was not the only one to believe
that (2) _________________ was the worst illness ever.

4) Find in the text words or expressions having nearly the same meaning as (3marks)

a. full of enthusiasm (p.1): -------------------------------------------

b. dissatisfied (p.1): ------------------------------------------
c. has strongly supported (p.3): ------------------------------------------
5) What do the underlined words in the text refer to ? (2 marks)

a) "this place" (p.2) refers to: …………………………………………………….

b) "it" (p.4) refers to: …………………………………………………….



1. There was a time when a volunteering holiday was the domain of the most courageous cultural tourists. But in the past decade,
travel companies and charities have been catching on to the call for altruistic holiday experiences through "Voluntourism". They
organise your transport, accommodation and, in some cases, the projects themselves. However, what you put in - and get out - of
your time there is still up to you.

2. I'm on a two-week volunteering package holiday, created in reaction to the tsunami's effects. The volunteering holiday I'm
taking isn't one where people's skills are matched with projects, so a lot of the work involves working and playing. From the outset,
we're encouraged to treat this trip like a holiday and to not feel guilty if we want a day off while others are working. In the initial
night's briefing, we are advised: "Don't expect to save the world". But all the visitors I'm with are keen to get out to the projects and
are happy to make a difference if only a small one.

3. My group has been here almost a week and so far we've mainly been working. But today is time out from the volunteering.
Gamini our driver is giving us his "local knowledge" tour of the region. He brings us to a town called Paraliya. This town is
significant to our group for two reasons. Some of my fellow group members were on the first of these holidays to Sri Lanka in May
2005. It was here that they helped a family complete the construction of their home, which we visit. And it was here that a horrific
disaster occurred. Now, the only sign of such destruction is a memorial by the shore, above the ground where almost 500
unidentified bodies are buried.

4. The tour group parks at this memorial, and I saw the image that could sum up this journey to the south-west coast of Sri Lanka: a
man and a boy sitting on a fishing boat, under the palm trees, staring out to the ocean that brought forth the fierce tsunami.

5. I ask the man on the boat if I can take his photo. He approves and gives me his address so that I can send him the photo. I ask if
he is a fisherman. "No, a cook." And before I know it, this new acquaintance is inviting me to his café over the road from the shore.
"But I'm with a group," I say, "I have to get back." - "Bring them, too!" he says. "But I have no money on me." "It's OK!" he says.
"You eat." So here I am, on holiday from a comfortable life in London, and here he is, a man who lives in a town that has seen far
more than its fair share of misfortune. Yet it is he who is looking after me.

Adapted from The Guardian, July 27th, 2006

1) Complete the table with the appropriate information about the volunteering holiday the narrator participated in. (3
The town visited The duration of the holiday The purpose of the project

……………..….. …………………………… ……………………………………………………….

2) Correct the following False statements with details from the text (4 marks)

a. The visitors have to follow rigid guidelines during their stay. (p.1)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------

b. A radical change in the lives of the local people is expected from the volunteering group. (p.2)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------

c. All the names of the people who died in December 2004 were written on the memorial. (p.3)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------

d. The group of tourists paid for their lunch in the café. (p.5)

3) Find in the text words or expressions having nearly the same meaning as (2marks)

a. The beginning (p.2): -------------------------------------------

b. violent (p.4): ------------------------------------------
4) What do the underlined words in the text refer to? (2 marks)
a) "here" (p.3) refers to: …………………………………………………….
b) "this new acquaintance" (p.5) refers to: …………………………………………………….

7) Would you take part in a volunteering holiday? Why? Why not? (1 mark)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .

1. A couple who were once so fat they weren‘t allowed to sit at the same end of a plane have lost a massive 100 kg between them.
Alan and Jan Coupe felt humiliated when a stewardess asked them to move to opposite ends of the aircraft so their holiday flight to
Guernsey could take off. But the humiliation became a turning point for them and might also have saved Alan‘s life. Doctors
discovered he had a heart defect that could have killed him if he had not lost weight.

2. As they were crowned Slimming World‘s Couple of the Year at the Ritz hotel in central London yesterday, Jan said: ―That flight
was so embarrassing. Coming back, I asked to sit separately so we wouldn‘t have to go through it again. But if it hadn‘t happened I
don‘t think Alan would be here today. ―Alan, 55, lost 50 kg. Jan, 51, lost 49 kg or so and weighs now 67 kg.

3. The couple will spend some of their £3,000 prize money on celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary this year – for which
they will have their wedding rings made smaller. When they celebrated their 25th anniversary, their fingers were so large they had
to ask a jeweller to expand the rings. The couple‘s healthy eating regime has been passed on to their children Chris, 20, who has lost
25kg, and Chloe, 25, who is trimmer by 13kg.

4. Jan said: ―We have apologised because we didn‘t do things with them because our weight inhibited us. Alan added: ―Chris can‘t
swim because I couldn‘t take him to the baths. There was no way I was putting a swimming costume on.‖ Now the family cycle and
swim together and enjoy taking long walks. Alan said: ―It‘s the little things like being able to tie my shoelaces and walk upstairs
without getting out of breath that really make a difference. ―Since I lost weight my doctor has discovered I have a heart defect. I
may have had it for years, but it was hidden by my size.‖

Daily Express March 17th, 2010 (adapted)

1. Complete the following table with the appropriate information about the couple. (2 marks)
The couple The name of the award they received The amount of weight they lost
Alan and Jan ----------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------

2. Tick (√) the right alternative (2 marks)

 Alan and Jan decided to lose weight because.
a. they couldn‘t put on their swimming costumes □
b. they a heart defect □
c. they were humiliated on the plane □

 ―... our weight inhibited us‖ (p.4) nearly means

a. prevented us □
b. enabled us □
c. Encouraged us □

3. read paragraph 4 and mention three things Alan could not do because of his size (3 marks)
 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------

4. What do the underlined words in the text refer to? (2 marks)

 ‗it‘ (p.2) refers to: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 ‗it‘ (p.4) refers to: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5. Answer the following questions (2 marks)

a.How did the parents and their children lose weight?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------
b. What prevented the doctors from discovering Alan‘ heart defect earlier?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------

6. Give a personal justified answer to the following question

What do you think of the couple‘s achievement? (1 mark) I think -----------------------------------------------------------------------------



1. On his 15th birthday, Christopher Hill got his first cell phone. For his 16th, he was given a used red Ford pickup truck. Mr.
Hill, a diligent student, also took pride in his clean driving record.
2. Until last Sept. 3. Mr. Hill, then 20, left the parking lot of a Goodwill store where he had spotted a dresser he thought might
interest a neighbor. He dialed her to pass along news of the finding. Mr. Hill was so engrossed in the call that he ran a red light
and didn‘t notice Linda Doyle‘s small sport utility vehicle until the last second. He hit her. Miss Doyle was pronounced dead
shortly after. Later, a policeman asked Mr. Hill what color the light had been. ―I never saw it,‖ he answered.
3. The U.S. government warns against talking on a cell phone while driving, but no state legislature has banned it. ―I‘m on the
phone from when I leave the Capitol to when I get home, and that‘s a two-hour drive,‖ said Tad Jones, the majority floor leader in
the Oklahoma House of Representatives, who helped block the legislation. ―A lot of people who travel are used to using the
4. Studies say that drivers using phones are four times as likely to cause a crash as other drivers. Some researchers say that
sufficient evidence exists to justify laws outlawing cell phone use for drivers — and they suggest using technology to enforce
them by disabling a driver‘s phone.
5. Now, Mr. Hill rarely talks when he drives. His mother gave him a hands-free headset two months after the accident. She
thought it would create less distraction. He tried it once, and found his mind wandering into his phone call so much that ―I nearly
missed a light,‖ he said. ―I hope they don‘t have to go through what I did to realize it‘s a problem,‖ he said.
6. Sergeant Matthew Downing, who has been on the Oklahoma City police force for 11 years, says he increasingly sees erratic
behavior from drivers talking on their phones, or texting. ―A ton of people pass me literally unaware of their surroundings,‖ he
said. By Matt Richtel / International Herald Tribune / September 20 th, 2009

1) Complete the paragraph with reference to the text (3 marks)

