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Hey it’s Sunni.

I made another
book so read it and enjoy it,
Brenda. Anyways, I saw Eclipse
still sexy. You have to see it. If
you want to see it online go to:

I know you want to see it or see

it again. No quizzes, promise,
none of that bullshit.

I drove my truck down to La Push.

I had reopened my cut from my 18th

I had to go to the hospital. The doctors
were curious but I just shook my head at

The Cullen’s have been gone for about

11 months. I need them. My birthday
was coming up. Jacob wanted to throw
me a party, but I didn’t want to.

Jacob was my sun. He created warmth.

Ever since I found out he was a werewolf

I had started a relationship with him. We
were now together.

When he kissed me sparks flew.

He said he didn’t imprint but I was ready

for the day he would.
That day I would loose him just like

But he said he would stay, just like

Edward, but I knew they both wouldn’t
keep their promises.

I am only human after all.

I pulled into La Push beach and got out

of the car. I saw Jake standing there with
his shirt off and his muscles out.

We did have sex 4 times so it didn’t

bother me, more like turned me on.

I stepped up to him to give him a kiss.

He backed away from me. I looked at
him confused as his dark eyes flashed to
my bandaged arm.
“Bella, this has to STOP!!” he yelled at
the end. I cringed away from him. “The
Cullen’s AREN’T coming back so get on
with your life Bella! He isn’t coming
back!” he spat.

I felt tears fill my eyes. I couldn’t believe

Jake. I glared at him.

His face suddenly softened as he realized

what he said. I knew it was his anger
talking but he didn’t have to say that!

“Bella, I didn’t mean it…” he stepped

forward as I stepped back.

“You know what?! I don’t even know

why I came down here! You’re just a
bastard like him! You’re going to leave
me! I should have known. I don’t need
you to make my decisions Jake! Just like
I didn’t need him!” I yelled.

“That’s a load of crap and you KNOW

it! You needed him more than he needed
you obviously. Bells, I don’t know about
us anymore, if you’re not going to give
him up!” he yelled back.

I turned red.

I stomped away leaving my truck behind.

I started away into the forest next to the

I walked and walked to blow off some


I finally stopped and broke down. I

wrapped my arms around my chest to
keep myself together.
I looked down at the scars on my arms.
So many. All the time I felt pain. All the

I grabbed a sharp looking rock. I pressed

it firmly to my arm and it bled openly.

I stayed like that for awhile until I looked


I saw a beautiful man. He had blonde

hair and was very pale. He had on dirty
clothes and the last thing I saw about him
was blood red eyes.


He looked down at me. He smiled

“Hello Isabella.” He smiled.

“H-how do you know my name?” I

scrambled to my feet.

“Oh, Victoria told me that.” He grinned.


He continued.

“Yes, she’s been killing many humans to

get to you. Making vampires. She sent
me here to check on the Cullen’s, but
their not here.” He sighed and shook his
head. “I know she won’t like me killing
you, but after that cutting stunt I can’t
help myself.” He grinned.

Bella…get… out…of…there…Edward’s
velvet voice rung thru my head. It was
just a whisper now. It never yelled
anymore. It was like it wasn’t concerned.
It sounded…bored.

I faltered a step back and the blonde

haired man followed me.

He grabbed my shoulder (which broke

my shoulder blade) and threw me against
a tree. I heard one of my ribs break and I
screamed out in pain.

He flashed over to me and looked at me

with wild eyes. He looked down at my
arm. He turned back to me and smiled.

I felt blood trickle down my arm as I

screamed out again.

I felt his cool breath on my neck and

then bite into my neck. The fire coursed
thru me as I screamed. I suddenly fell to
the ground.

I heard growls everywhere. I opened my

heavy eyes to see Jacob (In wolf form)
looking at me desperately.

“Jake…” I whispered. I felt the fire

course thru my veins again and I cried

Suddenly a figure attacked Jake and

started punching him.

“NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!” I screamed. I
screamed not because of the fire but
because of Jake.

He barked out and bit the head off. He

got in front of me protectively and
another figure charged into him.
I screamed as I heard bones crack and I
blacked out.

I felt the fire die down some as I

breathed in and out. I was on something
comfy I knew that.

A bed or a couch, maybe?

I shifted my weight as I heard something

move from beside me.

“Is she any better?” I heard a familiar

voice. It was Embry’s.

“I don’t know,” Sam said. “I think so.”

“WHOA! Did you hear that? Was that
Bella? Holy shit! Hey she’s hot…”
Embry laughed.

“Shut up!” Jacob yelled.

“You shut up! She isn’t even your girl

anymore.” Paul yelled back.

Really Paul?

I heard everyone gasp.

“Was that her?” Seth crowed.

“But we’re not in wolf form!” Embry


“Here I’ll change.” I heard ripping.

“Bella?” it was Seth’s voice.

Yes Seth?

SHIT! It was her!! I heard clothes


“Yeah! That was her.” Seth said.

No shit, Sherlock.

“Hey smartass.” Sam warned.


“Bella, can you wake up?” Sam asked.

I think so… I blinked my eyes open.

It was so clear.
I looked at the ceiling. So defined. I
looked around me and sat up.

It was a really quick movement.

I looked at Sam, Embry, Paul, Jacob,

Seth, Leah, Emily, and Hazel (our new

I frowned as they watched me carefully.

Then Embry and Seth smiled.

“Your HOT Bells!” they laughed.

Jacob shot them a look.

“Where am I?” I gasped at my voice. It

sounded like an angel’s voice.
“At my house.” Sam answered. “Bella,
do you know what happened?”

I tried to remember but couldn’t. Things

were blurry.

I shook my head no.

“You were attacked by a vampire named

Riley. He bit you and then Jacob was
attacked by others trying to save you. We
managed to defeat them but not the red
headed leech. Nothing seems to be
wrong with you…” Sam trailed off.

“Your eyes are a little different.” Jacob


“Are you okay?” Jacob asked.

“I’m fine. What am I?” I frowned.

“I think you’re a vampire but you don’t
smell like it. You smell better actually.”
Sam explained.

“Oh…” I sighed.

“I think she’s leech.” Paul said.

“Shut up Paul.” Seth said. “Does she

have to leave?!”

Jake growled.

“I think she is a vampire. She doesn’t

smell like one.” Jake frowned.

“Jake, do I have to leave?” I asked.

“It would be for the best.” Paul muttered.

“You guys promised...” I sighed as I
stood up. I felt my eyes prick but I
couldn’t cry.

“Bella don’t leave, you seem to be in

control and Emily is here.” Sam said.

“Well, does she hunt?” Leah asked.

“I don’t know. Bella, do you feel

thirsty?” Sam asked.

There was a tingling in my throat but not

really noticeable.

I shook my head.

They all grinned.

“Cool!!” Seth laughed.

I smiled. I was a vampire.


“What about Charlie?” I blurted out.

Everyone frowned. “We could fake her

death.” Embry thought.

“Nah. I think we should let him try to

figure out.” Emily said.

“I agree with Em.” Jake said. “Let him

think what he wants.”

“So I go home?”

“Not yet. I’ll take you somewhere then

get your clothes. Then I’ll take you
hunting and then Charlie.” Jake grinned.
Jake drove me to a hotel. I walked
around in the room and decided to take a

I undressed quickly and looked down at

my arms; they were smooth and creamy
white but I wasn’t interested in that.

They didn’t have any scars.

I was happy.

I got into the shower and turned it all the

way on hot. It was just warm though.
Maybe because I’m always warm now.

I turned the water off and wrapped a

towel around me.
I walked to the room and plopped down
on the bed. I saw a luggage next to the

It had a note on it. I opened it carefully.


Change so I can take you



I walked slowly to the mirror.

I slowly eased down my towel and was

in awe.

My face was so different and perfect.

Not even Rosalie could compare.

I had pink, full, rosy lips. I had big blue
and green eyes. They were kind of hazel.
My hair hung down my back and was
definitely longer.

It was golden and it seemed to fit me. It

made me look…beautiful.

My skin was creamy white and well

muscled. I had long legs and I had
I touched my boobs. They were about a
DD 34.

I used to be an A.

I smiled at my reflection and it gave a

dazzling smile back.

I took out the clothes in the bag. It was a

blue tank top with tiny black shorts. It
had no shoes but socks and skimpy
underwear. I put it all on and called

He was outside of the door so he walked

in. He looked at me shocked.


“What?” my bells voice asked.

“You’re fucking hot!!” he laughed.

We ran into the forest and I smelled in

the air.

“Just let your senses overpower you.”

Jake said before he changed.

Got it Bells?

I nodded and I took off. I jumped on a

tree and breathed in the air. I licked my
lips when I smelled a mountain lion.

Edward’s favorite.

I ran for it and tackled it to the ground. I

bit its neck and sucked on it as it
scratched at my back. It didn’t hurt. It
felt like fingers dancing across my skin.
It roared for me to get off.

I grabbed its head and snapped it. It

made a sickening crack as I sucked the

It was dry by time I wasn’t even close to


I sighed and threw the body off of me.

Bells? You okay?

“I’m fine Jake…” I sighed.

Want to hunt more?

“No, I think it’s time to go see Charlie.

I’m going to tell him what I am.” I

“Because. I want him to know. I’m going

away Jake. Far away from here.
Somewhere.” I sighed as I grabbed at my

Where Bells? Jacob whimpered.

Away from here.

Are you sure?

Positive. I need to say goodbye.

