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A single dialysis on average costs 3,500 pesos per session, a CT scan costs 5,000-10,000

pesos, blood test ranges from 350- 1000 pesos. These are just some of the costs for
diagnostic purposes. The doctor's fee and cost of medicines are not yet included.

In addition, the DOH also initiated a program called P100 Treatment Pack

program in order to help address the needs of the patients to comply with their medication

schedule. This was an innovative marketing approach that will give access to

prepackaged generic drugs with an affordability limit of 100 pesos or lower. Their target

beneficiary are the poor and the lower middle class. The program now has 300 drugs that

includes 24 most commonly used antibiotics, anti-asthma, anti-diabetes, anti-arthritis and

Vitamin C. This is to encourage patients to take the full course of their drug treatment

regimen that instead of buying them individually they can avail of the medicines in full

set. The program was piloted in 72 DOH retained hospitals and 28 LGU hospitals. The

program has drawn criticisms because of its limited number of access points, stock

availability and delivery challenges.

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