Christopher Hill used his cell phone while driving. He was so involved in the ............................. that he ran a red light and
............................. Ms. Linda Doyle‘s car causing her .............................
2) Correct the following False statements with details from the text (3 marks)

a. Tad Jones was the only person against outlawing cell phone use for drivers.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

b. Fewer and fewer people are using their cell phones while driving.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

c. Using a hands-free headset while driving helped Christopher focus better.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

3) Explain, in your own words, the solution given by researchers to prevent drivers from using cell phones. Focus on
paragraph 4. (1 mark) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----
4) Tick (√) the right alternative (3 marks)

 Mr. Hill ‗also took pride in his clean driving record‘ (p.1) because he
a. broke a speed record. □
b. had never made a driving offence. □
c. Always kept his car clean. □

 ‗drivers using phones are four times as likely to cause a crash as other drivers‘ (p.4) means almost the same same:
a.They were more likely to cause a crash than other drivers. □
b. They were less likely to cause a crash than other drivers. □
c. They were as likely to cause a crash as other drivers. □

 ‗a distraction‘ (p.5) is something that

a.prevents you from paying attention. □
b. helps you to concentrate. □
c. makes you pleased. □

5) What does the underlined word in the text refer to? (1 mark)
"it" (p.5) refers to: …………………………………………………….

6) Are you convinced by Tad Jones‘ arguments? Justify your answer. (1 mark)

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------.



1. Dana Lowrey has known she was adopted for as long as she can remember. And for almost as long — about 30 years — she had
been looking for what she calls her "first family." She combed through county records, searched the online adoption registries and
enlisted the help of reunion experts. On Jan. 10, she set up a Facebook page and asked the friends she had made in the adoption
community to help her search. Within 24 hours, she was in touch with her birth mother, Mary Stark. And by Jan. 15, she had made
contact with her biological dad, Kenny Morse.
2. In retrospect, Lowrey, a 41-year-old nurse who is raising two kids of her own in Roseville, Calif., is not sure why it took her so
long to use social-networking sites to trace her birth parents. In 2008 she used MySpace to connect with the son, Tim Daugherty,
she'd given up for adoption 19 years earlier.
3. For older adoptees like Lowrey, social networks came in handy to put together the puzzle of their backgrounds. But the methods
Lowrey used could just as easily be employed by a curious adopted teenager or a birth mother who regrets giving up her child. This
is raising concern among some adoptive parents and agencies. "We have not yet begun to wrap our mind around what the
implications are," says Adam Pertman, executive director of the Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute. He adds "You want to do
this thoughtfully and methodically. With Facebook, you don't have any of that."
4. Mindful of what can go wrong, several adoption agencies have issued advisories on how to handle social networking. The worst
thing to do, they say, is to try to keep kids off the Web. A smarter strategy is to keep an eye on children's online activities and help
them understand the ramifications of finding their birth parents, says Martha Henry, director of the office of foster care and adoption
at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. "Parents should figure out what steps they can take to join that journey and try
to create an environment where their kids feel safe to talk about it."

TIME August 16, 2010.

1) Tick (√) the best option. (1 mark)

The main idea of the text is that using social networks to find one‘s relatives is:

a. a blessing for some and a source of trouble for others. □

b. not allowed by many adoption organizations. □

c. the safest way to carry out the search. □

2) Complete the table with the appropriate information from the text (4 marks)

Date Event
.............................................................. Dana started looking for her birth parents
.............................................................. Dana gave up her son for adoption
2008 ..............................................................
.............................................................. Dana set up a Facebook page

3) Dana used social networks to search for her birth parents and child. Who else is likely to use the same means for the
same purpose? (2 marks)

a) ............................................................................................................................................................................

b) ............................................................................................................................................................................

4) Tick (√) the two (2) pieces of advice given by the Adoption Agencies to adoptive parents. (4 marks)

a) Adoptive parents shouldn‘t get involved in the way their children use social networks. □

b) They should explain to their children the implications of finding their birth parents. □

c) They should not allow their children to use social networks. □

d) They should participate in the search. □

5) What does the underlined word in the text refer to? (1 mark)

 "it" (p.4) refers to: …………………………………………………….

6) Find in the text words or expressions having nearly the same meaning as (3marks)

a) Examined carefully (p.1): -------------------------------------------

b) Deal with something by doing what is necessary (p.4): ------------------------------------------



1. Abby‘s hand shoots up nearly every time her teacher asks the 19 active first-graders in her Philadelphia public school to
match letters of the alphabet to the sounds they make. Sitting up front, Abby, 7, looks as eager as any of her classmates to give a
quick answer. But every time the teacher calls on her, Abby freezes. Her face tightens. She strains to respond and her words are
inaudible. She's effectively mute throughout the school day. Her only communication is just few words whispered to a trusted
2. At home, however, Abby is a different child. She loves to play cards with her brother Jack, 5. "She speaks loudly--
sometimes too loudly--and can be bossy toward her brother," says mother Lisa Barnes, who runs the trading desk at a money-
management firm. Abby is, in every other way, a perfectly normal child who has no shortage of extracurricular activities,
including horseback-riding lessons and dance classes that she's been attending since she was 4.
3. So why doesn't she speak up in class? What may at first glance look like shyness or obstinacy is actually something far
more complex--and much more interesting. Abby, like hundreds of thousands of kids across the U.S., is suffering from a little
understood but increasingly recognized childhood disorder called selective mutism. According to psychiatrics, a child who has
developed normally at home but has not talked at school or in other social situations for at least a month is a strong candidate for
a diagnosis of SM.
4. SM can strike at any age, even among children who once talked in public, but it usually becomes obvious by age 3 or 4.
The root of the problem in most cases is an extreme form of social anxiety or phobia. "It is a fear that can literally make it
impossible to speak," says Dr. Elisa Shipon- Blum, a Philadelphia-based clinician who specializes in treating selective mutism.
As with most social anxieties, SM is more common in girls and is believed to have a strong genetic component. About 70% of
kids with SM have an immediate family member who also struggles with social anxiety.

By Wendy Cole – Time Magazine – Feb. 6. 2006

1) Tick (√) the most title to the text (1 mark)

a. Why Abby refuses to talk □

b. Why Abby won‘t talk □

c. Why Abby keeps talking □

2) Correct the following False statements with details from the text (3 marks)

a. Abby is able to clearly say letters of the alphabet.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

b. Only few American kids suffer from SM.


c. SM affects more boys than girls.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------

3) Complete with words from paragraph four (4 marks)

Selective mutism is a psychological _____________________ that can _____________________ at an early age. It is some
kind of social _____________________ that makes it impossible for the person to speak up in _____________________.

4) Pick out (2) details from the text that show that Abby behaves like a normal child at home. (2 marks)

a) ..............................................................…………………………………………………….
b) ..............................................................…………………………………………………….

5) Find in the text words or expressions having nearly the same meaning as (2 marks)

a. very keen (p.1): -------------------------------------------

b. Easy to notice (p.4): ------------------------------------------



Stan Burridge, 44, who lived on benefits for 15 years, tells how getting a job a year ago was worth much more than just money.
1. I came through the care system as a kid, lived rough on the streets for five years and had issues including one major mental
breakdown. When I came off the streets it was far easier to stay on benefits and do nothing. It almost became a dependency. I have
spent about 15 years claiming benefits and there seemed to be a fear factor attached to letting that go and stepping into the big
2. I kept turning down jobs because my life had meant I had never stuck at anything. What if the job didn‘t work out? That
would leave me with nothing. It was easier to stay on handouts.
3. Getting a job in a call centre has done a lot more for me than just giving me more money. I can now plan for the future. Since
starting work, I have a new carpet for my flat. I went on a holiday to Egypt — my first real holiday — paid for out of what I had
earned. For the first time this Christmas I can afford some nice things for myself.
4. All these things were alien to me before. I had never taken so much control of my life. Now I‘m proud to pay my own rent
and cover my bills and enjoy a decent social life. In some ways I was lucky there were people around me who gave me a little push
in the right direction. Others may need the incentives the Government will give them.
5. Getting up to go to work has got me into a healthy routine. Mine is not the best-paid job, but it‘s not the worst — and it‘s one
hundred times better than being on benefits. I still get a small amount from the Government, but it‘s £100 a week less than the
Government would be paying me on full benefits.
Having the self-esteem and personal satisfaction of having a job? Absolutely priceless!