Okay. Come on! He sped away. I

followed after him.
We got to my house and I opened the

I saw Charlie in the hallway looking a

mess. I didn’t know if he was asleep or
dead. I listened to his heart and sighed.

“How long was I gone Jake?”

About 4 days.

Not good.

I poked my dad’s side and he grumbled.

“Dad? I’m home. It’s me Bella.” My

wind-chime voice called.

Charlie turned his head towards me and

squinted. His eyes suddenly got wide.
“Bells?! What happened to you?!” he
screamed as he scrambled to his feet.

Jacob rolled his eyes.

Charlie turned to Jacob and screamed.



“That is Jacob.” I crossed my arms.

Jacob barked at his name.

“NO THAT’S A BEAR!!” Charlie


Bells I think we should leave.

“Maybe…listen Charlie. I didn’t come

here to listen to you rant about my
appearance or to scream about a dog. I’m
leaving and I wanted to say goodbye.” I
frowned. “I can’t stay here. I want to get
away from Forks. Please understand
dad.” I sighed.

I ran upstairs and grabbed everything. I

jumped out of the window with my stuff
and packed it in my truck.

I said goodbye to Charlie and Renee.

I said goodbye to Forks.

I sad goodbye to Bella Swan…to my life.

I got up from my bed and looked at the

8:03. Time to get up.

I patted to the living room and found

Amy on the couch.

I smacked her ass playfully while she


“Get up Amy! School starts in 30

minutes.” I yelled in her ear.

“Shit, Swan!”

“It’s Gregg to you!” I frowned.

“Whatever Marie.” My middle name.

My OLD middle name.

Amy giggled as her blonde hair fell

down her back.
Amy Foster was my new family.

She was half human and half vampire. I

found her in a forest feeding off of
animals. She was very kind and sweet.

We were going to pose as sisters. The

only difference is that she had golden
eyes while I had hazel.
I heard a grumble from the back room
and the toilet flushed. And out stepped

Our brother.

He had dark hair with soft green eyes.

He was half vampire and half wolf. He
loved us.

He was like our brother. He was

gorgeous with his serious looks and great
I had found him a couple months ago.
About a few days after I found Amy.

I was posing as Katrina Gregg (AKA

Kat). I was 17 along with Amy since we
were posing as twins. Josh Hutchison
was our brother but our adopted brother.
He was 16.

We heard the master bedroom door open

and out stepped our mom.


She was half vampire and half warlock.

She’s the one who found me and

welcomed me her home.

She had blonde hair with green eyes.

She reminded me so much of Esme.

I heard a sharp cry and Mom sighed to

go to the back room.

Our other sister, Crystal, was the most

spoiled baby you could ever find. She
was only 6 months old. Mom wanted to
adopt her. Of course we loved her with
all our hearts.

She had red hair with light pretty blue

eyes. Her skin was pale besides the little
color in her cheeks.
She was really messy but was smart for
her little months. She rings a bell when
she was hungry and already knew how to

I know that we’re really dangerous

mythical creatures but we would never
hurt Crystal. As soon as I saw her I
thought she was adorable. Never

Mom put her in the high chair and started

feeding her.

“Hey squirt.” Josh grinned as he mussed

her hair.

“Don’t mess up her hair, Josh! She’s

going to the nursery down the street and
I want her to be the cutest one there.”
Mom cooed at laughing Crystal.

I sighed and made some eggs for


After eating I took a shower and brushed

my teeth. I put on my regular smoky

I put on gray skinny legs and a blue tank

top. It clung to me and made my boobs
look perfect. I threw on some silver flats.
I threw on a bunch of accessories too.

I put on the best for last. My bracelet

from Jake. I had gotten this 2 months
It had a small brown wolf on it and it
looked so real. Jake said he made it
himself. The other charms were form
Amy, Kelly, and Josh.

You ready? Josh asked.

Yeah! C’mon. Amy complained.

One sec! Jeez!

Be nice to your sister! Mom yelled.

Yes mom…they murmured in my head.

I didn’t know why but for some reason

my head linked to theirs and I could talk
to them in my brain or they could talk to
me. It had something to do with my
I sighed as I grabbed my book bag and
went out of my room. I let my hair my
bangs fall into my face.

I had got a haircut when I first moved

here. It now reached my shoulders. It had
blue streaks going thru it.

We entered the car with mom. She

buckled up Crystal and kissed her
forehead as she got in the front.

“Seatbelts children!” Mom screeched as

she drove off.

we complained.

“SEATBELTS!!” she screamed.

“Ok, ok!” we said as we buckled our
seatbelts. Crystal let out a tinkling laugh.

We arrived at the school and mom led us

inside. She carried Crystal on her hip as
she laid her head on her shoulder and
was sound asleep.

Mom smiled at the pudgy lady behind

the desk. She smiled at us.

“You must be Katrina and Amy Gregg,

and Josh Hutchison.” We all nodded.

“Ok well here are your schedules and

school map. Have a nice day!” she
grinned. We all walked into the hall.

We turned to mom. She was grinning.

“Have a nice day!” she grinned then
turned to Amy. “Amy no floating people
in the air.”

Amy could levitate things or people. She

used it when she got mad.

“But moommm!” she whined.

“No!” she turned to Josh.

“Josh no burning people.” Mom said.

“Fine!” he huffed.

Josh could catch anything or anyone on


She turned to me and rolled her eyes.

She took a deep breath; this was going to
be long.
“Kat, no using your shield to play
pranks. Don’t use your shield to move
objects. Don’t use your shield to hurt
people. Don’t use your shield to float in
the air. Don’t use your shield to shock or
electrocute someone. Don’t use your-
you know what!? Just don’t use your
shield.” She shook her head.

“But mom-” I started.

“No buts!”

Josh snickered. We all looked at him.

“What? You said butts!” he busted out


Amy and I rolled our eyes.

“No powers you guys! Please!” Mom

“Fine!” we all yelled together.

“Good. See you later on.”

She kissed each of us and then turned.

She kissed Crystal repeatedly as the

infant stayed fast asleep in her arms.

We all sighed.

“Well, I’m leaving!” Josh grinned as he

threw away his schedule.

“Don’t burn nobody’s face off!” Amy


He flipped her off and kept going.

“Ok, well I’m leaving too!” Amy smiled
as she turned for the hall.

“Me three!” I walked off to the right.

I stopped at Mrs. Brown’s room and

walked in.

I am definitely everyone’s eye candy.

I walked out the front of the class and

gave the teacher my slip.

She smiled and gestured toward the seat

next to a blonde curly headed kid.

Then his scent hit me.

NO! No, no, no, no, no! Please NO!

Please not-
“Jasper…” I whispered.

His head immediately shot up to hear his

name and he locked his gold eyes to

“Bella…” he mouthed.

I hesitated then stomped over to the desk

and sat down next to him.

I scowled at him and moved my chair

faraway from his.

“Bella-” He started.

“No, my name is Katrina. You must have

me mistaken.” I sneered.
I took out my binder, trying to distract
myself from having a nervous
breakdown. Or worst…breaking the

“Bella, Alice saw you coming. She had

hard time seeing you…barely saw you…
What happened to you? Your hair…your
scent?” He asked.

I whirled around to face him. He flinched

away from my glare.

“That is none of your fucking business.

Stay out of my way and I’ll stay out of

“Are you upset Jasper because you don’t

have to worry about attacking me?
Happy birthday to me right? Great
present!” I spat.
Jasper looked at me with shocked eyes. I
glared back.

“Is there something you would like to

share with the class Ms. Gregg?” Mrs.
Brown asked.

“No of course not Mrs. Brown.” I


She looked faltered by my sweetness

then turned back around, to continue her

Jasper left me alone for the rest of the

period but kept sneaking glances at me.
The bell finally rung and I bolted right

I stomped out of the class only to bump

into the annoying pixie. She looked at
me in surprised.


I scowled at her. She immediately


She looked at me with wide golden

brown eyes. I walked past her.

“I didn’t tell Edward!” she yelled after

me. I froze.

I turned to face her.

“Alice, I don’t need you to do anything
for me. I don’t care about Edward. Let
him know. Let him pay hell for it.” I

She gasped as I walked away.

Guys! Guys!? I yelled in my head.

Yes? Amy asked pleasantly.

What?! I was sleeping! Josh complained.

Really? You were sleeping on the first…

day…of…school? Really? Amy sighed.

I’m not anymore am I? Josh snapped.

Oh shut- Amy snapped back.

You guys! I yelled.

WHAT!? They yelled.

The Cullen’s. I answered.

WHAT!? They yelled again.

Ugh them. I’m going to rip them to

shreds! Light those bitches on fire. Josh

I looked into his eyes to see he was in the

boys’ restroom with two giant fireballs in
his hands.

NO! You blockhead! Let’s do this in a

sophisticated manner. Amy protested.

Like what? Josh and I asked at the same

Muffins! Muffins always help! Amy
chanted in my head gleefully.

Newsflash! Vampires DON’T eat!! Josh



Perfect dumb blonde moment. Josh


You guys this is serious! Jasper might be

here! I yelled to break up their stupid

Who have you saw so far? Amy asked.

Jasper and Alice. I answered glumly.

Ha! You’re screwed! Josh laughed.

Shut up Josh! You are not very
supportive! Amy snapped.

I rolled my eyes. They were no help.

Bye guys! And Josh if you see a Cullen

don’t light him on fire! I shook my head.

No promises. He said smugly.

I suddenly bumped into something rock


I looked up to see my heartbreaker.

