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jheyner : Hello Jhonatan, how are you?

Jhonatan : Hey Jheyner, I´m fine and you
Jheyner : Fine are you from here?
Jhonatan : No I´m from hualgayoc live here for my study do you study
Jheyner : Yes, actually, I live near the university and what do you study
Jhonatan : I study geology engineer it´s interest carrer and do you study or
Jheyner : I study accounting and I’m full time and can you held me later cuth the
consultation of virtud book
Jhonatan : What is favorite apart?
Jheyner : My favorite sport is football and you?
Jhonatan : I love soccer too
Jheyner : What activity do you do in your free time?
Jhonatan : In free time I collet minerals is something that i love and you?
Jheyner : In free time I like to play vide games
Jhonatan : You like Mexican food
Jheyner : No, I love Italian food and you
Jhonatan : I love Peruvian food because it’s delicious
Jheyner : Can we go to the movies later?
Jhonatan : Actually, I have family reunion
Jheyner : They can we tomorrow go to the ceviche?
Jhonatan : Excellent, then tomorrow I see you at 11:30am on the averive dos
de mayo
Jheyner : Great see you tomorrow
Jhonatan : Ok, good bye

Integrantes :
 Bazan Villanueva, Jhonatan Carlos
 Salazar Celis , Jheyner

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