THE SUN, NOV. 13, 2010 (adapted)

1) Tick (√) the most suitable title to the text (1 mark)

a- Staying on benefits helped save my life □
b- Getting off benefits gave me my life back □
c- Living on the streets made me turn into a criminal □

2) Focus on the first part of the text and pick out two (2) details showing that Stan‘s life as a child was extremely hard.
(2 marks)
a) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
b) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------

3) Answer the following question

For 15 years, Stan refused to have a steady job. What was he afraid of? (1 mark)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------
4) Tick (√) the right alternative (2 marks)
a) ‗priceless‖ (p.6) means almost the same as:
a) worthless □
b) valuable □
c) free □
b) ‗who gave me a little push in the right direction‖ (p.6) means they:
i. helped and encouraged me □
ii. threatened and bullied me □
iii. obliged me to follow them □
5) Getting a job gave Stan both financial and psychological gains in addition to a decent life. Complete the lists below
with reference to the text (4 marks)
Financial gains Psychological gains

a. A new carpet a. Take control of his life

b. Nice things for Christmas b. Pride
c. Cover all his bill c. Healthy routine
d. ------------------------------------------ d. Personal satisfaction
e. ------------------------------------------ e. ------------------------------------------
f. ------------------------------------------

6) Say what the words underlined in the text refer to. (2 marks)
a. ―that‖ (p.1) refers to ------------------------------------------
b. ―that‖ (p.2) refers to ------------------------------------------



Janine Payne and husband David returned home after a year of travel to unemployment – but it changed their priorities for
the better.
1. ―When we both finished university, lots of our friends went travelling, while we went straight into jobs. Things moved fast,
we bought our first flat aged 22, we married aged 26, and we thought we‘d settle down in the UK and live the lifestyle we‘d
aspired to. I was a shopaholic, the kind of the girl who bought a dress every weekend, I liked nice things. And I thought, with a
mortgage, that travel was an opportunity missed. But when the chance came up to spend a year in Asia, with no guarantee I‘d get
my job back at the end of it, I jumped at it.
2. I was working in international sales for a company in Cardiff with offices in China, and that‘s where I was sent. When David
and I left, things were starting to turn really sour at home. Our friends were being made redundant, food costs were rising, and
people were telling us we were so lucky. For us, every day was an adventure. Everything was so much cheaper, we would eat
out every night, I‘d have manicures, we‘d travel, the lifestyle was hugely better than it had been at home.
3. After nine months, we took four months off work which again was a risk – we were going to spend all our savings. But we
went for it, cycling 3,000 miles around China, through Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand.
4. We got back two weeks ago and we‘re both out of work but we‘re getting by. Now, I know there are so many things in life –
material things – that you can do without. As long as you are happy and healthy, that‘s the main thing. I‘m 100% less
materialistic now. We have learnt that the world of work can wait but experiences won‘t. My advice – never miss an
opportunity.‖ Adapted from

1) Tick (√) the most suitable title to the text (1 mark)

a. Travel can make you redundant □

b. Travel can change your life forever □

c. Travel and work are the best things life can offer □

2) Correct the following False statements with details from the text (3 marks)

a. Once they graduated, Janine and David had no choice but find a job.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------

b. Janine was promised she would get her job back upon return from China.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------

c. When in China, Janine worked for a different company.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------

3) Focus on paragraph 2 and pick out three advantages that working in China offered Janine and David (3 marks)

a. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
b. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------
c. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
4) Say what the underlined words refer to (2 marks)

a - "it" (p.1) refers to ...............................................................

b - "home" (p.2) refers to .................................................................

5) When she returned from China, Janine had different priorities in life. Circle the top two (2) priorities (2 marks)

work making money happiness health

6) Janine says ―the world of work can wait but experiences won‘t.‖ Do you agree with her? Give a personal justified answer
(1 mark)

I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- because ------------------------------------------------------------ ------

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- ------------



1. I had always wanted to travel. But having my son Chris, now 30, I didn't have the money or the time for long exotic trips, so we
settled for a week in France or Spain once a year.
2. Then an email popped up in my inbox to win a trip with an ice cream company. I had to write 200 words about the importance
of travelling. I started typing what I had seen on my week-long holidays. I actually did see hackpackers spend more time in fast-
food restaurants than experience new cultures. As soon as I pressed ‗Send‘, I forgot all about it. I didn‘t even tell Lawrence, my
3. Months later, in December 2005, I checked my email. As I read ―Congratulations!‖ I realised I‘d won my lifetime trip. My first
thought was what my husband would say. I raced to the kitchen and blurted out ―I've won a three-month-round-the-world trip!‖ ―For
two?‖ he asked. But I had to admit it was just for one! Luckily, he was thrilled. Besides, he couldn‘t have got time off his job.
4. The prize was only for the flight which meant I would use my £ 1.750 savings as spending money. I knew it would be worth it.
First, I went on Safari in Africa. Then, in India, I stayed with a local family for three weeks. There, I learnt how to cook curry the
traditional way. Later I saw Komodo dragons as I toured Indonesia. I even had tea with the Sultan‘s mother. It was wonderful.
5. Flying back home from Hawaii after 12 weeks, I was eager to go another trip – this time with Lawrence.
Laura Bloom (Woman‘s Own) March 22, 2010

1) Tick (√) the right option (1 mark)

The text is mainly about

a) An unexpected world tour prize □
b) A couple winning a round-the-world trip □
c) A 12-week stay in Africa □

2) Correct the following False statements with details from the text (4 marks)

a) Laura Bloom never travelled before (p.2)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------

b) Lawrence reacted selfishly when he heard about his wife‘s prize (p.3)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------

c) The prize included all expenses. (p.4)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------

d) Laura was hesitant to waste all savings on the trip. (p.4)

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------

3) Fill in the boxes with the names of the places Laura visited during her trip (2 marks)

Kenya  India  ---------------------------  ----------------------------

4) Find in the text words meaning almost the same as (2 marks)

a) Appeared suddenly (p.2): ....................................................................

b) Spoke unclearly (p.3): ....................................................................

5) Say what the underlined words refer to (2 marks)

a) "it" (p.3) refers to ...............................................................

b - "it" (p.4) refers to .................................................................

6) Give a personal justified answer to the following question(1 mark)

If you were Laura Bloom, would you spend all your savings on a three-month-round-the-world trip? Why? Why not?

I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- because ---------------

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------.



1. Last summer, we were in a ritzy resort in Southern Italy, chosen because there was lots for children to do. But rather than go
kayak paddling, rock climbing or riding mountain bikes, they were stuck on a sunlounger all day long, pressing buttons on their
electronic game consoles.
2. I begged, I threatened, but nothing shook their obsession with those damned gadgets. So I hatched an alternative game plan — a
technology-freefamily break, just like those I had as a child.We'd make sandcastles, go on walks — and they'd soon forget all about
Super Mario.
3. I booked a break at Sharm El Sheikh in Egypt ….. When I revealed the true nature of our holiday a couple of weeks before the off,
my seven-year-old's eyes widened in shock. 'No DS?' he bellowed, and he and his brother spent the next 14 days trying to wear me
4. We finally did a deal: Nintendos on the plane, but not on the holiday because, quite frankly, the thought of a five-hour flight to
Cairo, plus another hour's hop to Sharm, without the tranquillising effect of those little screens was too much for me.
5. On arrival at the Ritz Carlton, I packed away the gadgets. The boys looked gloomy. But my sons' eyes lit up hopefully at the sight
of an enormous TV near the spectacular double bed, but I sent them off to sleep and stiffened my resolve for the morning.
6. At home, if the children wake early, I put on Teletubbies for the baby and the boys surf something unwise on YouTube, allowing
me to stay in bed for a precious extra half-hour.
7. Without the electronic babysitter, I was out of bed by 6am with my one-year-old and walking round the resort by 6.45am. By nine
o'clock, I'd been up for three hours and felt exhausted.
8. But I persevered. This was for their benefit, not mine. I was saving them from brain rot.
By Lowri Turner, Daily Mail - 21 January 2009
1. Tick √ the best title (1 mark)
a. Egypt .......Games off □
b. Egypt ....... a 5-hour flight □
c. Egypt ....... new summer destinations □
2. Complete the following paragraph with words from the text (3 marks)
The holiday in Italy failed because of the kids‘ _________________ with electronic games. Therefore, the mother decided to take
them on a _________________ holiday in Egypt. Despite the children‘s attempts to make her change her mind, she
3. Find details in the text showing that the following statements are false (2 marks)
a. The mother was successful in getting her sons off the game consoles. (par2)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------
b. The eldest child welcomed his mother‘s plan. (par3)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------
4. In order to be able to get more sleep, Lowri does two things. List them: (2 marks)
a) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
b) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---