My true love.

My only reason for existence.

Edward Cullen.
His sweet scent filled my nose. The scent
I loved.

The memories...

His sweet lips against mine. His heady

scent entering my mouth.

“Bella…” he sighed, with…relief?

“No, Katrina Gregg. Nice to meet you.” I

forced a smile.

“No, Bella. What happened to you? Your

hair…the scent…?” he explained. He
looked at me desperately.

“That’s none of your concern.” I turned

I heard the late bell ring and all the kids
were in their classes.

I gasped when his hands wrapped around

my waist and I felt his breath at my ear.

I pushed him away from me.

“Don’t touch me!” I spat.

“Bella.” He said as he reached for me


“I said don’t touch me!”.



Josh turned on our hallway and his hands

holding giant firespheres.
“What the-” Edward didn’t get to finish.

Josh lunged at him and threw fires. They

flew everywhere and Edward neatly
dodged them.

“JOSH! STOP!!” I screamed.

He turned to me with angry green eyes.

He breathed in deeply and the balls

disappeared. I grabbed his arm as he
glared at Edward.



“Shut up Josh! Let’s go!” I squeezed his

arm. He was starting to shake.
I turned a few hallways until I finally
came to a stop outside of the school.

Josh was still shaking.

“Why would you just let him touch

you?!” he growled.

“I was about to move until you came

down there like a maniac!” I protested.

Amy! I called.


Josh attacked Edward in the hall. I


With FIRES!? Amy’s voice echoed thru

my head.
Yeah. I sighed.

I am so telling mom. She thought


I turned to Josh who was grinning at

what he did.

“Not funny Josh! Someone could’ve

seen us! Or worse you could’ve caught
the school on fire!” I argued.

His green eyes lit up. “But I didn’t.” he


I sighed angrily and walked in the school

with Josh. The bell rang. Great! I missed
second period.
“Oh well. Time for lunch. Let’s go meet
Amy!” I grabbed Josh’s hand and pulled
him towards the cafeteria.

We sat down next to Amy as she nibbled

on her fries.

I felt someone looking at me. Actually I

felt someones looking at me.

I turned and looked at the Cullen’s.

“Hey can we sit with you?” a blonde

boy, a dark haired girl, an emo looking
chick, a black haired guy, and a brown
headed girl looked at us.

We nodded as they crowded the table.

“So…where did you move from?” the
blonde haired guy asked.

“Spain.” Amy and I both answered.

“Cool.” The emo looking girl grinned.

“What’s you guys names?” Josh


“I’m Justin.” The blonde guy grinned.

“I’m Casey.” The dark headed girl


“I’m Harold.” the black haired guy


“I’m Molly.” The brown haired girl

“Oh. I’m Katrina.” I smiled sweetly at
Justin. He grinned back. “But you can
call me Kat.”

“I’m Amy.” Amy grinned.

“And I’m Josh.” He winked at Molly and

Casey, who giggled like idiots.

I took a bite out of my chocolate muffin

only for it to burn under my venom then
hit my stomach.

I turned back to the Cullen’s. They were

still watching me.

“Who are they?” I asked the table. Amy

and Josh grinned and looked at them,
catching onto my plan.
“Oh that’s the Cullen’s. They just moved
here from Alaska. They are like super
popular and they’ve only been here for 2
weeks. Jasper and Rosalie Hale are
brother and sister. Emmett, Edward, and
Alice Cullen are all siblings. Dr. Cullen
is like this sex god matchmaker.” Molly

I looked over at the table to see them

looking at me stunned.

This was just like the first time I saw

them. Jessica had told me so much about

I was really curious. But now I’m just


I saw a few people get up with their

friends to leave and some follow them.
“Their very nice looking.” I spat.

“Yes.” Molly grinned.

I turned from them with a frown on my


I suddenly heard someone scrape their

chair loudly across the floor. So loudly.

Everyone turned quiet and whipped their

heads to the back while I stayed still.

I narrowed my eyes.

She wouldn’t dare…

I heard light steps (not as light as

Alice’s) walk over to my table. Her heels
clicked as she walked to our table.
I tensed ready for battle.

Still silent…

The person kept walking towards me but

I stopped the person.

“Come any closer Rosalie and you’ll be

missing a limb.” I sneered as I turned to

“You wish, Swan.” She scowled.

I tensed as Josh growled. “It’s Gregg.”

He growled.

“What do you want?” I asked sweetly

while forcing a smile.
“You need to leave.” She said. “We
finally found peace. That’s why Edward
left. For peace. You caused too many
problems in our family. We found a
home that’s ours…without you. And
even though Edward is desperate to have
you back. He isn’t that desperate.” She

I smirked back. I wasn’t mad about her

sentence. I felt crappy for her saying that
sure. But this was all true. And I have
decided to face the truth.

I looked at Rosalie coolly.

Calm and collected Kat.

“Listen Rosalie, just because you can

make everyone else feel like crap,
doesn’t mean you can make me. And
trust me, all those times you bitched at
me, I have learned a little from you.” I
grabbed her wrist and saw her memories.

A technique I picked up from Amy. I can

only see human memories. Only once a
month but my shield helps that.

I saw her meeting Royce. Her seeing him

with his friends one night. Her being
brutally raped and left for dead. Her
getting picked up by Carlisle-

Rosalie snatched her wrist away from me

and I looked up to smirk at her.

“Oh…you were raped. That’s why

you’re so bitchy.” I grinned as the whole
cafeteria broke out in whispers.
“You want to make me feel down,” I
shook my head, “You got raped by
Royce. But I couldn’t call it rape if you
seemed to enjoy it a little.” I heard
Emmett stand up and growl. Jasper held
him back.

“You obviously knew you wanted it. But

you were too stupid to realize to know

Rosalie interrupted me. “YOU HAVE


“No I don’t. But I do share memories

with you now.” I whispered. “It disgust
me how you actually got a kick out of it.
I should know.” I smirked and tapped my
Rosalie looked at me with glassy eyes
then fled from the cafeteria. I watched
her retreating figure.

“Bella…” Alice walked over to me as

Emmett ran after Rose.

I looked at her in disgust.

“Don’t touch me, Alice!” I hissed as she

tried to embrace me.

“Bella, this isn’t like you! All this hate!

Not the Bella I know!!” she yelled.

“The Bella you left in Forks died, Alice.”

I spat.

My brother and sister got by my side as

the others retreated.
Austin smiled at me.

“See ya later. K?” he grinned.

“Of course Austin.” Earning a growl

from Edward, who hadn’t moved an

Austin winked at me and walked out of

the cafeteria.

Soon it was empty, except my family and


“Ok, if we’re going to talk. Talk. Though

I won’t listen to half the things you say
or ask.” I sighed.

“Why?” Jasper asked from his table with

a sulking Edward.
“Well, when you left my life you lost
any ability to get any answers in it.” I
smirked as Edward frowned.

Josh snickered and everyone turned to

him then Amy.

“Who are these people, Be-Katrina?”

Alice sneered.

“My real family.” I scowled.

Josh chuckled while Amy smiled.

“What do you mean your real family?!

We are your family! We loved you Bella.
We still do! We were going to stay but-”

“ENOUGH!!” I yelled making Alice

flinch and Jasper to rise from his seat.
He was extremely protective. I thought.

Damn straight! Josh laughed in my head.

Oh shut up you two. Amy scowled.

I focused on Alice. She was having a

nervous breakdown.

“Bella, we didn’t want to leave I swear. I

didn’t. I would have stayed-” she started.

I was literally shaking.


have. The past is the PAST!! It cannot be
changed. I was alone-”

“I did it to protect you!” Edward stood

up from his seat.
“NO! How is that protecting?! Protecting
is leaving me?! Leaving me with
Victoria?! Leaving me with a bunch of
werewolves lurking every corner?! I was
nearly killed!! I was changed!! That isn’t
protection!!” I screamed.

I was tired of this game.

“It’s over…this…us…is over,” I opened

my eyes and turned to my family, “Let’s
go before we’re late or absent for
another class on the first day of school.”
I turned the other way and headed for the

I felt a cold hand on my shoulder. I could

feel him being conjoined with my shield
and I heard his quick intake of breath as
serenity entered him. I grabbed his hand
and flipped it over my shoulder.

Edward landed with a loud BASH! on a

table as it broke in two from his weight. I
scowled down at him.

“Don’t. Touch. Me. Cullen.” I spat and

walked past him.

My family followed behind me as we

made our way to class.

Edward POV

“Don’t. Touch. Me. Cullen.” She snarled

and walked out of the cafeteria.

What was that feeling when I touched

her? Her shield?
“DAMN IT!!” Alice screamed. “THIS IS
YOUR ENTIRE FAULT! I didn’t want
to leave-but it was for the…the…best!”
she broke down on the ground and Jasper
ran over to comfort her as he threw me

“Is everything alright?” Emmett walked

in with Rosalie.

She looked a mess.

Her hair was everywhere. Her makeup

was smudge and she had a permanent
scowl on her face.

“I need Bella.” I sighed as my fingers

shook from the beauty of touching her.
Rose screamed.

“You were being a bitch Rose! No one

told you to go over there and piss her
off! That is your own FAULT!!” Alice
yelled back.

Rosalie was taken back.

How was it my fault?! She thought.

“It was…” Jasper agreed with his wife,

“We didn’t know Kat’s new attitude-”

I cut him off. “What did you just call

her?” I growled.

“Kat. That’s her new name. Katrina.”

