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Wa Aqeem-mus-Salaata Wa Aa-tuz-zakah

Administrative and Economic System of the Qur’an

A Treatise

Published by
The Qur’anic Education and Research Inc.
1 Royal Gala Cres.
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Canada, L4S 1Y6
Tel: 905-508-4662
Copyright@2007 Akhtar Sherazi
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise—without the prior permission of the publisher.

National Library of Canada Cataloguing in Publication.

ISBN 978-0-9736487-1-3

First Edition, September 2007.


Prologue: X11

Chapter: One: Real Sallat and Fake Nimaz 1

History of the current Iranian Nimaz, together with the detailed discussion of the terms
Sallat and Zakah from the viewpoint of the Qur’an
Chapter: Two Sallat and the Code of conduct 76
Administrative aspects of the Qur’an taken up with reference to the following topics:

 Hygienic consideration [Fagsaloo]

 Preparation of participants for assemblies
 Timings of the Sallat get-togethers
 Real purpose of Sallat
 Voice level of the speakers
 Additional meanings of Sallat, like war-room strategy
 Connotation of Sallat-ul Wista, which is not Zohar prayer, but covers the family
code of the Qur’an
 Sallat-ul-Jumma definitely not Friday prayers, covers emergent meetings for
emergent situations

Chapter: Three: Prevalent Zakah System, and the Qur’an 131

Discussion pertaining to the current Zakah system, and the viewpoint of the Qur’an

Chapter Four: Ascension of Mohammad and Gift of Prayers 170

Legacy of five daily prayers sessions and the Iranian fabrication of Ahadith and
Sunnah…the story of Mohammad’s ascension, and tête-à-tête with Allah…becoming a
yo-yo between Allah and Moses

Chapter Five: Sallat Established by Previous Messengers 206

Sallat or governments established by the following Messengers in their respective times,
as told by the Qur’an:


Chapter Six: Surgery of Sallat and other Rituals by the Qur’an 238
Discussion of Sallat in terms of the Qur’an Iranian Darood-o-Salam Zikar and numerous
other worthless rituals…the festival of Aakaz [Okadh]

Chapter Seven: Role of Mosques in a Social Setup based on the Qur’an

Use of mosques in the time of Mohammad and his companions…comparison with
modern times…are these structures just for performing five daily sessions of

Chapter Eight: Reality of various KHTUBAT 341

The connotations of Khutbaat continued misuse by the Muslim clergy an exhaustive
discussion on various aspects

Chapter Nine: Muslim Clergy in the Hot Seat 409

Pertinent questions about Iranian Nimaz and logical answers from the Qur’an

Epilogue: 446

Glossary: 450

Bibliography: 459
The Author

Akhtar Sherazi is a chemical engineer, who opened his eyes in the Islamic Republic of
Pakistan, in 1949. He grew up in a poverty-stricken and educationally backward part of
the country. This prompted him to become educated and get out of the rut that the
common people were enduring for centuries over there. He completed his Master’s
degree in Chemistry in 1971 at the University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan, and after
living and working in various countries of the world, especially the Middle East, he
finally settled in Canada with his family. He considers himself to be a Muslim, without
any sect affiliation, comparable to those of the first century Higra. In his opinion, the
existence of sects is highly objectionable from the constitutional viewpoint of the Qur’an
and has been the downfall of the magnificent Islamic civilization, established by
Mohammad and his companions that lasted up to a century, after his passing away.
Though he was born in a staunch Muslim family, he did not like the religious, moral and
economic decadence spread all around him.
About 30 years ago came the turning point in his life, when his first teacher Sheikh
Mohammad Iqbal asked him to learn the Qur’an on his own, with an open mind and
without any prejudice. He followed the given instructions and mastered the language of
the last revelation of Allah, with the help of the books of Arabic learning, syntax and
lexicons. Some of them appear in the bibliography. It took him five years and since then
he feels very comfortable with the book that was bestowed upon Mohammad. Then he
started with his intended mission of explicitly dismantling the sectarian claims of the
‘chosen ones’ and found out to his dismay that they had all gone astray. Not a single
person is adhering to the path of the last Messenger, and every one has created a mafia in
the name of Mohammad.
His continued research of the last 25 years is now in the form of this book, which he
published utilizing his own resources. He does not believe in asking for help from any
quarter, as he is deadly against collecting donations, especially in the name of Allah and
his last Messenger. Since the alleged exponents of Al-Deen have turned Islam into a
lucrative business, Muslim Ummah has faced defeat at every front. The donation
mongering sub-standard Muslim priests of every sect are enjoying the best of both
worlds, but in the author’s view, they shall not be able to escape from Allah’s system of
justice and retribution.
The Editor and Co-Writer

Mr. Safdar Agha edited, expanded and redrafted the entire original manuscript of this
publication. He is an engineer by profession and got his Master’s degree in Chemical
Technology, with Honors from The Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan. Later on, he was
awarded a Canadian overseas scholarship for doing his Master’s in Mineral Engineering
at The Nova Scotia Technical University, Halifax, which he successfully completed.
During his studies, he was advised by Citizenship and Immigration Canada to apply for
landed immigrant status, which he did and got it within three months. He was gainfully
employed after his graduation and worked with various organizations. Then he moved to
Toronto and did his B. Ed. at the Faculty of Education, University of Toronto, and
worked with various Boards, until his retirement on December 31, 1996.
He developed a knack for writing articles and scientific papers in English, during his
five-year stay with the Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Lahore,
which were published in various accredited scientific journals of Pakistan. Besides that,
he became a paid contractual scientific writer for The Pakistan Times and scores of his
articles appeared in the magazine section of the paper. He had to cut that activity short, as
he moved to Canada on a student visa to pursue higher studies. Here also, he wrote a 300-
page dissertation on the topic of his research, as a requirement for his Master’s degree.
Due to his strong scientific background and extensive writing experience in that area,
he has given an objective research orientation to this in-depth study of the Qur’an,
shattering centuries-old myths, fables and folklores. He did a wonderful job, by adding
precise, short and snappy comments to 332 Ahadiths included in this book, with a view to
showing the reader their real worth. In addition, he extended invaluable help at every
stage of this effort, through his literary critique, constructive evocations, sound input
about the scientific realities expressed in the Qur’an and especially making conscientious
efforts to meticulously mould the real essence of the Qur’anic verses into the exact and
highly communicative words of a foreign language, like English. In fact, Mr. Agha was
the one who convinced the author to write this book, in view of the latter’s immense
knowledge of the last revelation. His persistence resulted in the publication of what you
are now holding in your hands and reading.

I am greatly indebted to Sheikh Mohammad Iqbal, who is responsible for ushering

me into the wonderful world of the Qur’an. At that time, he was the only scholar
available who understood the Qur’an in its real perspective. I am also grateful to my
family, especially my wife who supported me whole-heartedly during the completion of
this book. I very much appreciate her suggestions, guidance and extreme love for this
project. Special thanks are in order for my friend, Mr. Moeen Malik, an engineer by
profession, who continually extended my horizon of knowledge, by e-mailing me
excellent articles relevant to the main theme of the publication.

Akhtar Sherazi
This book is dedicated to Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, one of the greatest
Muslim leaders of the 20th century. He followed the footsteps of all Messengers of
Allah,and carved a safe haven for the Muslims of South Asia, known as Pakistan.
Almost every commentator of the Qur’an came up with the following conventional
translation of the above verse:

‘In the name of Allah [Lord, or God], the most Gracious, and the most Merciful.’

The ‘most Merciful’ connotation of God, expressed in the above exposition, actually
represents or suits the Christian perception of trinity. It means the one, who does not
accept the primordial concept of sin, the cardinal pillar of the Christian faith, does not
qualify to receive mercy and compassion from one’s God. It signifies, until one does not
endorse the theory of original peccadillo, the cardinal tenet of the Christian faith, one
cannot qualify to receive mercy or compassion of one’s God.
However, that definition of God is way out of line from the perspective of the Qur’an, as
every child at birth is the epitome of innocence, virtue, and purity. In fact, every child
enters the world with untouched gray matter or with a clean state of mind.
The actual exposition of the above verse, the opening canto of the Qur’an and of
immense importance for the entire humanity, is given below:
Mohammad inaugurated his life-long mission with the name of Al-Raheem,
Nourisher of the gradual changes, and Al-Rahman, the Nurturer of the spontaneous
transformations, occurring simultaneously throughout the universe. The normal and
abrupt progressions in the cosmos go hand in hand and Allah maintains proper sustenance
for all such activities. The continual nourishment of the cosmological events of both
types [continuous and instant] is comparable to the growth pattern of a fetus within the
warmth and protection of a mother’s womb. It also passes through equivalent stages from
the fertilization point to the severance of the placenta, proving the fact that Allah’s
arrangement of sustenance works equally well, both within micro and macro
environments. On top of that, like a mother, neither Allah nor his Messenger seeks any
reward from anyone, for all the services rendered.

Therefore in the light of above Arabic entomological explanation of the terms Al-
Raheem, and Al-Rahman, , the correct exposition would be as under.
‘Mohammad, go ahead and inaugurate your life-long mission with the name of Al-
Raheem, the Nourisher of the gradual changes, and Al-Rahman, the
Nurturer of the spontaneous transformations, occurring simultaneously throughout
the universe.’

Humans belong to a distinct species on the face of the earth, which is dissimilar from all
the rest, because of the three characteristic peculiarities, which are, development of
articulate languages, power of verbal expression, and that of writing. They possess
intense desire to socialize, and perhaps for that reason, the philosophers identify them as
social animals.
Homo sapiens, according to the most modern anthropological estimates, appeared,
sometimes, in between 200,000 to 120,000 years ago. This species developed a divergent
course right from the very beginning, as compared to all others, which resulted in the
formation of close-knit human habitats.
Written history of humans goes back to 7,000 years, and Noah, the first Messenger of
Allah, came around 6,000 years from now. The administrative and economic system he
established remained in force for almost 950 years in his part of the world, though he
personally lived for 50 years.
From that point onward, Allah continued to reveal His constitution, together with the
code of ethics, through selected Apostles for the guidance of humans, which ended with
the arrival of Mohammad, the last Messenger, over 1,400 years ago. The reason for
putting a stop to the continuity of revelation being, the maturity of humanity, which in the
presence of the Qur’an could establish a viable, people friendly, system for managing the
day-to-day affairs of the state.
Allah’s set of laws promote love and affection among humans, giving impetus to
collective good, as compare to personal gain. The first and the foremost message of the
Qur’an is to live for others, and for that reason Allah’s Charter of Rights and Obligations
cuts out lust for power and craving for riches, on personal basis.
Whoever comes to this world lives for ones’ self; there is nothing great about that. The
Qur’an wants every human to live for others. That is the real purpose of life. The same
message appears in the verse 59:9, the translation of which is as under:

‘Mohammad and his comrades, who are working together for the establishment of
the divine social order, are determined to create a society, wherein each member
shall be much more concerned about the sustenance, enhancement, and
development of others, as compared to achieving personal objectives.’

As already said above, the people living under a government established upon the
constitution of the Qur’an, remain much more concerned about the nourishment,
improvement and security of others, as compared to their own. During the time of
adversity and hardship, this consciousness increases manifold; they get on with the
mission of serving all concerned, and do not rest until every one can breathe easy.
Undoubtedly, only that society achieves excellence in all lifestyles, whose members care
more for the needs of others, in both normal and extraordinary circumstances, as opposed
to their personal convenience and requirement. As per the Qur’an, the most deleterious
elements for the human psyche are a state of uncertainty, an umbrella of fear, and a
consciousness of desperation. These collectively and even severely destroy human
ingenuity, because the mental capacity of a nation or an individual is stymied under those
A typical example is that of the French Revolution [1789–1799], which was a pivotal
period in the history of French, European and Western civilization. During this time,
republicanism replaced the awe-inspiring absolute monarchy in France, and the country's
Roman Catholic Church, a major collaborative partner of the royalty, was forced to
undergo a radical restructuring. The revolution is widely seen as a major turning point in
the history of Western democracy—from the age of absolutism and aristocracy, to the age
of the citizenry, as the dominant political force.
The slogan of the French Revolution was Liberty, equality, fraternity for all, but death to
every coercive force. The Industrial revolution had never materialized in Europe, if the
French Revolution had not occurred. It was the freedom of thinking and choice that
brought a change from the agrarian to the industrial way of life.
For that very reason, Allah states in the Qur’an:

When you shall establish the government based on the constitution of the Qur’an, all of
your worries including that of foreign domination, and internal instability shall vanish.
You shall create a progressive, prosperous, and peaceful society. [2:38-39]
‘On this planet, whoever will follow Our guidance, shall enjoy a peaceful and
tranquil life. Apprehension about external aggression, together with anxiety,
regarding internal instability and uncertainty, shall cease to exist. On the contrary,
whoever will reject or conceal Our guidance from the people, shall live in a social
setup, riddled with domestic insecurity and dread of outer invasion. Because of this
situation, they shall experience uncertainty, personal dissatisfaction, and mental
agitation. They will live in the blazing hell of anguish, stress and depression. Each
person of that community will feel the intense heat of their wrongdoings, disorder
and confusion. They shall remain part of a corrupt and immoral society, until they
return to the protection of Our divine social order.’

Consequently, with the disappearance of apprehension and trepidation, the community

becomes very productive. Peace of mind is the key to progress in any social setup, which
is evidently lacking in the Muslim majority countries right now, and that is the reason
they are lacking behind the rest of the world not in terms of decades, but centuries.
A brilliant example is that of China, which in the year 1900, because of the warlord
culture, was the weakling of the East. The countries like Belgium and Japan were more
powerful and had the guts to rule over parts of that country. The revolution led by Mao
Zedong finally resulted in the formation of the first Communist government in 1949,
which threw the corrupt democratic administration of Chiang Ki Shek into the Red China
Sea, along with him. Since then that country is making steady progress, and has now
attained the status of a major world power, second perhaps to USA.

Schedule of Five Daily Prayers

Compatible with, or in continuation of the preceding discussion, the Qur’an declares; all
religions of the world work upon the tenet of fear and fright. The respective priesthoods
maintain an environment of trepidation to keep their followers in line. Collectively, the
concept of sin and its punishment is their most effective weapon.
However, the Qur’an points out the fact; the situation was not very different at the arrival
of Mohammad. The Jewish rabbis, the Christian priests and the Sabaean ministers were
promoting the corrupted versions of the original revelations of their respective Apostles.
All three religions towed the same line of fear mongering, to keep their sheep in their
corresponding corrals. Though, the original charters had built-in guarantee pertaining to
the freedom of choice, expression, and pursuit, yet the prevalent religions had taken a
diametrically opposite turn, changing liberty into bonding with religiously motivated
dread of hell, doomsday, the Day of Judgment, besides many more.
When Mohammad began working on his given assignment, the Qur’an clearly shows,
there were four main groups opposing this peaceful program, namely Jews, Sabaeans,
Christians and Magians.
The Sabaeans, originally from Syria, were the followers of the Apostle Idris, and
followed the book, called Pages of Seth. With the passage of time, like other nations, they
also corrupted the original message of their prophets, converting the divine social order
into a religion, comprising of prayers, seven or five times a day. They too prayed for the
dead, while standing straight up and fasted for thirty days. Their calendar followed the
lunar system, instead of the solar, and they celebrated Eid festival. However, they also
worshiped the stars of the firmament, and venerated Ka’bah.
There are certain quotes about them in the literature of Ahadith, taken from Wikipedia,
the free encyclopedia, [redirected from Sabaean], presented below, as such, without any

 Qatadah ‘ibn Di’amah (d736 AD) wrote: "The Sabians worshipp angels, read
Zabur, pray five ritual prayers.
 Abu ‘Abdultah said: "The word saba’a means “The one who is a Proselyte.”"
 Hasan al-Basri (d728 AD) wrote: "the Sabian religion resembles the Magians
and they worship angels."
 Hasan al-Basri (d728 AD) wrote: "They read the Zabur and pray facing a
 Qatadah ‘ibn Di’amah (d736 AD) wrote: "they pray towards the sun."
 Al-Shaafa’i said: "Their case is to be examined further; if they resemble the
Christians in basic matters but they differ from them in some minor issues, then
the jizya is to be taken from them. But if they differ from them in basic issues of
religion then their religion cannot be approved of by taking the jizya from them."
And he elaborated elsewhere: "They are a kind of Christian."
 ‘Abdul al-Zanad (d.747 AD) wrote: "The Sabians are from “Kutha” in Iraq, they
believe in prophets, fast 30 days in a year, and pray 5 times daily towards the
Yemen." (NB "towards the Yemen" is equivalent to facing south)
 Ziyad ‘ibn ‘Abihi (d. 672 AD) who was the governor of Iraq during the first
Umayyad caliph Mur awiyah wrote: "The Sabians believe in the prophets and
pray five times daily."