5. For their holiday, Lowri reached an agreement with her sons. What did they agree on? (1 mark)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------
6. Tick the appropriate alternative (2 marks)
a) Lawri knew the flight to Egypt would be unbearable without
i. taking tranquilizers □
ii. the electronic game consoles □
iii. the enormous TV □
b) ―....a couple of weeks before the off‖ (par3) the ―off‖ nearly means
i. departure to Egypt □
ii. arrival in Egypt □
iii. switching the gadgets off in Egypt □

7. Give a personal and justified answer to the following question. (1 mark)

Do you approve of Lowri‘s plan? Why? Why not?
I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ because -----------------------------------------------------


1. Fill in the blanks
whatever - variety - offers - accommodation - less - most - actually – booked
The Edinburgh Festival is hugely popular with tourists. It is (1) ___________ an umbrella term for a group of independently
organised festivals, which together bring you a spectacular variety of events to choose from. The Edinburgh International Book
Festival (2) ___________ talks, readings as well as discussions, musical events and numerous children's activities. Tickets need to be
(3) ___________ well in advance as (4) ___________ isn't easy to find in Edinburgh during the festival. Edinburgh is a compact city
with good public transport, so you can still stay a few miles out and make the (5) ___________ of the Festival, (6) ___________ time
of day or night you choose to experience it.
2. Supply the right tense/ form
Dorothea Lange was America's foremost documentary photographer. Her photographs of victims of the Depression created a new
genre and at the same time (set) (1) ___________ an almost impossible standard for others. The (power) (2) ___________ images
she recorded helped bring government aid to impoverished communities. When Dorothea Lange graduated from school, she
(determine) (3) ___________ to become a photographer. She took teacher training - to satisfy her mother - but worked afternoons
for professional photographers, (learn) (4) ___________ techniques and gaining experience. "An extraordinary phenomenon in
photography," Ansel Adams called her, "she is both a humanitarian and an (art) (5) ___________. Her pictures are both records of
actuality and sensitive (emotion) (6) ___________ documents."
3. Fill in the blanks
drain - experts - with - out - gain - of - developing – skills
As globalisation speeds on, goods, services and people are moving across national borders as never before. Recently, one
group of migrants - with great (1) ___________ in science and technology - has become the focus of worldwide study. Scientists,
engineers, information technology (2) ___________ and talented university students from (3) ___________ countries are flocking
to the industrialised world, in search of better salaries and working conditions. But not everyone is happy (4) ___________ this
arrangement. Many - including the governments of some poor countries - regard the phenomenon as "brain (5) ___________‖ that
must be controlled. Others view the situation with greater optimism, pointing (6) ___________ potentially significant benefits for
the countries of origin.
4. Supply the right tense/ form
"The Queen of the Blues", one of the greatest performers America produced. Bessie Smith won stardom as America's premiere
blues (sing) (1) ___________ in the 1920‘s (reach) (2) ___________ millions through numerous (perform) (3) ___________ in
vaudeville and on records and radio. A performer of extraordinary power with unmatched vocal abilities, she (break) (4
___________ attendance records at the theatres throughout the country and (create) (5) ___________ records with phenomenal
sales such as "Down Hearted Blues," with over 700,000 (sell) (6) ___________ in six months."
5. Fill in the blanks
key — boost — if — holidays — as — despite — whether — although
We're often told money can't buy us happiness. But now scientists say it can make us happy - as long (1) ___________ we spend it
on someone else. Giving to charity or buying presents is the (2) ___________ to contentment. In tests, those who gave money
away were happier than those who spent the same cash on (3) ___________, cars and luxuries for themselves. Giving away as
little as a couple of pounds every day is enough to (4) ___________ happiness levels. Researchers have found people are happier
(5) ___________ they spend their money on other people. Their study explains that (6) ___________ we have far higher
disposable incomes than our grandparents did 50 years ago, we are not any happier.
6. Circle the right option
Economists have long believed that the least productive societies are those in which women are denied opportunities to join the
workforce. In underdeveloped countries, women typically go without the most basic (tools — topics — materials) needed to earn
a living: education, training and access to capital. Yet there is abundant evidence linking economic progress (by — with — to)
empowered women. A recent study by the London School of Economics showed that countries (whose — where — who) women
are better educated were also those with higher economic growth rates. So, to spur growth in impoverished countries, many
(groups — efforts — equipments) have been launched, among them the microfinance movement. Since the 1970s, tens of
thousands of poor women (have started — had started — started) their own business using loans from banks and organizations
which would spend $ 100 million over the next 5 years on business education because it is believed that (skilled — illiterate —
unskilled) business women could boost economic output in Asia and Africa.
7. Fill in the blanks
huge — with — booking — launched — for — access — connecting — resources
Firms in Britain's tourism industry are being encouraged to boost their business by going online. The Government organisation UK
Online for Business has just (1) ___________ a programme, called ―Go For It‖, to show small companies such as hotels how they can
use the Internet to provide customers (2) ___________ information and offer reservation services. Tourism minister Kim Howells
said:"The Internet offers (3) ___________ potential for tourism businesses but many feel they do not have the (4) ___________ or
expertise to keep pace with the new technology. About half the population has (5) ___________ to the Internet so it is not surprising
more and more people are planning and (6) ___________ their holidays on the Web."
8. Supply the right tense/ form
My 15-year-old son is constantly listening to loud music on his MP3 player and I am really worried about him (damage) (1)
___________ his ears. According to Dr Helen Winpenny, the constant use of an MP3 player can cause a form of age-related
hearing (lose) (2) ___________ , which occurs at an (early) (3) ___________ age than it would have done without. High
volume, ear-level sound that is (continue) (4) ___________ means the sensory hair cells of the inner ear do not get a chance (rest)
(5) ___________ which probably (cause) (6) ___________ some damage.