Jasper frowned.
“That’s not her NAME!” I snarled.

“Well she obviously doesn’t like Bella!”

Emmett argued.

“Edward, we have to get her back.”

Alice whined.

“NO! I refuse to have her in the family!

She reminded me of Royce. She didn’t
even care! She enjoyed it!” Rosalie
trembled and Emmett held her tighter.

“You enjoyed it when we left! When we

left her alone to die! You laughed! So
you guys are even!” Alice growled.

I should take her down right NOW!

Everything she’s done to Bella will not
go unpunished. Alice growled in her
head as she glared at Rosalie.

Shit! Alice is lethal! Emmett thought.

The late bell rung and I sighed.

I would have to go to Biology.

I hated it now.

All it did was remind me when I first met


“Let’s get to class. We’ll have a meeting

tonight.” Jasper sighed and helped Alice


I sighed as I entered the Biology class.

Mrs. Hawkins grinned at me and handed
me a worksheet and told me to sit in the

I sat down and started on the worksheet.

I was finished in less than 2 minutes.

30 questions too.

I gasped when I saw Edward walk

gracefully into the room.

His eyes immediately locked with mine.

They searched mine and tried to pull

something out.

I looked down at my hands and fiddled

with a piece of my blonde hair.
I heard the seat next to me scoot out and
his scent filled my nose.

My favorite scent in the whole world.

I sighed as he scooted his chair closer to


I whirled to face him only to see his face

was a little closer than I thought.

Ok, ALOT closer.

“Bella…” he whispered.

His sweet scent filled my nose and I

could taste it on my tongue.

“Can’t you take a hint, Edward?” I

turned before he could get any closer.
“Bella, you have to talk to me.” he said.

I snorted and turned back to him.

“No I don’t.”

“Yes you do, Bella-”

“Is there something you would like to

share with the class, Mr. Cullen?” the
teacher spat.

“No.” he sighed.

“Good. Now if you’ll turn to chapter

11…” she turned to the class.

I reached for my book that was between

Edward and me. I felt his cool hands
reach out and catch my wrists.
I looked up at his eyes to see he was
close. Closer than he was last time.

I felt his hands send electrical currents

thru my wrists as my shield wrapped
around him.

Can’t let him be that close!

Bella? His voice echoed in my mind as

he looked at me surprised.

“Do you have the answer Mr. Cullen?”

Mrs. Hawkins asked.

Edward let me go so fast that I almost

“Yes, the Civil War would be correct,
from your definition.” He smirked as he
let go of my wrists.

I breathed a sigh of relief and grabbed

my book.

I brought it down on the table and

flipped to the page.

The next class I had Emmett, Jasper,

Rose, and Edward.

I sighed and sat behind Edward, since

that was the only seat left.

Rose glared at me and muttered ‘bitch’

under her breath.

I chuckled as I sat down.

Edward sighed and breathed in deeply.

“I still love your scent.” He whispered.

“And I still love tacos but I can’t eat

them.” I rolled my eyes.

“Speaking about love Miss Gregg, tell

me what do think about it.” The teacher

I met her eyes.

I narrowed mine. This was English

Poetry class. I sighed.

“Honestly, I don’t believe in it

anymore.” I said.

“And that is why?” she asked.

“You can’t trust the person. You can
keep to yourself saying he won’t leave
you but the next day you’re an emotional
mess and he’s gone.” I said crossing my
arms as Edward flinched.

Jasper and Emmett looked at me with

wide eyes then at Edward.

“Explain.” The teacher commanded.

“I did use to believe in love. I used to

think he was the love of my life. I
thought I would be with him forever. I
know it sounds like we were naïve
teenagers and we didn’t know any better
but I did think about our future. Our
hopes. Our love for each other. But just
like the coward he was he ran.” I
explained as Edward started to

“Is there anything you might want to

add? If you could see him again what
would you do? Would you accept him?”
the teacher was fascinated by me.

“If I could see him again...honestly, I

wouldn’t give a shit. Excuse my
language but I wouldn’t. He left and it
would never be the same in our
relationship. I could never forgive him. I
could never forget what he did to me.” I
glared at Edward’s head.

“Edward is there something you would

like to say?” the teacher looked at
Edward who was shaking.
“Yes, I think the guy did it to protect her-”
He started.

“But what if the girl just got hurt more in

the process?” I cut in.

Edward turned to me with wide gold


“I did it for your safety.” He said.

“Being a coward and safety is not the

same thing.” I argued.

“I was not being a coward.” He hissed.

“Just face it Edward. You need to grow

some balls. You need to face your
problems!” I started to yell as the entire
class watched us.
“I couldn’t stick around if it meant you
getting hurt!” he yelled back.

I rose from my seat.

“You ruined everything! We had a

perfect relationship and you ruined it! I
would have given you everything you
needed Edward and you just took off!
And you took Emmett, Alice, Jasper,
Esme, Carlisle, and...Even Rose. You
took my family! You took everything!” I

“I did it to protect you!!” he yelled and

stood up to stand over me. His eyes
blazed into mine.

We glared into each others eyes as the

class watched us stunned. Emmett was
grinning while Jasper was looking at us

Rose glared at me. I turned back to


“You left me.” I whispered.

His eyes softened and he put his hand on

my cheek. I felt electricity go thru my
veins as he looked into my eyes. My
shield wrapped around him and his eyes

The bell suddenly rang and I grabbed my

stuff to storm out of the room, leaving
Edward and the class stunned.

I walked outside like the rest of the

students. Amy was already by the car
with Mom.
“Hello Katrina.” She embraced me in a

“Hey mom.” I hugged her back.

“And Josh used fires in the school.” Amy

said casually.

screamed. I grabbed Crystal from her
and cooed at her.

She had on overalls with a yellow t shirt

under them. She had on little white
sneakers and her dark red hair was brush
and had a yellow head band wrapped
around her round head.

I put her in her car seat and turned on the

music. I kissed her forehead and left the
door open. She laughed as she clapped
her hands together to the music. I
buckled her up and turned back to my

“He used fires!?” Mom yelled.

“But no one saw him.” I reassured her.

“ Josh?” she took a deep


“Right here!” Josh grinned as he popped

behind mom.

She turned toward him slowly and

grabbed his neck. Her grip got tighter
and tighter. Josh started gasping for air.
“Aren’t you going to do something?!” I
yelled at Amy who was holding up her
phone to video tape it.

“As soon as I get this stuff on Youtube.”

She grinned.

I sighed and pried off Mom’s fingers.

Josh wheezed for air.

“Sorry honey, you caught me by

surprise.” She smiled.

And right when I thought the day

couldn’t get any worst... Josh thought.
He was looking past mom’s shoulder.

I turned to see all the Cullen’s coming

toward us.
They stopped a few feet away.

“Hello.” Alice nodded at Mom.

She smiled back but it didn’t reach her

eyes. She knew I hurted over the
Cullen’s and hated them as much as the
rest of us.

“I’m Alice and this is Jas-”

“We know who you are.” Josh sneered.

“Yeah we aren’t that oblivious to Kat’s

life.” Amy wrinkled her nose as she

“Bella, about your birthday-” Alice

stepped forward again.
“No one wants to be reminded of my
birthday, Alice! If I recall, correct me if
I’m wrong, my memory is a little blurry,
but, I remember your, husband Jasper,
attacking me.” I sneered.

“Well-” Emmett raised an eyebrow.

“I don’t even want to hear what you

came over here to discuss.” I smiled and
turned away.

Edward looked at me desperately.


YOU SAID!!” I heard Rose come

“Take back? Take back what?” I asked. I

turned back to her.
“Take back...what you said about me and
Royce.” She breathed heavily.

“You can’t take back words, Rose dear.”

I patted her head.

She slapped my hand away. “Take it

back.” she said sternly.

“Or what?” I got in her face.

I felt her hands wrap around my short

hair. She pulled it down in one fluid

“Bitch!” I shrieked.

I pushed her away from me but she still

had a tight grip on my hair.
“Josh!” Amy screamed. “Do

“Now way! This is hot!” He replied.

“GIRLS! GIRLS!” Mom yelled.

I pushed Rose down. She still had a good

grip on my hair. I was strong though.
Since I had vampire strength.

I grabbed her neck and twisted in a

position so it would snap off and
decapitate her.

It made a crunching sound as I tried to

rip it from her body.

I heard another ripping sound and I knew

my family saw what I was trying to do.
I felt myself being lifted up.



“NO SHIT, SHERLOCK!!” I screamed.

“Girls, please.” Mom scolded.

Josh carried me into the car to cool off

and locked all the doors so I couldn’t get

He grabbed Crystal out of the car so she

wouldn’t get hurt if I got too angry. He
gave mom the baby.

Edward POV
I walked outside after Bella as she
walked to a woman in the parking lot.
She embraced her in a hug. I listened in.

“Hello Katrina.” The woman said


“Hey mom.” She smiled.

That’s her mom? Hot! Emmett grinned.

I rolled my eyes.

I thought her mom was Renée? Jasper.

That’s NOT Renée! Alice yelled in her


“And Josh used fires in the school.” the

girl, Amy, explained. Bella grabbed the
human baby and cooed at her.
“WHAAAAAAATTT?!” the woman

The baby was absolutely adorable and

everyone in the family absolutely adored

I could hear Rosalie’s pain as she begged

to hold the human baby.

The bitch has everything, huh Edward?