The verse of the Qur’an translated below, provides pertinent information about the
established religions of Jews, Sabaeans Magians and Christians, when Mohammad
arrived in the world. As already pointed out above, all religions keep a strong hold on
their respective followers through the devilish forces of fear, anxiety, and anguish,
especially that of excommunication, in case of deviation from the path shown by the
clergy. For that reason alone, a majority of the adherents remain in a kind of sustained
emotional trauma.
Mohammad invited them all to enjoy freedom from the baseless forces of religious
trepidation, by joining the universal emancipation movement, which he and his
companions were trying to promote, with the guidance of the Qur’an.
The verse 5:69 of the Qur’an provides details of the open invitation of Mohammad
extended to the devotees of all religions, and cults established in the world, with the
assurance that dread, anxiety, and fright along with all other social traumas can be
eliminated from their respective communities forever, if they adopt the norms, the last
revelation of Allah presents.

‘Surely, there are people who believe in Allah, without formally opting for any
particular religion. There are also those who have accepted a religion and believe in
Allah like Jews, Christians, Sabaeans and Muslims [by birth or through conversion,
with the adoption of a Muslim name]. However, Allah does not acknowledge such
groundless convictions or values, cherished by these communities. The only way to
believe in Allah is through the utilization of human intellect, provided by Him, and
then following His commands to produce an excellent social order, beneficial for
both the present and the coming generations. Such a living also secures peaceful
continuation of life in the hereafter, when its earthly part ends. Such communities
shall be amply rewarded through the establishment of stable and peaceful
governments, or social setups free of all types of trepidations like uncertainty,
anxiety, worry and stress.’

Schedule of Three Daily Supplications

The followers of prince Agha Khan [Agha Khani Cult] and Ahal-e-Qur’an sect of
Pakistan follow the schedule of three daily supplications. This was the traditional
Zoroastrian practice of worshipping their Min and Yasdah gods, three times per day,
which the Muslims straightforwardly copied.
It is interesting to note that the specific prayer routine pursued by Sunni, Wahabi, Shi’ah,
Agha Khani, Ahl-e-Qur’an Ahamadi and many other sects are remarkably different from
one other. However, all of them carry on such nefarious activities in the name of Allah,
perhaps to justify the existence of their religious franchises, though by doing so; they rip
apart the unity of Muslim Ummah, which is the basic memorandum of the Qur’an.
The Zoroastrian ritual of supplication was unknown in the life and time of Mohammad,
and his stalwart male and female comrades. That is why they never adopted that
ridiculous religious rite, which made in roads in the life style of Muslims almost three
centuries, after their departure from this world. The fact remains, the addition of this alien
element in the daily routine of Muslims came because of a deadly conspiracy hatched by
the Iranian Aimmah [plural of Imam or leader, especially religious], against Allah,
Mohammad and the Qur’an.
Through the verse 2:62, the Qur’an enlightens the entire humanity; there are no magic
pills, potions or plans to solve local, regional and world problems. On the contrary, it
requires strenuous constant, consistence and continued efforts with the guidance of the
divine directives, to maintain peace, prosperity or progress in the world, and to eliminate
the environment of fear, uncertainty, and hopelessness, upon which all global religions
‘If all communities on this planet try to implement Allah’s constitution, accepting
His sovereignty only, along with taking right steps to achieve excellent results, for
the present and the future generations, then their struggle shall be amply rewarded.
They shall receive their gifts, in both worlds, in the form of peaceful, contented,
happy and safe living. Such a society shall be free from all kinds of trepidations,
worries, insecurities and isolation. In fact, freedom can be secured and protected, by
attaining indomitable defensive deterrence through technological advancement. For
instance, if an antagonist possesses excellence in the field of armament, the
protagonist must have par excellence in the same area. Moreover, all of it must be
achieved by utilizing wisdom and faculty of reasoning, provided by the Sustainer.’

However, Mohammad and his companions [both male and female] were well aware of
Sabaeans, who used to pray five or seven times a day. For that very reason, Mohammad
invited them to work with him, in order to eliminate three, five or even seven prayers
they went for every day, together with erasing all kinds of angst from their minds, which
were prevalent in their social setup. The Qur’an is against all rituals, especially,
pertaining to the Sabaean or Iranian Nimaz, and others associated with it like Wuzu
[Wadu], Azan [call for prayer], Darood-o-Salam and non-Quranic discourses before the
time of Friday and Eids prayers.
The administrative and fiscal program presented by the Qur’an, in the form of Sallat and
Zakah, is a death warrant issued by Allah for all religions and the alleged spiritual
institutions, presently existing under the cover of Islam, promoting worthless and
ridiculous time wasting rituals. The administrative and economic system of the Qur’an,
when fully implemented creates real bond of affection among humans, who
enthusiastically work together for the common good of all. At the same time, they
become very close to Allah, who loves to guide them through his eternal laws.
In fact, Allah is synonymous with His primordial set of laws, which govern the entire
cosmos, both in the micro and macro spheres. His love, in the real sense is exclusively
reserved for those, who strictly live by His commandments, embodied in His last
revelation, the Qur’an. There is no other way of pleasing Him, or getting close to him.
When the humans follow His directives, he bestows upon them bounties beyond their
wildest imaginations, as a mark of his affection. All kinds of worries, anxieties and
trepidations become non-existent in such a society, and the human character shines as a
brilliantly incandescent new star.

Historical Perspective of Prayers

According to Mu’awiyah, five daily supplications, funeral prayers, incantation of Dua,

and celebration of Eid were alien rituals for the Muslim Ummah, until 672 AD. However,
during the reign of Ziyad -Ibn- Zanad [in the time of Umayyad Caliph], governor of Iraq
in 672 AD, it surfced that a sect known as Sabaean, the flowers of Prophet Idress, were
carrying on the five or seven daily prayers, Darood and Salam, Eid celebration, and
many others rituals.
During the reign of Abbasid Dynasty [strict autocracy in the garb of caliphate] extended
over five centuries [750-1258 A.D.], the Iranian influence was at its zenith, both in the
court and the harems of the royals. The caliphs gave them a free hand to do whatever they
liked, on the proviso to make their lives easier in return.
Under the circumstances, the administrative and the economic system of Sallat and
Zakah were stamped out completely, paving the way for the autocratic rule. The Muslim
priesthood, especially, the Sunni and Shi’ah Aimmah did the dirty work for the caliphs
[Muslim kings] by introducing most outrageous religious ritual, Nimaz. They transmuted
the governmental concept of Sallat into five daily supplications, a mode of worship that
was very popular among the Zoroastrians, who regularly practiced it to make their god
Yasdah happy. Strangely enough, the Muslim Ummah is doing the same for the last
The ritual of prayer proved to be very divisive for the once united Ummah, and played a
pivotal role in the cult formation among the Muslims. In fact, the acceptance of prayers
by the followers of Mohammad, opened the Pandora’s Box of secondary rites and
customs like Darood-o-Salam, Zikar, private distribution of Zakah [ at the rate of 2.5%
on yearly savings], besides many more.
The moment monarchy in the form of Banu Ummayad dynasty took over power; it was
the end of the people friendly government based on the constitution of the Qur’an, which
Mohammad and his associates established after long and arduous struggle, spread over
couple of decades. Hereditary autocracy got a foothold, which is diametrically opposed to
the basic tenets of the last revelation.
The power hungry autocrats, in the garb of caliphs, kept the Aimmah along with the
Muslim priesthood on the leash, which were ready to do every service to please their
masters. They deliberately divided the Qur’an illiterate, or just in name Muslims into
countless sects and factions. Of course, according to the code of the Qur’an, it is an
unpardonable offence, but the caliphs, their cohorts, and the conniving clergy did not
attach much importance to it, as the charter of the Qur’an was the biggest obstacle in their
way, which had to go, anyways.
The Aimmah created sects in Islam, and their descendents strengthened and widened the
influence of all such divisions for personal benefits, and for the pleasure of the royalty. It
is erroneous to believe; ‘the policy of divide and rule’ was the brainchild of the British
hegemony in India, whereas the fact remains, it originated over a millennium ago, as the
biggest conspiracy against Allah, Mohammad and the Qur’an, in the corridors of power,
within the Muslim caliphate.
Now the situation is much worst, as the propagation of sects and factions is continuing
from the embryonic stage. Babies are born in a particular sect and it is going on for
centuries, except the relatively new franchises like Ahamadi, which is not even a hundred
years old yet. Like inheritance of an estate, one also gets the gift of denomination at the
time of birth.
Such people keep on defending their particular faith associated with their respective sects
until death, and always remain ready to fight for it. Ugly sectarian violence is prevalent
largely within the Muslim world, the worst example of which is visible in Iraq, where one
hundred humans are dying every day, on an average, due to this cause alone. This state of
affairs is going on progressively for the last one thousand years. The sectarian hatred is so
wide spread and deep that they cannot even pray together. For that very reason, they have
separate mosques, and prefer to offer non- Quranic prayers in their respective places of
worship. Even, they bury their dead in cemeteries reserved for the members of the
specific sects only.
Instead of learning the Qur’an and implementing it, they keep on discussing Shariah and
Sunnah and regulating their lives accordingly. It is interesting to note, every sect has its
own Sunnah and Shariah, and its followers adhere to that brand, vehemently. Islam, the
dynamic way of life, functioning through an administration based on the constitution of
the Qur’an, along with its particular fiscal policy, is now reduced to a bunch of worthless
rituals, such as five daily prayers, worshipping the dead saints, and repetitive incantation
of self-generated arbitrarily qualifying characteristics of Allah and Mohammad, through
Darood and Salam.
The common English synonyms of the noun ‘prayer’ are entreaty, plea appeal and
request, whereas, the verb ‘pray’ has compatible words like implore, plead, beg and ask.
Praying is the present continuous form of the verb, which the people do, to show their
devotion to God, along with expressing their earnest desire for some worldly wish, which
they believe, the super power they are imploring can easily fulfill. In fact, they believe,
through such an action of theirs’, He can finally hear them, and respond to their pleas.
The Muslims, besides doing all of the above, also want to show their Allah, how much
they revere Him, and, simultaneously, how scared they are of Him. The Muslim prayer,
identified as Sallat, by the literature of Ahadith and Sunnah, fabricated by the Shi’ah and
Sunni Aimmah of Iran, three centuries after the death of Mohammad, is the most
important pillar of Islam, and for that reason, a significant number out of 1.5 billion
Muslims, the world over, prays five times a day.
Almost every Islamic scholar, along with a vast majority of global Muslim population has
strong, but strange faith that the edifice of Islam is firmly resting on top of five pillars,
which are enumerated below:

1. Nimaz [Iranian term for prayer] or Sallat

2. Zakah: A typically severe derivation of capitalist system based on charity
3. Hajj: A yearly congregation of common Muslims in Mecca, to perform fabricated
rituals, which the Qur’an does not endorse
4. [4] Shahadah [monotheism]
5. [5] Fasting during the month of Ramadan

However, this structural definition of Islam is very pathetic, as the Qur’an does not
endorse it at all.
This presentation is a monolithic approach to the subject of Sallat and Zakah, which
constitute complementary building blocks of the state, created under the constitution of
the Qur’an. The detailed discussions, based on concrete evidence would show the
readers, what a heinous conspiracy was hatched against Allah, Mohammad and the
Qur’an? How Sallat, which translates into the formation of a government, turned into a
ritual of five daily prayers, and how Zakah, which means economic system established on
voluntary basis, changed to 2.5% extreme kind of capitalist system based on charity on
annual savings?
Factually, there is a challenge for the Muslim priests, active in 75 Muslim and many non-
Muslim countries, in minting money through donations, how they claim to be the
custodian of the Qur’an, when they constantly defy its code with fabricated Ahadith,
synthetic Sunnah and unlawful Fiqah. On top of that, they indulge, day and night, into
forbidden practices of eulogizing Allah and Mohammad through Zikar and Darood-o-
Salam, indulging in prayers with fictitious Adyah [plural of Dua] and conducting many
other ceremonies, which are against the tenets of the Qur’an.
The Muslim priesthood calls Islam a religion, which the Qur’an denies outright. The last
revelation of Allah identifies it as Al-Deen, which does not translate into faith or belief,
because it is a constitution, for not only Muslims, but also the entire humanity. A
straightforward example is that of American constitution; it is a working document,
according to which federal and provincial governments of that country function. No
rituals are attached to it, because it is neither a dogma, nor a creed.
The Muslim clergy, the real driver of religion Islam, stresses upon the ritual part only.
According to this group, that is the only purpose, for which Allah kept on appointing
Messenger after Messenger for over four and a half millennia, right from Noah to
Mohammad. That shows the ignorance or rather perceptive bankruptcy of the alleged
custodians of the Qur’an, who claim to disseminate the real knowledge of the Book
among the Muslims. What a pity!

The purpose of writing the book, the prologue of which you are going through now, is to
execute in-depth study of the terms Sallat and Zakah, exclusively from the Qur’an’s
viewpoint, in order to find answers to the following pertinent questions:

o Does Allah really command Muslims to pray five times a day, together with
paying charity?
o If the answer to the above question is in the affirmative, then why Allah
directs Muslims only to do so, exempting all other nations, which received the
same charter?
o Does it really guarantee the praying Muslims an abode in the so-called
heaven, elaborately described by the deceptive Ahadith and Sunnah writing
Aimmah of Iran?
o What could Allah possibly intend to achieve from billions of supplications,
performed by millions of Muslims, every day?
o Hypothetically, if the objective and factual findings of this treatise prove
beyond any doubt, Allah never directed Mohammad and his followers to pray
five times a day or dish out any charity, then where would the innumerable
Muslims stand, which had been doing something awful for the last 1,100
years, following their ridiculously ignorant Aimmah?
o If the postulate of supplications turns out to be dead wrong, in view of the
irrefutable evidence coming from the Qur’an, that Allah never gave any
command for its commission, then who shall be responsible for the biggest
blunder and disobedience in the human history, continuing on for over a
o Undoubtedly, Allah’s basic principle maintaining this immensely vast cosmos
is Cause and Effect, which means ‘nothing happens without reason.’ Then,
how would the futile religious practices, like unwarranted worshipping ritual
in the form of Nimaz, prevalent Hajj and Ummrah of the commoners,
incantation of Darood-o-Salam, besides many others, would be justified in
Allah’s court, and who would dare to do so?

In order to ascertain, what actions Allah wants the humans to take, and which ones to
avoid, it is imperative to analyze the prevalent religious practices established within the
file and rank of the Ummah, from the Qur’an’s viewpoint.
This step is essential in view of the fact the Muslim clergy has been claiming throughout
the ages that whatever they tell the people to do, is the command of Allah. They are
strictly following the last revelation. Unfortunately, that is not the truth! As shall be
proven during the course of this dissertation, they are, in fact, the biggest liars of the
Islamic history. On the very outset, they get their queue from the literature of Ahadith and
Sunnah, which in their opinion is as good as the Qur’an. They dare to equate the Qur’an
with the Iranian crap, which came into existence almost three centuries after the death of
The Aimmah, exclusively originating from Iran, were the real adversaries of Allah, the
Qur’an, and Mohammad, the Arab. They deliberately authored the junk of Ahadith,
Sunnah, Traditions and Fiqah, in the name of the last Messenger of Allah, to belittle him
and his magnificent companions, besides creating contradictions among the clear-cut
verses of the Qur’an.
Since the emergence of professional priesthood along with three other cursed ‘novelties’
of the 4th century Higrah, namely eunuchs, mausoleums and Sufis, they have been
claiming and issuing edicts to the effect, “We are following the directives of Allah for
praying in the right and productive way.”
Unedited English version of a few Ahadith from the so-called Imam Bukhari, are
presented below, which deserve some deliberation:

‘The prayers should awaken believer’s heart to his Lord and to himself, and remind him
the Day of Judgment.’
[Comment: The use of masculine pronouns means; this Ahadith is an exclusive for men
and precludes women. This is against the tenets of the Qur’an, because Allah always
addresses both masculine and feminine genders, together.]

