Chief Medical Officer

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Candidate Pack

Chief Medical Officer, England

Department for Health and
Social Care

March 2019

About the Chief Medical Officer role Page 2

About the Department for Health and Social Care Page 2

Role Description and Person Specification Page 4

Selection Process How to Apply Page 7

Diversity Questionnaire Annex A

Guaranteed Interview Scheme Annex B

Civil Service Leadership Statement & Civil Service Code Annex C

Background to the Chief Medical Officer role

The Chief Medical Officer (CMO) for England and the Chief Medical Advisor to the
UK government is an independent role with a statutory position, established in 1855.
The CMO works across Government, advising Ministers and senior officials in all
Departments, and represents the UK in global health institutions such as the World
Health Organization (WHO).

In order to deliver this work the CMO has a core office based in the Department
of Health and Social Care (DHSC); this comprises a group of DHSC officials and
the Deputy Chief Medical Officers. The Deputy Chief Medical Officers are
professionally and managerially accountable directly to the CMO.

Background to the Department of Health & Social


The Department of Health and Social Care helps people to live better for longer. It
leads, shapes and funds health and care in England, making sure people have the
support, care and treatment they need, with the compassion, respect and dignity they

The Department of Health and Social Care is a ministerial department, supported by

15 arm’s length bodies and a number of other agencies and public bodies and employs
over 2000 staff working in locations across the country.

Our vision

The Department of Health and Social Care sets the direction and coordinates action
across the health and care system, which comprises public health, the NHS and adult
social care. We work with our partners to ensure everyone can access the health and
care they need, from supporting people to have the best start in life, to staying in good
health and, where that might not be possible, supporting people to live as
independently as they can.

Our role and purpose

We support ministers in leading the nation’s health and care. Our role is to:

● Support and advise our ministers. We help them shape and deliver policy that
delivers the Government of the day’s objectives.
● Set direction. We anticipate the future and lead the debate, ensuring we protect
and improve global and domestic health.
● Be accountable. We ensure that the Department and our ALBs deliver on our
agreed plans and commitments.
● Act as guardians of the health and care framework. We make sure the
legislative framework, the financial framework, the administrative framework
and the policy framework are fit for purpose and work together.
● Be trouble shooters. In the last resort, the public and Parliament expect us to
take the action necessary to resolve crucial and complex issues.

Our Values and Behaviours

Our Department of Health & Social Care values and behaviours have been designed
at all levels and set out how we work together:

● Fair and inclusive

DHSC is a diverse organisation where everyone can reach their potential. We
celebrate difference and the value it brings.

● Respectful and confident

In DHSC we respect everyone we work with, valuing differences while being
confident in our ability to challenge, lead and hold others to account.

● Open and engaged

In DHSC we are open to new ideas, challenge and feedback, building trusting
relationships that are needed for getting business done. We are proactive and
constructive in all that we do.

Role Description and Person Specification

Job Title: Chief Medical Officer

Grade: Senior Civil Service (SCS) Pay Band 4

Salary: c£200,000 (subject to Ministerial approval).

Tenure: The successful candidate will hold this post for up to five years
from the date of their appointment. There is no presumption in
favour of renewal, but renewals for a shorter period than five
years may be possible where performance has been strong,
following consultation with the Secretary of State and at the
discretion of the Prime Minister.

Location: Department for Health and Social Care

39 Victoria Street,
London SW1H 0EU

Reporting to: The Permanent Secretary, DHSC

About the role

The Chief Medical Officer (CMO) is the UK Government’s most senior medical
adviser and responsible for providing expert advice on a wide range of public health
issues. As ‘the nation’s doctor’, the CMO will need to be an outstanding and
nationally recognised clinical leader, who commands the confidence of Ministers, the
public and the medical profession.

The CMO has a central role in providing independent advice to the Secretary of
State for Health and Social Care and the government on the public’s health. The
CMO is also the head of the public health profession, and a leading advocate for
public health within, across and beyond government. As such, the CMO will work
collaboratively with industry, employers, civil society and other key partners,
challenging them to take a bigger role in and responsibility for the public’s health.