Bella walked gracefully to the car and

put the baby in her car seat. Crystal
squealed as Bella buckled her up and
turned on the radio. The baby danced to
the songs as Bella kissed her forehead
and left the car door open.

“He used fires?” the woman exclaimed.

“But no one saw him.” Bella reassured

“ Josh?” the woman took a

deep breath.

“Right here!” Josh grinned as he popped

up behind her.

She turned toward him slowly and

grabbed his neck. Her grip got tighter
and tighter. Josh started gasping for air.

“Aren’t you going to do something?!”

Bella yelled at her sister Amy who was
holding up her phone to video tape it.

“As soon as I get this stuff on Youtube.”

She grinned.
Jasper and Emmett chuckled at that as
we made our way to the Volvo.

Bella started to pry off the woman’s


Josh wheezed for air.

“Sorry honey, you caught me by

surprise.” The woman smiled.

Suddenly their minds went blank like

they were protected by something.

“Edward we should talk to them.”

Emmett suggested.

I think so too. Jasper.

“That bitch can burn in hell.” Rosalie
sneered. I rolled my eyes and ignored

I want her back Edward, as much as you

do. Alice’s thought as her eyes met mine.

I nodded at Alice and the family

followed me as we made our way over to

They turned toward us as we walked

over there.

We stopped about 3 feet away.

“Hello.” Alice nodded at the mom.

The Mom smiled back but it was fake.

She had to be motherly, she was a
I’ll talk. Alice stepped forward.

“I’m Alice and this is Jas-”

“We know who you are.” Josh sneered.

“Yeah we aren’t that oblivious to Kat’s

life.” Amy chuckled.

“Bella, about your birthday-” Alice

stepped forward again.

“No one wants to be reminded of my

birthday, Alice! If I recall, correct me if
I’m wrong, my memory is a little blurry,
but, I remember your, husband Jasper,
attacking me.” she sneered.

“Well-” Emmett sighed.

“I don’t even want to hear what you
came over here to discuss.” Bella turned.

Rose stepped forward.


YOU SAID!!” Rose screamed.

“Take back? Take back what?” Bella

asked sweetly and turned back towards

“Take back...what you said about me and

Royce.” Rose breathed.

“You can’t take back words, Rose dear.”

Bella patted her head and pursed her lips.

Rose slapped her hand away. “Take it

back.” she said sternly.
“Or what?” Bella got in her face.

Rosalie took one of Bella’s blonde

strands and pulled it down.

“Bitch!” Bella screamed.

Bella made multiple attempts to push

Rose down but she still had a tight grip
on her hair.

“Josh!” Amy screamed. “Do


Josh was leaning on their car. His green

eyes flashed, excitedly.

“Now way! This is hot!” He replied.

“GIRLS! GIRLS!” the mom tried to yell.

Bella pushed Rosalie down and Rose
landed on her butt. She still hand a grip
on her hair though. Rose lifted herself
back up and pulled harder.

Bella did the unexpected next.

She pushed Rose down again on her

knees. She grabbed her head and twisted
it an odd angle.

I had seen this before. Carlisle has told

me how the Volturi decapitated vampires
when they have broken laws or wanted
to die.

No! No not good.

What is she doing?

What the hell?

Oh no Rose!

*sigh* let me call the hospital again.

Ripping came from Rosalie’s neck as she

pulled harder on Bella hair. Josh finally
got up and made a grab for his sister.

He lifted her up in the air.


screamed as Emmett came to comfort her
and check her neck.

“NO SHIT, SHERLOCK!!” Bella rolled

her eyes.

“Girls, please.” The woman scolded.

Josh put Bella in the car and closed the
door behind him. He locked the doors
and turned back to us.

He grabbed Crystal as the baby watched

us curiously with her blue eyes.

“You can just talk to us.” He grinned as

he passed the child to the mom.

“That bitch tried to kill me.” Rose

muttered from the ground as she rubbed
her neck.

“Well, you were starting shit.” Amy


“Amy...” the mom warned. She turned

back to us with a fake smile.
“Hello, I am Kelly and this is my family.
Amy, Josh, and I know you have already
met Kat, she has a little temper.” She

“Her name is Bella.” Alice said.

“Her name is Katrina and if you value

your life then you won’t call her that.”
Kelly said.

“That name is the past. Bella Swan is no

longer on this Earth.” Amy said.

“I don’t think that’s for you to decide.” I

narrowed my eyes at them.

“I don’t think it’s yours either since you

left her.” Josh growled.
“It was to protect her!” I raised my

Suddenly the car door blasted open and

there stood Bella. Her eyes were black
with anger as she looked at me. Glass
flew everywhere and a strong wind was

The mom protected the baby as it let out

a shrill cry.


screamed. The wind got fiercer as she
lunged for us.

“KAT NO!!” Josh grabbed her.

She roared as he tried his best to hold her

“Like I said. A bit of a temper.” Kelly
smiled nervously as Bella screamed
profanities at us.

“We should go.” Amy said.

She turned for the car.

Kelly sighed and pointed her finger at

the car. It was suddenly another car next
to it just like it.

They got in the second car and drove


We were all awestruck.


HAPPENED!!?” Emmett boomed.
“Well, Bella is not very friendly.” Jasper

Alice rolled her eyes.

“CARLISLE!!!!” when we got home we

all screamed his name.

He was sitting on the couch reading with


He jumped a foot in the air at our


“Yes?” he asked calmly.

“You’ll never guess who is here.” Alice

“Um, Tanya?” he asked.

“No.” Jasper said.

“Uh, wolves.” Esme tried.

“No.” Emmett shook his head.

“P Ditty?” Carlisle asked.


Emmett yelled.

“WHAT?! HOW!?” Esme and Carlisle


“We don’t know. Someone changed

her.” Alice explained.

“My baby.” Esme’s eyes glazed over.

“We have to see her.” Carlisle said

“We can’t.” Emmett sighed.

Just then Rosalie stomped in the house.

“What happened to her?” Esme asked.



Carlisle turned back to us.

“Well, Bella reminded Rose of...Royce.

Rose confronted her and got into a fight
with her. Then Bella grabbed her head
and was about to decapitate her. Until
her brother stepped in.” I said.

He gasped and turned to Esme.

“Wait! Bella has no siblings.” Esme said.

“She does now.” Alice shook her head.

“She has changed?” Esme asked.

“Yes, she hates us.” I sighed.

“She should.” Alice broke down.

She crumbled to the ground and wailed



“What the hell happened?!” Mom yelled

as Josh, Amy, and I sat on the couch. She
was pacing the living room as she held
the now sleep Crystal to her chest.
“If I could say something? I’m the only
one who didn’t use their powers today.”
Amy smiled.

“Oh shut up goody, goody two shoes.”

Josh glared at her.

“Both of you shut it!” Mom was pissed.

“Sorry...” they muttered.

She turned to me. “And you try to

control your anger.” She warned.

“And remember sis, this is only the first

day.” Amy grinned.

I groaned.
I sighed as I got out of the shower.

Edward was going thru my mind 24/7. I

needed him.

I combed thru my short hair.

“Get yourself together Katrina! You are

strong independent woman. You’re hot
and you can get any guy.” I said at my

“And talking to your reflection does not

make you crazy at all!” Josh appeared
next to me eating an apple.

I laughed and playfully shoved him.

“Ow!” he rubbed his side.

“Oh grow up. I just needed a little pep
talk.” I said.

“Right. Or you’re just going crazy

because you saw Edward today.” He
took another bite.

“Josh, what am I going to do?” I sighed

as I sat on my bed.

His eyes widened and he swallowed his


“Honestly, Kat, I don’t like this guy. I

think he’s full of bullshit and he needs to
grow some balls. But Kat, when you saw
him today, you were mad as hell but
every time you looked into his eyes, I
know this might seem cheesy, but every
time you looked into his eyes you
became softer. You changed back into
the Bella they know.” He said.

“I just don’t want to take him back. He

will hurt me again. I can’t take it Josh. I
built myself back together and if he left
again there’s no chance I can build
again.” I explained.

Josh thought about this awhile.

“Ok, well, maybe if you get interested in

a different guy it might get your mind off
of Edward.” he grinned.

“What?! NO!” I yelled.

He chuckled. “Bella, just think about it.

Maybe that Austin guy could help you.”
he said.
“He’s a player.” I said.

“Exactly.” He winked.

“Goodnight Josh.” I said. He got up. The

door closed softly behind him.

I sighed.

Do I really want to sleep? Yeah maybe

to clear my head.

As you could see I’m not a plain

vampire. I actually can sleep.

I turned off the lights and drifted to a

dreamless sleep.

I got up in the morning and skipped the

shower since I did it last night.
I brushed my sharp teeth. I put on heavy
eyeliner to cover my eyes and blush.

I threw on a skin tight tank top. It had a

giant glittery skull in the middle. It
stopped on my upper thighs. I put on
white shorts under it and some knee high
black chucks.

I put moose in my hair to make it have a

rock star edge to it. It was curly, but
edgy too.

I put on bangles and bracelets. I put on

my charm bracelet from Jake and
grabbed my stuff as I ran a hand thru my

“Josh! Wake up! School!” I yelled into

his room.
I heard him groan and get out of bed. I
walked into Amy’s pink room and saw
her walking around picking up books to
put in her bag.

She stopped to smile at me and fixed her


Josh stepped into the room. His hair was

brushed and he had on jeans and a black
t shirt.

“MOM! We’re ready!” I yelled.

I grabbed a banana as Mom came out of

her room with her cell phone pressed to
her ear.