‘Between a man and disbelief is only the abandonment of prayer.’

[Comment: According to Bukhari and Muslim, a non-praying Muslim is an infidel and a
Kafir (non- Muslim).]

‘The covenant between us and them is prayer, so whoever abandons it has disbelieved.’
[Comment: This Ahadith is flawed, as it sounds more like a verse of the Qur’an than a
statement of Mohammad. To create literature, which resembles the verses of the last
revelation in format and style, is a serious offence against Allah’s code.]
Consequently, in view of the Islamic priesthood, performing supplications is like a
complementary pass, or even better, a key to the main gate of paradise, as reported by the
fake literature of Ahadith and Sunnah. Moreover, the one, who denies prayers, is not a
Muslim in the first place. That is the main distinction between a Muslim and a non-
It is imperative here to find out, what the Qur’an states about Muslims and non-Muslims,
in general. [17:70]

‘In accordance with the laws of Allah, every human being is equally honorable.’

The above verse does not make any distinction between human beings based on creed,
color, ethnic origin, language, etc., and there is definitely no mention of supplications.
This clearly means the fictitious prayers, stressed upon by Ahadith and Sunnah, do not
play any role in the life of common people and are not even mentioned in the constitution
of the Qur’an.
Allah’s code is immutable and any addition is out of the question. The prayers that the
Muslims are practicing all over the world, are not only superfluous, but constitute an
offence against the Charter of Rights and Obligations endorsed by the Qur’an.
In view of the current set of circumstances, and the deplorable condition of the Muslim
Ummah, a change is inevitable. There seems to be a dire need of overhauling the Islam,
the professional Muslim priesthood is presenting to the majority of Arabic illiterate
Muslims, divided into hundred of sects, all over the world. The Muslim clergy has
corrupted the Al-Deen into a religion over the centuries, which is the real problem that
needs fixing.
The human history provides ample evidence to the fact; the most problematic task to
undertake, is bringing about a transformation in the views of the people, especially
concerning, a touchy matter, like faith. It requires a revolution, which is not an everyday
Despite the above considerations, a change is inexorable, because the Muslims have
consistently ignored a very pertinent piece of information for 1400 years, which Allah
presented to the entire humanity, through the medium of the Qur’an.
The authors have made a meticulous effort to bring it out into the open through the
detailed discussion of the terms Sallah and Zakah along with the following indispensable
accessories of the ritual of supplication:

 Origin of Aazan [Adhan], or call for prayer

 The reality of Wudu [ablution]
 Recitation of Duas during supplications, not given in the Qur’an
 Modules of prayers
 Funeral prayer
 Eulogizing Mohammad unnecessarily
 Counting names of Allah and Mohammad on rosary beads
 Celebrating Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi
 Giving out charity
 Distribution of 2.5 % Zakah on annual savings
 Real role of mosques in Muslim villages, towns and cities
 The reality of fictitious Khutbat [religious sermons] delivered on Friday and
Eidain [plural of Eid]

It seems essential to introduce briefly the above horrible additions here in the prologue, to
prepare the readers for assimilating the factual meanings of the terms Sallah and Zakah,
discussed at length in the book. An attempt has been made to show the world, how the
Iranian Aimmah misled the Ummah, through their personal interpretations of pertinent
terms of the Qur’an, relevant to the subject under reference.
Incidentally, the alleged Shi’ah and Sunni Aimmah of Iran deliberately altered and
distorted the connotations of seventy-eighty thousand words, phrases and expressions of
the last revelation of Allah, to destroy its bona fide message. Verses of the Qur’an led the
authors to repudiate, the fictitious terminology they created through the debris literature
of Ahadith, Sunnah, Traditions and Fiqah.
What the Ummah has failed to notice for the last 1.4 millennium has been put forth in
clear-cut terms for the entire world to perceive, utilizing the analytical approach with the
guidance of the rational message of the Qur’an.

Origin of Aazan [Adhan], or call for prayer

A Bukahari’s Hadith recounts; when the Muslims migrated to Medina, they had a big
problem at their hands, with the mode of assembling the people for prayers. They
discussed the matter thoroughly among themselves, with a consensus building around the
following couple of suggestions:

 Toll a bell like Christians.

 Blow a trumpet, or a horn like Jews.

Mohammad rejected those proposals out right. However, he agreed with Umar’s idea
right away; a man should go up on the roof of the mosque to call the people. He,
immediately, asked Bilal to get up and go for the Aazan [Adhan].
[B1:334,577,578; B4:440,663; M1:207,735; ADI1:126,498]

The above Hadith does show selection of a procedure for calling the people for prayers,
without giving any information about the most important aspects. Who composed the
specific wording of Aazan, or set out the exact tone and timbre of articulating the
composition out and loud.
However, the expression Allah-O-Akbar, an essential and repetitive constituent of Aazan,
and all prayers, does not exist in the Qur’an. In fact, the phrase Allah-O-Akbar, according
to the Arabic grammar, is synonymous with insulting Him, because Allah is comparable
to none.

For getting additional details on the subject of Allah-O-Akbar, please look up the first
publication of the authors, entitled, ‘The Qur’anic Concept of Nikah vs. Religious

The Hadith quoted above pops up the following additional questions in the human mind:

 What is the authenticity of the above Hadith? How could Mohammad make the
biggest blunder of his life by inserting Allah-O-Akbar in the Aazan, which Allah
has not inscribed in the Qur’an even once, as it constitutes an affront to His
 Were the Muslims praying without Aazan in Mecca, before migrating to Medina?
How they used to get together over there, without the call going out for it?
 Five daily prayers were bestowed upon Mohammad during his tête-à-tête with
Allah; why he did not get Aazan at the same time? Was it a gaffe on part of the
 According to another Hadith, the Prophet said, “I would send someone to deliver
Aazan [call for prayer], then I would go from the back door and burn the houses
of those men, who did not come to the mosque for Ishah [last ritual of the day]
prayer.” [B1: 350, 617; B9: 250, 330]
[Comment: This is a despicable Hadith, which is nothing except being an
untruth, because it is not compatible with the excellent and humane persona of the
last Messenger of Allah, presented by the Qur’an.]

Incidentally, Shi’ah sect has a different Aazan [Adhan] as compared to that of Sunni. Here
a question pops up; which one is more in line with Allah’s commandments?
For an instance, it is presumed both are OK. Then, it seems logical to assume, the mission
of Mohammad was to divide the Ummah, before it was even formed. It is ridiculous to
entertain such a notion, as in the time of Mohammad and his excellent associates; the
sects did not exist. This abomination surfaced almost three centuries after his death, with
the emergence of the alleged Aimmah in Iran, the most fertile land for conspiracies
against Allah, Mohammad and the Qur’an.

Ahadith condemn Bilal as an apostate

The Qur’an directs; every Muslims must follow Mohammad‘s orders. It is cogently
written in the last revelation of Allah; a person cannot be a Muslim, who dares to reject
Mohammad’s command. Bilal exactly did that on couple of occasions according to the
following Ahadith:

 Bilal told Mohammad, “Do not say Amen [The Jews and the Christians use the
same term during their congregations] before me.” [AD1: 238, 937]
[Comments: Incidentally, Amen is not an Arabic word, which means the situation
described by the author of the Hadith under reference, never happened. It is just
another attempt to malign the excellent personal character of a close associate of
Mohammad, who according to Allah was a bunch of noble and honorable people.
Such Ahadith show, how venomous the Iranian writers were.]
 Ibn Umar tells Bilal that prophet said not to prevent women from mosques. Bilal
said, “We shall prevent them”. Ibn Umar tells him, “I am telling you a Ahadith of
the Prophet, and you are defying it.” [M1:240,885]

According to the above Ahadith, Bilal was not a Muslim by definition, in the first place;
here the question comes up; how could Mohammad ask such a person to do the Aazan
[Adan]? The authors of Ahadith have more or less portrayed Mohammad, as a weakling,
who lacked adequate control over his associates. That is a false notion from the viewpoint
of the Qur’an.
The Ahadith quoted above evidently prove, the matter of Aazan was brought up, neither
by Allah, nor by Mohammad. However, this step was taken in the city of Medina, upon
the suggestion of Umar. This means, the step, which was not taken directly by Allah
through his Messenger, was approved upon the proposal of Umar. This point of view is
not only ridiculous, but also an affront to Allah and Mohammad, which the authors of
Ahadith used to express happily, especially, to degrade the position of the latter.
The obvious conclusion of the above discussion is; Allah did not direct the Ummah,
through His last Messenger, to invent any Aazan [call for prayer]. This practice originated
in Iran, the only centre of conspiracies against the tenets of the Qur’an, centuries after the
demise of Mohammad, and his faithful associates. It is outrageously disgraceful to
realize, that the Muslim Ummah is still performing the alien ritual of Aazan, which the
last Messenger of Allah, and his followers never adopted, over 1400 years ago. This
despicable practice is still going on strong, because of the reason, it was authored by
Allah forsaken Bukhari, Muslim and their malevolent contemporaries. It is utterly
shameful to watch in the 21st century that the common Muslim [70-80%] is Qur’an
illiterate. On top of that, the sham and fake literature of Ahadith and Sunnah is considered
as authoritative as the Qur’an.
The hate literature against, Allah, Mohammad and the Qur’an, comprising of Ahadith,
Sunnah, Traditions, and Fiqah abundantly flourished under the patronage of illegitimate
caliphs of the Abbasid dynasty, when the Iranian conspirators had a free hand to do
whatever plagued their crooked imagination. The rulers, lusting for absolute power and
unlimited riches, got the religious patronage of the ostensible Aimmah to have the whole
lot their way. For this very reason, whatever was written in that period is fictitious, biased
and worthless. It should be destroyed, as that is the only way to get rid of sectarianism in
Islam, which according to the Qur’an is straightforward Shirk.
Another peculiar Ahadith pertaining to Aazan, which is the basic tool of gathering the
faithful for prayer, and is also shouted aloud in the right ear of the newly born, goes as
under, without any editing:

‘Mohammad invited Al- Hassan by uttering a call of prayer [Aazan] in ear right after his
birth.’ [AD3:2825, 5086]
[Comment: Perhaps, it was the very first uprising in the Muslim history against the
fallacious literature of Ahadith, when the first infant cried at the top of its lungs, which
experienced the trauma of earsplitting Aazan. Why the Muslims go for this ritual, which,
in fact, degrades the position of Allah?

For further studies on the subject of Aazan, please get a copy of the first publication of
the authors, entitled, ‘The Qur’anic Concept of Nikah [wedlock] vs. Religious

However, the Quran has condemned Shi’ah, Suni and all other Iranian brand of Aazans
or orders and declares that the only order which exists in the Quran is the Aazan of Allah
which takes you out from all kinds of darkness of the society [5:16]

‘Allah will guide those who wish to follow the His path of peace. It will cause
complete hormany among them and bring them out from layers upon layers of
darkness in to the radiance by His Aazan or order and guide them to the right and
peaceful path.’

The Reality of Wudu

The Qur’an has employed the term Ghusal, and not Wudu [an Iranian word]. It simply
means, for participating in, or conducting the official meetings called Sallat by the
Qur’an, one should be presentable. It is logical to have a bath in the hot climate of Saudi
Arabia, before attending any public assembly.
However, in case of water shortage, or in the state of sickness, one should wash essential
parts of the body, as per the directions of the Qur’an.
The word Wudu, as already mentioned, is of Iranian origin, but the most interesting
aspect is its mode of application. Shi’ah and Sunni sects follow varying routines. The
former take a start from the feet, whereas the Sunni, begin with the face first. Can Allah
give such an imprudent and contradictory command?

Tayammum and the Messenger of Allah

In case water is not available, then the second best option is to go for Tayammum. Some
Ahadith are given below explaining, how to get on with it:

‘Narrated Ammar, the Prophet stroked lightly the earth with his hands and then blew off
the dust and passed his hands over his face and the back of his hands.[while
demonstrating Tayammum]’

‘Narrated Said bin Abbdur Rehman bin Abza on the authority of his father, who said:
Ammar said so[ the above statement].And Shu’ba stroked lightly the earth with his hands
and brought them close to his mouth (blew off the dust) and passed them over his face
and then the backs of his hands. ‘Ammar said, “Ablution (meaning Tayammum here) is
sufficient for a Muslim if water is not available.”
‘We were in a detachment and became Junub and I blew the dust off my hands
(performed the rolling over the earth and prayed).”

Narrated Abu Juhaim Al-Ansari: The Prophet came from the direction of Bi’r Jamal. A
man met him and greeted him. But he did not return back the greeting till he went to a
(mud) wall and smeared his hands and his face with its dust (performed Tayammum) and
then returned back the greeting.
[B1:201,334,339; M1:202,716]
[Comment: From the above Ahadith, it is evident, one has to take either of the following
courses for performing Tayammum, to circumvent the unavailability of water:

Take some dust in hands, bring it close to the face first to smear it with and then
do the same to other parts of the body.
Go to a mud pond, take some in hands and do the rest as described above.

Is it not a challenge to one’s sanity, to believe in the methods prescribed above for
achieving cleanliness? Did Mohammad really adopt and follow such mucky procedure
for tidying himself up? It is shameful to have faith in such filthy stories spread about
Mohammad, the magnificent last Messenger of Allah.
In order to discern the reality of Wudu, please go to the pertinent chapter on the subject!

Reciting out of the Qur’an Script before getting on with Praying

1. According to the Ahadith and Sunnah, a worshipper has to recite the following out
of the Qur’an phrase, right in the beginning of the supplication, in a silent mode:

‘I seek refuge in Allah from Shaytan [Satan], the one evicted from the mercy
of Allah.’

Incidentally, the above phrase is out of the Qur’an. In other words, it is NOT a
part of the revelation. The Question is; who coined it and then introduced it into
the alleged prayer routine? Does any verse of the Qur’an directs Muslims, to
recite non-revealed Arabic write-ups during the prayers?

2. The next step for the worshiper is to state the following Ahadith quietly.

‫سبحا نك ا لهم ؤ بحمد ك ؤ تبا رك ا سمك ؤ تعا لى جد ك ؤ ل اله غير ك‬

The unedited usual translation of the clandestine expression [out of the Qur’an]
given above, runs as under:

‘Glory to you, O Allah, and praise. Blessed is Your name and exalted Allah’s
forefathers or Allah’s ancestors, and there is no God other than you.’
Are the Muslims, under the impression; Allah has His forefathers and really He
needs such superfluous and laudatory extol for His genuine existential
magnificence? If they earnestly think so, then they are the most dim-witted people
on the face of the earth.
According to the Arabic grammar, the word Jiddaka ‫ جد ك‬in the above sentence
signifies the existence of Allah’s ancestors, which is against the concept of His
solitary existence.

Basic Constituents of Prayers

1. If Nimaz, or supplication is an essential component of Islam or Al-Deen, then why

the last revelation of Allah does not specifically identify the five daily prayers,
Fajar, Zohar, Asar, Mugrab and Isha, by name?
This means, the prevalent prayers [collectively] are not an integral part of the
constitution of the Qur’an, and play no role in the establishment of a government,
in accordance with that document. Mohammad and his stalwart companions did
not waste their valuable time for prayers, because Allah did not command them to
do so, in the first place. This time-wasting ritual was invented way past their time,
by the people, who hated Allah, Mohammad and the Qur’an.
This subject has been dealt with at length in the book; please go through it with an
open mind for your own benefit!
2. If one says to a Mullah, “Well the Farad [not mentioned in the Qur’an] module of
all prayers is for Allah and the Sunnat component is for Mohammad.” The
Muslim priests would gladly agree.
Now, here a question pops up; the companions of Mohammad, during his lifetime,
used to perform Farad for Allah, but what did they used to do during Sunnat? Did
Mohammad used to sit in front of them, when they were offering his part of the
Nimaz, the Sunnat? Were they, by any chance, praying for him? Did Mohammad
offer his own Sunnat? Does it not sound ridiculous?
[Comment: Since the Farad component of the prayer is not mentioned in the
Qur’an, it is for sure, Mohammad, the last Messenger of Allah, never performed
it. All Messengers of Allah, without any exception, were under obligation to do,
what they were expressly asked for, and omit the rest. The Iranian Nimaz falls
under the last category and must be left out.]
3. Why the Qur’an is silent like a tomb, regarding Nimaz and its constituent rakats
[modules]? Additionally, why there is no information available about the
associated components, like Sunnat, Fard, Nafal, Vitar and Traveh?
[Comment: Allah provided Mohammad with a constitution to establish a
government for solving the problems of the downtrodden masses, which had been
continually ripped off by the rich and the powerful few, for centuries. What role
could the Iranian Nimaz play in such a scenario? Incidentally, in the charter of any
democratic country there is no room, for either the priesthood, or rituals.]
4. The Islamic priesthood adamantly sticks to its viewpoint about Qayyam, Rakooh
and Sajood, stating these come directly from Allah, and constitute essential
constituents of the supplications. Here a question pops up; why Allah does not
specify pertinent text or ‘mantras’ for incantation during these mechanical up and
down movements identified as Qayyam, Rakooh and Sajood? Additionally, why
Allah does not specify the same automated schedule for the funeral prayers?