The CMO has a considerable national profile with, at times, considerable media
exposure - particularly at times of public concern. They also represent the UK
internationally on public health issues. The CMO leads the public health response in
emergencies, such as the Novichok attack and the UK’s response to the West Africa
Ebola outbreak and Zika.

On a wider front, the CMO has a statutory duty to produce an annual report on the
state of public health, increasing transparency about progress in public health and
helping to drive forward improvement across England.

This role will require the post holder to commit to evening, weekend and overseas

Key responsibilities of the successful candidate:

● Provide clear, independent and evidence based advice to the Secretary of

State for Health and Social Care, and the government of the day;
● Support the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care in strengthening the
Government’s collective effort to improve the health and wellbeing of people
in England;
● Bring together key partners to improve and protect the public’s health within
and beyond government;
● Lead national and international responses to public health emergencies and
present advice to the highest levels of government;
● Provide professional leadership to PHE, Directors of Public Health, and other
public health professionals and lead a professional network for those
responsible for commissioning or providing public health services;
● Build on collaborative relationships with colleagues in the devolved
administrations, representing the UK internationally on public health issues;
● Bring their excellent analytical skills to the fore to identify patterns and where
specialist advice is needed and why;
● Advise on areas where further analysis and/or research is needed to protect
or improve health.
● Take a purposeful role across government, reinforcing the government’s
ambition to achieve better outcomes for the health and wellbeing of the
population; and
● Support the Permanent Secretary in his leadership of the Department and
deputise when necessary; you will also contribute to the corporate leadership
of the Civil Service.
● Play an active role as a member of the DHSC Board and its Executive
● Provide professional leadership, as Head of Profession, to medical staff in
Government and the wider medical and public health communities.

Person Specification

This is a role that calls for an individual with exceptional skills and experience. The
successful candidate will be a qualified medical practitioner and an outstanding and
nationally recognised clinical leader, with wide professional experience.

In your application, you should provide examples of your experience in

demonstrating the criteria listed below.

Communication skills and personal impact:

● The CMO will be respected across the medical, public health and other health
and care professions. They will also have a track record to command respect
amongst the wider scientific community.
● Exceptional communication skills with an ability to engage equally with
Ministers, professional peers, civil service colleagues, the media and the
● Conveying complex messages to industry and professional audiences with
credibility and translating them into simple and straightforward messages for
non-technical audiences, including the media and the public.

Leadership of the medical profession within Government and the wider medical and
public health communities:

● A track record of working with and across other organisations and sectors to
deliver common goals and objectives, coupled with an ability to manage
highly complex relationships and build deep collaborative partnerships.
● A proven ability to engage, build and manage high performing teams; well
networked with the capacity to deliver through others.
● An ability to inspire, enthuse and lead others through change
● Experience in setting strategic direction and transformation, working
effectively with direct and indirect partners to ensure a strong, evidence based
strategy and supporting plans that deliver clearly identified outcomes.

Navigating Whitehall:

● The CMO will have emotional intelligence and well-developed political

awareness to secure the confidence of a wide range of stakeholders, with the
energy, integrity and resilience to operate under high levels of scrutiny and
sustained pressure.
● The successful candidate must have a strong commitment to the values of the
Civil Service.

How to Apply and the Selection Process
How to apply

Please provide a CV and supporting statement (no longer than three sides of A4),
describing how you meet the person specification and skills required for the role.
Please send these documents to
copied to by 9am on Thursday 2 May 2019.

If you wish to discuss the role in more detail before submitting an application, please
contact Patrick Rogers on

Your application should also include the following documentation:

● Diversity Questionnaire: The Civil Service is committed to achieving a

workforce that reflects the society it serves, at all levels including the most
senior. Collecting this information enables us to identify whether we are
recruiting from the widest possible pool of talent and check that all groups are
being treated fairly throughout the process. This form will not be disclosed to
anyone involved in assessing your application. Please complete the form at
Annex A. Please note that applications will not be accepted unless the
form is returned. If you do not wish to provide a response to a particular
question, you should complete the ‘prefer not to say’ option.

