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CinChE Energy Balance with Chemical Reactions in a Problem Hanyak

Energy Balances with Molar Quantities (heat-of-formation method) CinChE, pp. 7-4 to 7-14

A. Differential Energy Balance: { for a continuous process }

ni nt ( )
d n Uˆ
∑ n Hˆ
i =1
i i − ∑
i = ni +1
n i Hˆ i ± Q ± W S =

B. Integral Energy Balance: { for a batch, semi-batch, or semi-continuous process }

(nUˆ ) ( )
ni nt

i =1
ni Hˆ i − ∑ n Hˆ
i = ni +1
i i ± Q ± WS = sys , f − n Uˆ sys , i (7.1i-a)

(nUˆ )sys , f = (n Hˆ ) sys , f − n P Vˆ( ) sys , f and (nUˆ )

sys , i = (n Hˆ ) sys , i (
− n P Vˆ )sys , i (7.1i-b)

C. Mixture Enthalpy Equations:

Hˆ i = ∑x i, j Hˆ j [Ti , Pi , Phi ] + ∆Hˆ mix [Ti , Pi , xi ] (7.3)
j =1

Hˆ j = ∆Hˆ of , j + ∆Hˆ j  Ti , Pi , Phi ⇐ 25  C ,1 atm, Phoj  for j = 1, 2,  , nc (7.4)

D. Energy Balance for Problems with reactions in Project 5 and Final Exam.
1. Differential Balance above for continuous process at steady state.
2. Integral Balance above for batch, semi-batch, or semi-continuous process.
3. Global Assumptions: Nelgect ∆KE and ∆PE, Mixture are ideal solutions.

4. Hˆ j = ∆Hˆ of , j  25 C ,1 atm, Phoj  + ∆Hˆ j  Ti , Pi , Phi ⇐ 25 C ,1 atm, Phoj  for  each j

5. Ref. States must be Hˆ ko = 0 for each pure element k that make up the compounds.
6. MUST pick= T o 25=
C , P o 1 atm, and stable Pho of pure j . ∆Hˆ o in Table B.1.
j j j f, j

7. Repr esent each pur e-jth ∆Hˆ j functional for m, using the following or der ing:
a. Table, if available. For water , F&R Tables B.5, B.6 and/or B.7.
b. Graph, if available. PH Diagram for the pure component.
c. Equation, a sensible ∆Ĥ for no phase change (see CinChE p. 7-17); otherwise,
a combination of sensible and latent specific enthalpy changes.
  ˆ  Table B.8 or B.9, B.2,
ˆ − T  ∂V   dP
Ti Pi
Sensible: =
∆Hˆ j ∫ 
Cˆ PPh, j dT + ∫ Pj

V  ∂T  
 P 
and then B.10, or
model in EZ Setup

Latent: heat of fusion, vaporization, and sublimation at 1 atm. Table B.1

d. Computer, if all mixture components are in Aspen HYSYS then use PRSV.
e. AIChE eLibrary, access and look for a table, a graph, or an equation.
8. If the heat-of-r eaction method is used instead of the heat-of-for mation method for one r eactor
unit, then the r efer ence state must= =
be T jo 25 
C , Pjo 1 atm, stable Ph oj of pure j , =
and H oj 0
in Equation 7.8 for each pur e component or compound. For a combination of r eactor units
and non-r eactor units, the heat-of-for mation method must be used for their ener gy balances.
v07.11.10 © 2007, Michael E. Hanyak, Jr., All Rights Reserved Page 1
Sensible Enthalpy Change Page 1
i.e., no phase change

We will address when different in Project 5

exact differential
from calculus for
enthalpy change.
Something you
must memorize.

CP or CV without or with a hat (^) over

it will always mean per unit amount.

exact differential
from calculus for
internal energy. for eos, use Aspen HYSYS

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