9. Fill in the blanks
passion - interactive – For - attitudes - unwilling - empower - By - discourage
The EU-funded iClass project has been working to develop an innovative learning platform based on ICT. It is designed to (1)
___________ pupils to take more control of the learning process. ―We aim to make education more (2) ___________, worthwhile
and, above all, enjoyable,‖ explains Eric Meyvis, the project‘s coordinator. ―Pupils are becoming (3) ___________ to learn. We
are using ICTs, the internet and an attractive interface to make learning more fun.‖ (4) ___________ providing greater self-
reliance and a (5) ___________ for inquiry among pupils, iClass helps equip them with crucial (6) ___________ for the emerging
knowledge-based economy. This requires pupils to upgrade their skills and knowledge constantly throughout their lives.
10. Supply the right tense/ form
Girls are bullied for longer periods of time than boys, a study revealed yesterday. Girls (target) (1) ___________ at the age of
six are more than twice as likely as boys to still be victims at 10. The nature of bullying tends (change) (2) __________ as a child
gets older, (move) (3) ___________ from direct physical threats to relational (bully) (4) ___________. Girls at the age of six are
(likely) (5) ___________ than boys to become victims of bullying over a long period. (Research) (6) __________ from
universities say that bullied girls become visible in their peer group – leading some to getting a reputation for being a victim that is
difficult to change.
11. Fill in the blanks
method - courses – while - schedules - attend – addiction - for -greater
As technology has developed rapidly, the online education industry has developed along with it. More students have turned to the
internet (1) ___________ their education. An increasing number of US universities and colleges are taking advantage of this
building interest by offering online (2) ___________. This convenient, cost-saving measure has grown in popularity especially
with adults who have no time to (3) ___________ college. The (4) ___________ need for a degree in today's society has pushed
more students towards pursuing their degrees online. Many students can now shape their education around their busy (5)
___________. Online education has even proven to be an environmentally-friendly (6) ___________ since it eliminates the need
for transportation.
12. Circle the right option
We have noticed a big rise in the number of behavioural addictions. People look down on 1) (smoke / smokers / smoking),
alcoholics and cocaine addicts, but then go and spend five hours in an internet chatroom. We are 2) (hopefully / faithfully /
increasingly) turning to ―comfort behaviours‖ activities that temporarily make us feel happier and less stressed. Behavioural
addictions 3) (conclude / exclude / include) compulsive attachment to cosmetic surgery, the internet and mobile phones. These are
the very things that can lead us into 4) (independence / dependency / dependent), no matter how harmless they may seem at first.
While behavioural addictions may sound less serious than being hooked 5) (to / on / at) drink or drugs, according to experts, their
potential for wrecking 6) (lives / living / alive) may be quite similar. These are very modern addictions, which can lead to
obsession, debt and the breakdown of relationships.
13. Fill in the blanks
migrate – widespread – which – immigrate – because – whose – escape - departure
Investment in higher education is lost when a trained individual leaves and does not return. Also, whatever social capital the
individual has been a part of is reduced by his or her (1) ___________. The spokesman for the Royal Society of London coined the
expression ―brain drain‖ to describe the outflow of scientists and technologists to Canada and the United States in the early 1950s.
Its counterpart is brain gain in the areas to (2) ___________ talent migrates. Brain drain can occur either when individuals who
study abroad and complete their education do not return to their home country, or when individuals educated in their home country
(3) ___________ for higher wages or better opportunities. The second form is arguably worse (4) ___________ it drains more
resources from the home country. This phenomenon is perhaps most problematic for developing nations, where it is (5)
___________. In these countries, higher education and professional certification are often viewed as the surest path to (6)
___________from a troubled economy or difficult political situation.
14. Supply the right tense/ form
A British teenager who took a drugs overdose has been saved after the American girl he was chatting to online raised the alarm.
The 16-year-old boy from Oxfordshire had sent her a message (suggest) (1) ___________ he intended to commit suicide. Although
she did not know where he lived, calls via the White House and the British Embassy enabled Abingdon police to save the boy's life.
The boy, who has not been named, made a full (recover) (2) __________after hospital treatment. It (believe) (3) __________that he
was using the social networking site late on Wednesday night and sent a private message to a girl in Maryland saying that he was
going to harm himself. She told her mother, who called local police. The police called a "special agent" at the White House, the
British Embassy in Washington and finally the police control room in Abingdon. Staff (narrow) (4) ___________down his location
to eight possible addresses, and officers found the teenager at the (four) (5) ___________house they tried. He (take) (6)
___________an overdose, but was still conscious.
15. Fill in the blanks
issues - scientific - adapt – there - gases - evident – who - particularly
Global warming has become perhaps the most complicated issue facing world leaders. On one hand, warnings from the (1)
_________ community are becoming louder, as an increasing body of science points to rising dangers from (2) ________ produced
mainly by the burning of fossil fuels and forests. On the other, the technological, economic and political (3) ___________ that have
to be resolved before a concerted worldwide effort to reduce emissions can begin have gotten no simpler, (4) _________ in the face
of a global economic slowdown. World leaders recently announced what had already become (5) ___________ that no formal treaty
could be produced anytime soon. Instead, the leaders pledged to reach a placeholder accord that wld call for reductions in emissions
and increased aid to help developing nations (6) ___________ to a changing climate and get access to non-polluting energy options.


16. Supply the right tense/ form
Three in every four Facebook users avoid adding their bosses as ‗friends‘ as they are frightened that their behaviour on the site
could cost them their job and are (increase) (1) ___________ worried about their privacy, according to a new survey. Facebook
(announce) (2) ___________ a whole host of new features at its annual F8 conference in San Francisco last week. F-Secure, an
internet security firm which polled 450 Facebook users, found that 73 per cent were not ‗friends‘ with their boss on the site. The
survey also found that 77 per cent said that they use the site‘s (private) (3) ___________ tools to safeguard their private
information. The poll discovered that Facebook (use) (4) ___________ have become increasingly aware of the need to ensure their
(person) (5) ___________ information and status updates remain private with 35 per cent of pollsters (admit) (6) ___________
posting something on the site they later regretted.
17. Fill in the blanks
pace - accessible – thanks to - rural - elderly – expectancy - due to - densely
So everyone is happy in the countryside…. Or are they?
Some of the ―benefits‖ of living in the countryside can, on occasions, be real problems to be faced by those living in (1)
___________ communities. Less use of the health service can be simply because medical services are less (2) ___________ with
most services based in urban areas, which are more (3) ___________ populated. The quietness can be (4) ___________ a lack of
neighbours or services which can be miles away and the slower (5) ___________ of life because the youth, mothers with children
and the (6) ___________ are restricted in their movement by limited or no public transport. Often the rural public transport doesn‘t
meet the needs of those living in the countryside.
18. Supply the right tense/ form
Earth Day announced on April 19 the launch of a Facebook application designed to engage people on the issue of climate change
and attract support for their A Billion Acts of Green campaign. Earth Day (hold) (1) ___________ every April 22 around the
world and aims to raise (aware) (2) ___________ of climate change and (environment) (3) ___________ issues. The event first
(begin) (4) ___________in America in 1970 and since then has grown into a global event. In celebration of Earth Day,
individuals, communities and officials and even businesses around the world hold a (vary) (5) ___________of events; this year
the campaign aims to collect a pledges for A Billion Acts of Green , which the (organize) (6) ___________then intend to present
at the UN Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro in June 2012.
19. Fill in the blanks
At – Despite - should - steamed - challenge - Although – who - adequate
Being a parent is the greatest of life's joy, but it is also one of the most difficult jobs in the world. Even the smallest of things can
turn into major battles on occasion. There are times that it seems like an insurmountable (1) ___________ to get your children to
eat the right things, including an (2) ___________ amount of fruits and vegetables. The national health guidelines suggest that
kids (3) ___________ get at least five portions of fruits and vegetables each day. (4) ___________ this may seem like quite a lot,
it isn't really difficult to get these five servings into a day. You can serve a whole piece of fruit, such as a banana or an orange,
with the breakfast. (5) ___________ lunchtime, you can make soup or sandwiches that have vegetables inside to get a portion in.
You could also serve something on the side of a meal, such as carrots with peanut butter and raisins on them. Dinner is a good
time for vegetables as a side dish, but try and use fresh or flash frozen varieties that are offered either uncooked or (6)
___________, rather than boiled from the can. This will help your child to get the most of the nutrients out of the produce.
20. Supply the right tense/ form
Facebook, the world‘s largest social network, (announce) (1) _________________ in July 2010 that it had 500 million users
around the world. The company (grow) (2) _________________ at a meteoric pace, doubling in size since 2009 and (push) (3)
_________________ international competitors aside. Its policies, more than those of any other company, are helping to define
standards for (private) (4) _________________ in the Internet age. The company, founded in 2004 by a Harvard
sophomore, Mark Zuckerberg, (begin) (5) _________________ life catering first to Harvard students and then to all high school
and college students. It has since evolved into a (broad) (6) _________________ popular online destination used by both
teenagers and adults of all ages.
21. Fill in the blanks
sharply - inspire – pulled - quitting – declined - pressure – struggle - oblige
Smoking is addictive, but quitting may be contagious, according to research that suggests social networks shape people's
behaviour far more powerfully than previously suspected. Although many smokers see their battle with nicotine as an individual
(1) _________________, the study shows that people actually give up smoking in groups, (2) _________________at the same
time as others in their social network. Researchers found that someone who stops smoking may (3) _________________not just
his friends but distant members of his "social niche" — a friend of a friend of a friend — whom he doesn't even know. Those who
quit appear to have done so under (4) _________________from others in their group.
The number of smokers in the study fell (5) _________________from 1971 to 2003, mirroring national trends. In the past 40
years, the smoking rate has (6) _________________from 45% to 21%, the study shows. Peer pressure also appears to have pushed
people to quit years before the creation of anti-smoking laws.
22. Supply the right tense/ form
A teacher, a lawyer, a judge and now back to being a student - 100-year-old Bholaram Das (just enrol) _____________ for his
doctorate, perhaps becoming India's (old) ___________ university student. Das has got admission in a PhD programme at the
Gauhati University in Assam - an announcement he made at a public function organised by his family and friends, (mark)
_____________ his 100th birthday Saturday. "There is no age limit for (acquire) ____________ knowledge," Das told IANS
with a smile, dressed nattily in a brown suit and tie. Das (jail) ____________ when he was just 19 during the freedom movement
against British rule. He spent two months in prison before he graduated in the commerce stream and later went to study law. "It is
indeed heartening to find people like Bholaram Das in today's world and I am of the firm (believe) ______________ that he
should stand out as a role model for the generation next," Governor J.B. Patnaik told IANS.