● Guaranteed Interview Scheme Declaration for people with disabilities as

appropriate. All monitoring data will be treated in the strictest confidence and
will not affect your application in any way. Please complete Annex B.

● Details of your current remuneration package.

● A statement of conflicts of interest (if applicable): if you, your spouse/partner,

dependants, business partner or associate have any business interest or
other activities which are or could be perceived as a conflict of interest with
the role, you should declare that in your supporting statement. This may
involve suspending or relinquishing stock market activity.

● Please indicate two possible referees on your CV or supporting statement.

The appointment will be subject to references, taken before final interview.

How we will use your data

Your personal information will only be shared with people involved in the recruitment
competition. This includes providers of individual leadership assessments,

psychometric tests and staff engagement exercises. In addition information may also
be shared with the Civil Service Commission, Advisory Committee on Business
Appointments, and Office of the Commissioner for Public Appointments - to ensure
that recruitment processes are correctly followed

For further details please see our Privacy Notice.

The Selection Process

Permanent secretary recruitment competitions are governed by the Civil Service

Commission's Recruitment Principles. The First Civil Service Commissioner, Ian
Watmore, will chair the panel.

In addition to the First Civil Service Commissioner, the panel will also include Sir
Chris Wormald, Permanent Secretary, Kate Lampard, Lead Non-Executive Director
DHSC,Sir Patrick Vallance, Government Chief Scientific Adviser and another senior
medical professional, to be confirmed.

The panel will sift applications against the criteria set out above. Short-listed
candidates will be required to undertake a number of assessments after short-listing
and prior to the final panel interviews on 30 May. These will comprise: a leadership
assessment, media tests, and a pre-interview panel discussion with junior doctors
and public health professionals. The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care
may also wish to meet shortlisted candidates prior to the final interview.

Following panel interviews, and as in all Permanent Secretary level appointments,

those candidate(s) deemed to be appointable against the criteria will then be put to
the Prime Minister to make her final selection.


Closing 9am Thursday 2 May

Shortlist Wednesday 8 May
Assessments w/c 13 & 20 May
Interviews Thursday 30 May (p.m.)


This is a reserved post open only to UK Nationals. UK Nationals with dual nationality
will be considered on a case by case basis.

The successful candidate will be required to undergo Developed Vetting.


This post is a Senior Civil Service post at Permanent Secretary level. The successful
candidate will hold this post for five years from the date of appointment. There is no
presumption in favour of renewal, but renewals for a shorter period than five years
may be possible where performance has been strong, following consultation with the
Secretary of State and at the discretion of the Prime Minister.


Civil Service pension arrangements will apply. Full details can be found on the Civil
Service Pensions website at:

Annual Leave

There will be up to 30 days paid annual leave. In addition you will be entitled to all
public holidays and to one privilege day in addition to your annual leave allowance.


During the period of appointment there will be certain restrictions on political


Business Appointments

Candidates should also note that on completion of the appointment, the post holder
will be subject to the Government’s Business Appointments Rules, with the
possibility of restrictions on future employment imposed by the Prime Minister, on the
recommendation of the independent Advisory Committee on Business
Appointments. Further information about the Rules and restrictions likely to be
imposed on former Permanent Secretaries can be found here:

Conflicts of Interest

You will be required to disclose any personal or business interests, including share
holdings, which may or may be perceived to be relevant to or in conflict with working
within the Defra. This may involve suspending or relinquishing stock market activity.

Equality and Diversity

We are committed to supporting the principle that everybody should have the same
opportunities for employment, development and progression. This should be based
on their ability, competence and suitability for the role.

This means that no applicant should receive less favourable treatment on grounds of
their ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability, religion,
transgender status, family or domestic responsibilities, or working patterns. Also
nobody should be disadvantaged by any specific conditions or requirements, unless
it can be justified that these could affect their ability to undertake the role.


The law requires that selection for appointment to the Civil Service is on merit on the
basis of fair and open competition as outlined in the Civil Service Commission's
Recruitment Principles, which can be found at:

If you feel your application has not been treated in accordance with the Recruitment
Principles, and you wish to make a complaint, you should contact Carol Maye (at in the first instance.