In the very first chapter of the book, the connotations of Sallat and other relevant
terms have been discussed in details from the viewpoint of the Qur’an.

5. According to Khalifa Irashad’s followers, one can pray naked, in one’s own
privacy. [Moslem. Org. edited by Edip Yuksel]
[Comments; It may be all right to do so in a nudist club, because no one wears
any clothes over there, and certainly, it is the most secluded spot in the entire area
of its location. What do you think about going for supplication in such a turning
on environment?
Most probably, the devotees of Khalifa may not like to approach their God
wearing the same garments, in which they had committed so many sins.
The question comes to mind; does Khalifa Irashad’s God really want this kind of
sexually electrifying get together for praying? However, Allah does not vouch for
this kind of behavior, as it is against His code of ethics.]
6. The authors would like to know for sure; in which verse or verses of the Qur’an,
Allah provides details of Eid-ul-Fitar and Eid-ul-Adha prayers? Additionally, in
which chapter, the Qur’an commands the Muslim Ummah to follow the Sunnah
of Abraham, pertaining to the sacrificial lamb?
[Comment: Allah categorically forbids the wastage of food resources. Killing
millions of four-legged ruminating animals on Hajj is against the tenets of the
Qur’an, as the prevalent pilgrimage of the common Muslims to Mecca is the
worst misrepresentation of the last revelation of Allah. In fact, Hajj means a
yearly General Assembly of the regional and international heads of states, to solve
the pressing problems, in consonance with an agreed upon agenda, based upon the
code of the Qur’an. [This topic has been thoroughly thrashed out in the relevant
chapter of this presentation.]
7. Where does the Qur’an announce; recitation of Surah Al-Fatiah is essential in
every Rakat pertaining to each module of supplication?
[Comment: The Qur’an clearly explains; Surah Al-Fatiah is Allah’s constitution
for the entire humanity. He commands its application for the creation of a real
paradise in this world. No democratic nation on the face of the earth, besides
Muslims, recites its constitution in any kind of a ritual. On the contrary, it is
implemented in both letter and spirit.
First Surah of the Qur’an [Al-Fatihah] is not some kind of a Dua, as a vast

majority of Muslims believes. It is, in fact Al- Kitaab , the divine charter
or the constitution, for establishing an Islamic government. Allah has revealed this
document for all humans to create a genuine heaven on earth, for every individual
to enjoy, without any apprehension at all.
It is interesting to note, all nouns of the seven verses constituting this Surah, are
of aggregate nature. In simple terms, it means using plurals like ‘us’ and ‘we’
instead of ‘I’ and ‘me.’ A collective consciousness is running through the text, and
the program outlined is for the benefit of the community, as opposed to that of an
8. Atta-Hyatt, an essential component to be recited before the completion of each
module of prayer, is not available in the Qur’an. Who wrote and introduced this
Arabic passage in Nimaz, [prayer] and how did they dare to equate this human
insertion, with the text of Allah, is simply outragious? Allah out rightly rejects any
addition to his revelation, as each word of that document carries a divine aura,
which cannot be matched, in any shape and form, by human endeavor.
[Comment: There is lots of relevant material, pertaining to the subject under
discussion, in pertinent chapters of the book. Please read carefully to understand
the gravity of the Iranian conspiracy.]
9. The Qur’an directs the participants of the Sallat [assembly] to command their
voice levels during their presentations. They should neither be shouting, nor
murmuring. Every one present should hear them loud and clear, even the ones
sitting in the back row.
[Comment: The Muslim Ummah rejects this injunction every day, as during the
two prayers, namely Zohar and Assar, they remain silent like a tomb, but in other
three submissions, Fajar, Mughrib and Isha, their loud speakers blare at full
volume, disturbing the entire neighborhood. They continue doing this without any
regard for the sick people and the students. The latter cannot concentrate on their
studies during this period of public disturbance and nuisance.
Allah’s code of ethics emphatically stresses upon the humans to be very conscious
about the people’s right to nice and quiet living.]
10. After a millennium of practice, supplication has become a compulsive habit with
most of the Muslims going for it. They are in the category of habitual offenders,
which have virtually no control over their actions. Lenin was right in identifying
religion, as ‘opium for the masses.’ However, there is much more than meets the
eye, as each sect in the ‘religion of Islam’ has a different set of Nimaz, dissimilar
script of Aazan [out of the Qur’an], contrasting Wuzu ritual [out of the Qur’an],
diverse text of Darood-o-Salaam [not from the Qur’an] and much more. Agha
khani cult and Ahle-Qur’an faction agree upon a schedule of three daily prayers,
whereas all other sects have a consensus on five.
[Comment: In the entire manuscript of the Qur’an, there is not even a single
contradiction of commands and directives pertaining to any matter. It is the
‘religion Islam’, which has smashed the unifying message of Allah into
smithereens, over the centuries. The adversaries of Mohammad, especially, from
Iran, played the dirty double game with the Muslim Ummah, to destroy its unified
strength, which disintegrated their empire, like a house of cards.]
11. According to Ahadith, it is the Sunnah of Mohammad for the followers of an
Imam, leading the prayer to say ‘Ameen’ loudly, when the recitation of Surah Al-
Fatiha ends. [AD1: 238, 921]
[Comment: First, the cause of disagreement, ‘Ameen’ is not an Arabic word. The
Jews and Christians were using this term in their prayers, before the advent of the
Qur’an, which the Iranian Aimmah, the biggest conspirators in the history of
Islam, copied to create another dissention among the disintegrated Muslims. The
Sunni and Alah-e-Ahadith sects of the ‘religion Islam’ are at loggerheads for
centuries, about this issue. They have failed to decide such a simple matter,
whether to say ‘Ameen’ loudly or quietly, when the recital of Surah Al-Fatiah
12. Many Ahadith and Sunnah repeatedly tell the same story, how Mohammad
leading a prayer, facing towards Baitul Muqaddas [a religious centre of Jews, not
existing during his lifetime] took a sudden turn towards Ka’bah. They further
write that due to his eagerness for changing his direction, he frequently used to
look upwards towards the sky, during prayers, imploring Allah for His directive,
and looking for the angle fetching His command. The moment that happened,
Mohammad took a turn right away.
[Comment: Ironically, the two of the most wicked and depraved authors of
Ahadith and Sunnah have self-defeated or rather contradicted their above quoted
Hadith by writing the one given below. Actually, they were generating so much
filth in the name of Mohammad; they often forgot, what they had already written:
“The first mosque built on the earth was Ka’bah, and the second was Masjid-al-
Aqsa.” [Jewish national religious center]
[B4: 383, 585, 422; M1: 264, 1056]
13. Most of the Muslims believe, Mohammad received the gift of five daily prayers,
during his Ascension, Allah knows where! The filthy literature of Ahadith admits
Mohammad became a kind of yo-yo between Allah and Moses, because he was
in charge at the opposite end of Allah, and sent Mohammad back to Him about ten
times to get the final tally of thirty days of fasting, and five daily prayers.
[Comment: Here a question arises; the earlier Messengers of Allah frequently
utilized the same term Sallat, but were never invited to visit Allah’s pad, wherever
it may be? Why did Allah maintain such a discriminatory attitude towards all of
His previous Messengers? Could He do such a willful injustice to them all, as
compared to Mohammad? However, whatever happened was not fair, as their
nations made a clear escape from the stipulation of Sallat ritual, which, indeed, is
nothing but Iranian Nimaz for the Muslims.
Considering the purported incident of Mohammad’s Ascension, the following
points are worth noting:
Firstly, the Qur’an is silent about Mohammad’s extra-terrestrial adventure, and the
verse 17:1, which the Muslim clergy quotes in support of this event, does not
describe Mohammad’s ascension. Actually, it provides details about the exodus of
Moses along with his nation form Egypt, going across the sea, in the cover of
night, to a safe haven on earth.
Secondly, why should Allah call Mohammad anywhere in the outer space or to the
heaven [even if it really exists] when He proclaims, “His laws are fully
operational everywhere, even in the far reaches of the cosmos?”
Thirdly, when there is no mention of any prayers in the Qur’an, then why was
Mohammad invited to visit with Allah and receive the gift of prayers. Conversely,
if prayers were so much dear to Allah, why did the Qur’an not open with the
commandments leading to them?
Fourthly, the Qur’an specifically mentions in more than one verse, Allah is
beyond the wildest human imagination, perception, and comprehension. Then
how is it possible, Mohammad could have tête-à-tête with Him. A limited being,
Mohammad, could never have any concept of the Unlimited Allah.
Fifthly, the Muslim priesthood insulted Allah by limiting Him to a single spot,
heaven. In fact, this is nothing more than a myth, which all religions of the world
accept in one form or another.
Actually, this event was taken right out of the Zoroastrian religious book, entitled,
Arta Viraf Namak, which was in existence around four centuries, before the birth
of Mohammad. The Muslim clergy rewrote the same story, with added attractions,
like Gabriel and winged horse along with, surreptitiously, changing the main
character; replacing the Iranian hero with Mohammad. For reading further juicy
details of this fictitious event, please read the pertinent chapter of the book.
Another important point worth mentioning is, if Mohammad started praying after
the event of Ascension or the revelation of chapter 17, Bani Israel, then in what
context did he understand the word Sallah, which appeared in 25 verses of the
Qur’an before all that happened?
The previous Messengers of Allah like Abraham, Moses Jesus, Ishmael, Lot,
Isaac, Zachariah and Shuaib all confronted the term Sallat according to the verses,
10: 87; 14:40; 19:31; 19:55; 21:73; 3:39; 11:87 of the Qur’an. Did they all get
involved with the ridiculous business of praying, or Allah let them go scot-free,
without ordering some courses of supplications for them? It is well known they
were lucky enough to get the second option.]
14. Two fundamental ingredients of Sallat, Aazan and Ata-Hayyat, do lack
authentication of the Qur’an, as has already been explained above. The fact
remains, all these practices are time wasting rituals, which can never be an
integral part of the dynamic charter of rights and obligations, the Qur’an presents
to the entire humanity. In addition, every sect like Shi’ah, Sunni, Isamali, Wahabi
including the followers of Khalifa Irshad of USA, have basic differences in their
modes of praying. However, the Qur’an remains free of all contradictions, but the
sectarian and belligerent Mullahs have created all sorts of conflicts among the
Muslims, through the wrong interpretations of its verses.
[Comment: Allah rightly differentiates between religion and Al –Deen, through
the medium of the last revelation. Religion divides people into watertight
compartments like parties, sects, factions and groups, whereas Al-Deen unites the
entire humanity into a single large family unit.
15. ‘Satan urinates in the ears of one who does not wake up for Fajir [morning]
prayer.’ [B2:135, 245; B4: 318, 492]
[Comment: Did Bukhari personally watch Satan doing that in both ears
simultaneously? Is it a male or a female? In case of Satan, being a male, it can
happen, as he can easily align the hole of its organ to that of the ear. However, if it
is a female, then it is out of the question. Naturally, the holes can never get in line
and the urine will be spilled over, instead of flowing in. Unfortunately, human ear
is not a water container; it is kind of a box to catch the sound waves hitting the
eardrum. Another point worth watching; why Satan is so much crazy about the
Morning Prayer?]
The Funeral Prayer

Bukhari, Tirmidhi and other Ahadith writers narrate; Mohammad used to offer funeral
prayers. If the quotes of these people are right, then the question pops up; why the Quran
does not issue any directive for this kind of swab [reward] earning practice?
All Muslim sects, and the alleged literature of Ahadith [B2:228, CH] claim, Sallat or
prayer, without Qayyam, Rakooh and Sajood is incomplete, but all of them, without any
exception, execute funeral prayers [supplication not recommended by the Qur’an]
without those essential components. What a contradiction on part of the Muslim
priesthood, followers of the Iranian Aimmah, who originated such rituals, in the first
The following Hadith commands women not to accompany funeral processions, and stay
away from cemeteries.

‘Women are forbidden to accompany the funeral processions.’

[B1: 185, 310; AD1: 294, 1135]
[Comment: This Hadith shows Allah has a racist attitude towards women. How could
Mohammad issue such a xenophobic statement, despite Allah’s clear injunction?
‘Every human being [irrespective of gender, race, color, nationality and language] is
equally honorable in accordance with Allah’s Law of Justice!’ In which verse or, verses
of the Qur’an, the subject of funeral prayers has been specifically, dealt with?
Supposedly, if this Hadith is considered accurate, and it is accepted, Mohammad used to
lead funeral prayers; it is going to open another Pandora’s Box. Obviously, the question
arises, how Mohammad could dare to conduct funeral prayers for the deceased, when
Allah has not given any particular directive in the Qur’an for him to do so.
However, the Qur’an does advise humans to bury their dead six feet deep in the ground,
for the following reasons:

o To save people the average cost of burial [$3,000-$10,000] these days, per dead
body. In fact, the Qur’an intends to protect the Muslims from the exploitation of
capitalist oriented, religious vultures, existing in the form of Muslim Funeral
o To cut down enormous pollution caused by burning the dead body, which
according to the Hindu religion purifies the air. Additionally, return to the mother
earth all organic and inorganic constituent, the deceased made use of, while

Eulogizing Mohammad

For the last millennium, the Muslims have been doing nothing, except ridiculously
praising and worshipping the remains of Mohammad, buried in Medina, in the following
 They sing Darood-o-Salam for Mohammad, in the form of Muslim choirs in
mosques, using loud speakers, after morning, evening, and Friday prayers.
 They unnecessarily extol Mohammad, members of his pseudo-family, namely,
Ali, Fatima [a non-Arabic name], her two sons, along with Abraham and his

Bukhari presents a variety of Darood-o-Salam, for the benefit of Sunni and Shi’ah sects.

A question pops up here, who invented anecdotal eulogies for the last Messenger of
Allah, and who authorized various Muslim sects to conduct such ridiculous religious
activities? As already mentioned above, Darood is a Persian word. Was it possible for
Allah to direct Mohammad, for forwarding Darood-o-Salam unto Him in the Persian
language, when He revealed the Qur’an to him, in Arabic? It does not make any sense at
all; does it?
The Persian or the modern Iranian word Darood denotes, to cut up any material into
pieces. Does this mean; Allah commands the Muslims, through a directive given in
Persian language, to rip the constitution of the Qur’an into thin ribbons, by indulging in
such useless practices?
However, the Qur’an declares, there is no point in wasting valuable time for such
worthless activities. One can call upon the carcasses, as much as one wants, including
that of Mohammad, but there shall never be any answer coming, as the dead lose the
faculty of responding, which is only the prerogative of the living. [35:14]

‘They can never hear your calls, and even if they could do so, they cannot answer
your prayers.’

The only people capable of responding to your requests are the ones, who possess the
auditory faculty. [6:36]

‘Only those people can respond, whose acoustic equipment and systems are fine
tuned, and the dead bodies are totally devoid of them.’

The ones buried six feet under, cannot perceive any Darood-o-Salam.
Actually, the straightforward message of the Qur’an is a sure and certain death for the
frivolous pursuits like Darood-o-Salam and a score of others, which are prevalent in the
Muslim societies, all over the world. The religious vultures, which do nothing else,
except using the name of Allah and Mohammad, for collecting money in the form of
alms, donations and charity, would have their survival in jeopardy, without carrying on all
of those activities. These alleged custodians of the Qur’an are, in fact, the worst enemies
of its magnificent and spectacular message, which can change the destiny of the entire
human race. For them the most challenging question is what they would do, if the
Ummah ever comes to its senses and rejects their interpretation of the Qur’an.