“Ok, let’s go.” She smiled as she hung

up. She held Crystal close to her. She
only had on tiny shorts for a baby and a
white and red striped shirt.

Mom kissed my forehead when I got out.

Josh followed me as Amy skipped to the

school. I leaned against my car as Mom
and Crystal took off to the forest.

Josh growled.

I looked at him but he had his eyes

focused on Edward and Emmett as they
made their way over to us.

I sighed and looked away. I ran my

fingers thru my short hair and kept my
eyes on the ground.
“Bells...” Emmett started as they

“Katrina.” I growled but kept my eyes


“Kat, can you look at me?” Edward

asked in his smooth voice.

“No, I don’t think I can.” I said.

“Bella, if you don’t talk to me we can

never fix this.” he said.

“Maybe I don’t want to fix this! Maybe I

want someone else! Maybe it’s over for
good! And my name is not FUCKING
BELLA!!” I yelled and looked up to meet
his eyes. “Maybe if you stayed Edward,
you would have known my name by
now.” I sneered and started away.
I felt his hand reach out and grab my

Josh was in front of him in a flash. I felt

Edward let go of my wrist as Josh
growled at him.

“What did I say about touching her?” he


“I think that’s for Bella to decide.”

Emmett stepped in.

“Whoa, whoa, boys, let’s calm down.”

Amy’s perky voice came out of nowhere.

Emmett and Edward were growling at


I hissed and they all looked at me.

“Class is starting Josh let’s go.” I
grabbed his arm and pulled him from

“Bella! Can we please talk?” Edward


“No, we can’t. See you in Biology.” I

sneered and walked into the school with
my family following me.

Josh walked to the junior’s hall while

Amy and I went to class.

I sat down in the seat I sat in yesterday

and took out Wuthering Heights.

I heard the chair next to me scrape loudly

and I saw Edward’s messy hair.
His sweet scent filled my senses and I
became dizzy. I looked at Edward and he
looked back at me.

I narrowed my eyes back at him and

looked down at my book.

“Bella-” he started.

I whirled to face him. He was close to

my face.

I snarled.

“How long is I going to take for you to

call me Katrina?!” I hissed as I moved
back from him.

He breathed a sigh. “Never.” He said.

“That’s my name.”
“No, no it’s not.” He looked away from
me and crossed his arms. Class began
and Edward didn’t look at me at all.

He kept his eyes strained on the board

but I knew his thoughts were about me.

The bell rang and I shot up.

After lunch I walked to English poetry

class. The teacher grinned at me but her
eyes were cautious.

She was thinking about my speech about


Soon class started and she went back to

the topic.
“Love, people think you kids are too
young. But I think even babies are
capable of love. Tell me around the room
if you have ever felt love like the classic
Romeo and Juliet. What do you think of
Shakespeare?” she started on the first

Luckily I was in the last row with Jasper

and Edward.

“Edward what do you think? What are

your opinions on love? And don’t give
me any bull. That talk you had with
Katrina was enough to say you have

The teacher crossed her arms as she

leaned against her desk. She was
obviously ready for his long speech.
All the students leaned forward, excited.

“I think Shakespeare was a genius. I am

in love. And I can relate to anything he
puts in his book. When I was in love
with this girl our love was forbidden. We
were from different worlds. She was
innocent and I was...a monster. I couldn’t
hurt her. But I did...twice.” he sighed.

“Katrina?” the teacher asked.

“Yes, I have. It was perfect, but as

Edward said we weren’t right for each
other obviously, I wasn’t good enough-”

Edward suddenly whirled around to face


Emmett sighed. “Here we go again.” He

shook his head.
Edward growled lowly at me.

“I didn’t say that.” He hissed.

“Well, you might as well have.” I

crossed my arms.

“Be-Katrina I never said you weren’t

good enough for me. It’s the other way
around.” He whispered so that the
humans would have to strain to hear us.

“Edward, I can’t talk about this right

now. Now leave me alone so I can pay
attention.” I sighed and looked away.

The teacher started talking again and I

hid behind my hair.
The bell rang and I jumped up. I grabbed
my books and started out but Edward
wasn’t having that.

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to

him. He nodded his head for Rose,
Emmett, and Jasper to leave.

They grabbed their stuff and left like the

rest of the students.

My shield wrapped around Edward and

his thoughts were connected with mine.

He looked down at me with wonder.

You’re going to talk to me. He hissed in

my head.

I shook my head.
Edward pulled me from the room and
pushed me against a locker.

The hallways were clear. It was the end

of the day.

“Bella, you need to listen to me. I love

you and the only reason I left was to
protect you.” he kept his eyes locked
with mine.

“NO!” my voice bounced off the walls.

“You can’t just keep using though lies.
You can’t stand here and tell me Edward
Cullen that you did this all for me!!” I
yelled and snatched my wrist away from
his grip.

“But I did.” He protested.

“Edward, I gave you everything! I
wanted you to change me so we could be
together. I wanted to spend eternity with
you! Stay with you all the time! You
could have been my first,” I whispered
remembering Jake.

How we made love in his garage. How

we made love in my room, in the woods.

“Wait, you had sex with someone else?”

Edward was livid.

“Of course Edward! I couldn’t just wait

around for you! Yes I had sex! And it
was with Jacob! And yes he is a
werewolf! Am I still good enough for
you now Edward?!” I yelled.

He was silent.
“That’s what I thought.” I sneered.

He suddenly grabbed my left wrist and

brought me back to him.

“What the hell is this?!” he spat as he

looked at my charm bracelet.

The brown wolf dangled from it and

Edward glared at it.

I snatched my hand away “A gift.”

I walked to my car and got in shot gun

after Josh and Amy. I closed the door
behind me and gave Edward a look.

He looked at me with desperate eyes but

I turned away.

Edward POV
“She had sex with a werewolf!!” I yelled
at my family as we all climbed into the

“Maybe she has a thing for mythical

creatures.” Em laughed.

I glared at him.

“Sorry.” He muttered.

“I just can’t stand the thought of a dog

just touching her.” I growled as I turned
on the engine.

“I hate the idea too.” Alice sighed.

“I think that Bella used him to forget

about you...” Jasper said.
“Or...she really had a thing for the pup
and went out with him.” Emmett
shrugged as we speeded towards our

“Who cares?” Rose muttered. Everyone

ignored her.

“No, Jasper she didn’t. She actually had

this charm bracelet she got from the
mongrel.” I sighed.

“Whoa, you’re screwed.” Emmett


“Ok, can you not talk anymore? You’re

making everything worst!” I yelled at
Emmett as my hands tightened around
the steering wheel.
“Hey it’s not my fault she slept with a
dog.” He replied.

I growled at him and Rose hissed back at

me, protecting her husband.

“Watch where you’re showing your

teeth, Edward.” She snarled.

“Gladly.” I murmured, thinking about

plunging them into her throat.

Jasper flinched from my anger.

“Ok, everyone just calm down, okay?”

he inquired.

“I see her.” Alice said.

“You know why do we have a physic in
this group. I mean isn’t her powers a
little useless?” Em asked.

“NO!” Jasper yelled.

“Bella is really pretty now. Not that I’m

saying she wasn’t pretty before just
better.” Alice said thoughtfully as she
squinted her eyes. “Hmm...She still uses
the same shampoo.” Alice smirked at

I couldn’t help but look now.

Sure I might be a peeping Tom, but who


“Alice? Is she hot?” Emmett whispered.

“Shut up Emmett.” I sighed as I looked
into Alice’s mind.

Bella dropped her towel.

Her long pale legs gracefully walked

into the shower.

The water bounced off her perfect skin.

Her blonde hair fell down in curls as she

swept her hands thru it.

Her face became calm and she let out

quick breaths thru her rosy lips.

She tilted her head back to show her

beautiful neck-

“Ok, that’s enough of a show, Edward.

Jasper is starting to get uncomfortable.”
Alice grinned as she cut the vision off
and thought about Seventeen Magazines.

Emmett let out a boisterous laugh.

“Jasper can pitch a tent in his pants!!” he


I sighed as we pulled into the driveway. I

parked the car and everyone got out.

I walked into the house with my hands

stuffed into my pockets.

Esme came to give me a kiss and she

saw my facial expression.

“Well, how am I supposed to kiss my

son if he has a frown on his face?” she
teased and put her hands on her hips.
I gave her a crooked smile and she
grabbed me in a tight hug. She let me go
and placed a kiss on my cheek.

“Thanks mom.” I grinned.

“No problem. I’m hip! I’m cool! I’m

fly!” she said in a smooth voice.

Everyone turned silent and looked at her.

Emmett let out a booming laugh again

while shaking his head. He went inside
with Jasper who was trying to contain his

“What did I say?” she was confused.

Alice let out a tinkling laugh with Rose

then followed after the two boys.
“Edward?” she turned to me with an
arched eyebrow.

“I’m not saying anything.” I grinned.

I walked past her and up the stairs as she

kept calling my name.

I sat down at my piano. I hadn’t touched

this since I left Bella.

Alice, Rose, and Esme went shopping.

Jasper and Emmett were playing a silly
game on the game station or Xbox as
they liked to call it. And Carlisle was at
the hospital taking a late shift.
I pressed down on an ivory key and the
beautiful sound filled the air.

“Perfect.” I whispered to myself.

I let my mind wander to Bella and I let

my heart connect to the keys and I
played her lullaby.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked

up to see Jasper.

