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Romantic Relationship Scale

Sex: ____
1 2 3 4
Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree
1. I can communicate with my significant
other effectively
2. I think that the key to resolving our
problem is through talking to each other
3. I accept my significant other for who
he/she is wholly
4. I think our relationship is stable. When we
get into fights, we resolve them as soon as
5. I think our relationship helps us grow as
6. My significant other helps resolve my
issues in our relationship
7. I celebrate with my significant other in
times of success and I comfort him/her in
times of pain
8. I reinforce positive behavior towards my
significant other as a sign of affection
9. I believe that when I am at fault, it must be
me who should be the one to approach my
significant other
10. My significant other and I can talk about
topics we have different opinions on and
still present them in an orderly manner
11. I personally show all my appreciation to
my significant other as a sign of affection
12. When I start an argument in the
relationship, I do my best to resolve the
13. I am contented with our overall
relationship as of this moment
14. I am comfortable with sharing my darkest
secrets to my significant other
15. I talk about my insecurities and other
flaws with my significant other
16. I listen to my significant other’s
explanation to better understand his/her
side of the story
17. I feel safe whenever I am with my
significant other
18. I take initiative to do things to make my
significant other happy
19. My significant other takes initiative to do
things to may me happy
20. I think that even though we are imperfect,
we are willing to work on our
imperfections in the long run
21. My significant other accepts me for who I
am wholly
22. I take into consideration my significant
other’s feelings towards everything
23. I help my significant other resolve his/her
issues in our relationship
24. During an argument, my significant other
tries his/her best to resolve the issue
25. My significant other and I can resolve
problems through effective
26. I believe that raising my pride will not do
any good for our relationship
27. I can openly talk about my feelings with
my significant other
28. I am receptive towards my significant
other’s affection

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