Beating Rosary Beads to Extol Allah and Mohammad

Buddhist monks, Hindu hermits [Sadhus], Zoroastrian priests, Jewish rabbis, Christian
popes, and Muslim clerics regularly beat the beads of rosaries in order to evoke God, or
their personal gods. Here, a question arises, does God, or the demigods, have ever asked
them to indulge in such a pointless practice?
The common people remember only those loved ones, who either pass away, or are
separated from them by moving to other places, within the same country, and the ones
migrating to far away lands. Allah, as such, shall never taste death. He is not only all
pervading, but ubiquitous through His immutable laws, which have the entire cosmos
under their control. Then what is the need to remember Allah or God, along with keeping
a record of that dumb act, by counting the rosary beads.
Incidentally, the agnostic Buddha invented a string of beads, called Mala in India, and
rosary in Europe. Incidentally, the following comments of a couple of eminent scientists,
about atheism and atheists, are very interesting:

1. Maxbrown, who shared the 1954 Nobel Prize in physics for his work in quantum
mechanics said: “Those who say that the study of science makes a man an atheist
must be rather silly people.”
2. Christian B. Anfinsen who shared the 1972 Nobel Prize in chemistry said: “I think
only an idiot can be an atheist.”

All theistic religions of the world should be thankful to the agnostic and idiotic Buddha,
who made such a useless innovation, which became a roaring success among the people,
which closely resemble the lotuseaters. The rosary bead beaters are the biggest time
wasters of the world, and if a competition were introduced in this category in the
Olympic Games, they would win easily.
The fact remains Buddha was a defeated person to begin with. Instead of changing the
environment of the court and the cruel system in practice, he ran away from the troubled
spot in search of personal nirvana. What did he do for the common people, which were
under the rule of the iron fist, and were surviving in sub-human environment? He did
nothing for them at all, and escaped from there, leaving his young wife and child behind;
because he was the most despicable coward, human history has ever known.
The dynamic and full of life program of Allah is an antithesis of Buddha’s philosophy of
lethargy and inactivity. None, with sane head on one’s shoulders can appreciate the
practice invented by the one, who was a yellow-belly to begin with. The Muslims that
follow Buddha’s way of life are committing a criminal offence against the code of the

Aashurah ‫ عا شو را‬Celebration

In the Vatican City, the Christians pull out the procession of Virgin Mary, every Sunday,
in the memory of the fake event of crucifiction of Jesus. Similarly, some people
belonging to certain Christian sects in Brazil and Philippines punish themselves by
putting nails in their hands on the cross, in order to pay tribute to the sacrifice of Jesus.
The Iranian Aimmah borrowed that concept from Christianity, and started taking out
mourning processions since 352 Higra [on the command of a Muslim king, Muiz-zud-
Doulah Vailami], to commemorate fictitious martyrs of a fabricated event that supposedly
happened at Karbala [a city of modern Iraq] in 62 Higra.
Additionally, they called upon the followers of their sect to remember Ali with the title
‘Lion of God’ [Shair-e–Khuda], which they collectively bestowed upon him, because in
their view, God does require the services of a lion to control this world.
Factually, the Shi’ah copied this mythological concept from the Assyrian, Babylonian,
Zoroastrian, Aryan and Christian cultures, which venerated lion as a symbol of power,
authority and dominance. Some of their demigod statues carried head of a lion, on a
human body. In Pakistan, the Habib Bank, which belongs to the Shi'ah community, has its
logo engraved upon the front entrance of every branch, which represents Ali in the form
of a lion god.
Here follows the historical legacy of lion god, which many human civilizations revered
and worshipped, before the Shi’ah Aimmah stole it, and called it their own, by casting Ali
in that befitting role:

Lion-god Worship through History

 The English nation, after accepting Christianity as its official religion, started
worshiping the power of the lion. This icon of raw brutal force still adorns the
currency of that nation.
 The Egyptians, like the Shi'ah Muslims, recognized the beastly strength of lion,
and included it in the list of their demigods.
 The Greeks also worshipped lion god and goddess.
 The Hindus also revere Washvanjee, which is in fact a lion god.
 The Zoroastrians also have a lion God, which holds a sword in its right paw, with
the sun god engraved on its back.
 In India, the Ismaili Khooja community also worships Ali in the form of lion god.
They consider Ali as an incarnation of Vishnoo, a powerful god of Hindu trinity.
 Numerous Ahadith qualify or rather identify Ali with the title of ‘the lion of God.’

The Iranian Aimmah bestowed upon Ali numerous other titles, in their own language, to
differentiate him from minor lion gods of other nations. They wanted to make him special
for their own people, and more powerful as compared to the rest of gods. A few of these
are as under:

 ‫شير يز د ا ن‬: The Lion of Zorastrian God

 ‫ شا ه مرد ان‬: The king of real macho men, an epitome of virility, a quintessence of
libido, and the one enjoying satyriasis.
 ‫;قو ت بر ور دكا ر‬: The power of God.
 ‫حيد ر كر ا ر‬: Like a lion, repeatedly attacking its prey.

The Babylonian calendar had the twelve months named after their animal gods and
deities. The Shi'ah priesthood straightforwardly stole that concept and created the myth of
twelve Aimmah. Of course, the head of this pack is ‫حيد ر كر ا ر‬, the big lion. However, it
has yet to be decided to which animal categories the rest of the eleven belong, Or may be,
which species they would best represent.
The Babylonian civilization developed and reached its zenith in the land lying between
the two rivers, Tigris and Euphrates, which is now a part of modern Iraq. Following were
the main features of Babylonian civilization.

 One of the most powerful rulers of this kingdom was Nimrod. According to the
legend, he built a new city Nineveh for the satisfaction of his evil desires.
 He had countless wives, and ordered his subjects to worship the main god Ba’al,
made of gold. If any one dared to disobey his command, that one ended up in the
inferno alive.
 He had an army of soothsayer, magicians, wizards, astrologers, and priests at his
command to foretell the future. The concept of Jotish, or fortune telling among
the Hindus, came from the Babylonian civilization.
 Their mythological gods and goddesses practiced free sex.
 In ancient Mesopotamia, especially, in Babylonian, Ishtar was the primary
Goddess of life, men, women, nature, fertility, sex, sexual power, and birth. Ishtar
was also the goddess of war and weapons and any victory was celebrated in her
temples with offerings of produce and money as well as through a feast and orgy
of sex and fornication with holy temple prostitutes. Every woman was required, at
least once in her lifetime, usually after she was married, to go to the Temple of
Ishtar. She waited there until a stranger came along, and threw a silver in her lap.
Then she left the temple and had sex with the stranger, after which she could
return home. She was not allowed to say no to the first man, who paid he up front.
To quote the Greek historian Herodotus:
"The worst Babylonian custom is that which compels every woman of the land
once in her life to sit in the temple of love and have... intercourse with some
stranger... the men pass and make their choice."
Imam Baqar and other lecherous Shi’ah religious priests copied the evil idea of
‘blessed’ Mut’ah [temporary marriage] from Babylonian civilization for their cult.
 The Babylonians had another yearly festival at night, wherein they used to turn
off all light sources, and indulge in an orgy on grandiose scale, involving
thousands of copulating couples. Hundreds committed incest, because of the
darkness, as it was not possible to know, who was who. The Shi’ah celebration of
Eid-e-Ghadeer is also a sacred and festive Babylonian cultural gift, which the sect
enjoys to the hilt.
 The concept of lion god and the worship of other animal-headed deities originated
during the reign of Nimrod. He was a sex fiend, who did not spare even his
mother and sister from satisfying his carnal lust with them. In his time, the fire
worship began and the sun received the status of a god.
The Hindu concept of fire worship or Agni Pooja is a sacred relic coming down
from the Mesopotamian civilization. Its best manifestation occurs at the time of
Deewali, or Deepawali, through ample lighting. People have a good time by
drinking, gambling, and enjoying fireworks. A Hindu marriage is only recognized,
when the marrying couple goes around the burning fire, called Pawiter Agni [pure
fire], seven times.
The Muslims also revere and remember the tradition established by Nimrod. They
celebrate the festival of Shab-e-Barrat [the night of luck] by lighting up their
homes, and practice many rituals, which has got nothing to do with Al-Deen.
The Jews follow the tradition of Nimrod through the Candle Light Vigils, and the
Christians do so by arranging tremendous illumination of their homes for almost
three weeks at the time of Christmas.

According to the Islamic history, Ali had many children from his numerous wives, but the
Zoroastrian Ahadith writers added two fictitious names, Hassan and Hussain to that list,
for establishing the worst kind of personality cult among the Shi’ah sect of Islam, which
the Qur’an rejects in the first place.


Most of the Shi’ah historians are of the view; he was the eldest son of Ali, who married
ninety-nine women during his short life span. However, Mullah Baqar Majleesi quoted in
his book, entitled, Jillah Maloon [published in 1334 Higra from Tehran, Iran] that the
number was much more higher, around two to three hundred. It is reported, that he died
due to extreme debility he suffered, because of excessive sexual intercourse, be carried
out with his so many wives.
He had a strange way of proposing to a woman, he set his heart on to marry. The
marriage proposal was always accompanied by a matching gift for would be bride. One
hundred maidservants used to carry one thousand Dirham each, totaling D100, 000.00
[equivalent to $30,000.00 USD], to the girl’s house just as a token of respect for asking
her hand in marriage. Though, Hassan used to receive large sums of money from Ameer
Muawia off and on, yet he initially received five million Dirham, when he signed a peace
treaty with him declaring himself out of the race for Khilafat [the throne]. No one knows
the reason, but almost all historians have mentioned that at the time of his death, all his
wives rushed to him bare feet and also did the same at the time of his funeral.
It is imperative to check the authenticity of the above account using the yardstick of the
According to the tenets of last revelation, monogamy is the basic rule, and men are
supposed to follow it under normal circumstances. However, in an emergent situation,
which drastically reduces the number of available men compared to that of the women,
the Qur’an allows polygamy for a specified period. In modern times, this happened
during the eight-year long Iran – Iraq war, causing two million casualties on both sides.
In such a state of affairs, polygamy could be allowed, to absorb the extra number of
unattached women, until such time, the situation normalized. Once that happened, the
polygamy could be ruled out, re-establishing monogamy. It is a very simple concept to
understand and the Qur’an precisely explains the same in the verse 4:3, given below:
‘If there ever arises a serious problem, endangering security and prosperity of your
society, because of a large number of unprotected marriageable women [due to war
or any other reason] along with orphans, then the Rule of Monogamy may be
suspended for the duration of the emergency, by the established Muslim
government! You may advise your companions to marry two, three, or four women
of your liking.’

The above verse contains certain phrases, which require further explanation to understand
the given command fully. In addition, some other aspects need detailed discussion for
better comprehension. The pertinent points considered are enumerated below:

1. In the verse presented above, the expression is a

conditional clause. According to the Arabic grammar, it consists of two parts:
 Protasis: ‘clause containing condition’
 Apodosis: ‘conclusion in a conditional sentence’
When there is no crisis, there are no widows or orphans to be taken care of; in that
case follow the rule of monogamy for a stable and harmonious life!’

2. In a critical situation, the first wife shall provide her destitute and unfortunate
sisters shelter and protection, as part of her duty in accordance with the verse

Men and women working for the establishment of a peaceful society, under the
command of Mohammad, you must give preference to others as compared to
yourselves, though you might have to endure personal hardships going that way!
Under the normal conditions, follow the right path with one wife!’

3. In normal times, you cannot take a second wife in the presence of the first one.
[4:20] However, if an emergency arises, then the statute of polygamy exists to be
invoked. This is Allah’s command for an emergent situation only, and not
permission, on a permanent basis, for polygamy during normal times!’

4. The expression does not translate into ‘the women you like or
look good to you.’ It really means you may marry those women, who kind of like
you. Thus, another stipulation for polygamy is that the women you intend to
marry must be ready to accept you as their husbands, and you have their prior
permission to that effect before joining you in Nikah!
5. In the verse 4:3, the word Tuqsetoo signifies that one should act in a fair and
just manner. Another condition for polygamy is that the person should provide
subsistence to his wives evenhandedly. If he is not sure about doing justice to all
concerned, it would then be better for him to follow the principle of monogamy
and stay put with his only wife.

6. Another proviso imposed by Allah for permitting polygamy in extraordinary

circumstances is Idil or Tadalo . This word carries a host of meanings,
starting with right, having a right direction, straight or even, equal, composed or
levelheaded, symmetrical or proportionate and suitable on the whole or in parts or
in quality and quantity.
In simple words, it means that if you cannot do justice to all concerned or are
incapable of taking an additional responsibility on your shoulders, then stay away
from it.

7. The word Tauo-loo means anything that traumatizes a person’s mind or puts
him/her under unnecessary stress.
Sometimes, a person is already supporting a large family; his income is limited
and is not sufficient to look after the day-to-day needs of his family members
properly. He finds it difficult, with the available funds, to feed and clothe them
and provide essential necessities of life. Such a situation makes his life miserable
and extra tension puts him in a state of depression. He often cries alone and feels
awful about his weak financial position.
If you think the above situation can arise in your case by taking a second wife, it
will then be advisable and even better for you to forget about it and stay contented
with your current one.

8. In the above verse, the Qur’an comes up with the expression Ma malakat
aimanukum . Most of the purported Muslim scholars have
interpreted this term to mean bondwomen, with whom illicit sexual relations can
be established just for the sake of pleasure and enjoyment. As a step forward, they
can even be swapped with their counterparts in possession of other people, to
provide an opportunity for enjoying multiple bed partners or arranging regular
orgies. After all ‘variety is the spice of life.’
This reduces such women to the status of unpaid common whores, who sleep
around in accordance with the wish and whim of their owners.
Such debauched and depraved treatment of women is totally against the
injunctions of the Qur’an. Literally, Ma malakat aimanukum means
‘what your right hand possessed, signifying full and rightful possession.’
Grammatically, the sentence indicates past tense and identifies those bondwomen
living in the pre-Islamic era, which accepted Islam as their Deen and married
Muslim men of their own free will, even before the birth of an Islamic state in
Medina. Under the Islamic administration, they enjoyed full marital status and
rights like all other Muslim married women.
Therefore, if you are unable to maintain a large family properly, then you should
stay put, with your wife either from your family/tribe or with the one who was a
slave girl before the establishment of the Islamic state, but is now legally married
to you under the Islamic Law.
Thus, Ma malakat aimanukum does not mean, in any sense of the
expression, that Allah has legitimized keeping slave girls or bondmaids, in any
number you want, just for the sake of sexual gratification. It sought to put right
the status of girls and women in servitude, who married Muslim men after
accepting Deen of their own accord, prior to the existence of the Islamic state.
The caliphs of the past and the contemporary kings, princes, their courtiers,
powerful clerics and other rich Muslims have had taken advantage of the
misinterpretation of the quoted verse of the Qur’an to the fullest extent. The
previous and the modern harems in the Muslim countries are a direct result of the
deceptive explanation of a straightforward ruling of the Qur’an, addressing a
situation that existed in the pre-Islamic era.
Secondly, the term Ma malakat aimanukum applied to both male
and female immigrants, coming over to the safety of Muslim society from the
non-Muslim Arab territory [4:24-25], which enjoyed equal rights and obligations
with the people already residing there.
Thirdly, Ma malakat aimanukum also covers employees, both male
and female, who are functioning either in the capacity of household servants or
workers at places like factories, offices, shops, etc. that people own or run
rightfully under the law. [16:71]

9. According to the verse 4:129, the Qur’an discourages polygamy, but permits its
practice only under an extraordinary set of circumstances.

Undoubtedly, exceptional situations require exceptional measures; that kind of a situation

arose during wars, with the migration of a large number of women along with their
orphaned children to the Islamic capital, Medina.
There were three main feeders for this exodus:

A. Women, which accepted Islam of their own free will, and consequently did not
remain married to their non-Muslim husbands.

B. Wives, which lost their husbands during the struggle for the establishment of a
peaceful society, based on the revealed constitution.