My face must have looked crumbled

because his face was contorted in my

“Edward, I’m so sorry.” He said.

He was thinking about the night he tried

to kill Bella. The night everything
I remembered what went thru my
brother’s mind that night.

Blood, blood, blood, blood, Bella’s


“Jasper, it’s not your fault. I should’ve

got you to go hunting.” I sighed as I
looked back down at the keys.

“I’m just so stupid.” He said at the same

time as he shook his head in frustration.

I looked up and smiled sadly at him.

“You’ll win her back Edward, don’t
worry.” He grinned as he patted my
“Or she’ll find someone else and dump
your ass.” Emmett shrugged as he
walked into the den.

Jasper and I looked up to glare at him.

“Sorry,” he muttered, “Maybe if you try

to seduce her Edward.” He suggested.

Jazz’s face lit up. “Yeah, that’s a great

idea Em.” He pondered all the things I
could do.

I looked into his mind.

I bet she looks hot in a bikini...

Pictures of Bella in skimpy bikinis and

lingerie filled my mind.

I glared at Jasper.
He flinched away from me. “Sorry, but
that edgy outfit she had on today really
made me uncomfortable. In a good way.”
He grinned.

I punched his arm. “Ow!” he yelled.

I rolled my eyes as Em and Jazz try to

fill my head with crazy ideas into
seducing Bella Swan.

Kat’s POV

I cradled Crystal on my hip as she let out

little wails. She wanted mom but mom
was still at the office.
“Shh, it’s okay.” I cooed but she only
screamed louder as tears fell from her
beautiful blue eyes.

“Shh, baby...” I cooed again.

She looked at me thru tear filled eyes and

stopped crying.

“You hungry?” I asked with my eyebrow


She let out a whimper. I take that as a

yes and grabbed her baby food.

I put her in her high chair.

I heard Josh groan from his spot on the

floor. He was working on Geometry.
“I can’t do this! This is too hard! I wish
Amy was here.” He complained.

Amy went shopping with Casey and

wouldn’t be back until later.

“Oh stop complaining. I’m the one who

has to take care of the baby.” I grumbled
as I grabbed her tiny spoon.

I dipped it into the banana food and stuck

it in her mouth. She smacked on it
gratefully and swallowed.

Josh groaned again.

“Ok listen, I’ll do your homework and

you feed and bathe the baby.” I
“Cool! I’ll do it.” He jumped up and
grabbed the baby food from me.

I went over to his homework and filled

out the questions in less than 4 minutes. I
put it down as I heard the doorbell ring.

I walked to the door and opened it to see

a happy Alice.

I growled and tried to close the door but

her foot stopped it.

“Please Bella.” She pleaded.

I sighed and let it open. She walked

inside and looked at our house.

“Nice place.” She grinned.

“Thanks, what do you want?” I asked as
I put my hands on my hips.

“I just wanted to come and see you.


“Katrina.” I said.

“How about Kat until we get this

problem situated?” she offered.

“Fine.” I grumbled.

“Kat, who changed you?” she asked.

“Well, when you left you also left

Victoria. So that was a lot on my plate. I
was walking thru the woods from being
mad at Jake-”

“Jake?” Alice asked.

“My ex boyfriend.” I said.

“EX?!” she screamed.

“Alice, let me finish my story. So I was

walking thru the woods,” I skipped the
cutting part, “and I sat down and waited
for someone to find me. They usually
did. I looked up and there was a vampire.
He said Victoria made a lot of newborns
and he bit me. I just remember it burning
and being really painful. Then I woke up
and the pack helped me. They said I
didn’t have to leave but I did to find a
new life. So I said goodbye to my family
and everyone else. I came here and
roamed the streets. Soon, Kelly, my new
mother, found me and took me in. Then I
went hunting one day and I found Amy.
She was a vegetarian and really nice.
Then I found Josh, who was half dead
from fighting with another werewolf. I
took him home with me. Then Crystal.
Mom wanted another baby and she found
Crystal in Russia. Her mother died and
was put in a foster home as a newborn.
We didn’t object so we got her and that’s
how this family formed.” I finished.

Alice looked at me with narrowed eyes

then sighed.

“I’m truly sorry we weren’t there. I know

you went thru a lot. But Edward...when
he came back from leaving you he was a
mess, he didn’t even come back on his
own. I had to go find him. He was curled
up in a ball by a tree in South America. I
don’t know how he got there but he was
there. But Edward wouldn’t come back.
He wanted to go back to you but we
didn’t want him to hurt himself. So I
brought him back to Denali and he took
off. He tracked Victoria, or tried to. He
would only call every two months. He
was a wreck when we saw him and he
hated anything that was close to your
name.” she let out a long sigh as her eyes
darkened at the memory.

She looked back at me. “Even if you

don’t take him back, you will always be
my sister.” She grinned.

I smiled. “Of course Alice.”

She outstretched her arms and I did the

same as we embraced each other. She let
out little sobs as I buried myself into her
shoulder and she gripped tightly onto my
She pulled away a little and looked at me
with glazed eyes. “Sisters?” she asked.

“Sisters.” I declared.

I stepped out of the shower and brushed

my teeth. I put on eyeliner.

I grabbed a white camisole with a black

cardiac. I put on pre ripped skinny jeans
and black converses. I put my hair in a
pony tail.

When I was done Alice opened Josh’s

door he sighed and walked past her. He
grabbed my arm and pulled me into a
different room.

“I know she can hear me but Kat are you

sure about this. I mean they hurt you
once. Don’t let them do it again.” He
whispered, urgently.

“I know Josh. Right now, I’m not ready

for Edward, but I’ll try Emmett and
Jasper. But right now Alice has been
nothing but a sister to me; I want to
return the favor.” I answered.

Josh sighed and looked at Alice as she

danced into the room. “Ready to go?”
she grinned.

“Yup.” Josh and I said together.

I jumped out of Alice’s Porsche and

immediately searched for Emmett and
I saw them teasing each other while
leaning on the Volvo.

I took a deep breath and walked towards


Their eyes snapped up to me to watch me


I opened my arms slowly as I felt my

eyes prick. Em walked slowly and
carefully towards me and engulfed me
with his huge arms.

I cried into his chest as he patted my


“Take me back?” I choked out.

“Of course Bells.” He whispered back as

he kissed my hair.
I let him go and turned to Jazz as he
watched me with cautious eyes.

“Are you going to stand there all day?” I


He grinned and took 3 huge strides and

took me in his arms. He held me close to
his chest and I wrapped my arms around

“Thanks Jazz.” I smirked.

“Anytime.” He grinned.

He let me go and I looked up to meet

eyes with Edward. His eyes were sad.

I sighed and walked towards him.

“I guess we have to talk sooner or later.”
I breathed.

He reached up his hand, trembling

slightly, and stroked my cheek. His black
eyes looked like they were filled with

I felt my shield immediately spike at his

touch and reach out to grab him.

He was engulfed in my shield and

serenity floated into me.

I felt fear and a stab of pain as I flinched

from his touch.

“Bella.” He whispered as he cupped my


“Edward, I can’t....” I choked out.

“Bella, I just want everything to be back
how it was.” He breathed.

“It’s not possible. And it won’t ever be

the same. You left. You hurt me.” I

“But we can make this right. We can fix

this.” he said desperately.

“I don’t think we can.” I shook my head.

“We can try Bella.” He said as he took

my face between his hands.

“Edward...” I pleaded. He was getting

too close to me.
Please Bella. I need this. I need you. I
want every part of you. I want to claim
you. I need you to be mine.

“Edward please...” I pleaded as he let his

fingers knot into my hair.

Josh got in between us.

“Do I have to remove your hands?” he

asked in a polite tone. Edward growled.

“Josh c’mon.” I said as I grabbed his arm

and pulled.

He glowered at Edward. “Not until he

learns his lesson,” he growled.

Edward hissed. “If that’s how you want

Josh’s hands lit up. “Bring it pretty boy!”

Amy grinned as she stepped around


“Excuse me, pardon, thank you.” she

said to Em, Jazz, and Alice as slid in
between them to get to us.

She put her hands on her hips.

“Now Josh. That is no way to act.” She

mocked mom.

She turned to Em. “I’m Amy by the

way.” She smiled.

I rolled my eyes.

What a blonde.
I heard that!

Rose stepped in front of Em.

“He already has a blonde.” She growled.

Amy’s nice act vanished and she

growled back at Rose.

I grabbed both of my family’s arms.

“Sorry, we have to go.” I pulled them

away from the Cullen’s.

When we got into the school I turned to

them both. They crossed their arms at the
same time and looked away from me.

“You guys, I’m trying to fix it with them.

Please try to be a little nicer...” I begged.
“As long as that Barbie Bitch stays out of
my way, I’m fine.” Amy rolled her eyes.

“As long as Cullen doesn’t talk to you or

touch you, I’m good.” Josh grinned.

“I was letting him touch me. I can make

my own decisions.” I spat at them.

I turned on my heels and stalked away.

I sat next to Casey at lunch. She grinned

at me.

“You know Bella, everyone’s going

around saying you’re with Edward...”
she trailed off.
“Well, I’m not.” I shrugged and looked
down at my salad.

“OMG! How can you not be?! He’s

perfect.” She gushed.

“I know.” I sighed as I stabbed my fork

into a piece of lettuce.

I turned to the Cullen’s table. Rose and

Em were making goo-goo faces at each
other while Alice and Jazz were
whispering in each other’s ears.

Edward Cullen is staring at you... Amy

whispered into my head.