If you are not satisfied with the response you receive from the Department, you can
contact the Civil Service Commission at:


The Civil Service is committed to equal opportunities in employment, with the aim of
ensuring that everyone who applies to work for us receives fair treatment and we
positively encourage applications from suitably qualified and eligible candidates
regardless of age, disability, race, sex, gender reassignment, sexual orientation,
marital status, religion or belief. The information you provide on this form will be used
to help achieve that commitment.

The information collected is anonymous and will not be stored with any identifying
information about you. All details are held in accordance with the Data Protection Act.

Please tick/check only ONE box in each section.

What is your gender?

▢ Female ▢ Male ▢ Prefer not to say

Is your present gender the same as the one assigned at birth?

▢ No ▢ Yes ▢ Prefer not to say

Sexual orientation - Which of the following options best describes how you think
of yourself?

▢ Bisexual ▢ Gay man ▢ Gay woman/lesbian

▢ Heterosexual/straight ▢ Other ▢ Prefer not to say

Do you consider yourself to have a disability?

A disabled person is defined in the Equality Act as someone with a physical or mental
impairment that has a substantial and long-term impact on their ability to carry out day-
to-day activities. This includes progressive and long-term conditions from the point of
diagnosis such as HIV, Multiple Sclerosis or cancer.

Taking into account the effect of any medication, treatments or adaptations do you
consider yourself to be disabled?

▢ No ▢ Yes ▢ Prefer not to say

Any information you provide here will be used for monitoring purposes only. If you
need a ‘reasonable adjustment’ or are applying under the Guaranteed Interview
Scheme then please let us know separately.

What is your religion?

▢ Buddhist ▢ Christian ▢ Hindu

▢ Jewish ▢ Muslim ▢ Sikh
▢ Any other religion ▢ No religion ▢ Prefer not to say

What is your ethnic group?

Choose one section from A to E, then tick the appropriate box to indicate your ethnic

A. White
British ▢
(English/Scottish/Welsh/Northern Irish)
Irish ▢
Any Other White background (please specify) .............

B. Mixed Heritage
White and Black Caribbean ▢
White and Black African ▢
White and Asian ▢
Any Other Mixed background (please specify) ..............

C. Asian or Asian British

Indian ▢
Pakistani ▢
Bangladeshi ▢
Any Other Asian background (please specify) .............

D. Black or Black British

Caribbean ▢
African ▢
Any Other Black background (please specify) .............

E. Chinese or other ethnic group

Chinese ▢
Any other (please specify) ..............
Prefer not to say ▢


We guarantee to interview anyone with a disability whose application meets the

minimum criteria for the post. By ‘minimum criteria’ we mean that you must provide
us with evidence in your application which demonstrates that you generally meet the
level of competence required for each competence, as well as meeting any of the
qualifications, skills or experience defined as essential. We are committed to the
employment and career development of disabled people (the minimum criteria
means the essential competences as set out in the advertisement for the post). To
show this we use the Disability Symbol awarded by Jobcentre Plus.

What do we mean by disability?

The Equality Act 2010 defines a disabled person as someone who has a physical or
mental impairment, which has a substantial and adverse long-term effect on his or
her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.

How do I apply?

If you want to apply under the Guaranteed Interview Scheme simply complete the
declaration below and send it in with your application. We will try to provide access,
equipment or other practical support to ensure that if you have a disability you can
compete on equal terms with non-disabled people.


I consider myself to have a disability as defined above and I would like to apply
under the Guaranteed Interview Scheme. I require the following special
arrangements to be made for me to be able to attend an interview:


Name:…………………………………………… Date: …………………………..

Signature*: ……………………………………………………………………………

Vacancy reference number: PS CMO

* There is no need for a signature if you are submitting the form electronically

Please return the completed form with your application. ANY FALSE DECLARATION OF

Annex C: Civil Service Leadership Statement and Civil Service

Leadership Statement

The leadership statement can be found at:

Civil Service Code

The Civil Service Code can be found at:


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