Ulangan Harian Bahasa Inggris Kelas V

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Ulangan Harian Bahasa Inggris Kelas V

NAMA : Kelas :
I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a, b, c, or d!
Text for number 1 to 6
My Daily Activities
My name is Julie. This is my daily activities. I get up at five o'clock in the morning. I brush my teeth at five ten.
I take a bath at five fifteen, and then I have breakfast at half past five every morning.
I go to school at six thirty in the mornning. I arrive at school at seven o'clock. The school begins at quarter past
seven every morning. And the school finishes at one fifteen in the afternoon. I arrive at home at two o'clock in
the afternoon. I have lunch at ten past two in the afternoon.
At home, I take a nap at three o'clock. I watch television at a quarter to five in the afternoon. I have dinner at
seven in the evening. I study at seven thirty. I go to bed at nine. On Sunday I help my mother in the kitchen.
1. Julie gets up at ....
a. quarter to five AM b. half past five AM c. a quarter past five Am d. five AM
2. Julie has to take a bath at ....
a. half past six AM b. a quarter past five c. half past six PM d. half past five PM
3. Julie goes to school at ....
a. five past six in the morning b. a quarter past seven c. quarter past six d. half past six
4. Julie arrives at home at ....
a. one past ten PM b. one past two PM c. ten to two PM d. two o'clock
5. Julie studies her lesson at ....
a. ten to seven PM b. ten past seven PM c. half past seven d. half past twentyfive PM
6. Julie helps her mother on ....
a. Monday b. Tuesday c. Saturday d. Sunday
7. The students usually have flag ceremony on ....
a. Sunday b. Monday c. Friday d. Saturday
8. Moslems usually go to mosque to pray on ....
a. Sunday b. Thursday c. Friday d. Sunday
9. The first month of the year is ....
a. January b. February c. March d. April
10. There are .... moths in a year.
a. eleven b. twelve c. thirteen d. fourteen
11. The Kartini's day is on....
a. January b. February c. March d. April
12. Indonesia independence day is on ....
a. July b. August c. September d. October
13. Today is Saturday. Yesterday was ....
a. Monday b. Thursday c. Friday d. Sunday
14. "Hari apa hari ini?" in English is ....
a. Yesterday was Sunday c. What day is today?
b. Tomorrow will be Tuesday d. Today is Tuesday
15. Before you go to bed, brush your ....
a. teeth b. chin c. cheek d. head
II. Fill in the blank by using the word in the box!
21. Monkeys eat ....
22. Mother buys fruit and vegetables in the ....
23. Today is Monday, yesterday was ....
24. There are .... days in a week.
25. Before May is ....
26. After June is ....
27. This is .... pencils.
28. Mango, apple, water melon are the names of ....
29. spinach, carrot, cucumber are the names of ....
30. I go Surabaya by ....
31. We need .... to play badminton.
32. The last month of the year is ....
33. My mother .... rice in the kitchen.
34. The students play foot ball in the ....
35. ... she a teacher?
III. Answer these questions bellow!
36. Write five names of land transportation!
37. Write five names of the days!
38. Write five names of vegetables!
IV. Arrange the words into the good sentence!
39. Santi - Bandung - goes - by - to - Bus.
40. school - go - I - to - six - at - o'clock - in - morning - the.

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