Factors That Affecting Soil

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Factors Affecting the Amount of Soil

carried away in Soil Erosion

A. Slope of the Land

Amount of Soil carried away

Less More Most
1. Stiff ✔
2. Gradual Stiff ✔
3. Plain Flat Surface ✔


1. Which set-up has less amount of soil carried away? Why?

Answer: Plain flat surface, because the water that run-off on flat surface has lesser
force, so that will keep the soil stand together in placed. The slower movement of
water in flat surface help to reduce soil erosion.

2. Which set-up has large amount of soil carried away? Why?

Answer: Stiff, because the rate of erosion is faster on lands with steeper slopes. As
the rain water downhill, it picks up small fragment of rocks. There is also a great
possibility for landslide to occur when water run-off. The steeper and longer the
hill the more quickly the top soil can wash. Generally, bulging slopes experience
more erosion than concave slopes.

3. How does slope of the land affects the amount of soil carried away?

Answer: The slope of the land affect the movement of water and rate of soil
erosion. It also affects the form and shape of land, because the steeper the slopes
the greater amount of soil can be lost, as the soil erodes downward, it increase the
slope degree, which in turn creates further erosion.
B. Presence and Absence of Crops

Amount of Soil carried away

Less More Most
1. Covered with crops ✔
2. Covered with hay ✔
3. Bare land ✔


1. Which set-up has less amount of soil carried away? Why?

Answer: Covered with crops, because crops can reduce erosion as the layer of
residue protects top soils from being carried away by water. It helps maintain the
structure of soils, their roots help to hold soil together, thus preventing the soil
from getting uprooted or reduce the erosive effect of erosion caused by rainfall and
flooding. The water that comes out from soil covered with crops is more cleaner
and clear than to soil covered with hay and bare land.

2. Which set-up has large amount of soil carried away? Why?

Answer: Bare land, because there’s no crops, plants or trees planted on it, so
there’s no roots of plants can help to hold the soil particles together, so the land is
getting eroded. As we can see, a lot of soil coming from the bare land when the
water run-off. The water comes out from the bare land is so cloudy it because of all
the dirt in soil was washed away. Water has a power actually take the dirt in the

3. How does presence and absence of crops affect the amount of soil carried away?

Answer: Presence and absence of crops affect to the structure of soil. Presence of
crop is very important it helps in preventing soil erosion. They physically protects
the full force of water, they also lessen soil erosion since they hold much water in
soil. By letting crops grow roots system will be developed. These root system grip
on the soil and make it more stable, there by minimizing movement of the soil
throughout the ground. While absence of crop can lead to eroding soil that may
result in loss of valuable top soil and important nutrients that are necessary for
crops to grow.
C. Dryness of Size and Soil Particles

Amount of Soil carried away

Less More Most
1. Sandy Soil ✔
(bigger particles)
2. Garden Soil ✔
(smaller particles)
3. Clay Soil ✔
(smallest particles)


1. Which set-up has less amount of soil carried away? Why?

Answer: Clay soil, because clay soil tend to be more resistant to soil erosion
compared to sand or loose silt soils. Clay particles are sticky, so they are not easily
moved. It has smallest particles and large surface area relative to their mass so a
small amount of clay can add a significant amount of surface area to a soil
increasing the nutrients holding capacity.

2. Which set-up has large amount of soil carried away? Why?

Answer: Garden soil, because garden soil are light and not sticky, so erosive
forces easily move them.

3. How does dryness and size of soil particles affect the amount of soil carried

Answer: Dryness and size of soil particles affect to the texture and capability of
soil to hold nutrients. Small particles soil can trap the water, so when this kind of
soil flush by the water it takes more time to dry, thus soil can retain moisture and
hold nutrients. But soil have bigger particles can drain the water very quick even in
a short time period, it dries the soil quickly, thus soil cannot hold moisture and
D. Strength and Amount of Running Water

Amount of Soil carried away

Less More Most
1. Large amount and ✔
2. Moderate amount ✔
And strength
3. Little water and ✔


1. Which set-up has less amount of soil carried away? Why?

Answer: Little water and weak, because of small amount of water flows in it, the
soil manage to absorb the water well. It result to less amount of soil carried away.

2. Which set-up has large amount of soil carried away? Why?

Answer: Large amount and strongest, because water particles carries the soil all
the way. Generally, the more water receives, the faster the water fall, the more
erosion that occurs. This may result to flow to flood. And if you look the soil after
the run-off of large amount of water, you will see a sink of mud and a trace of
eroded soil.

3. How does strength and amount of running water affect the amount of soil carried

Answer: The amount of running water affect the hardness and thickness of soil.
Strength of water affects how powerful the water can be.

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