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I, Joseph Ronald E. Enriquez of legal age, single, Filipino, resident of ___________________

______________________ state that;

1. On May 17, 2019, Mr. Alvin G. Enriquez passed away;

2. The deceased was a member of St. Peter Life Plan;
3. I am an heir of the deceased being his Brother.
4. I hereby waive in favor of Jhormanel Russel E. Enriquez all rights and interest I may have over
the provident benefits due the deceased from the St. Peter Life Plan.
5. I hereby release and discharge the St. Peter Life Plan from any and all liability in connection
with the a fore mentioned waiver and released of the provident benefits in favor of the above
named person;
6. I am executing this affidavit to attest to the truth of the foregoing facts and statements.

I further say yet not.

Joseph Ronald E. Enriquez



_____________________________ _______________________________
Printed Name/Signature Printed Name/Signature

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me in the ________________ this ____________day of

_________________, ___________ by ___________________, who has satisfactorily proven to me
his/her identity through his/her _____________________________ valid until
___________________, that he/she is the same person who personally signed before me the
foregoing Waiver of Rights and acknowledged that he/she executed the same.


Doc. No. ___________;

Page No. ___________;
Book No.___________;
Series of ___________;

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