23. Fill in the blanks
widely - Despite - commitment – Although - saving – for - making - efficient
Earth Hour, the environmentally symbolic annual switch-off of lights for one hour last night, extended into space this year, the
International Space Station taking part for the first time. Launched in 2007 in Sydney, initially as an energy- (1)
_________________measure, the hour has spread internationally and become a symbolic event to encourage environmental action
and awareness. It‘s a pledge to fight (2) _________________ measures to cut energy use. (3) _________________ the event's
high profile, it has also drawn criticism, including from green campaigners. "Asking people to sit in the dark plays very well to a
(4) _________________ -held prejudice that "the greens" want us all to go back to living in caves," they said. Andy Ridley, Earth
Hour co-founder and executive director, said: "Each and every one us play an important role in (5) _________________ a
difference to the world we live in. As the lights go off around globe tomorrow, celebrate your (6) _________________ to the
planet and inspire those around you to take action."
24. Supply the right tense/ form
Travel giant Thomson failed to inform passengers of the changes made for the London to Goa flight. Carol Ford and her family
were among 20 passengers that arrived at Gatwick airport only to (tell) (1) _________________ that the plane had left for the
popular destination. Carol said: 'We went to talk to someone on the desk about our tickets and they told us we‘d missed the
flight. They claimed they (send) (2) _________________ us a letter or email a week before the flight to say it had changed, but
my son, who (book) (3) _________________ the trip, says he never received anything. 'If it had just been us then I would have
accepted that it was (possible) (4) _________________ our fault, or there was a mistake, but there were about sixteen other
people with us and we can‘t have all done that. 'I (never/ miss) (5) _________________ a train before in my life let alone a
flight. We know all about (arrive) (6) _________________ three hours before. 'It was a six hour round trip from Birmingham to
London and back. We were exhausted. I just couldn‘t believe the way they told us.'
25. Fill in the blanks
Since – sides - innumerable - from – own – venues – While – lies
Travelling to Scotland and exploring its natural landscapes and well-known attractions will help you have a perfect vacation in the
country. The nation offers (1) _______________ attractions and varied options for accommodations to make your stay a
comfortable one. Scotland (2) _______________ in the northern part of Britain. Surrounded by North Sea, Atlantic Ocean and
magnificent Cheviot Hills, the country has a magic of its (3) _______________. During your Scotland tour you can experience
everything (4) _______________ the wilderness to the serenity of the landscapes. From historical (5) _______________ to
national parks there is something interesting for every visitor. (6) _______________ mesmerizing beaches like Silver Sands, Cuil
Bay and Sandwood Bay may entice you to their beauty, waterfalls like Ardessie may rejuvenate your senses during your vacation
to Scotland.
26. Supply the right tense/ form
Around 33,000 lives a year could be saved if everyone in the UK followed dietary guidelines, research suggests. Eating five
portions of fruit and vegetables a day has the biggest effect, say experts at Oxford University. Only a (three) _______________ of
Britons consume enough fruit and vegetables, with (bad) _______________ results in Scotland and Northern Ireland. The UK
daily guidelines are to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables. The research, published in the Journal of Epidemiology and
Community Health, (base) _______________ on a computer model linking food (consume) _______________ with mortality
from heart disease, stroke and cancer. Public health experts at the University of Oxford used it (analyse) _______________ data
for 2005 to 2007 from a variety of studies in the UK looking at links between diet and deaths. They used the model to predict how
levels of heart disease, stroke and cancer (fall) _______________ if everyone followed recommended dietary advice.
27. Fill in the blanks with words from the box- There are TWO EXTRA words (3 pts)
highlighted - between – technology - according - of – transmitted – from - flexible

The most relevant disadvantages of online learning are directly tied to the specificities of the web environment itself that bring
people to choose this method of education. The nonexistence of a physical classroom, (1) ______________ schedules and reduced
personal interaction are all factors that attract people, but have their own negative aspects that should be (2) ______________.
First, participants can only receive information from one source – the professor or the media content, and usually have limited
opportunities to exchange ideas and information with other students or even learn from their mistakes and experiences. The lack of
non-visual cues may bring delays or misunderstandings when information is (3) ______________. Added to that, much exposure
to the internet deprives the users (4) ______________ practising their interpersonal skills. Furthermore, the relayed nature of
communication (5) ______________ teacher and student dampens a timely exchange of questions. Lastly, (6) ______________ to
a study in the American Economic Review, this may result in poorer test scores among learners.
28. Supply the correct tense or form of the bracketed words (3 pts)
Experts hail rapid development of handsets. As a matter of fact, mobile phone technology has come a long way since the first
mobile phone call (make) ________________ 40 years ago – but there is a lot more (innovate) ________________ ahead,
according to one expert. It was on 3 April 1973 that Motorola employee Martin Cooper made a call in New York on a Motorola
DynaTAC – dubbed a "brick" due to its size and weight – which was (wide) ________________ regarded globally as the first
public mobile phone call. The device was 9 inches tall, comprised 30 circuit boards, had a talk-time of 35 minutes, and took 10
hours (recharge) ________________. Four decades on, a worldwide telecoms industry with annual revenues of £800bn (grow)
________________ rapidly based on wide choice, falling prices and an array of technologies, (result) ________________ in the
average mobile being used to take photos, play music and games, send emails, download maps, watch video clips, all as well as
talking and texting.


1) Use the following notes to write a short biography of Princess Diana Spencer
Birth: 1961 / Marriage: Prince Charles, 1981 / Children: William and Harry / Death: 1997, Paris, accident / interest of press
and public / work with charities
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------
2) Use the following notes to write a short biography of the English scientist Isaac Newton
Birth: 1642 / Death: 1727 (aged 85) / Major discoveries: Newton‘s laws (force, mass and movement) - Differential calculus
(a branch of mathematics)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------
3) Use the notes below to develop a 4-line paragraph about parents and kids
 Parents: no basic literacy / Little interest in  Kids: poor reading and writing / No parents‘ help with
learning homework
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
4) Use the notes below to develop a 4-line paragraph about bullying
 Bullying: conscious – repeated hostile practice • Characteristics: imbalance – power – threat of aggression
 Effect on victim: feeling of terror
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
5) Use the following notes to write a short biography of Pablo Picasso
• Birth: 1881 / Genius / early age • 6000 paintings / drawings / sculptures
• Famous portrait: Guernica, 1937 • Death: 1973
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
6) Use the following notes to write a short biography of the famous black leader Dr. Martin Luther King
• Birth: Atlanta, Georgia 1929 • August 28, 1968: lead civil rights march in Washington / deliver a speech ‗I have a Dream‘
• 1964: Nobel Peace Prize • April 4th, 1968/ death, assassinate
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
7) Use the notes below to develop a 4-line paragraph about virtual schools
 The virtual school: modern approach/ learning • Benefits: comfortable / good option / handicapped / bullied children
 Side effects: no exercise / limited social life
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
8) Complete the following conversation
Man: …………………………………………………………………………………………………
Woman: Well, let's look at this city guide here. Here‘s something interesting. Why don't we first visit the art museum in the
Man: …………………………………………………………………………………………………
Woman: How about going to an Indian restaurant? The guide recommends one downtown a few blocks from the museum.
Man: …………………………………………………………………………………………………
Woman: Well, to tell the truth, I'm not really interested in going there. Why don't we go shopping instead? There are supposed
to be some really nice places to pick up souvenirs.
Man: …………………………………………………………………………………………………
Woman: No problem. We can use YOUR credit card to pay for MY new clothes.