C. Women, which accepted Islam, refused to carry on their conjugal duties because
of the faith difference, and had to brave physical and mental torture.

In view of above the verse, it is permissible to marry more than one female, only in an
emergent situation, to reduce the number of marriageable women in a particular Muslim
society. However, it is not the decision of an individual, when to turn polygamist and
have more than one wife. The Islamic government has the authority to make a declaration
in this regard, specifying when this practice starts, how long the special permission stays
enforced, and when it ends.
All historians have a consensus that during the time of Hassan, the government had not
declared any emergency for invoking the Law of Polygamy. Moreover, even under that
situation, the Qur’an limits maximum number of wives a Muslim male can have
simultaneously to four, and no more.
Here a question pops up, how Hassan could marry two to three hundred women during
his short life span, when according to the Qur’an, he could not have more than four at one
time? Did he not care even a bit about the last revelation of Allah, and its specific
commandments, his maternal grandpa received? Was he a real sex fiend, who just used
feminine flesh to satisfy his super libido, and then threw it away like a rag doll? Did he
suffer from a condition called satyriasis, or morbid lasciviousness?
Whatever, the case may be, the Islamic history paints him as a genuine Casanova of
antiquity. However, in view of the above verse, and the tainted image of Hassan
presented by the Muslim historians, the following three possibilities can occur:

1) If Hassan really married and divorced two to three hundred women for the sake of
his personal sexual gratification, then he defied the Qur’an, and totally ignored its
laws pertaining to matrimony. He committed a grave crime punishable by the
Islamic government.
2) If he did not do anything of the sort, then the complete Islamic history is nothing,
but a pile of junk.
3) If the Islamic history is a fake document, then Hassan did not exist, and whatever
the historians have written about him is not true.


The research conducted by Dr. Shabeer Ahmad, and presented in his publication entitled,
Dastan-e-Karbala shows that Husain did not die as per the legend created by the Iranian
historians. The Iranian conspirators, lead by Hurmazan, murdered him in the bedroom of
the governor’s official residence in Koofa, the office he had inherited, upon the death of
his elder brother Hassan.
This means the much lamented events of Aashurah [first to tenth of Muharram, 62 Higra]
portrayed by Tibri, in the first history book of Islam, on the evidence of Abu Makhnaf
Loot bin Yahya, who appeared a century later, is nothing but pure and unadulterated
fiction. The Iranian conspirators used Hussain as a puppet of convenience, to drive a
wedge of hatred in the heart of the Muslim Ummah, with the added advantage of gaining
the sympathy of illiterate followers of Mohammad.
Similarly, the research work conducted by Mahmood Ahmad Abbasi, which appeared in
the form of a book entitled, Khlafat-e-Muawia-o-Yazeed [Ed. 1962] also proved that the
mythological event of Karbala, narrated by Shi’ah historians, never happened.
Allama Aslam Jaipuri has discussed in detail, the murder of Hussain, in his historical
presentation known as, Tariekh-ul Ummat. According to his research, this incident
occurred around 62 or 64 Higra. However, the yearly commemorative procession started
during the reign of Abbasid Caliph, Moiz-ud-Doula Vailmi, who issued a royal decree in
352 Higra [almost three centuries later] to that effect. According to the official
declaration, the first ten days of every Moharram were earmarked for remembering the
martyrdom of Hussain, his relatives and friends in Karbala, along with laying down the
procedure to be followed strictly on the tenth day, called Aashura [the day of lamenting].
On that day, all markets would remain closed and men would beat their chests in groups
moving along with the procession. Women shall also join in, but they shall remain at the
tail end. They shall wail and cry aloud, beating their heads and chests, with their hair
hanging loose.
The local Sunni population considered this newly introduced ritual offensive, and being
against the tenets of the Qur’an, vehemently opposed it. The ruling caliph became
aggressive in response and demanded full compliance with his royal decree. Additionally,
he ordered the Sunni population to celebrate 18 Zilhaj, as the day of mourning for the
martyrs of Karbala.
In face of an untoward reaction from his unified Sunni subjects, he went berserk and
crossed all limits of decency. On his direct order, Tabarra [nastily insulting the dearest
companions of Mohammad] posters were pasted on the inner, as well as outer walls of
the Sunni mosques. That was the limit, and the Sunnis finally decided to get out of
Baghdad, and settle in far flung cities.
Incidentally, the Shi'ah sect expresses exceptional honor and gratitude, even in the 21 st
century, for the person, who murdered Umar-e-Farooq, the second caliph, as per their
perverted and besmirched history. Though his given name was Feroz, yet the Shi'ah
community honored him with the title of Abu L’u-L’u [dad of diamond] for his
meritorious service of killing the closest friend of Mohammad, according to their
profusely corrupted annals.
He lies buried in a mausoleum recognized as that of Baba L’u- L’u, situated in the city of
Qum, and is considered much more venerable as compared to those of Najaf and Karbala.
The Shi'ah come visiting that shrine from all over the world, and pay rich tribute to him,
by buying and wearing silver rings studded with cheap beryl [Aluminum Silicate] type
gemstone called Feroza, named after him. Almost every Shi'ah wears the Feroza ring as a
tribute to Abu L’u-L’u, and simultaneously cursing, or hurling Tabarra, primarily, upon
Umar, and all others noble and stalwart companions of Mohammad.
The supposed episode of Karbala occurred in 62 Higra, and the commemorative
procession of Aashura began almost three centuries later, that even upon the decree of a
caliph. Does it not sound odd? The straight and simple logic demands that if something of
that magnitude did happen, the people should have started the memorial proceedings
right away. They did not have to wait three hundred years for a caliph to come along, and
make a beginning, utilizing his powers and authority. In fact, he started something,
people did not consider worth their while, to waste their time.
Many modern historians are of the view that nothing of the sort did actually happen.
Hussain was a close relative of the caliph Yazid, and did willingly accept his position and
authority in the centre. For that reason, he, following the footsteps of his father Ali, and
elder brother Hassan, inherited the coveted post of Kufa’s governor. The phony account
of his martyrdom surfaced over two centuries later, when the Iranian influence reached its
pinnacle in the Abbasid court and harem.
The name Hussain qualifies a person, who makes up his mind regarding any matter, after
giving it a serious thought, utilizing his innate wisdom and sense of reasoning. If there
really did exist any Hussain, claiming to be the grandson of Mohammad, then how could
he take the following illogical decisions for the ‘cause of his Islam.’ which purportedly
resulted in the devastation of his family?

 Why did he not move over to a safe haven, like Mohammad, his alleged
maternal grandpa, when he felt threatened in his hometown? Incidentally,
all Messengers of Allah followed that path, when they felt insecure in their
places of birth. Why did he not consider this option in the first place?
 If he had no other choice but to fight, then he should have raised an army
properly equipped for a final showdown with his adversaries.
 He should have moved away from his adversary’s stronghold, instead of
moving towards it. There, he made the biggest blunder of his life, which
cost him not only his life, but that of his close relatives and friends.
 He should have left women and children behind, instead of taking them
along into the battlefield. Every military general would say that was the
most stupid move on his part, which he adopted in face of a better
equipped and battle hardened regular army.
 According to the Shi’ah historians, Hussain left Mecca on the ninth of Zil-
Haj, a day before the ritual of Hajj. What was the hurry to get out of the
city of his ancestors, where he could be much safer, and move towards the
battlefield, without proper preparation? However, this decision of his part
was against Allah’s command of Jihad.
 Abraham, Moses, and Jesus slipped away in the darkness of night from
their respective places of birth, when they realized they were not strong
enough to take the enemy head on. He should have followed the same
procedure for the safety and security of all concerned. It was stupid on his
part to pick up a fight, with much superior enemy forces.
 Lastly, Mohammad also left his birthplace in order to avoid unnecessary
mayhem, practiced the same principle a day before the battle of Badar,
when he did not allow his ill-equipped loyal fighters to march on to the
battlefield. He did not want to waste their lives unnecessarily, when they
lacked funds to procure proper arms and ride essential for joining the
fight. [9:92]

‘The people, who approached you for arranging mounts for them, so
that they could join your forces in the upcoming battle, are not to be
blamed for anything, since you told them, “I am sorry; I cannot
provide anything for you to ride on, right on.” They went away with
eyes brimming with tears, and grief in their hearts, as they lacked the
funds to equip themselves with the requisites of warfare, and fight on
your side for the just cause.’
The above verse clearly shows it was commendable on the part of Mohammad, to stop
people from going into the battlefield, who were not fully prepared for it, though his
army was short of men and earnestly required additional hands.
All Messengers of Allah followed the policy of avoiding unnecessary bloodshed as far
possible, and for that very reason they always fought defensive, but decisive battles.
However, when the fighting became inevitable, they went for it with adequate preparation
and full force on their part.
In the case of Hussain, it is obvious he did not prepare for the upcoming clash with the
enemy forces, which he knew was inexorable. That was his biggest mistake as a general.
Mohammad, his grandpa, is recognized as one of the best generals of all time, who
always fought under duress, in the sense that as a last resort, he went to the battlefield.
However, when he went for it, he made proper arrangements to ensure sure shot victory,
with a minimum loss of life on his side.
As his grandson, which the Shi’ah claims him to be; he failed to do anything right from a
general’s perspective, and had the sole responsibility for all casualties on his side. He
committed a criminal act, as per the directives of the Qur’an, pertaining to warfare, and
received punishment for that by losing his own life, along with many of his relatives and
There is another side of this story. Mohammad did not have a daughter bearing a non-
Arabic name, Fatima. Iranian conspirators made the biggest blunder by giving her an
Iranian identity. Ali also seems to be a fictitious character created by the Iranian Aimmah
for producing rift within the unified Muslim Ummah. They did need some one directly
related to Mohammad, for making a claim to the caliphate, though most of the closest
associates of the last Messenger of Allah were not his relatives. The constitution of the
Qur’an does not attach any preference to the blood relations, though in a tribal
environment it carried much importance.
However, the Shi’ah conspirators of Iran did eventually play the close relative card for
overthrowing the Umayyad caliphate. That is why they created the fictitious character of
Ali; got him married to the non-existing daughter of Mohammad, and brought Hassan
and Hussain into the world out of that union.
Here a question comes to mind; Mohammad had other daughters, whom Shi’ah do not
attach any importance at all. What is the reason for that? What was so special about
invented Fatima that she and her family constituted Mohammad’s Ahl-e-Bait and Ale-e-
Rasool, whereas his real and direct female descendants and their families find no such
prominence in his life? The answer is very simple and straightforward; the matrimonial
bond of Ali [the alleged son of Abu Talib, the real paternal uncle of Mohammad], and
Fatima strengthened the clan of Banu Hashim, and legitimized the claim of the former as
the successor to the caliphate, on the death of his father-in-law. That link placed a very
powerful trump card in the hands of the Iranian conspirators, who triumphantly used it
first to create differences, among Ali and other soul mates of Mohammad, and then
during the tussle to uproot the Umayyad, they used it very effectively in the name of Ali
and his progeny.
Most of the Shi’ah historians have a consensus that almost all revolts and rebellions
against the Umayyad rule originated from Iran, and the perpetrators always fought proxy
battles on behalf of Ali and his descendants, the rightful owners of caliphate, being the
nearest relatives of Mohammad. Ironically, when the Umayyad finally lost power after a
continued struggle of one century against them, the beneficiaries were not Alvis
[belonging to Ali or his family], but Banu Abbas another clan of Banu Hashim.
The badly beaten and pushed out of power Alvi clan was perhaps the most disgruntled
and disappointed group of people on the face of the earth at that point in time, because
their century old efforts resulted in an utter failure to replace the Umayyad dynasty with
their own. Abbasid, on the other hand got into the limelight, by becoming the rulers,
whereas Alvis descended into the deep shadows of failure.
Despite their total capitulation at the hands of their very distant cousins, the Alvis did not
give up hope. They set up their shop in an entirely different area, by inventing the
strange, but to some extent a novel idea, that the realm of spiritualism is much more
extensive, as compared to the worldly caliphate. They claimed their ancestor Ali was the
first and greatest of all Aimmah, who in certain respects was much more charismatic, and
even powerful as compared to his first cousin Mohammad, the last messenger of Allah.
That was the beginning of mysticism doctrine in Islam, which the Qur’an does not
endorse at all, because it clearly depicts a defeated mentality.
The Shi’ah Aimmah, twelve in all, came out of that intellectual bankruptcy. Nevertheless,
it is really mind blowing, why they put a stop to their own production at the allegedly
‘sacred’ number twelve. If that had not happened, by now they might have run into a few
dozens, if not hundreds.
Anyways, twelve-Imam Shi’ah dogma restricts the real Imamat to Ali, his sons Hassan
and Hussain, and nine direct linear descendants of the latter. Additionally, this doctrine
presents these Aimmah as infallible intermediaries between humans and God. The
continuous presence of Imam being a prerequisite for human salvation, Al-Mahdi, the last
Imam, supposedly, is existing in a state of mysterious suspended animation [away from
prying eyes] since 874 A.D., only to emerge near the apocalyptic end of the world, in the
form of a messiah.
The above mythological narrative is miserably out of place with the most modern human
thinking. In the 21st century, people know, no one can possibly live for over eleven
centuries, hidden away somewhere, because the average life span in that era was forty
years. The reasonable explanation might be; he must have died incognito a few years
after his disappearance at the age of five.
The investigative agencies of the Western world would have classified him as a missing
child. They would theorize, in view of their vast experience in that particular area of
expertise, that a hard-boiled pedophile-cum-pederast kidnapped him, at that tender age;
sodomized him to his heart’s content, and then got rid of him to find another bedfellow.
The fundamental tenet of Shi’ah religion is extreme hatred for all honorable and
venerated companions of Mohammad, except Ali. Nevertheless, the facts prove beyond
any doubt, they remained committed to the cause of Islam, and made continuous
collective efforts, until the establishment of the very first Muslim government, based on
the constitution of the Qur’an, in Medina. The sacrifices they made, personally, as well as
jointly, for the collectively cause, under the leadership of Mohammad, are worth writing
in gold. Ali, being a minor, or most probably a non-existent entity, did not participate in
that struggle at all.
Undoubtedly, the associates of Mohammad, not only respected one another, but also felt a
deep love for each other. The Qur’an provides overwhelming proof of that reality in the
verse 48:29, presented below:

‘Mohammad is the Messenger of Allah, and his friends feel affection for one another
[as a mother does for her children], because of sharing and supporting the tenets of
the Qur’an. They are firm, steadfast and mighty like a solid piece of rock, for those
who try to conceal or oppose the commandments of the Qur’an.’