I turned to Edward and his eyes met

mine. They searched mine for
I shook my head at him as tears formed.
I turned back to Casey and she saw my

“Is there something wrong?” she asked,


“No...No! I’m fine. I’m just not hungry. I

have to go anyway. I’ll see you later.” I
said quickly as I stood up.

I walked away quickly, throwing away

my lunch as I ran out of the suddenly
stuffy room.

I walked down the empty hallways until

I ran into Josh. He looked at my face and
sighed. I let out sobs as he wrapped his
arms around me.
“I knew you would crack.” He smirked
as I buried my face into his chest.

I choked out a chuckle as he pushed me

gently against a locker and we both slid
to the ground. He handed me an apple as
my crying stopped.

“Hey, aren’t you supposed to be in

class?” I asked.


“Aren’t you going to go?”


I shook my head and smiled at him

lazily. I leaned my head against his
“You know you’re my favorite brother
right?” I asked.

He grinned. “I’m your only brother.”

“True, but if I got another, you would

still be my favorite.”

“Good, because you’re my favorite

sister.” He smirked.

“Hey, I heard that.” Amy shook her head

as she rounded the corner to us.

She sat down next to me and we all held


“Family,” I whispered.

“Family.” they said together.

Josh sung a song as he walked into the
house with Amy and me.

“Oh good your home!” Mom squealed as

she put Crystal in her swinger.

Amy and I sat on the couch and stared at

her with confusion.

“Josh come sit down.” Mom called.

“I NEED food!” he yelled back as I

heard him rummage thru the fridge.

He came out with some pizza and he sat

down next to Amy.

“What is it?” he asked.

“Well, you’ll never guess who I met
today.” Mom gushed.

“Who?” Amy asked.

“Esme Cullen.”

“No way! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!” Josh


“What the hell? Why are you screaming

Jerry Springer’s name?” Amy asked.

“I don’t know. I’ve always wanted to do

that.” He shrugged.

“Why did you see her?” I asked.

“Well, she came over and she was so

nice. I loved her and she loved Crystal.
So she invited us over to the house.”
Mom shrugged.

“No way am I going on Cullen land!”

Josh growled and stood.

“We’re going Josh!” Mom argued. “And

we’re going tomorrow after school.”


No way!

Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!


“Great you’re here.” Alice grinned as she
opened the door.

“I still don’t like this...” Josh grunted.

“I’m on the same page...” Amy growled.

Mom squealed and ran off with Crystal

to go find Esme.

I had my hair in a ponytail. I had on a

short plaid red skirt, with fish nest on my
arms and legs, thigh high white socks
stuck out of my shoes. I had on black and
white knee high chucks. Bangles and
rings decorated my fingers and wrists.
My makeup was dark. I had on a white
tank top that showed my black bra straps.
The reason I was wearing this was
because I wanted them to know I have
changed, especially Esme and Carlisle.

I walked inside, playing with my skirt.

Carlisle walked up to me and smiled

“Hello Katrina. How have you been

doing?” he asked.

Let him have it Kat. Josh said in my


I smirked.

“Well Carlisle, after you guys left me, I

was a wreck for months then I finally
snapped out of it and had sex with a
werewolf. I then started cutting myself; I
was stupid enough to go into the woods
by myself. And oh wait, I’m not done. It
gets better,” I smirked as Carlisle and the
rest of the family watched me stunned,
except Amy and Josh who just smirked,
“I ran into your old friend Victoria,
except it wasn’t Victoria, it was another
friend of hers. Then I was changed and it
all went down hill for me. So how have
you been, dad?” I asked with a sweet

Carlisle was speechless.

“I-I’m sorry.” He whispered as he turned


Esme came in front of me with an

agonized face.

“Katrina, I know you hate us but I love

you like no other mother can. Please find
it in your heart to forgive me.” she
whispered as he eyes turned glassy.

I smiled. I couldn’t stay mad at Esme.

“Esme, of course.” I smirked.

“Thank you!” she gushed as she engulfed

me in a hug.

“Hey baby, sis.” Jazz and Em walked up

to me.

“Hey you guys. Do you know where

Eddie is?” I asked. I hadn’t seen him.

“He’s upstairs in his room.” Em smirked.

“Keep the moans down to a minimum.”

Jazz grinned as he pecked my cheek and
walked off with Em.
“And I love the outfit.” Em smirked.

I rolled my eyes and walked up the

stairs. I stopped outside of his open door
and leaned against his doorframe.

He started my lullaby. I had missed it so

much. Hearing it every night in my ear....

I let out a shaky sigh. I walked into the

room and sat down beside him, letting
his sweet scent fill my nose.

He turned to me.

“Hey.” I whispered.

He stopped playing and turned to me.

“Are you having fun?” he asked with a
cocked brow.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Well, from what I heard, you started

cutting yourself, and oh wait, there’s
more, you had sex with a werewolf!” he

“Okay, let’s get one thing straight here,

you don’t own me.” I stood up.

He stood with me. “I’m not saying I do

Bella. I want to keep you with me.”

“What if I don’t want to be?” I asked.

“It’s not your choice!”

“Your right, it’s yours. But I have a

choice in it too. Just one more chance
Bella.” He pleaded. He cupped my face
in his hands.

“I-I can’t...” I whispered as I tried to shake

my head from his grip.

He let his fingers knot up to my hair and

pull out the holder so my wavy hair fell
around my face.

“Please Edward.” I begged as he got closer

to me.

“Please what, Bella?”

“Don’t do this...” I whispered as my eyes

filled with tears for the first time in 12

“Why?” he questioned.
“If you do this....I won’t be able to stop.”

“Good.” He whispered and placed his lips

on mine.

It was indescribable. I couldn’t remember

his lips being this sweet.

His scent was everywhere and it had only

been two seconds.

He knotted his hands into my hair again as

my breathing sped. I was finally able to
use my arms. I reached up my hands to fist
them into his hair.

His lips became firmer and fiercer. His

hands traveled down my back until they
found the circle of my waist, to hold me to
his body roughly.
I let out a whimper as his tongue
cautiously came out to dash across mine
bottom lip. His teeth grazed it and I
opened my mouth in compliance.

His tongue met mine and our mouths

moved together in sync.

“About damn time.” I heard Emmett’s

booming laughter.

We both jumped apart from each other in

less than one second.

“Hello, favorite brother of mine.” Edward

said sarcastically.

“Hello, my tongue kissing brother.” Em

Edward glared at him as I rushed out of
the room, still crying.

“Bella!” Edward yelled as he followed


I turned to him while I was running

down the stairs.

“It’s fucking Kat! And if you ever kiss

me again, I will get Josh to burn your
fucking dick off!!!” I yelled at him as his
family and my family watched us

Josh’s hands lit up as he stepped


“He kissed you?!” he asked. He looked

at my face and knew the answer.
“NO Josh! Let’s go.” I grabbed his arm
as he screamed profanities at Edward and
his family.

The next day was school. I was feeling

very well so I snuggled my way into an
oversized hoodie. I put on skinny jeans
and converses.

“You okay?” Josh asked as we entered

the school.

I sighed and looked away.

“I just...have a bad feeling about today.”

I shook my head.

He put an arm around me and smiled.

“Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.” he

I gave him a small smile. I was still


I turned on the next hall and immediately

froze. Edward looked up at me and
frowned. He started walking towards me.

I looked at Josh.

“What do I do?” I asked.

“Let me handle it.” He growled as his

body began to quiver.

Josh didn’t change into his werewolf

form a lot. Only when he was really
“Or we could turn the other cheek.” Amy

Edward stopped in front of me and eyed

my family. I sighed and turned to them. I
shooed them off.

“Rude!” Amy mocked as she dragged

away a shaking Josh.

I turned back to Edward and crossed my

arms. He took in my attire and frowned

“You okay?” he asked.

“You mean since I’m not wearing a

sluttish outfit I can’t feel alright?” I
“Bella, you know I didn’t mean it like

I sighed.

“I know. I just don’t feel like it today.” I


Suddenly, there was a familiar scent. I

was not used to the smell, but suddenly
my brain filled with warmth and

I frowned and looked at the front doors

when my savior came in.

Jacob Black...

“Son of a bitch.”

Edward POV
Suddenly, I smelled a putrid smell. It
was like wet dog and the garbage mixed
in one. My nose wrinkled in disgust.

Bella whipped her head to the front

doors of the school as a tall russet skin
man stepped thru.

I frowned as she whispered something

under her breath.

“Son of a bitch.” then a giant grin

stretched across her face.

“Jake!” she exclaimed and ran toward

him, faster than a lot of humans.

He looked up, startled, and grinned too,

his ultra white teeth shining against his
dark skin.
He shook since it had been raining
before, water flew everywhere, his short
hair falling into his dark eyes, before
catching Bella in his big arms.

“Bella!” he grinned as he kissed her face


So this was the dog that had sex with


I growled and headed toward them, but

surprisingly, Amy cut me off.

“Don’t.” she shook her head.

“Why?” I snarled.
“Bella likes Jake. Don’t make her life
already harder than it is by you two
fighting.” She pleaded.

“Too late.” I frowned and walked around


I stopped behind Bella as the dog let her

go and brushed her short hair behind her

I growled. Jacob’s ears twitched and he

sniffed the air. He looked up to glare at
me and snarled.

He looked back down to glare at Bella.

“What is Cullen doing here?” he growled

as he grabbed Bella and pushed her
behind his body.
I hissed as I stepped forward.

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