9) Use the notes below to develop a 4-line paragraph about the iPad
 iPad: a new kind of computers = tablet PC • Characteristics: flat / thin (1.25 cm) / light / no keyboard or mouse / just
touch-screen •Cost: $ 499 / $829 •Functions: e-mails/ photos/ music/ movies/ games/ word processing/ e-books....
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
10) Use the data in the chart to write a 4-line paragraph about the health risks of smoking in the US
11) Use the notes below to write a 4-line paragraph about the organization
Organization World Health Organization
Date of creation April 7th, 1948
Mission To improve health services through better government financing, staffing and management
Impact  To reduce/ health / social / economic burden of communicable diseases
 To prevent / reduce disease / disability / premature death from chronic diseases
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
12) Add the necessary articles, pronouns, linkers, prepositions, verb ―to be‖ and put verbs in the right tense or form to
get coherent sentences. DO NOT CHANGE THE ORDER OF WORDS
a. These are tips / to save fuel / drive economic / during / petrol crisis
b. Plan / route. Take the / direct way / avoid / hours
c. Check / tyres / under-inflation / increase consumption 15%
d. Keep a steady / while drive / / and turn / the engine / a jam
13) Use the information in the table below to write a 6-line paragraph about Greenpeace
Type independent global campaigning organisation
Location Greenpeace international in the Netherlands + offices in 40 countries
Goals  changing attitudes •protecting and conserving the environment
 promoting peace
Ways to achieve goals  non-violent direct action • lobbying • researches

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
14) Use the notes below to write a 4-line paragraph about the UNESCO
The UNESCO was founded in the 4th of 1946. It is composed of 1 It focuses on by aiming

Foundation November 4th, 1946

Composition 95 member nations / 8 associate members.
Interests education, science, culture
Aims promote peace, social justice and human rights, international security.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------


1. You have just come back from a holiday organized by Dream Tours Travel Agency. You are quite happy with the quality
of the service and the facilities available. Write a letter to your friend recommending the agency. No more than 12 lines. Do
not write your name or sign the letter.
2. Your English teacher has asked you to write a 12-line article for your school magazine about the benefits of technology
and its dangerous effects if not properly used. Do write your name or sign the article.
3. Your friend Slim spends many hours a day playing videogames. He neglected his family, friends and studies. Write a
letter to advise him to cut down on videogames. Insist on the risks of addiction to such games.
4. Many developed countries are engaged in a race to attract highly qualified and talented foreigners. Write a 12-line article
in which you react to this phenomenon. Draw your readers‘ attention to the negative effects of ―brain drain‖ on one‘s native
5. A friend of yours is thinking of moving from the countryside to live in the city. Write your friend a letter in which you
mention the numerous benefits of country life and try to persuade him/her not to move.
6. Your school magazine is helping make readers more aware of the threats endangering our planet. You have decided to
contribute a 12-line article suggesting ways to reduce pollution and protective measures to save life on earth.
7. Energy consumption is increasing. Unfortunately, on day we may run the risk of not having enough energy supplies as
they are not renewable. Write an article to the editor of Businessweek to suggest practical solutions to save energy.
8. One of your friends is thinking of moving from the city to settle in the countryside, where you live, assuming that he
would enjoy a better life. He wants to know what you think of his intention. Write him a 12-line letter telling him what you
think of his plans.
9. You were offered a well-paid job by a company in a foreign country because of your qualifications. Write a 12-line letter
to the company manager to let him/her know whether you accept or reject the offer. Give reasons for you decision.
10. Nowadays, more youngsters are increasingly dependent on their cell phones, video and computer games, and social
networking websites. Write a 12-line article for your school magazine in which you warn teenagers of the adverse effects of
addictions on their health, school results and social relationships.
11. Last year, you went on a package tour holiday. You had a great time and you were very satisfied with the place the tour
operator had chosen and the services offered. Once home, you decided to write a letter to the tour operator to thank him/ her.
Write the letter below.
12. You read an article by a teenager‘s mother who was deeply concerned about her son‘s attachment to social networks
(Facebook, Twitter,...) Write a 12-line article where you share your views about the issue and where you tell her whether her
worries are justified.
13. The Health Club in your school is organising an anti-smoking campaign. As a member of this club, you have decided to
write a 12-line article in your school magazine in order to warn your school mates against the hazardous effects of smoking
and give them some tips to quit this unhealthy habit.
14. Clara is an electronic newspaper editor. She received the following letter from Margaret.

I‘m a divorced mother. I have a 14 years old son as i don't earn enough money in my country I‘m planning to work abroad to
ensure a good future for him. But the problem is that I can't take him with me because of his studies. I‘m torn between being a good
mom and a good provider. What should I do??

