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Module Task 1

Dr Abu Sayeed Galib

Diploma in Remote and Offshore Medicine
Module C01: Health and Wellbeing of the Remote Worker
Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburg

Due date: 16.12.2018

Table Module_C01_Portfolio_Task1: A table describing how different locations lead to different needs
and requirements and approach to caregiving.

Location Needs Requirements

1. Offshore Work Vessel/Arabian Plan for management of trauma. Ensure all personnel on board had
Sea. undergone preemployment
Medevac plan.
screening for medical conditions.
Project: Construction of flare and
Infectious disease outbreak plan.
installation of topside platform for Review current policies regarding
oil drilling, processing and Plan medical inventory. medical emergencies, disease
residential complex. conditions and general hygiene.
Prevent drug and alcohol abuse on
board of work vessel. Plan and stock required supplies.

Ensure medical personnel are

experienced in emergency and
trauma care.

Ensure stretcher team is in place

for all shifts.

Plan and conduct drills to

ascertain smooth response in case
of trauma and other emergencies

Ensure all stakeholders

understand how the medevac plan

Test the medevac communication


Ensure vaccines and

immunoglobulins are in stock for
any preventable disease

Ensure Isolation room is present in

the medical facilities.

Pre and post diving screening of

target personnel.
Module Task 1
Dr Abu Sayeed Galib
Diploma in Remote and Offshore Medicine
Module C01: Health and Wellbeing of the Remote Worker
Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburg

Random drug and alcohol


2. Africa 1. Awareness of Environmental 1. A. Maintain stock of

hazards: anti-snake venom serum
Mining and Processing plant,
and scorpion antiserum.
operating areas and residential A. Biological hazards like B. Stock of antidotes
camp. poisonous snakes, scorpions, and treatment supplies
other wild animals for chemical hazards.
B. Chemical hazards, naturally C. Heat stress
occurring in the region and
monitoring and oral
rehydration salt and
industrial chemicals.
solution supplies.
C. Physical hazards, like high heat
in the area, injury from 2. Identify treatable
equipment. diseases, and maintain
such stock.
2. Epidemiology of diseases and 3. Trauma management
conditions occurring in the local stock.
population. 4. Health and Safety
3. Pattern of disease conditions
among expats.

4. Pattern of disease and injuries

in similar projects.

3. Indian Ocean 1. Prevent embarkation of 1. Careful inspection and

passengers who may be too ill to questioning of suspicious cases,
Passenger Vessel, Mainland and
travel. who may be at risk if allowed to
2. Understand disease
epidemiology and injury of 2. Stock all medicines, equipment
passengers and marine crew. and paraphernalia, in the ship’s
3. Implement proper response in
case of medical emergencies. 3. Conduct drill for the stretcher
team, test communication systems
with shore medical facilities,
maintain communication channels
with the marine crew, responsible
for contacting shore personnel.
Module Task 1
Dr Abu Sayeed Galib
Diploma in Remote and Offshore Medicine
Module C01: Health and Wellbeing of the Remote Worker
Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburg

4. Australian Landscape 1. Identify major causes of 1. Confirm, whether an

illness and injury. injury is due to
Sporting activities
2. Biological hazards like snakebites or otherwise;
snake bites seems stock required medical
prevalent in the area. supplies.
3. Dyselectrolemia in 2. Screen for clinical
athletes and runners findings of electrolyte
seems a major concern imbalance at periodic
Australia 1. Mental health issues 1. Promote mental health
need addressing. and wellbeing.
Army Cadet and School Camping
2. Prevent harassment and 2. Refer to specialists.
Activities. bullying among 3. Implement disciplinary
individuals. actions against habitual
offenders by notifying
appropriate authorities.

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