In view of the above verse, all associates of Mohammad were decent, respectable, and
selfless people, who turned into a unified force under his brilliant command.
Undoubtedly, they had great regard for one another, and constituted the first family of
Muslims. The Qur’an speaks very highly of them, and commends their continued efforts,
which resulted in the implementation of the constitution, the last revelation of Allah
presents for the benefit of the entire humanity.
Anyways, those men and women passed away almost thirteen centuries ago. They did
very well in their time, but now they are simply a part of history. Nothing good can come
out by remembering them, because they are dead and gone. Allah complimented all of
them for their righteous deeds and the Qur’an testifies to that effect. There is nothing big
about them now, because they went six feet under and are going to stay there until the end
of time.
The Qur’an openly declares, the people of any era would never be questioned what their
predecessors, or ancestors did. Every generation is strictly responsible for its activities,
whether good or bad. What happened between Ali, which, in fact, is a fictitious character
fabricated by the Shi’ah Aimmah of Iran, and other companions of Mohammad, has got
nothing to do with the Muslims of modern times. Let bygones be bygones, and bury the
history, especially, the one based on false and phony accounts, because it is not going to
do any good to any one, except the belligerent sectarian Mullahs, which thrive on the
warring factions. with rolling in donations. The equation is very simple; violence is
directly proportional to generated funds.
The supper structure of Shi’ah religion rests upon two fundamental principles. The first
one is the vast stinking dump of self-created myths in the form of Ahadith, Sunnah not
only of Mohammad, but also that of Ali and his descendants, whereas the second one is
the personality cult, or rather celebrity worship. However, the Qur’an out rightly
condemns the both, because Allah did not appoint Mohammad as his last Messenger, to
teach and lead the Zoroastrian Nimaz, or perpetually mourn the dead, but to form a
government by implementing the constitution of the Qur’an, and to show humanity, how
to enjoy peace, progress, and prosperity, along with security.
The modern Shi’ah priesthood, especially in Iran, the only Shi’ah majority country in the
world, has no concept what kind of constitution, and the charter of rights and obligations,
along with civil and penal codes the Qur’an presents, and how much people friendly this
system is. The current governments established at all levels, such as central, provincial
and municipal, are neither democratic nor Islamic. In fact, everywhere there exist an
awful combination of dictatorship and elements of democracy.
The Supreme Leader of Iran, of course a Grand Ayatollah, who remains in power until
death, is responsible for the delineation and supervision of "the general policies of the
Islamic Republic." He is the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, controls the
military intelligence and security operations; and has the only power to declare war. The
Supreme Leader appoints the heads of judiciary, state radio, television networks, the
commanders of police and military forces, and six out of the twelve members of the
Council of Guardians. Since the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran, there have
only been two Supreme Leaders; Ruhollah Khomeini, 1979–1989, and Ali Khamenei,
1989 – continuing on.
The Assembly of Experts elects and dismisses the Supreme Leader on basis of
qualifications and popular esteem—no one has seen dismissal so far. The Assembly of
Experts is responsible for supervising the Supreme Leader in the performance of legal
duties. However, that is just hogwash, as the person under reference is too powerful for
any individual or organization to take up head on. This is plain and simple dictatorship
strengthened and augmented with the authority of religion.
The elected president of Iran is, in fact, a miserable wretch, who simply runs errands and
carries out commands of the Supremo, though he receives a mandate from the masses at
the time of election. He is in servitude to a religious dictator, which the sociologists
consider to be of the most horrific kind. A vast majority of illiterate people remains
apprehensive about it, and never ever dare to oppose it. They did revolt against the Shah,
but would never dare to turn against the Grandiose, because this time they would be
committing a grave sin, punishable in hell. The ‘opium of religion’ would do the trick and
keep them in check.
There is a strong undercurrent gaining strength, especially, among the literate Iranians,
that the country’s over all economic situation was much better during the reign of the
Shah, which was toppled by the religious frenzy of the common people, instigated and
accentuated manifold by the religious mafia of Ruhollah Khomeini and his cohorts.
The alleged religious revolution of Iran has let the people down and has made their life
miserable. It has been a total failure on the economic front, which the ostensible leaders
of the revolution did stress upon the most, as the main premise. Now, 40/50% university
graduates cannot find jobs, in the land, which used to be a thriving industrial and
commercial market, where skilled people from the sub-continent used to come looking
for all sorts of jobs.
The Supremo and his allied Mullahs lack the vision of turning the oil rich country into an
industrial giant. It is bad luck of the Iranians that their leaders lack knowledge, aptitude,
and the requisite expertise for industrializing the country. The Mullah Hegemony is
corrupt to the core, and cares a damn for their citizens. However, they have made them
very happy by giving them unbridled sexual freedom, through the institution of Mut’ah.
The unemployed young men and women, who cannot get married due to financial
problems, take out their frustration through temporary marriage, due to which teen
pregnancy has increased by whopping 70%, within the last five to ten years. Incidentally,
now, in Iran, 60% of the total population standing at 145 million is under 25.


Muzafar-ud-Deen Kokari, Bin-Arbal, a nonreligious ruler, was the founder of the

pageant, now recognized as the Eid-e-Meelaad–un-Nabi parade, taken out on the main
thoroughfares of various metropolitan cities of many Muslim countries. To celebrate this
joyful event with real pomp and show, he ordered various professional dancing troupes to
accompany the procession for the pleasure of the spectators. On the floats, special singing
groups were seated, excessively eulogizing Mohammad, by singing Qawwalis
[devotional vocal presentations], profusely exaggerating the achievements, he made
during his lifetime.
Then there were special choirs [without musical accompaniment], which praised
Mohammad to the skies, giving an impression of his god incarnated, superhuman powers,
and achievements. Muzafar-ud-Deen’s friend, Molavi Umair –Bin- Wahyya-ul- Khattab,
an eminent jurist of his time, but a very self-centered character, was the biggest
inspiration for him to start that kind of worthless and against the tenets of the Qur’an
extravaganza. Incidentally, he was one the most notorious fabricators of Ahadith.
Both of them initiated, popularized, and established that ritual during 604 Higra in the
city of Mosol, of the modern Iraq.

 King Muzafar-ul-Deen Kokari, Bin-Arbal was a spendthrift extraordinaire. He

ordered the Mullahs on his pay role, to invent new rituals for making the
religion more colorful, as compared to its drab outlook at that moment.
However, it is interested to note, that personally, he was an atheist.[Alqool-
Al-Mothad, Meellaads, P. 22]
 He was the first Muslim ruler in the Muslim history, who introduced that kind
of extraneous activities, which the Qur’an forbids. His favorite pastime was
that on the eve of Eid-e-Meelaad-un-Nabi, he used to gather his chosen
musicians, singers, and dancers to dance on the most popular rhythmic
compositions. [Fatawa Rasheedia, P.132]
 Mr. Sabbat-Bin-Jotri in his publication, History Mirrat-uz-Zama presents the
following details of his extravagant expenditure on the eve of Eid-e-Meelaad-

On the eve of Eid-e-Meelaad-un-Nabi, king Muzafar-ul-Deen Kokari, Bin-

Arbal had a standing order to slaughter 5,000 lambs, 10,000 chicken, 100
horses, and prepare 30,000 plates of Halwah [a sweet dish prepared from
wheat lets , sugar, and oil] for dinner. Muslim mystics called Sufis were
invited to such a sumptuous feast, who continued singing and dancing up to
the wee hours in the morning.

Here it must be born in mind that horse is a non-ruminating animal and
Muslims are forbidden to consume it as such. This Muzafar-ul-Deen Kokari,
Bin- Arbal was a strange character, who made his Muslim invitees eat

There is a well-known saying, ‘monkey see, monkey do.’ This adage adequately applies
to the Muslims, who copied many Jewish, and Christian rituals cum relics, and
‘Islamized’ them, in a way to look as their own. A pertinent example is required here to
hammer the point right home.
The Jews declared Sabbath as a ‘holy day’ and holiday, which in simple terms means,
God got tired after the creation of the universe, and was resting in the lap of deep
slumber, without sedation. However, the Jewish priesthood stayed wide-awake and was
actively engaged in religious, taking full advantage of His absence. They were out
collecting donations in His name from their followers, including rich as well as poor.
Jewish Rabbis are still following their ‘rich’ tradition and do not let any Saturday go bye
without doing their good ‘godly’ work of collecting funds in the name of their God.
The Christians imitated the Jews and the Pope announced Sunday as a Holy Day or
holiday throughout the Christendom. The basic tenet was the same, to fleece the repentant
sheep thoroughly with the promise of the Lord’s forgiveness.
How could the Muslim clergy be such a stupid bunch to let this heavenly chance pass
bye, without taking full advantage of it? They picked up Friday as their Holy Day, or
Allah’s day off. On that day, they use every trick of their lucrative trade, for collecting all
sorts of funds for the good of Allah and Mohammad; in the sense, if the mosques remain
in operation, the Muslims would be supplicating, beating rosary beads, and performing
all other rituals to keep them alive in people’s minds
Similarly, when Sunnis saw Shi’ahs racking in money with all hands on the Aashoora ‫عا‬
‫ شو را‬commemorative parade taken out for the fictitious martyrs of Karbala, they decided
to cash in the birthday of Mohammad. They started taking out processions consisting of
bullock cart floats along with a large number of horse and camel riders, wearing typical
Arab warrior dresses, in various Muslim countries.
Here, a very basic question pops up. Does the Qur’an instruct the humans anywhere in its
entire text to celebrate the anniversary of Mohammad or worship the lion god Ali, Fatima
Hassan and Hussian? If that is not so, where do the Muslims get their queue for wasting
so much energy, time and money for observing those religious events? Another question
is did Mohammad ever throw a party during his lifetime on his birthday, or his stalwart
friends did some thing of the sort, after his passing away? If the answer to all of the three
queries mentioned above is a definite no, then wherefrom the Muslims in the 21 st century
get the permission to do something, which never happened in the time and life of
Mohammad and his associates?
The Qur’an declares that even the most high-ranking people on this planet, like
Mohammad, Jesus, and other Messengers of Allah have no right to order their respective
people to worship, or extol them unnecessarily. Allah’s commandments only deserve that
kind of submission. [3:79, 80]

‘In a state established upon the tenets of the Qur’an, the basic underlying principle
remains such that no human being, even the most high ranking Messenger of Allah,
has any right to ask his people, “Worship me, and obey my orders rather than that
of Allah.” This is irrespective of the fact that such a person may have received
Allah’s set of laws, together with wisdom, judgment, and the power to enforce it. On
the contrary, he is supposed to say, “Devote yourself to Allah’s legal system and
coordinate a nurturing arrangement for the entire humanity, by following His Book
that you personally study and teach others!’

Therefore, the Quran does not permit the promotion of any kind of personality cult, or
establishment of celebrity status for any one through media hype. Eulogizing dead
humans is against the charter of the Qur’an, because nothing fruitful comes out of that
effort. This constitutes an exercise in futility, and the Qur’an forbids all such practices.
Incidentally, the Shi’ah religion has nothing to offer, except the worst kind of personality
cult and hero worship of the characters, which never existed on the face of the earth. All
of them are fictitious, and created by the despicable, disruptive, and devastating minds of
the Iranian Aimmah.


It is strange, the worldwide charity and donation collecting organizations are doing their
business in the name of God. The Christian Church Ministries established on the air,
and especially working through the TV channels give out very potent message to their
faithful followers for racking in lots of loot. They voice a very exciting line repeatedly,
“Let Jesus come into your heart.”
The question is how Jesus can come into the heart of the people, 2,006 years later, after
his passing away, when according to the Christian Gospel, he could not do anything to
save his own skin, and accepted crucifixion at the joint hands of the Roman governor and
the Jewish priesthood. The people who dish out charity on such calls must be dumb.
The con artists in the garb of Muslim clergy are even worst than their Christian
counterparts. They ask for every bit and scrap of money for which they find any
authenticity in the Qur’an. Now, they are even begging for Sadaqaat, which only a
legitimate government, established upon the charter of the Qur’an, has the authority to
collect, only in an emergent situation.
The religious leaders of every religion are vultures, which live in a grandiose style,
without earning a single cent themselves. None of them goes for the rigorous 9-5 job, or
does the shift work, which the ordinary citizens of the most advanced nations have to
brave, to make a decent living.
Recently a very disturbing report is circulating in the North American media, which states
categorically that 80% of the funds collected by any charitable organization cover the
administrative cost, whereas only 20% go to alleviate the cause for which the specific
charity is ‘working so hard.’
Donation and charity business is booming in North America, and the big business has its
involvement in this game, the big way. The corporate sector dishes out all kinds of,
political, religious, and social handouts to the ‘needy people’ for the following reasons:

 The corporations, which suck the last drop of blood out of their workforce, the
backbone of their empires, donate millions of dollars to the political beggars,
religious parasites, and social conmen, instead of doing anything worthwhile for
their employees, just for the sake of tax breaks, which sometimes go as high as
 The political donations give the corporations, effective influence in the corridors
of power, as they have already set up their lobbies, which watch their interest.
Some people are of the opinion that politicians are like putty in the hands of
corporate heads, and they do everything in their power to keep them happy,
otherwise they would not get any funds to run their expensive election campaigns.
 The corporations dish out funds to the churches, synagogues, now even mosques
and temples to show the people the extent of their philanthropy for the good cause
of maintaining religious freedom. They have to do that to get the tax breaks. If
they give that money to their employees, they would get nothing in return from
the government.

A fine example of religion working for the benefit of its primary institution [the Church]
is vividly represented by the life and time of Mother Teresa. When alive, she was revered
as a great Christian missionary, who started working in 1952 for the uplift of the poverty-
stricken in Kolkata [Calcutta], India. The purpose was to increase the number of
demographic minority of Indian Christians, because just before her arrival on the scene,
that particular community, like Muslims, was facing a severe communal discrimination.
Here a very pertinent question comes up. If she was a social worker, then why was she
working under the protective umbrella of the Christian Church? She could be like
Rabinder Nath Taigore, who consistently worked throughout his life for social reforms in
India, through the creation of his ingenious and marvelous literary masterpieces.
The worldwide multinationals supported Mother Teresa for her work, who religiously
tried to establish the Christian faith amongst the poorest of the poor in India. That was the
community, which needed utmost help in the face of persecution at the hands of the upper
cast Hindu majority. Strangely enough, it is always the game of numbers, which is of
vital importance for the survival of a nation.
Mother Teresa used the donated capital of capitalist organizations to convert lowest cast
Hindus to Christianity. She did nothing to improve their living standard, through
improving their skills of earning a decent livelihood, which is the only way to build a
community on a sound economical footing. There was or rather still is a dire need to re-
educate those Indians to improve the proficiency of their native profession, and to learn
new trades for improving their lot, with their own efforts.
They could be given better equipment for their trade, but nothing of that sort happened.
Keeping people on charity is a criminal offence, because it does not given them any sense
of achievement to build up personal self-respect. They do not become productive and
look towards others for their survival. The best way to help people is to re-educate them,
equip them properly, provide them opportunities to show their professional prowess, with
the proviso, when they become productive, they return the total original investment, with
equitable markup, if possible.
The ‘holy’ Mother Teresa did nothing of the sort. Her institution provides stopgap
arrangement, which is of no use at all. The people were having a miserable life before she
came on the scene, and are still living the same way; in the concrete pipes. Her mission in
India is an utter failure, whereas Indian state of Kerala is booming, because no one in that
state is surviving on donations and charity.
The Qur’an openly condemns this kind of capitalist oriented religious based charity
system [charity organizations of the Western countries], wherein existence of ‘haves’ and
‘have-nots’ is essential, for demonstrating the love of humans, to God. However, the
biggest problem with this system is that people on the receiving end, lose their self-
respect, dignity and confidence. They can never be progressive, dynamic, or effective in
their own way, and always look forward to the upper hand, belonging to the donor. In
fact, the slogans like, ‘for the love of God, Jesus or Mohammad’ are just empty words,
which mean nothing to the benefactor; all they are interested to know is how much
money they can save from the Revenue Canada or Internal Revenue Service in the USA.
The Qur’an presents the perfect fiscal solution to the dilemma or rather rigmarole of
taxes and charity, together with maintaining the self-esteem of every individual, in the
form of Zakah. This system ensures the provision of all amenities of life to the people,
along with creating a progressive, prosperous, and secure society, wherein its members
enjoy life without any fear.