Write Clara‘s answer. DO NOT WRITE YOUR NAME


I. READING COMPREHENSION 1.a . 2. 1980/ 1989/ she used MySpace to connect with the son/ January 10 3. a. a
 Bac SC/ 2007 PRINCIPALE curious adopted teenager or a birth mother who regrets giving up her child. b.
b 2. Occupation: pupil/ Ambition: to be a fashion designer/ Pastimes: playing some adoptive parents and agencies. 4. b / d 5. finding their birth parents 6. a.
computer CDs & watching favourite TV programmes 3. a-the mother said " I was combed / b. figure out
really furious." / b. ―For Nastasia's family, the first step in solving the problem  Bac SC/ 2012 CONTROLE
was getting a thorough diagnosis.‖ 4. a. She took away her CDs and watched her 1.b) Why Abby won‘t talk 2. a. She strains to respond and her words are
complete assignments. b. Because it helps students identify the reasons for not inaudible. b. Abby, like hundreds of thousands of kids across the US, is suffering
completing homework and then helps them get back on track 5. a. keeping an eye from a little understood childhood disorder called selective mutism c. SM is more
b. setbacks 6. ―tell her mum she was going to her room to study.‖ 7. ‗the common in girls 3. disorder, strike, fear / anxiety, public 4. She loves to play
students‘ 8. Accept any justified answer with her brother Jack/ She speaks loudly and can be bossy toward her brother/
 Bac SC/ 2008 PRINCIPALE she‘s been attending horseback-riding lessons and dance classes 5. a) eager b)
1.a-expository / b-parents to see their children's school reports 2.a-"...Teachers obvious
fear being overwhelmed with demands for information from parents". b-"... with  Bac SC/ 2013 PRINCIPALE
primary schools expected to follow 2 years later". 3 .Present School Reports: 1.b. Getting off benefits gave me my life back 2. a. ―lived rough on the streets
(Written –occasional)/ Online School Reports: (frequent /instant ) 4 .a-going for five years‖ b. ―had issues including one major mental breakdown‖ 3. He was
astray /b-set aside 5. a-"computer industry" conference ("conference" is also afraid that the job didn‘t work out and that would leave with nothing. (What if the
accepted) / b-"The real-time reporting" systems ("systems" is also accepted) 6. job didn‘t work out? That would leave me with nothing.) 4. (a) b. valuable (b) i.
Accept any sensible answer helped and encouraged me 5. Financial gains e. He went on a holiday to Egypt
 Bac SC/ 2008 CONTROLE f. Plan for the future Psychological gains e. Having self-esteem f. Enjoy a decent
1 b) 2 bullying — achievements – enthusiasm 3 a-feeling miserable b-little social life 6. a. claiming benefits‘ b. ‗the fact that the job didn‘t work out‘
learning c-regained confidence d-being cared for 4 mayhem 5a-Sally and Jade or  Bac SC/ 2013 CONTROLE
The girl and her mother or Jade and her mother or Sally and her daughter b- 1. b) 2. a) (When we …. University), lots of our friends went travelling, while we
School / Bedgebury Girls' School 6 Accept any sensible answer. went straight into jobs b) With no guarantee I‘d get my job back (at the end of it)
 Bac SC/ 2009 PRINCIPALE c) I was working in international sales for a company in Cardiff with offices in
1 a- expository b-warning young people against the possible risks posed by music China (and that‘s where I was sent) 3. a) Everything was much cheaper b) Every
players 2 Cause: Listening at the maximum 105 decibels for more than an hour a day was an adventure c) Their lifestyle was hugely better d) We would eat out
day. Consequence: Young people have permanent hearing damage. 3a- young every night e) We would travel Accept any three of the 5 answers 4. a) the year
people are 'frighteningly unaware' of the dangers of listening to their iPods or spent in Asia / a year in Asia b) the U.K. / Cardiff 5.  happiness  health 6.
MP3 players too loudly. b- taking regular breaks from their headphones / give Accept any plausible and justified answer
their ears a rest. 4 a. heed b. drown out c. premature 5 a. The Royal National  Bac SC/ 2014 PRINCIPALE
Institute for Deaf People b-Young people. 6 Yes, I would, because the warnings 1. (a) An unexpected world tour prize 2. a) Laura said: ―I started typing what I
are supported by well-documented scientific data from experts. OR Accept any had seen on my week-long holidays‖ b) Laura said: ―Luckily, he was thrilled for
sensible answer. me.‖ c) Laura said: ―The prize was only for flights...‖ d) Laura said: ―I knew it
 Bac SC/ 2009 CONTROLE would be worth it.‖ 3. Kenya  India Komodo/Indonesia  Hawaii/USA 4.
1 c) Online learning success story 2a-"Dennis knew that education was his only a) popped up b) blurted (out) 5. a) ―it‖ (p.3) refers to ‗three-month-round—the-
escape" OR "I considered different colleges".b-Despite his mother and wife's world trip‘/ ‗the prize‘ b) ―it‖ (p.4) refers to ‗having tea with the Sultan‘s mother‘
support...3 Job** well-paid ou bien well paying ** obliged ou bien compelled ou 6. ‗Accept any plausible justified answer‘
bien forced 4 a. dropping out b. fruitlessly 5 a. overcoming / getting rid of his  Bac SC/ 2013 CONTROLE
shyness. b-He no longer needed to wait long for a response. c-He won't have to 1. (a) Egypt...Games off 2. Obsession – technology-free (family) – persevered /
wait until graduation to get a job. 6 "I believe that Dennis is a strong-willed and stiffened her resolve 3. a) (...) nothing shook their obsession with those damned
perseverant person because he never gave up despite the dead ends he ran into gadgets b) (...)my seven-year-old's eyes widened in shock. / 'No DS?' he bellowed,
and his severe disease" OR Accept any sensible answer. // he and his brother spent the next 14 days trying to wear me down. 4. a) she puts
 Bac SC/ 2010 PRINCIPALE on Teletubbies for the baby b) she lets the boys surf the net 5. Lowri agreed to
1. a. a new vision of healthcare and healing. 2. a. Adams‘ institute provides free ( allow her children to play video games on the plane. In return, the kids promised to
medical ) care to 15.000 people. b. His prescription includes love, family, refrain from playing video games while on holiday in Egypt. 6. a) ii. The
exercise, humour, fun and curiosity. c. It is so lonely, depressing and sterile / electronic game consoles b) i. departure to Egypt 7. ‗Accept any plausible justified
Hospitals should make you feel good to be alive .They don‘t. / They just suck the answer‘
life right out of you. d. Adams has advocated the powerful effects that fun ,joy,
love and humor have on healing./ Adams has made a name for himself in the II. Part Two – Language
healing community by challenging traditional medical models. 3. 1.spoken 1. 1)actually 2) offers 3) booked 4) accommodation 5) most 6) whatever
2.loneliness 4. a. vibrant b. disenchanted c. advocated 5. a.(hospital) (room) 2. 1)set 2) powerful 3) was determined 4) learning 5) artist 6) emotional
b. the worst illness 3. 1)skills 2) experts 3) developing 4) with 5) drain 6) out.
 Bac SC/ 2010 CONTROLE 4. 1)singer 2) reaching 3) performances 4) broke 5) created 6) sold.
1. The town visited:Paraliya. The duration of the holiday: 2 weeks The purpose 5. 1)as 2)key 3) holidays 4)boost 5)if 6)although
of the project: -help people on the south-west coast of Sri lanka/ help people after 6. 2. 1)tools 2)to 3)where 4)groups 5)have started 6)skilled
the tsunami (disaster /catastrophe / a reaction to the tsunami effects 2. a) what 7. 1)launched 2)with 3)huge 4)resources 5) access 6)booking
you put in-and get out of your time there, is still up to you. b) Don‘t expect to 8. 1)damaging 2)loss 3)earlier 4)continuous 5)to rest 6)causes
save the world / …… are happy to make a difference if only a small one. c) 9. 1)empower 2) interactive 3)unwilling 4) By 5) passion 6) attitudes
Almost 500 unidentified bodies are buried. d) ―Bring them,too!‖ / ―But I have no 10. 1)targeted 2)to change 3)moving 4)bullying 5) more likely 6)researchers
money on me.‖ ―It‘s OK! you eat.‖ 3. a) . the outset b).fierce 4. the 11. 1)for 2) courses 3)attend 4) greater 5) schedules 6) method
own,(Paraliya) / a town called Paraliya. b.this new acquaintance : the cook / the 12. 1. 1)smokers 2)increasingly 3)include 4)dependency 5) on 6)lives
man on the boat . The café owner 5. Accept any justified answer 13. 1)departure 2)which3) migrate/ immigrate 4) because 5)widespread 6)escape
 Bac SC/ 2011 PRINCIPALE 14. 1)suggesting 2)recovery 3)it is believed 4)narrowed 5) fourth 6)had taken
1Slimming world‘s couple of the year / Around 100kg between them OR Alan 15. 1)scientific 2) gases 3)issues 4) particularly 5) evident 6) adapt
lost 50 kg. Jan lost 49 kg OR 99kg 2. A-c B-a 3. Tie his shoelaces / walk upstairs 16. 1)increasingly 2) announced 3) privacy 4) users 5) personal 6) admitting
without getting out of breath / putting a swimming costume on / cycle / taking 17. 1)rural – 2)accessible – 3)densely – 4)due to – 5)pace – 6)elderly
long walks / take children to the baths4. a. The embarrassing humiliating 18. 1)is held, 2)awareness, 3)environmental, 4)began, 5)variety, 6)organizers
experience b. the heart defect 5. a. They followed eating regime b. they couldn‘t 19. 1)challenge – 2)adequate – 3)should – 4)Although – 5)At – 6)steamed
do so because of his weight size 6. Accept any justified answer 20. 1)announced, 2)has been growing, 3)pushing, 4)privacy, 5)began, 6)broadly
 Bac SC/ 2011 CONTROLE 21. 1)struggle; 2)quitting; 3)inspire; 4)pressure; 5)sharply; 6)declined / hit / death 2. a. The U.S. government warns against talking on a cell 22. 1)has just enrolled; 2)oldest; 3)marking; 4)acquiring; 5)was jailed; 6)belief
phone while driving b. A lot of people who travel are used to using the phone. c. 23. 1)saving; 2)for; 3)Despite; 4)widely; 5)making; 6)commitment
He tried it once, and found his mind wandering into his phone call so much that 24. 1)told; 2)had sent; 3)booked; 4)possibly; 5)have never missed; 6)arriving
―I nearly missed a light,‖ 3. They suggest outlawing cell phone use for drivers 25. 1) innumerable 2) lies 3) own 4) from 5) venues 6) While
and using technology to enforce them by disabling a driver‘s phone. 4. b/ a / a 5. 26. 1) third 2) the worst 3) was based 4) consumption 5) to analyse 6) would fall
a hands-free headset 6. Accept any justified answer 27. 1) flexible 2) highlighted 3) transmitted 4) of 5) between 6) according
28. 1) was made 2) innovation 3) widely 4) to recharge/ to be recharged 5) has
grown 6) resulting


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