The Qur’an declares, unequivocally; every member of the workforce, irrespective of

gender, has to work diligently, in accordance with one’s education, skill, and expertise in
a chosen profession to generate income for personal and family maintenance. No taxation
system is put in place, because no taxes are ever to be collected. However, every
breadwinner has to voluntarily deposit, funds over and above one’s total requirement into
the national exchequer for the government to run its administration, and public programs.
Mohammad, who remains a role model of the economic system of the Qur’an until this
day, did not pay 2.5% Zakah on his annual savings during his entire lifetime, because he
never had any savings in the first place, as he never kept anything more than his own and
family requirements.
In fact, paying 2.5% Zakah on the total yearly savings defeats the very purpose of this
system and is tantamount to complete defiance of the tenets of the last revelation. The
Islamic priesthood invented this rate of Zakah payment for the kings, princes and other
rich people to protect their treasures and amassed wealth from distribution among their
subjects. Additionally, this is the easiest ‘Islamic’ way out, to convert black money into
white. It is the pinnacle of the capitalist system.
Currently, throughout the Muslim world all types of taxes, prevalent in the Western
democracies, are levied along with the so-called Islamic dues in the form of Zakah,
Fatrana and Sadaqaat. Charity comes on top of it all. Despite all that, not a single
Muslim country is financially well off. None of them is either advanced or rich, including
the oil loaded Kingdoms and Sheikhdoms.
In terms of Islamic Fiqah and Ahadith, the word Zakah signifies that every Muslim of
means must pay an amount equivalent to 2.5% of one’s yearly savings to either needy or
destitute people or to the government. The Islamic priesthood came up with the arbitrary
figure of 2.5 % Zakah, as charity tax or more appropriately the ‘Bully Tax’ and protected
the immense wealth of the ruling kings, their cohorts and other rich people.
On top of that, the Muslim priesthood has also coined the terms Fatrana, charity, and
donation for the sake of Swab. On the occasions of weekly Juma and Eid congregations,
along with the whole month of Ramadan, the leaders of every sect go on an alms-
collecting spree, in the name of Allah. In their religious sermons, they appeal to the
simple-minded sectarian assembly to give them Zakah, charity, Fatrana and Sadaqaat for
the construction of a new mosque to accommodate the expanding community belonging
to their sect. They play all dirty tricks in the book to grab money. They offer the rich,
buxom Hoors possessing exquisite beauty, adorned with almond shaped eyes, like those
of a gazelle, in the next life. The poor Muslims get the message; Allah is testing their
mettle in this world, to reward them in the hereafter. They are also given to understand
that this life is just a transitory period, or fleeting moment; they should forget about it and
look forward to the life after death.
This way the Ummah is divided into two distinct classes, ‘haves’, and ‘have-nots’ that
suits the clergy’s plan of action, with Allah right in the middle. The engineered system of
Zakah cannot work without the existence of ‘donor’ and ‘receiver’ stratums of the
society. There have to be destitute in large numbers for receiving the Zakah, a good
portion of which ends up in the pockets of the religious priests, as their cut of the loot.
However, this synthetic system of Zakah is an outright humiliation of human integrity
and reduces the unfortunate Muslims to the status of beggars. However, the Qur’an
regards every human being as an equally respected individual, and institution of such a
Zakah system, which never existed in the time of the last Messenger of Allah, is an
outright rejection of the clear injunction of the divine constitution.
The present 2.5% Zakah on the total yearly savings of an individual or a corporation is
nowhere mentioned in the Qur’an. It is interesting to note, the Shi’ah cult claims
exemption from paying even current rate. They seem to be the real followers of
Mohammad, who also did not pay Zakah at the prevalent tariff, fixed by the Muslim
clergy [2.5% of yearly savings]. They might go for the real thing, handing over every
cent in excess of their personal needs.
Unfortunately, in the Shi’ah Iran, the Comprehensive Tax Scheme presently in force has
nothing to do with the Zakah system of the Qur’an, as it is set up on the typical capitalist
economic pattern of the West, which the Mullahs of the Guardian Council seem to hate.
The current constitution of Iran is also worlds apart from that presented in the last
revelation of Allah. It is a totalitarian system that the Mullah hegemony is running,
without even basic freedoms provided to the people.
The cultist Iran is the worst possible representation of dictatorship. In the 21 st century, the
people are still paying homage to the individuals, who passed away over 14 centuries
ago. Some of the characters, they revere the most did not exist. Mohammad did not have
any daughter called Fatima, because it is a non-Arabic name, created by the Iranian
Aimmah, the biggest liars of all time. In the absence of Fatima, neither Ali became son-in-
law of Mohammad, nor did he ever get two sons, by the name of Hassan and Hussain.
The story revolving around those four characters is baseless, and the sad events attributed
to them never happened. This is the typical demonstration of ‘much a do about nothing.’
To learn more about this topic, please go through the chapter on Zakah.
There are many unsubstantiated fables described by most of the Shi’ah historians and the
authors of Ahadith that Mohammad and his companions were so much poverty-stricken,
they could not even afford to have two square meals a day. To cut down the pangs of
hunger emanating from their empty stomachs, each one of them used to tie average-sized
round stone to his midriff just to trick his digestive system of having full belly.
The same literature, unequivocally, proves, Ali was one of the richest persons of his time.
The list of his movable and immovable property along with the people in the household is
given under the following heading:

Ali’s Heritage for his Successors

 At the time of his death, Ali had 27.76 million rupees worth of property, which is
equivalent to a trillion rupees [Pak] in the modern times.
 He left four wives and 24 sons and daughters behind.
 In addition, nineteen maidservants survived as he passed away. According to
Ahadith, Ali suffered from Satyriasis, a condition identified as morbid
lasciviousness in human males. In other words, he was addicted to sex, as a sex
fiend, and used his maidservants [B5:447,637] for that purpose. Besides that, he
used to have new female bed partner every night, under the license of Mut’ah
[temporary marriage]. Another Ahadith says, one night Ali had an all night carnal
bout with the sister of caliph Umar, again under the ‘holy auspices of Mut’ah.’
Incidentally, his eldest son Hassan died of excessive copulation, according to
Mahmood Ahmad Abbassi. [Khlafat-e-Muawia-o- Yazeed (Ed. 1962)]
 Ali left for his progeny an orchard of dates, with a yearly yield of 200 tones.
 Imam Bukhari provides the details of greed personified in one of his Traditions.
As the story goes, Ali and Abbass were the joint guardians of the Public Treasury.
First, Ali fired Abbass from his post, and then took over all available funds. After
his death, this wealth became the inheritance of Hassan and Hussain. [Bukhari,
Al-Magazi, (Tradition No. 1206)]

Allama Ibne-Khaldoon, on the authority of Allama Masoodi, has provided some

interesting or rather amazing information pertaining to the assets or legacies of some of
the close companions of Mohammed, which are presented below for the interest of


His survivors got hold of the following heritage, upon his departure as a martyr:
 He left 100,000.00 Dinars and 10,000,000.00 Dirham all in hard cash.
 In addition, he had assets worth 200,000.00 Dinars.
 He owned horses valued at 150,000.00 Dinars.

Abdur Rahman-ibne-Aouf

He left one thousand horses, one thousand camel, and ten thousands goats, as his
Zaid -bin-Sabat

Upon his death, he left behind a heap of gold and silver, besides 100,000.00 Dinars and
vast gardens in the vicinities of Iskandria [Egypt] and in Basra [Iraq]


The Islamic literature represents him as one of the most stalwart companions of
Mohammad, and the same sources also point out, he was actively involved in the
despicable trade of buying and selling maidservants [like a big time pimp] prohibited by
the Qur’an. At his death, his estate comprised of the following:

 Over 1,000 horses

 Gorgeous maidservants [1,000] for sale
 Gold coins counted at 200,000
 In addition to a big chunk of real estate, he also owned a large herd of
sheep and camel, with the daily earning of 1,000 gold coins.

It seems logical to check the authenticity of the above claims, made by the authors of the
ostensible Islamic literature from the Qur’an, by utilizing Allah’s gift of innate human
intelligence and power of reasoning.
The Qur’an clearly states in the verse 17:70 that every human being is equally honorable
from Allah’s standpoint. It is, however, mind boggling to believe, Zubair being a
respectable associate of Mohammad could be involved in the forbidden business of slave
[particularly female] trading.

‘Every member of the human species, which We evolved in billions of years to its
current state of perfection, is equally respectable in accordance with the code of

The Qur’an commands humans that wealth should not remain within or circulate only
among a few families, cartels, or corporations. In view of this unequivocal directive,
pertaining to the fiscal management of the state, the question arises how Ali, Othman, or
Zubair could dare to ignore the clear-cut commands of the Qur’an, and accumulate
immense amount of wealth for personal use.
However, the Qur’an suggests that the medium-sized local industrial and commercial
enterprises must be encouraged, and integrated with the new and ongoing projects, to
check one-sided profit grabbing practice of the foreign collaborators. [59:7]

‘Wealth, along with the means of sustenance, must not remain in the hands of a
limited number of rich families, a few organizations [like modern multinationals] or
some rich countries.’

An adequate and efficiently working economic system is extremely important for

maintaining and improving the living standard of any nation. To answer the constant
queries of Mohammad’s companions in this context, Allah enunciated the guiding
principle in the following verse: [2:219]

‘Mohammad, your companions are asking you time and again, what can they do to
ensure means of sustenance, for the entire humanity? You should go ahead, and tell
them, “Relinquish, what is over and above your personal or family needs, to the
state! You should easily understand His simple commandments, because of His
excellent power of expression, pertaining to the economic management of the state.
In fact, based on this know-how, you can and should build an excellent financial
administration, and establish monetary research organizations for the service of
entire humanity.”

In the presence of the above directives of the Qur’an, regarding equitable distribution of
wealth, how the honorable companions of Mohammad, like Othman, Ali, Zubair and all
others, could amass immense resources of wealth for their personal use, which is only
permissible under the functioning of an idealistic capitalist system.
Certainly, the associates of the last Messenger of Allah, who worked exceptionally hard
with utmost honesty, guaranteed by the Qur’an, did not keep any resources over and
above their personal and family requirement. The Ahadith and Sunnah writers of Iran,
created fictitious amount of legacy, left behind by each companion of Mohammad,
because they hated them all, the most, except Ali, the conjured up son-in-law of
The verse 59:9 clearly explains, the companions of Mohammad were living for the
service of other members of the society, and were not building up their personal assets in
the form of property and wealth.

‘Men and women working for the establishment of a peaceful society, under the
command of Mohammad, give preference to the needs of others compared to their
own, though they might have to endure personal hardships going that way.’

Allah, in the verse 48:29 says, the comrades of Mohammad loved each other [as an
expectant mother loves her unborn baby], and work for the development and sustenance
of each other. With this definition instilled in their minds, it is ludicrous even to imagine
for a moment, they could amass the kind of wealth mentioned by the Ahadith, Sunnah
and Tradition writers of the 3rd and 4th centuries.

‘Mohammad is the Messenger of Allah and his companions love each other [just as a
mother loves her children], because of sharing and supporting the principles,
enunciated by the Qur’an. They are firm, strong, and solid like a rock for those, who
conceal or oppose the commandments of the last revelation of Allah.’

The Qur’an, in the verse 8:74, immensely appreciates the companions of Mohammad, for
achieving overwhelming success, pertaining to the establishment of the just and equitable
economic system, based on the divine order.

‘The companions of Mohammad were the true Momineen [working for peace].They
successfully established a peaceful society, wherein they completely protected
themselves, with regards to all necessary provisions of life, by earning their living
through right and honorable means.’

The compatriots of Mohammad, under his brilliant leadership, created a social and
economic revolution unparalleled in the human history. First, they got personally
convinced with the constitution, and the code of conduct presented by the Qur’an,
utilizing Allah given gift of innate intelligence and power of reasoning. Then, they whole-
heartedly supported Allah’s last Messenger, through thick and thin, and never ever
betrayed him. Because of their efforts, Allah rewarded them with a peaceful, progressive,
and prosperous society, wherein people lived together promoting unity, faith, and
discipline. [9:100]

‘On account of their outstanding achievements in all possible walks of life, Allah is
more than pleased with them. On the other hand, they are equally delighted with
Allah’s rewards in the form of peace, prosperity, and progress, which are having a
strong foothold in their society. A green revolution is in progress and the economy is
like a flowing waterway [keeping money in circulation] irrigating every piece of
land, under the till. This is their fantastic attainment, which they secured because of
their self-confidence, coupled with diligent effort.’

The Iranian Imams, the real authors of Ahadith, Sunnah, Traditions, and Fiqah, along
with die-hard Shi’ah historians, did not have any respect for the Arab companions of the
Arab Messenger of Allah, who virtually ran over their ‘majestic’ empire. In fact, they let
hatred simmer in their hearts, like the ‘sacred fire’, which keeps on burning in their
Zoroastrian temples over millennia.
They were looking for the right time to avenge their ‘honor’, and remained in the
vanguard of conspiracies to topple the Banu Umayyad dynasty, which was equally rotten
and way off the administration specified by the Qur’an. Finally, they found a stooge in
the person of Abu Al-Abbas Al-Saffah, founder of the Abbasid dynasty. This time their
conspiracy proved to be a resounding success, and as they had done all the planning and
hard work to uproot the hold of Umayyad, they became the closest allies of the caliph,
and wielded maximum influence in his administration.
The Abbasid remained in power over five centuries [750 – 1258 A.D.], and during that
time, they systematically decimated the literature generated by the Arab writers,
pertaining to various topic like the constitution of the Qur’an, administration of
Mohammad, and that of his noble companions after he passed away, along with much
It is really mind boggling to note, that not a single page written by an Arab writer, since
the time of Mohammad to the Abbasid period is available now. There is a gaping hole of
three centuries without any Arabic literature ever appearing. Is it not strange, that a nation
proud of its language and rich literary heritage, turned mentally barren, in the period
ensuing after the departure of Mohammad, when the age of enlightenment in the Arab
Peninsula had actually dawned?
Along with the destruction of the existing Arabic literature, the Iranian Aimmah [both
Shi’ah and Sunni], the biggest conspirators against Allah, Mohammad and the Qur’an,
started producing their own writings in the name of the last Messenger. The idea was to
blast out the unity of the Muslim Ummah into as many sects as possible. Since then the
Muslims stand divided, and seem to be drifting apart, continually. There is not even a
glimmer of hope of their ever becoming together, as they were in the time of Mohammad.
The Iranian literature comprising of Ahadith, Sunnah, Fiqah, Traditions, expositions of
the Qur’an, and last but not the least, biased history churned out by the Shi’ah historians,
does nothing, except ridiculing Mohammad and his honorable associates, along with
misinterpreting the real message of the Qur’an, through flawed expositions.
Unfortunately, the prevalent Muslim priesthood considers the Iranian conspiratorial
literature, as the very basis of the ‘religion Islam.’ Originally, Al-Deen was free of all
rituals like worthless Nimaz [Iranian word], useless Darood-o- Salam, futile Zikar, and all
prevalent time wasting Adiyya [plural of Dua], rites, and customs. However, Al-Deen is
dead for a millennium, and the ‘religion, known as Islam’, is now in existence and
It seems appropriate, to mention certain rules followed for the presentation of this
document, which shall make it both easy and enjoyable for the readers to go through the
content, which are as follows:

1) All translations of the Qur’an are in bold script [besides the headings of chapters,
subchapters], bounded by apostrophes, with a space between the last line of the
translation and the new paragraph.
2) The Arabic words, terms, expressions, besides proper nouns, and excerpts from
various references are in Italics.
3) The time marking is in the traditional or conventional B.C. and A.D.
abbreviations, instead of BCE and CE, for easy correlation of the people, which
are familiar with the former acronyms.

Introduction to Individual Chapters

The pertinent topics discussed under various chapters are briefly described for the
guidance of the readers, as this makes selective reading much easier.

Chapter One: Real Sallat and Fake Nimaz

History of the current Iranian Nimaz, together with the detailed discussion of the terms
Sallat and Zakah from the viewpoint of the Qur’an

Chapter Two: Sallat and the Code of conduct

Administrative aspects of the Qur’an taken up with reference to the following topics:

 Hygienic consideration [Fagsaloo]

 Preparation of participants for assemblies
 Timings of the Sallat get-togethers
 Real purpose of Sallat
 Voice level of the speakers
 Additional meanings of Sallat, like war-room strategy
 Connotation of Sallat-ul Wista, which is not Zohar prayer, but covers the family
code of the Qur’an
 Sallat-ul-Jumma definitely not Friday prayers, covers emergent meetings for
emergent situations

Chapter Three: Prevalent Zakah System, and the Qur’an

Discussion pertaining to the current Zakah system, and the viewpoint of the Qur’an

Chapter Four: Ascension of Mohammad and Gift of Prayers

Legacy of five daily prayers sessions and the Iranian fabrication of Ahadith and
Sunnah…the story of Mohammad’s ascension, and tête-à-tête with Allah…becoming a
yo-yo between Allah and Moses

Chapter Five: Sallat Established by Previous Messengers

Sallat or governments established by the following Messengers in their respective times,
as told by the Qur’an:


Chapter Six: Surgery of Sallat and other Rituals by the Qur’an

Discussion of Sallat in terms of the Qur’an…Iranian Darood-o-Salam…Zikar and
numerous other worthless rituals…the festival of Aakaz [Okadh]

Chapter Seven: Role of Mosques in a Social Setup based on the Qur’an

Use of mosques in the time of Mohammad and his companions…comparison with
modern times…are these structures just for performing five daily sessions of

Chapter Eight: Reality of various KHTUBAT

The connotations of Khutbaat…continued misuse by the Muslim clergy…an exhaustive
discussion on various aspects

Chapter Nine: Muslim Clergy in the Hot Seat

Pertinent questions about Iranian Nimaz and logical answers from the Qur’an

Akhtar Sherazi
Safdar Agh

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